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Hey guys I've got a question now. What's the difference between Minifigure Scale and UCS? I know what minifigure scale, and after seeing cavegods UCS MOCs I would think that UCS is the same scale as Minifigure scale. Is that true?

Well Masked, take a look at such sets as the UCS Snowspeeder, UCS Y-Wing, or UCS X-Wing. These sets are UCS-scale, but they're certainly not minifigure scale; they are way too big.

Sometimes, obviously, UCS and minifigure-scale overlap, but the ship being built in UCS had to be large compared to humans for that to work out. If the ship is either a small fighter or a ridiculously large ship (like the Star Destroyer), then a UCS model will probably not be in minifigure scale.

Yeah the UCS AT-ST jumps into my mind along with the snowspeeder. So if I built a minifigure scale AT-ST could I call it UCS or would it be minifigure scale? I'm thinking minifigure scale. And how would one define UCS? I guess that I want to know that.

And how would one define UCS? I guess that I want to know that.

I would say "big and detailed," but really, since its LEGO's term, UCS is whatever they want it to be. Official UCS sets tend to be bigger and more detailed than their System-scaled equivalents, though.

A minifigure-scaled AT-ST would probably not be UCS, since it would still be fairly small. MOCers can always throw on more greebles and minute details than LEGO can though. Don't worry about what to call it if you make a nice MOC. A nice MOC is a nice MOC.

Hey guys I've got a question now. What's the difference between Minifigure Scale and UCS? I know what minifigure scale, and after seeing cavegods UCS MOCs I would think that UCS is the same scale as Minifigure scale. Is that true?

As Sweden mentions in his post way back in '05, Ultimate Collector Series originally referred to 1:28 scale (with 7191 and 7181, the "original" UCS sets). Now, I think UCS is just used loosely by LEGO and AFOLs to describe any set or MOC that is generally large and detailed.

It is true that cavegod's models are very large and detailed but several of them are really just very well done minifigure-scaled MOCs, like Brickdoctor's AT-RT or my X-wing. Actually, there is no such thing as a definitive "minifigure scale" since the minifigures themselves do not have human proportions, which is why people like Pepa Quin or Brucey-wan build in stud-to-foot scale (which is much less ambiguous and looks about right). As far as I'm aware minifigure scale just means it's of a size that would be compatible with minifigures. So by no means are UCS and minifigure scale the same.

And not all of cavegod's models are scaled the same - I think he himself mentioned that his "UCS" Delta-7 was in 1:17 scale, and you can tell from the use of the TIE windshield that all of his UCS TIEs are in 1:28 scale. And judging from the size of the visor on his AT-AT relative to the minifigure that model may actually be smaller than "minifigure scale" (correct me if I'm wrong, cavegod).

A minifigure-scaled AT-ST is a minifigure-scaled AT-ST (though if you wanted it really accurate, you'd find some measurements/pics of the real thing and build in stud-to-foot scale). It wouldn't be terribly large, so I don't think most people would think of it as UCS.

I agree with fallenangel, I don't believe that UCS means a very large set with lots of pieces and lots of details (but usually they do). UCS models are just for collecting, you could take any model you have a say "Oh, this is my UCS X-Wing, I collect it and it's ultimate". I think TLC just puts UCS on a box and makes it all epic looking just to sell it more in my opinion.

So back to Masked Builders question.

Yes, to me, my Millennium (did I get that right?) Falcon seems (correct me if I'm wrong) minifig scale, enough room in the cockpit and a lot of the proportions to the migs are correct such as the boarding ramp and the turrets on the top and bottom.

My question is though, are some of the UCS models in scale with eachother? Example; X-Wing to AT-ST, Y-Wing to Interceptor.

For me the standard for UCS sets was laid down with the first sets we got. Highly detailed, with functions that the real ship or whatever had. The real defining point for me is no play features! Even UCS sets with minifigs only have moving guns and cockpits for the realisum of the set. That is why I don't consider the latest Tantive IV and AT-OT/Dropship sets UCS. :wink:

I agree with fallenangel, I don't believe that UCS means a very large set with lots of pieces and lots of details (but usually they do). UCS models are just for collecting, you could take any model you have a say "Oh, this is my UCS X-Wing, I collect it and it's ultimate". I think TLC just puts UCS on a box and makes it all epic looking just to sell it more in my opinion.

So back to Masked Builders question.

Yes, to me, my Millennium (did I get that right?) Falcon seems (correct me if I'm wrong) minifig scale, enough room in the cockpit and a lot of the proportions to the migs are correct such as the boarding ramp and the turrets on the top and bottom.

My question is though, are some of the UCS models in scale with eachother? Example; X-Wing to AT-ST, Y-Wing to Interceptor.

I highly doubt that, that's saying the UCS MF is scaled with the UCS Star destroyer...which isn't..

