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I've done a bunch of work on the file and posted v15. I've corrected a bunch of things in the platter, ghosted a lot of buffer exchanges, added lots more multi-step pages, added a BOM, and created a step with the pen and the rubber bands supporting it. In addition to the MPD file, I've also posted a completed PDF that should be good enough for those who want to check on our progress but don't have access to the other digital tools we are using. Please see the new files at my Bricksafe page.


DrJB, if you could actually code a program to predict the drawing results, that would be an incredible resource.

In terms of future improvements, I think the main thing that would be helpful is the ability to drive the center channel (turntable rotation) at a much slower rate, and perhaps at a ratio that is not a simple multiple of the arms (center gearbox could have different ratios than outer gearboxes).

I think this is one of the targets of

The PDF looks great, I like the Control Center Technic pen ;) I'm waiting for a Bricklink order (I was short of 87408 forks), I'll be finally able to build the model!

Minor possible improvements: change orientation of L-motor and pen in PLI.mpd, increase parts size in final bom to fill page...

Edited by Philo

I built this model this weekend using the V14 instructions and manually making the changes needed to the pen holder bottom bracket. The model works great! My family can't stop playing with it. I built mine with an M motor instead of an L motor because I did not have one available. M-motor works fine and has plenty of torque, just harder to attach.

I built mine as well with the V14. I used a XL, so I had to modify the base-frame and the motor-base to make it fit.

Once we get the instructions done, the next logical step is to make some sort of list of settings which make good drawings. In his video, PG52 shows R412L which is the first thing I tried and works great.

What I noticed is that the inital position of the arms also produces slightly different graphs, so in addition to the 256+ settings of the gears you have another possibility to tinker.

I've done a bunch of work on the file and posted v15. I've corrected a bunch of things in the platter, ghosted a lot of buffer exchanges, added lots more multi-step pages, added a BOM, and created a step with the pen and the rubber bands supporting it. In addition to the MPD file, I've also posted a completed PDF that should be good enough for those who want to check on our progress but don't have access to the other digital tools we are using. Please see the new files at my Bricksafe page.

I've also done more improvements to the file, mostly the base.

- pin positioning on step 6 and 7 is now visible

- changed all arrows in the base to the format Tip-Lenght=15, Tip-Width=14, Offest=1, Arrow-Width=6. They show better than the 4 wide ones need to change the subs as well

- I also worked on the platter to reduce the number of repetitive steps with the yellow 15L beams (put them there with 4 times a sub-model)

- added some RESERVE statements to spread the steps better

- pulled out some of the small gears to highlight their positioning (I think I forgot them on one step)

one thing I would like to get your opinion on:

- Shall we add the proper orientation of the "clutch-gear"? I did some experiments to display it with the current possibilities of LPUB, those are the results (all MLCAD code, quads etc, no pictures!):


Edited by freakwave

Clutch gear hint looks very good for sure! If it's not too cumbersome to integrate it would be great to add to the BIs - Anyway I'd be happy to see your code!

...and you made me discover the RESERVE statement, thanks ;)

Otherwise I just received the parts...

Please see the new files at my Bricksafe page.

ehm, could you please give a link to your Bricksafe page - this would nice ;-)

Thank you very much!

Try this one

There is a parts call out error on page 69 step 2 there should be another towball pin listed in the BOM.

Also the red 2 axle should be moved from step 4 to step 3 on page 68,the same apply's to page 67.

There needs to be some assembly arrows for the plotter table base,I did add some in my last update.

Edited by Alasdair Ryan

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ehm, could you please give a link to your Bricksafe page - this would nice ;-)

That's odd. I did include a link when I wrote the post, but somehow it disappeared when I clicked "post". I've corrected it now.

In any case, it is easy to find anyone's Bricksafe page. Just look for their username.

There is a parts call out error on page 69 step 2 there should be another towball pin listed in the BOM.

Also the red 2 axle should be moved from step 4 to step 3 on page 68,the same apply's to page 67.

I just checked into these. They seem to be related to a bug in LPub. There is no problem with the MPD file. In each, case, the parts you mentioned are in the correct step. LPub is not correctly interpreting the buffer exchanges in these steps. It works OK if you unpack the multi-step and put the steps on separate pages.

I just checked into these. They seem to be related to a bug in LPub. There is no problem with the MPD file. In each, case, the parts you mentioned are in the correct step. LPub is not correctly interpreting the buffer exchanges in these steps. It works OK if you unpack the multi-step and put the steps on separate pages.

