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I am a fan of Doctor Who myself. A station here in the US called PBS used to air them. But they stopped about 4 years ago. The episodes I watched were the ones from the 1970's and 1980's. I have been able to catch the episodes from 2005 on cable. Those were cool episodes as well. I would say the episode that really stands out to me from '05 was the WWII episode. I found this one to be the creepiest, but really facinating. I hope I will be able to catch the newer episodes soon.

I would say the episode that really stands out to me from '05 was the WWII episode. I found this one to be the creepiest, but really facinating. I hope I will be able to catch the newer episodes soon.

"Are you my mummy?"

Next weeks episode, 'Gridlock', is already on later cos of the football, but it's been decided that if the football goes into extra-time or penalties then Doctor Who will be postponed till the week after because 'Any Dream Will Do' (on after) is live. As if having it on later because of football isn't bad enough, it has to be out at risk of being postponed! >:-(


matthewUSA those WW2 episodes are probably my favorites aswell because they are the scariest Dr Who episodes i have ever seen!

i hope "Gridlock" does go ahead. If they take it of for that stupid joseph's coat show i will sulk for ages! :-D

(not really just watch "worlds wildest police videos" ;-) )

i hope "Gridlock" does go ahead. If they take it of for that stupid joseph's coat show i will sulk for ages! :-D

(not really just watch "worlds wildest police videos" ;-) )

Well, it did. My computer's been at the shop for a week being fixed. :-| I guess my report on 'Gridlock' will just have to be a bit late.

Not a bad episode all told. I might have a go at MOCing one of the cars. I guess we were right about Boe's secret then ;-) But on Confidential afterwards, Tennant said that Boe isn't wrong but neither is the Doctor. Hmm... perhaps the Master is hiding in a human body. That's one theory anyway. I was also thinking that perhaps Saxon is (somehow) The Doctor himself. That could fit with what Tennant said. Hmm...

The Daleks next week. Has anyone seen the Radio Times cover for next week? The one with the human/Dalek hybrid. Cool!

On a side note, I went to the Doctor Who exhibition at Manchester Science and Industry. Very good. Saw a lot of the costumes and stuff up close. Highlights include a Cyberman, the Empress of Racnoss and a Sister of Plenitude. Series 3 stuff is coming soon (after broadcast), so I may have to go back later in the year. It's open till 5th November if anyone's in the area. I've also adjusted my Face of Boe MOC after seeing him up-close. I'll upload him on my Brickshelf soon (I'll let you know).


So, 'Dalek's in Manhattan.' Good episode. First in-series mention of Dalekenium, I think (although I already knew about it). The cliffhanger ending was great with the Sec/Diagoras hybrid. The Tallulah thing was a bit of fun, and the Hooverville was handy seeing as how it's one of the elements for my History GCSE. Nice to see the blue suit again, too. Next weeks looks even better, what with the chases, the hybrids and the Dalek attack on the Hooverville!

"The fin-al ex-per-i-ment has be-gun."

Half-human, half-dalek? It's just not the same as scary, menacing Daleks, is it?

True, the classic Dalek is way better. But, the Dalek plan is a menacing one, and the consequences are menacing. Besides, I doubt the change will be permanent. I hope...

On a slight side note, I picked up 6 classic Doctor Who videos (7 stories) yesterday. 50p each!

Ambassadors of Death

Arc of Infinity

The Android Invasion

Terror of the Zygons

The Visitation/Black Orchid (twin pack)

Frontier in Space (double video)

Not a bad deal all told.


i though this episode was good aswell. The dalek-human was a little stupid though.

My sister thinks the Daleks are cute! *wacko* :-D (dont know what she means! she thinks they are cute because they are "chubby" dont know whats she is on about sometimes!)

My sister thinks the Daleks are cute! *wacko* :-D (dont know what she means! she thinks they are cute because they are "chubby" dont know whats she is on about sometimes!)

Well, they're not exactly the scariest things I can think of! :-D


Casewindu, I am :-) to see that someone else thought the WW2 episode was creepy and interesting at the same time. I thought I might have been the only one. I still have not been able to see Series 3 yet. I might have to locate them on DVD or something.

Casewindu, I am :-) to see that someone else thought the WW2 episode was creepy and interesting at the same time.

I'd say it was chilling rather than creepy. But there's something about gas masks, something... uncomfortable.

I'd say it was chilling rather than creepy. But there's something about gas masks, something... uncomfortable.

not just that i think it was the way it was a 4 year old kid which made me spooked. When i saw the grown ups just saying "wheres my mummy" i just laughed :-D

for example when they are listening to the recording of the boy and then it stops and the kid is right behind them and says "i'm here!" AAAAA! *skull* best episode i reckon.

best episode i reckon.

Possibly. I have to say though, the calibre of writing for the new series has been excellent. Even Love and Monsters, which a lot of people thought was rubbish (I liked it).

I'm one of those people that spots in-jokes and references to classic stories, seeing as how my knowledge extends beyond the rejuventation. I've not actually seen many of the classics, but I bought the 40th anniversary book the other year (fantastic book, btw). 'Genesis of the Daleks' (1975) is a brilliant story, not least because it featured the first appearance of Davros, creator of the Daleks.

Possibly. I have to say though, the calibre of writing for the new series has been excellent. Even Love and Monsters, which a lot of people thought was rubbish (I liked it).

I'm one of those people that spots in-jokes and references to classic stories, seeing as how my knowledge extends beyond the rejuventation. I've not actually seen many of the classics, but I bought the 40th anniversary book the other year (fantastic book, btw). 'Genesis of the Daleks' (1975) is a brilliant story, not least because it featured the first appearance of Davros, creator of the Daleks.

yes i thought that that love and monsters one was a bit stupid because of PETER KAY! . I thought the story was actually quite good and i liked the way the autons and the alien ship were in it i just thought that peter kay was just stupid in it and that chase they had. Oh well theres always one ;-)



Was pretty good.

Something I was going to say, but forgot it.

Oh well.

Sec is dead, gosh darn it. :-/

The black looked better than bronze.


The black looked better than bronze.

Hell yeah!

Actually a very good episode. Quite tense in some parts I have to admit. And we almost lost the Sonic Screwdriver. Thank God we didn't! It was clever having the Daleks disobey orders and turn on Sec, because he'd betrayed Dalek-kind. Loved all the horror cliches, and the Daleks attacking the Hooverville was good. And the Daleks turned Sec into a pet. How cruel, but how Dalek-y!

"We are the su-preme be-ings in the un-i-verse!" Ha ha, fan boys delight. ;-)

One more thing, in the trailer at the end of the episode, on the very last shot, The Doctor runs by a wall. I'm sure that was a Time Lord symbol on the wall...

Yes, and it isn't me! ;-)

I presume you mean the Sycorax ship, btw. Ha, i'm becoming a Doctor Who geek! :-D

Well no, he means the Slitheen ship. :-P

Good episode last night. I wish another Dalek had become a hybrid instead of Sec, but then I suppose the plot wouldn't have worked with the whole Dalek questioning leader thing.

Loved the two Daleks in the sewers when they were talking about Sec, and one looks around to check if anybody is listening in before answering. X-D

Loved the two Daleks in the sewers when they were talking about Sec, and one looks around to check if anybody is listening in before answering. X-D

"You have doubts?"




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