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I wouldnt say that, i think what a moc expert is is one who makes mocs that look good, yes, but can do so in many situations, can muipulate his or her bricks into anything they wish using interesting building conventions, and that be overloaded angled rocks or a nice clean wall. Both degothia and beerbeard are doing that consistantly, i wonder why he hasnt the title really, hes built up his own awesome style, has some crazy cool use of colour which complement everything, uses awesome techniques and has exce.lent compostion. All of his recent mocs have been eye candy.

Most of what i disagree with is huge collection bit, sure many mocexlerts have tons, and i admit for a teen i probably have quite a bit, but in the fol world, both as and ts, my collection would be considered miniscuel, heck i cant build more than 2 sides of most builds!

We should get back to discussing the moc though :classic:


Very nice build deGothia and lovely that it's a homage as well. :thumbup: The addition of the fence to seperate the foreground and the middle ground is a great compositional device and is well used here. The chicken coop (and behind it - is that a woodshed?) is a very sweet depiction of the ordinary life that goes on behind the facade of the house. Dividing the moc up into three parts like this is a very simple yet effective way to sustain the viewers interest, and also gets around the "back wall syndrome" where one or more sides of the moc look unfinished. I would personally love to see if there is an interior like Mikey's seamstress build, but there is certanly enough going in the moc as it is.

Sorry about banging on a bit deGothia but the point i'm trying to make is that the elements and principles of design are vastly more important than size or detail and you have certainly delivered on the former here. :classic:

Posted (edited)

I've always liked DG's builds for their clean and pleasing look and the excellent photo editing. So this is moc is no exception, I think it's really cute. I also understand that you can't always build really big mocs when most or your bricks are stuck in a larger project, same's happening to me at the moment.

However, I can somehow understand Beery's frustration about the tag issue but I think this is absolutely not the right place to voice this kind of criticism! Beery, we all like you for your bluntness and personally your criticism on my mocs has helped me a big deal, but maybe you can also work a bit on your diplomacy skills! :wink:

Edited by kabel

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