I am working on the arms right now to convince LPUB to show us everything...

I will also add the GHOST commands. I ignored them before because I did not see an immediate benefit, but I learned that it makes viewing in LDVIEW a better experience!

Clutch gear hint looks very good for sure! If it's not too cumbersome to integrate it would be great to add to the BIs - Anyway I'd be happy to see your code!

...and you made me discover the RESERVE statement, thanks ;)

Otherwise I just received the parts...

I will post the code, I need to arrange the parts in a better way to make the insertion easier, i.e. position the gear in question at the 0/0/0 position.

...and happy building! Looking forward to your feedback!

I will also add the GHOST commands. I ignored them before because I did not see an immediate benefit, but I learned that it makes viewing in LDVIEW a better experience!

Indeed! Speaking of this, maybe it would be better to define arrows as separate submodels or parts to be able to ghost them too? Anybody already tried this?

...and happy building! Looking forward to your feedback!
Hopefully this week-end...

A little excursion to the generation of Clutch-Gear orientation images:

I did them now only for the up/down versions

There are the two sub-files showing the two ways of putting the gear. They are divided in two steps where the first step shows both gears and the symbols. The second step is hidden in the sub-file. However due to the use of the BUFEXCHG command, the main model just shows the gear. The gear you want to show is a the "0 0 0" position, which is important for an easy placement later on.

0 Clutch_Orientation_Up

0 Name: Clutch_Orientation_Up.ldr

0 Author: GL - freakWave - traunStoaner

0 Unofficial Model - script may be used freely non-commercially,

0 Unofficial Model - just keep the header of this file intact.

0 ROTATION CENTER 0 0 0 1 "Custom"


0 ROTSTEP -56 0 0 ABS

1 72 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 6542b.dat


1 72 -80 -0.002 4 1 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 -1 6542b.dat

4 4 -99 -25.9461 -12.6192 -93 -33.1686 -23.4283 -98 -36.502 -28.4171 -106 -28.1684 -15.9451

4 4 -93 -33.1686 -23.4283 -79 -41.5021 -35.9003 -83 -44.8355 -40.8892 -98 -36.502 -28.4171

4 4 -79 -41.5021 -35.9003 -59 -50.9468 -50.0353 -61 -53.1691 -53.3612 -83 -44.8355 -40.8892

4 10 -9 -24.2794 -10.1248 0 -31.5018 -20.9339 -5 -34.2797 -25.0912 -11 -29.2796 -17.608

4 10 -9 -24.2794 -10.1248 -10 -30.3907 -19.2709 -15 -34.8353 -25.9227 -21 -32.0574 -21.7654

4 10 -21 -32.0574 -21.7654 -15 -34.8353 -25.9227 -21 -39.8354 -33.4059 -27 -35.3908 -26.7542

4 10 0 -31.5018 -20.9339 13 -39.2798 -32.5745 9 -43.7244 -39.2262 -5 -34.2797 -25.0912

4 10 13 -39.2798 -32.5745 34 -49.2801 -47.5409 27 -54.2802 -55.0241 9 -43.7244 -39.2262

4 4 -111.06 -44.1037 -39.7939 -97.139 -42.2433 -37.0096 -92.23 -45.6181 -42.0604 -108.503 -48.3515 -46.1511

4 4 -97.139 -42.2433 -37.0096 -79.696 -36.2406 -28.0259 -74.592 -39.0705 -32.2612 -92.23 -45.6181 -42.0604

4 4 -79.696 -36.2406 -28.0259 -59.121 -27.1852 -14.4736 -55.588 -28.7085 -16.7534 -74.592 -39.0705 -32.2612





0 Clutch_Orientation_Down

0 Name: Clutch_Orientation_Down.ldr

0 Author: GL - freakWave - traunStoaner

0 Unofficial Model - script may be used freely non-commercially,

0 Unofficial Model - just keep the header of this file intact.

0 ROTATION CENTER 0 0 0 1 "Custom"


0 ROTSTEP 123 0 0 ABS

1 72 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 6542b.dat


1 72 -80 0 0 1 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 -1 6542b.dat

4 4 -99 25.9461 16.6192 -93 33.1686 27.4283 -98 36.502 32.4171 -106 28.1684 19.9451

4 4 -93 33.1686 27.4283 -79 41.5021 39.9003 -83 44.8355 44.8892 -98 36.502 32.4171

