July 4, 201311 yr The max torque of the servo-motor indicated by the lego company seems strange ! It's more than a Xl motor ! I guess they have made a mistake there, no? Edited July 4, 201311 yr by GuiliuG
July 4, 201311 yr I would rely on Philo's extensive tests of the Lego Power Functions Servo Motor: http://philohome.com...rvo/pfservo.htm . On this Powerfunctions.Lego.com webpage, The Lego Group wrote that "The Servo Motor delivers a maximum torque of 250 mNm (300mA). Without load it rotates with 360 degrees per second. This corresponds to the output turning from center to horizontal position in 0,25 seconds. "The current consumption will depend heavily on the load it is driving. Under normal conditions it can be around 150 mA and it should never exceed 300 mA." Philo wrote that the PF XL-motor rotated at 220 rpm at no load. At 9V, the torque was 14.5 Newton-cm and the current was 0.55 Amp. Its "stalled current" was 1.8 Amps. The Lego Group wrote that it "delivers a maximum torque of 90,4 mNm (406mA). Without load its rotation speed is around 224 rotations per minute." [Very close to Philo's measurements] "The current consumption will depend heavily on the load it is driving. Under normal conditions it can be around 300 mA and it should never exceed 406 mA." This is a bit lower than what Philo measured. Edited July 4, 201311 yr by DLuders
July 4, 201311 yr How much do you think it will cost? I would guess Lmotor something like 10€, but on the price of the servo i have no clue...
July 4, 201311 yr We will find out in 5 days (on July 9th), but I'm going to guess that they are both going to be priced the same as the Power Functions XL motor.
July 4, 201311 yr We will find out in 5 days (on July 9th), but I'm going to guess that they are both going to be priced the same as the Power Functions XL motor. I dont think that price will be much cheaper than now at BL. Price for L is between XL and M. price for servo about 15 Euro is normal. What are you waiting for?
July 4, 201311 yr Author I like the idea of purchasing motors direct from lego. not so called "new" that was actually used in a cat litter box or cigarette stuffing machine experiment. Haha. Edited July 4, 201311 yr by 750ACE
July 4, 201311 yr July 9th? I'll be putting in an order. I need a servo so badly. Let's hope it's true. H
July 5, 201311 yr Just talked to a Lego store employee today and asked him about the servo, L-motor and V2 reciever. He said that they should have already gotten them but there are some problems with delivering them. Maybe because of the 41999? And asked him about the price, he said they don't know them yet...
July 5, 201311 yr Are there any real benefits (i.e., not theoretical) to using the V2 IR rather than V1 in MOCs? I can get some V1's pretty cheap and the V2 looks like it's going to be expensive, hence me asking.
July 5, 201311 yr Since the V2 is more efficient, it should give you more power for the same battery life, or more battery life for the same power. Plus, the V1 can't candle two L motors on the same port, whereas the V2 can.
July 9, 201311 yr So ... July 9th is here, but no sign of the Servo appearing on S@H ... Here's the update ... The L Motor and Servo Motor will be available July 9th. Maybe it's July 9th, 2014 ...
July 9, 201311 yr From the bottom-most entry on this Community.Lego.com topic, wehatch typed: "this is what i got from customer service Dear William, Thanks for getting in touch with us. We are sorry for the frustration you have experienced when waiting for the Power Functions items, William. I am sure this has been frustrating for you. Unfortunately, there has been a delay in the launch of these products. As soon as they are available and ready for purchase we will update the website. Again, we apologize for the disappointment this has caused." I guess I'm really not surprised that the Lego Marketing folks are in a different orbit than Lego Customer Service. After all, The Lego Group has taken WEEKS to post B-model instructions online (after a new set's release), posted incomplete instructions, not answered repeated requests for information, and basically demonstrated that THEY DON'T CARE. The Power Functions L-Motor and PF Servo motor was promised in March 2013, then in June 2013, then on July 9th, and now who knows? I'm really disillusioned with TLG's shabby treatment of its Technic fans. Edited July 9, 201311 yr by DLuders
July 9, 201311 yr I just telephone Lego so-called "Customer Service" in Enfield, Connecticut USA to follow up. The guy there ("Matt" no-last-name) would not agree to follow up on this matter. I left a blistering Customer Feedback message after my transaction was over. I'm going to bug them every day until they meet their commitment to the customer. March 2013 June 2013 July 9, 2013 "Three strikes and you're out", as the saying goes.
July 9, 201311 yr Author I'm almost sorry I started this post.... I'm curious if there are known issues with the motors and v2 IR causing a delay. The only other issues I could think of are sales or manufacturing demands, maybe supplier issues.
July 9, 201311 yr Even if they put the products on the shop page for pre-order or something it would assure customers of a date.
July 9, 201311 yr The recurring "issues" are PISS-POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE. I don't know why folks praise Lego Customer Service so much; it SUCKS and I have hard proof of it, over and over.
July 9, 201311 yr I am sure they want to milk the sales of their crawler and rm8's new model as well. If they put up the motors by themselves they lose the profits from the large box set. tim
July 9, 201311 yr It's not the end of the world. If we need motors so bad, there's always bricklink. I agree, if LEGO says they are going to release a product on a certain day, they should honor that. Not doing so is poor customer service. However, I have had nothing but exceptional service from LEGO, and I'm willing to cut them some slack. Who knows...maybe there's an issue with the motors or production. I'd rather receive a good product late then a poor product on time. How many mocs are we building that require these motors? Is everybody that is complaining actually building a moc that needs the L and/or servo motors? Like I said, there's always bricklink if we need them bad enough... Even if they put the products on the shop page for pre-order or something it would assure customers of a date. Sounds like a good, reasonable idea to me.
July 9, 201311 yr Well, The recurring "issues" are PISS-POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE. I don't know why folks praise Lego Customer Service so much; it SUCKS and I have hard proof of it, over and over. Well, most of the time the service has been excellent. SOMEBODY, somewhere, down the line dropped the ball, on this issue. I mean, TLG has never pushed back the release date on a set, right? This is unusual, and frustrating, I know. But it is of little use for us to get mad over it. The only thing we can do is keep asking, firmly but politely, and wait.
July 9, 201311 yr Maybe the quality of Lego Customer Service varies depending on where you're from, which people work there and how they are. Maybe it is like with other similar services - they could have hired the wrong person or something, and sometimes, he/she makes it difficult for those who call in and have questions.
July 10, 201311 yr Calm down DLuders there's probably a manufacturing problem. If you need them so bad then bricklink them. But stop throwing your toys out the pram...
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