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Ooooh yeah, I forgot about the old version cyber-head in the glass case!

So even if these ones are wiped out, the old ones could still pop up.

Having such a similar appearance to the classic version, it could probably be assumed that guy in the alternate universe had reverse-engineered some fallen artifacts.

He was 'killed' at the end of 'Genesis' after he asked his Mk3 Travel Machine ( blink.gif ) to "show mercy." He was later revived by the Daleks to help cure a virus, then apparantly killed again. He then turned up creating new Daleks loyal to him from cryogenically frozen humans at a respite centre. He was then revealed as the new Dalek emperor in the Seventh Doctor serial 'Remembrance of the Daleks.' As stated, he isn't dead (as far as we know), and has been referrenced a few times in the new series.

You're forgetting the last episode he was in, "Coffeebreak of the Daleks", where he placed mind-controlling mutagen into London's coffee supply, creating zombies who spat into a cup (thus delivering to him their changing DNA), finally allowing him to regrow his polio-stunted limbs.

(Davros, moments after swallowing the life-giving gob):


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Okay then, 'Human Nature.'

Now, having never read the book, I'm not sure how true to the original this was. But that's good, since I know the plot was heavily adapted to accomodate a new audience and medium.

Chameleon arch... nice. So we've now got the exterior chameleon circuit, the interior chameleon circuit and the chameleon arch. The journal was also very nice, with a nod to most episodes of the new series, and past Doctors if I'm correct (First, Seventh and Eighth). That was cool. The bit with the piano was well-conceived (and slightly 'boys-own'), and it's good to explore the Doctor in a new light. The scarecrows are pretty scary too... my sister was terrified, especially the bit with the child with the balloon. 8-|

Oh, and the 'Verity and Sidney' bit, John Smith's parents- I correctly noted that as a nod to original producer Verity Lambert. I didn't get the Sidny Newman bit though. I know I should've. And the cricket ball was an interesting nod to the Fifth Doctor, where he plays cricket in 'Black Orchid,' and professes to have played numerous other times: "I never miss."

If the whole story escalates next week, it should be good. And there's something slightly attractive about Jessica Hynes...

"We need a Time Lord."


I read in the sun newspaper this morning that they are getting rid of Martha after only one season and the next season will involve The Doctor searching he galaxy for her. It's probably just a rumour though.

And Brainbox, you know WAY too much about Doctor Who. X-D

And... that's a bad thing?

I read in the sun newspaper this morning that they are getting rid of Martha after only one season and the next season will involve The Doctor searching he galaxy for her. It's probably just a rumour though.

I heard that too. Being the Sun, it probably is.


I wouldn't believe the sun no one in Liverpool likes it! >:-(

anyway this was without a doubt the best doctor who of this series. That Bains kid was a bit stupid because he was trying to be scary but my sister and I where just laughing uncontrolably when he tilted his head and did those mad sniffs :-D next episode should be good but I dont think that will get married or have kids it'll just be in the watch!

scarecrows on! :-D

Posted (edited)

Look here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/

It flicks through the 'journal of impossible things', with a slow turn of the page on the past Doctors bit. Look at one Doctor at a time, clicking on the home link ('Doctor Who' in the top bar) to go back and look again.

10 and 9 are on the first page; 4, 3 and 2 on the top row; 7, 8 and 1 on the middle row; 6 and 5 on the bottom row. Nice.

Past Doctors on!

Edited by Brainbox

'The Family of Blood'

Quite... moving. Especially the end, on Remembrance Day. Aah...

But with a vision of John Smith's life (and with it what the Doctor could have), his leaving Joan, and the boys valiantly defending the school, a very powerful episode. Not much more can be said to be honest. Except:

"He is the fire, and the ice, and the rage.

He is the storm, and the heart of the sun.

He burns at the centre of time, and can see the turn of the Universe."



That two-parter was the best of all 3 series, IMO. Minimal whining assistants, brilliant villains, great storyline etc.




Not sure what to make of next weeks though. The trailer didn't really give much away. Although this is apparantly the 'Doctor-light' episode of this series (likened to 'Love and Monsters'). Possibly a bit of lighter relief before the hard-hitting series conclusions: Jack, Saxon, etc.

Posted (edited)
And the Doctor sure does have a dark side...

Really? I thought the trapping someone in chains forged from a neutron star (?) Dwarf Star Alloy, trapping a girl in a mirror, trapping someone in the Event Horizon of a collapsing galaxy and suspending someone in time to watch over Britain's shores was what we all did everyday...