My question is though, are some of the UCS models in scale with eachother? Example; X-Wing to AT-ST, Y-Wing to Interceptor.

I highly doubt that, that's saying the UCS MF is scaled with the UCS Star destroyer...which isn't..


Actually, as I mentioned earlier, 7191 and 7181 are both in 1:28 scale, so they are to scale with each other. 10179 and 10212 are both scaled to minifigures, so they would also be to scale with each other. 10175 uses the UCS TIE windshield piece, so it's safe to assume that it, too, is in 1:28 scale (though the proportions of that set are so out of whack that it's really impossible to determine its true scale). The rest, as far as I know, are all in their own scale.

For me the standard for UCS sets was laid down with the first sets we got. Highly detailed, with functions that the real ship or whatever had. The real defining point for me is no play features! Even UCS sets with minifigs only have moving guns and cockpits for the realisum of the set. That is why I don't consider the latest Tantive IV and AT-OT/Dropship sets UCS. :wink:

Actually, since the wing-opening function for 7191 is not accurate to the original studio miniatures (which used a pivot system) it would constitute a play feature. The same could also be said for the opening top windows of 7181 and 10175 because in-universe, the main hatch is actually in the back of the TIE (rather than the "top hatch" concept devised by those evil people over at Hasbro - darn you, Hasbro!). 10212 features a flip-open head (sacrificing accuracy in the process, as member Aeroeza pointed out) which is also a play feature. And I don't think either 10198 or the AT-OT with LAAT/c were UCS, just S@H exclusives.

Are tusken raiders rare? :sceptic:

Depends how you define that.

Expensive? No. They go for around $5 new on BL.

Exclusive? Yes. They've been released in only one set, Tusken Raider Encounter. (hopefully that'll change soon, but that's a discussion for another thread)

Hard to Find? Yes and No. They're obviously quite hard to find new from a brick and mortar store, but they aren't that hard to find online if you know where to look. (read: Bricklink)

hmm that question made me realize that lots of the rare figures are from tatoonie: greedo, tuskenraiders, jawas, owen etc.. *huh*

Edited by ceroknight

How do you make LEGO Arms not loose and how to make LEGO hands stop comming off when you take the blaster off?? :sceptic:

How do you make LEGO Arms not loose and how to make LEGO hands stop comming off when you take the blaster off?? :sceptic:

Never ever remove the arms from the torso and the hands from the arms.

Never ever remove the arms from the torso and the hands from the arms.

I remove mine all the time-I use hands in just about all my MOCs, and arms are handy too.

For hands try squeezing the end of the arms in a bit, making the socket titer. I don't know what to tell you about the arms, though.

Hello, I am a bit confused about chrome vader.

How many are really made?I am sure there is more like 100 000 than 10 000.

Is their price going up? Will they be very rare one day?

And, how many white boba fetts, and chrome c-3pos are there in the world?

How do you make LEGO Arms not loose and how to make LEGO hands stop comming off when you take the blaster off?? :sceptic:

You can delay the damage with the tips mentioned above, but it's inevitable and one of the reasons I think minifigures are somewhat overrated (e. g. they're not all that durable). I wouldn't handle my minifigures so much if I wanted to preserve their joints (and I don't). In general my policy with minifigures is:

He's for display only. You handle him too much, he's not going to last.

8019 Mods

just picked up an 8019 republican shuttle at tru today. Always like that one and hadn't seen it for a while in stores. It's an 09 set, so I guess I got lucky. Love the looks of this set. I want to expand the troop / cargo area to accomodate more troops. Anyone have any success doing this?

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Specific questions like this belong to the Gen. Questions Thread. I've already merged your previous question on that thread and then you create another topic? What's the big deal with that?!?

Be patient on waiting for answers. Or better yet take your time to search for similar MOCs that you're looking for.

Moving this again (for the last time).

Hello, I am a bit confused about chrome vader.

How many are really made?I am sure there is more like 100 000 than 10 000.

Is their price going up? Will they be very rare one day?

And, how many white boba fetts, and chrome c-3pos are there in the world?

Pretty sure it was 10,000 for all three. The 3P0 is so expensive because it wasn't mass distributed. Vader and White Fett were distributed at a variety of LEGO conventions, whereas 3P0 made only one convention appearance at ComicCon and wasn't advertised. Vaders were alsp sold in Europe individually.

8019 Mods

just picked up an 8019 republican shuttle at tru today. Always like that one and hadn't seen it for a while in stores. It's an 09 set, so I guess I got lucky. Love the looks of this set. I want to expand the troop / cargo area to accomodate more troops. Anyone have any success doing this?

No pics, but I did it. Just rip out anything in the interior that doesn't connect the wings of cockpit to the chassis. I also remember the floor could be sunk by two bricks or so, but I don't remember how I did it.

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