4 4 -79 41.5021 39.9003 -59 50.9468 54.0353 -61 53.1691 57.3612 -83 44.8355 44.8892

4 10 -9 24.2794 14.1248 0 31.5018 24.9339 -5 34.2797 29.0912 -11 29.2796 21.608

4 10 -9 24.2794 14.1248 -10 30.3907 23.2709 -15 34.8353 29.9227 -21 32.0574 25.7654

4 10 -21 32.0574 25.7654 -15 34.8353 29.9227 -21 39.8354 37.4059 -27 35.3908 30.7542

4 10 0 31.5018 24.9339 13 39.2798 36.5745 9 43.7244 43.2262 -5 34.2797 29.0912

4 10 13 39.2798 36.5745 34 49.2801 51.5409 27 54.2802 59.0241 9 43.7244 43.2262

4 4 -111.06 44.1037 43.7939 -97.139 42.2433 41.0096 -92.23 45.6181 46.0604 -108.503 48.3515 50.1511

4 4 -97.139 42.2433 41.0096 -79.696 36.2406 32.0259 -74.592 39.0705 36.2612 -92.23 45.6181 46.0604

4 4 -79.696 36.2406 32.0259 -59.121 27.1852 18.4736 -55.588 28.7085 20.7534 -74.592 39.0705 36.2612





Now the main file, i.e. the place where the clutch gear is put needs to have the following syntax:

First the placement of the gear itself:

1 72 -260 -4 0 0 -1 0 0 0 -1 1 0 0 6542b.dat

Which is followed by the submodel itself contained in a CALLOUT :



0 !LPUB CALLOUT PLI PER_STEP FALSE <- This is only necessary if it is not inhibited on a global level


0 GHOST 1 72 -260 -4 0 0 -1 0 0 0 -1 1 0 0 clutch_orientation_down.ldr

0 !LPUB CALLOUT POINTER LEFT 0.897 1.127 0.431 0





The placement itself: As the submodel will be shown in the assembly, it is important to make the placement easy and exactly covering the initial gear. That's why the gear is positioned at "0 0 0" in the submodel (with the same rotation params). Now you can just copy the line with the gear (located at -260 -4 0) and replace the part ("6542b.dat") with the name of the corresponding subfile ("clutch_orientation_down.ldr")


I will post this over at the LDRAW forum as well as it works around an issue I would like to see covered in a modern LPUB V2 :-)


  • Author

Indeed! Speaking of this, maybe it would be better to define arrows as separate submodels or parts to be able to ghost them too? Anybody already tried this?

That is the way I usually do it. If the arrow is defined in a submodel then you can ghost the arrow and it does not show up in LDView which makes viewing much nicer. This also allows you to call the same arrow over and over again instead of recreating it each time. I usually only create one arrow and I make it color 16. Then I call it wherever I want it, apply a color, and stretch it to whatever size I want with the transformation matrix.

Really nice the Spirograph, it should be my christmas work for my daughter......... :thumbup:

Wow, you guys really put a lot of hard work into doing this. I think I might just have to build this :)

What kind of pen is that? I'm guessing a standard pen like the ones you get at hotels?

  • Author

What kind of pen is that? I'm guessing a standard pen like the ones you get at hotels?

Regular ball point pens don't work very well because there is not enough pressure on the tip. A soft tip, fine point pen is best.

I finally started building yesterday evening, completed build up to step 24. BIs (Blackbird's V15) are very well done and rather easy to follow, just a few things I noticed:

- hidden pins on step 6-7, issue already addressed by Freakwave

- After building front gearbox (near step 10 of this submodel), I realized that the frames were not perpendicular to the 15L beams. But is was impossible to straighten them because gears were meshed in a way that locked the angle. I had to remove the 3 gear assemblies from step 5, straighten frames and put back again gear assemblies. Dunno how to convey this tip in BIs...

- maybe the blue axle pins+connector #2 on step 12 and 13 would be worth a callout?

- as shown, assembly of gears on back with half engaged axle4 is not easy (steps 19/20 and 22/23). I think it would be better to pre-assemble gears and bush on axle (callout) with axle and bush not completely pushed through (step 19 and 22) and add a push arrow on steps 20 and 23 to push axle and bush.

...I have not yet experimented Clutch-Gear orientation images, but thanks for detailed tip!