NB: That was, of course, sarcasm. ;-)

Edited by Brainbox
Posted (edited)


Not actually a bad episode, all told. There's something inherently creepy about angelic statues anyway, but now they're just full out scary! The bit where the light was flickering was very well done, then having them rock the TARDIS. And the whole theme of time loops, cause and effect, and completing the circle were explored, too. Nice.

Apparantly, Freema is staying on next series and the rumour reported on earlier is total rubbish.

Next weeks looks good, though. Nice to see a 'proper' actor in the show, and (after all) Jack's back.

"Whatever you do, don't look away, don't turn you back, and don't blink."

Edited by Brainbox
but I couldn't help but wonder why they didn't bring pick axes and such to break up the statues.

Maybe... they couldn't find any. Besides, there wouldn't be a story then.


I also found that episode very creepy but it was probably the best one this series. The start of this series was quite boring and I thought that they maybe running out of ideas but now the family of blood episodes and the weeping angles episodes have proven me wrong :-)

next episode looks good with captain Jack comming back but I find it hard to believe that Jack could cling on to the front of the Tardis as it travels through time! |-/ X-D

anybody see when David Tennant went around the BBC on confidential?

Really? I thought the trapping someone in chains forged from a neutron star (?) Dwarf Star Alloy, trapping a girl in a mirror, trapping someone in the Event Horizon of a collapsing galaxy and suspending someone in time to watch over Britain's shores was what we all did everyday...

NB: That was, of course, sarcasm. ;-)

Yeah, I was kind of suprised by his actions.

The Eccleston Doctor would've been that cold, but it seemed a bit out of character for this one.

Actually, it was a bit colder than Eccleston Doctor, as he'd just have let their lives expire normally.

He won't shoot a gun, but he'll imprison an entity for an eternity of torment?

Interesting developement in his character.


Don't read into it too deeply. It's only a TV show. X-D

I thought that was a LOT better than the last Doctor-lite episode. :-)


My kids were behind sofa, just as it should be lol.

My sister was terrified. She insisted on watching it, despite it being billed as 'the scariest episode yet' then promptly wished she hadn't!

next episode looks good with captain Jack comming back but I find it hard to believe that Jack could cling on to the front of the Tardis as it travels through time! |-/ X-D

Well, he technically can't die so that's not a problem, and the TARDIS probably has it's forcefield on. Yes, it'd be a very bumpy ride but I'm sure Jack can take it.

anybody see when David Tennant went around the BBC on confidential?

Yeah. It was quite good. Especially Jon Culshaw's impressions :-D

Yeah, I was kind of suprised by his actions.

Well actaually he behaved quite darkly in 'The Runaway Bride' letting the Empress of Racnoss burn. That was because he'd just lost Rose, and he was probably angry here because the Family had forced him to give up both Joan and his new-found humanity.


The beginning of that episode... didn't quite jive with the end of Torchwood, did it?

And where'd our old friend get more lives? I thought his whole schtick was that he'd used all 13.

(Better yet, how'd he get out of the eye of harmony inside the TARDIS?)

Posted (edited)
The beginning of that episode... didn't quite jive with the end of Torchwood, did it?

I'm not sure actually. It was only suggested in Torchwood that the TARDIS landed inside the Hub, not actually shown outright. So it's possible...

And where'd our old friend get more lives? I thought his whole schtick was that he'd used all 13.

(Better yet, how'd he get out of the eye of harmony inside the TARDIS?)

A point I was going to address anyway. I'm guessing either we'll find out next episode (about the extra cycle of regenerations, not the Eye of Harmony. Only a Whovian would know that.), or it'll be left to the fans to guess. Perhaps the Time Lords freed him from the Eye and gave him a new cycle so he could fight in the Time War, only to have him run off and hide as a human.

So, my thoughts on 'Utopia.'

It didn't really get good until about half way through, as The Professor started to realise who he was. Interesting how 'The Sound Of Drums' is the title of next episode... And it's just occured to me that Ace used to call the Doctor 'Professor.' Hmm... Boe's prophecy was also used as an acronym for the Professor, and all the conflicting rumours about who the Master is (Saxon or the Professor) turned out with a surprise- both were right! It's good how everything ties together. And do you remember a while back when I posted a suggestion that the Master had taken over a human body? Well, I was half right I guess.

Did anyone notice how Jacobi became a bit Palpatine as the Master? Rasping, hissing, etc. Must be a thespian thing. And there was one point where all Whovians in the country cheered:

"I... am... the Master."

(I couldn't really have posted any other quote, could I? ;-) )

Oh, I so can't wait for next week!

Edited by Brainbox

So, I'm not big on Torchwood: Why was good ol' not-allowed-to-say-hello Cap'n Jack indestructible? Unless I missed something in that episode?


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