May 6, 201410 yr I once got a fake Bionicle stars gresh. I knew it was a fake given it was called an "Invincibility Robot" but got anyway because I couldn't find the real thing anywhere. The color differentiation in the booklet was better than most lego booklets and the pieces were exact replicas. The ball joints squeaked a lot and broke after about a week of hard play but hey, that's better than what I have to say about Best-Lok.
May 15, 201410 yr Note that this post is blasphemy and should be ignored by lego purists. My grandparents have this giant bin of megabloks from 1999 and their quality is that of real lego. These are the bootlegs I have familiarity with and is not a complete list. Megabloks is the best bootleg and even used to be in the EB set index. Also, Hasbro has their own bootleg called Kreo which has quality slightly below megabloks. There is LeLe of medium quality. There is also Best-Lok, with horrid quality and is sold everywhere Legos are sold, often side by side.
May 28, 201410 yr search the webs for "Decool bricks toys mini figure building block toys" and "The simpsons toys plastic toy bricks" to find amazing mixed stuff...
May 29, 201410 yr These are very strange
May 29, 201410 yr search the webs for "Decool bricks toys mini figure building block toys" and "The simpsons toys plastic toy bricks" to find amazing mixed stuff... Uhmmm... reaction: why don't you make the Springfield Elementary if you have that time? These are very strange http://i01.i.aliimg...._bricks_set.jpg Weirdly the copycats have time to draw 3D graphics or take photos instead of making appealing designs.
May 29, 201410 yr But wait, there's more.
May 29, 201410 yr these are even better and from Springfieldbricks:
May 30, 201410 yr Uhmmm... reaction: why don't you make the Springfield Elementary if you have that time? ? Are you talkin to me or the Chinese KO´ers? these are even better from Springfieldbricks: http://www.springfie...e-simpsons-pas/ Actually you find those pics if you search for that keywords I posted. Nevertheless pretty funny.
May 30, 201410 yr Sad to say, Sheng Yuan already rip-off one of our forummer's Cuusoo idea. I was very surprised to see this being sold at my local mall. The best part was, it comes with a well designed box art and instruction too. The idea must be so good even these KO companies think it is worth while to produced these sets (which unfortunately TLG, Marvel and DC were too slow to notice).
May 31, 201410 yr woow, heavy, they really are doing a good job in ripping of. From a certain point of vieuw it's really admirable, the hard work they put in it. And from the otehr point of vieuw it's defenaitly wrong. It's strange that they can get away with this so easely. The are stealing from Lego, Disney, WB etc... mayor companies, They must be able to work togeather and get some super lawyers on this.
May 31, 201410 yr Those Simpsons ones are hilarious, it's like a fever dream. Has anyone done a review of them yet?
June 2, 201410 yr ? Are you talkin to me or the Chinese KO´ers? Sorry, yeah, I'm talking about those fakers. We can figure out that they were simply throwing those figures to some random LEGO sets (these two are Ninjago and LoTR, I think). Regardless of the facts there are more ordinary Town sets, I believe that it's also pretty simple to produce school sets based on some MOC instructions. Edited June 2, 201410 yr by Dorayaki
June 2, 201410 yr Jeez, looks like they ripped off Oky's racers! Damn clone brands. I'll be honest, I'm going to get some of the superhero figures. I know a lot of people are against it, I am too, but as a customizer and a superhero nut, for a couple of pounds I'm not really risking anything. Dump the arms, legs, hands and any other parts necessary, swap them for the pure stuff, and I've got a new figure with better printing than anything I could do myself. I have a great deal of time for all customizers out there, but $80 for an FF set or £4 for a set? As much as it saddens me, It's a no brainer personally. $80-£48 is over half the spare cash I normally have. As the saying goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Edited June 2, 201410 yr by Dr Leg O Brick
June 2, 201410 yr woow, heavy, they really are doing a good job in ripping of. From a certain point of vieuw it's really admirable, the hard work they put in it. And from the otehr point of vieuw it's defenaitly wrong. It's strange that they can get away with this so easely. The are stealing from Lego, Disney, WB etc... mayor companies, They must be able to work togeather and get some super lawyers on this. What super lawyers. There is no IP law or protection in China. None whatsoever. No law.
June 4, 201410 yr I'll be honest, I'm going to get some of the superhero figures. I feel the same way, their superheroes are filling a niche in the market. Don't see anything wrong with buying them.
June 5, 201410 yr Question: How is it legal for springfieldbricks to make those sets? I don't think they have a license with FOX... And I'd love Oky's thoughts, too.
June 5, 201410 yr Question: How is it legal for springfieldbricks to make those sets? I don't think they have a license with FOX... And I'd love Oky's thoughts, too. I don't know French, but it looks like they are real Lego. And I obviously don't know the contract between Fox and Lego, but I don't think they can keep people from buying their shizzle, rearrange it and resell it.
June 5, 201410 yr I don't know French, but it looks like they are real Lego. And I obviously don't know the contract between Fox and Lego, but I don't think they can keep people from buying their shizzle, rearrange it and resell it. Ah ok, because I was looking for the LEGO logo on the studs and couldn't find any so I assumed they were really good knockoffs.
June 5, 201410 yr Ah ok, because I was looking for the LEGO logo on the studs and couldn't find any so I assumed they were really good knockoffs. They might be, I don't know for sure, but the website looks very "Lego oriented". And every single accessory is also made by Lego. But it's all in French:)
June 10, 201410 yr I'll be honest, I'm going to get some of the superhero figures. I know a lot of people are against it, I am too, but as a customizer and a superhero nut, for a couple of pounds I'm not really risking anything. Dump the arms, legs, hands and any other parts necessary, swap them for the pure stuff, and I've got a new figure with better printing than anything I could do myself. I have a great deal of time for all customizers out there, but $80 for an FF set or £4 for a set? As much as it saddens me, It's a no brainer personally. $80-£48 is over half the spare cash I normally have. As the saying goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I agree with you. I'm getting a few. Especially some stuff like bootleg SDCC minifigs. I'm not paying over $800 for ASM2 Spidey and Pheonix when I can get them for $6. Not my fault Lego keeps making damn exclusives when they know people want them but can't afford them. Also there's a lot of minifigs Lego hasn't made. For example, Iron Man armors. I can buy 12 armors for $15. Sure, 5 or 6 are Lego designs but I already bought all Lego's armors in sets so no harm really done. Now I get a teensy little bit guilty when I see one set I want that is set minifigs I don't have, (Flash/AC Robin/Doctor Doom/Nightwing/Shazam) but otherwise those would cost me $250 plus probably another $250 for Shazam. And it's $7.50. Way more reasonable.
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