- Base, Step 6/7 already addressed, will upload this change during the weekend

- Base, Step 12/13 call-out already done

- Gearbox, may be after step 4 we shall add an empty step in an orientation that the perpendicular mounting is seen better (without adding parts in this steps) The problem here is that the frame/beam assembly is wobbly to a certain extend before it is put into place and also after that it will still be a bit wobbly. It only gets tighter around step 37 when the top beam is fixed the first time with the Axle 8L w/Stop, and then fastened at Step 51/52.

Edit: Like that, a "hovering" call-out in step 4


- Base, Step 19/20 and 22/23: using the pre-assembly as you suggested is a good idea, I can do that only on the weekend

Edit: added picture

Edited by freakwave

Dear All,

I would like to thank you all for your effort. I have made a Spirograph based on your drawings and it's very fun to play with it. I have also tried it with 5-year old and spirograf worked great.

Unfortunately I was not able to build instructions but I needed to rely on Mlcad and LLD files. I guess it's to hard for me to enable all of the needed programs. However, it made me aware how much effort went into this. Thanks again!

Regarding possible combinations: I would consider L and R side switches as direction regulators of top L and R switches, respectively. Hence th number of combination we could write like this: 9 (for left arm; = 4x forward, 4x backward and 0 for holding still) x 4 (for table) x 9 (for right arm) = 324. Well, we can fix the table too and get 5 speeds there, which gives in total 405 combinations. I have also realized that you can change starting orientations of arms and get a bit different patterns due phase shift.

Yes, the hovering callout is a good idea, it doen't prevent wrong assembly but at least it attracts attention of builder.


Unfortunately I was not able to build instructions but I needed to rely on Mlcad and LLD files. I guess it's to hard for me to enable all of the needed programs. However, it made me aware how much effort went into this. Thanks again!


Well, if everything goes according to plan, there should be a simple pdf file at the end :classic:

(a few steps later...)

- a few callouts arrows are not very well placed: main arrow page 4, page 23 step 33, page 40 step 28, page 29 step 43.

- a little inconsistency: on one side, bevel gear is assembled directly at step 37, but on the other side it has its own step 46.

- the assemblies at step 40 and 49 can't be fit as shown, the double bevel gear is too big. You have to mount T-beam+fork, then add axle and gears.

- another point (but this one depends on the model, not the BIs): the links at step 36 and 44 are fragile, the end connectors tend to pull out. A beam assembly would probably be better.

(a few steps later...)

- a few callouts arrows are not very well placed: main arrow page 4, page 23 step 33, page 40 step 28, page 29 step 43.

- a little inconsistency: on one side, bevel gear is assembled directly at step 37, but on the other side it has its own step 46.

- the assemblies at step 40 and 49 can't be fit as shown, the double bevel gear is too big. You have to mount T-beam+fork, then add axle and gears.

- another point (but this one depends on the model, not the BIs): the links at step 36 and 44 are fragile, the end connectors tend to pull out. A beam assembly would probably be better.

- Call-out can be rearranged

- I will make 37 and 46 similar with a call-out to highlight the bevel gear

- steps 40 and 49, I have already changed those and included the straight beam in the sub-assembly

regarding the linkage on step 36 and 44 I had a similar thought, but so far they did not pull apart.

So I have some things to do tonight!

- steps 40 and 49, I have already changed those and included the straight beam in the sub-assembly

Better idea indeed!

I had to choose connectors with tight connection to get a reliable linkage...


Going on...

- Step 10 page 38 is not clear; should get a callout showing the 4 pins.

- A general note: LEGO (almost) never adds axle pins by pin connxion first, but always axle side first to prevent axle orientation issues. I don't consider this as very important, but...

- Maybe step 55 would need a callout?

- There is nothing holding the assembly of step 6 page 54, it should be placed after building the table.

- related, assembly of step 17 page 60 is still tricky because of of rubber belt.

- because of pin, axles of assembly of step 19 page 61 must be pushed in place after attachment of assembly.

Edited by Philo

To celebrate this community project - and give tribute to PG52 awesome design, I propose to post here a photo of your Spirograph build, and one of your drawings.

Tips and tricks:

- I made my first try with a soft tip pen, but it didn't glide very well on paper, and the drawing was shaky. I got much better results using a liquid ink roller ball (a Mitsubishi Uniball Eye 0.7mm).

- Place one or two sheets of paper below your drawing, to get a smoother and softer surface.

Here is mine:



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