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Hey, was Hobbes idea. He deserves the head. I took the opportunity he was away for the afternoon to deliver you guys 2 hours early :-P


I was harassed by a member who was totally panicked this morning about this terrible news. in fact, I didn't even have the chance to finish my first cup of coffee this morning when this member invaded my traditional Sunday introspect, better known as the moment during which i ask my self the question "why on earth did i drink all that beer yesterday night?" :-X this bizarre dialogue unraveled on msn:

-Ras- zegt:

What the megablocks happend??????????????????

Snefroe1 zegt:

what happened?

-Ras- zegt:

EB is shut down... is it a APRIL fools day

Snefroe1 zegt:


Snefroe1 zegt:

hope so

-Ras- zegt:

you have no idea??

-Ras- zegt:

hi by the way

Snefroe1 zegt:

jp's on line

-Ras- zegt:

ask him pleeeeease

Snefroe1 zegt:

not sure if he will respond

-Ras- zegt:


Snefroe1 zegt:

my gues it is a joke though

-Ras- zegt:


-Ras- zegt:

wonder if lego is in it too?

Snefroe1 zegt:

i don't really see why they would have asked us to shut down... it's gotta be a joke really

-Ras- zegt:


Snefroe1 zegt:

it's the thing jp would do

Snefroe1 zegt:

besides, i don't think we did anything wrong so...

-Ras- zegt:


Sne - better known as the moment during which i ask my self the question "why on earth did i drink all that beer yesterday night?" :-X
Yeah, that was that Space contest entry X-D

Beer On



i knew this was an april fool days joke and i was right! :-D (that was sick though)

i remember last year, when i was on this site yet, that someone joked there would be "baywatch" lego but this was much better! :-D


Ha ha, very not funny. Stupid me forgot it was april fools, so i actully belived it, and i have discrased myself on another forum saying it has shut down.

Oopps on!

  • Eurobricks Emperor

Good joke *n* ...

Making me think that all the pirate indexes and libraries (which took me HOURS to make) were lost >:-( >:-( >:-(

I knew it was the 1th of April, but still I feared there was a chance this might be true.

From now on I will be taking some backups from time to time :-P :-D


Well, I almost decided to get me another hobby, because I was verry pissed at LEGO! :-D

Like: "If you shut EB down, we won't buy any other product of you!!!". Strange things can happen on the 1st of April :-P

Mr Tiber

I expect something better next year though X-D
Better? BETTER??

This was pure horror. not fun, not entertaining... pure EVIL!! How can it be worse??

well... we were al very toutched by your concern for the EB-community :-$ happy now? :-$ :-P
Your still on the list Sne... ;-)

Holy Megabloks.

It's funny how quickly I forget it's April 1st. And how important EB is to me. I was crushed!

Glad it was all just a sick sick joke. Thanks!

Holy Megabloks.

It's funny how quickly I forget it's April 1st. And how important EB is to me. I was crushed!

Glad it was all just a sick sick joke. Thanks!

You of all should have understood X-D

Well, the message title was a dead give-away. You should've at least changed that :-D

Well, jipay posted this message after what actually happened: the board was taken offline and the message he posted was shown instead. Seems you missed the actual joke ;-)


Seems i missed the joke, i came home late last night and went straight to the boards bypassing the home page so i didnt even see the message till after i had read a few threads.

By that time it was very obvious that it was a joke, shame as it might of got me.

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