Posted November 25, 201311 yr There is this small possibility that I go christmasshopping soon in Oberhauseb Centro. Legostore included. I've always wanted to know what makes a Legostore special. We don't have one in the Netherlands so I'm pretty anxious to see what it's all about. Now what can I expect? Just a toystore filled with most of the legosets we allready know? Do they carry every set? Do they carry minecraft or cuusoo? Do they sell seperate bricks? Are there any amazing discounts? Is legoland germany worth a visit? Anyway... Should I bring my wallet...? I will be going with my girlfriend. Any tips to distract her and getting the most legos I possibly can..? :-p Any other tips? Thanks! Edited November 25, 201311 yr by B Rick
November 25, 201311 yr There is this small possibility that I go christmasshopping soon in Oberhauseb Centro. Legostore included. I've always wanted to know what makes a Legostore special. We don't have one in the Netherlands so I'm pretty anxious to see what it's all about. Now what can I expect? Just a toystore filled with most of the legosets we allready know? Do they carry every set? Do they carry minecraft or cuusoo? Do they sell seperate bricks? Are there any amazing discounts? Anyway... Should I bring my wallet...? I will be going with my girlfriend. Any tips to distract her and getting the most legos I possibly can..? :-p Thanks! Basically everything you can find on in a store painted in bright yellows and reds. The selection is great. They will have all current product and all exclusives, store or otherwise (except store Polybags like Mirkwood elves etc). The full lines of accessories and a pick a brick wall.
November 25, 201311 yr Author Thanks for the very quick respons Faefrost! Much appreciated. As you live in the USofA, are you speaking about Lego stores in general, or the one in Oberhausen (germany) in particular? (I've stumbled on just a few posts mentioning oberhausen, but ofcourse want to know the details and I don't want to re-animate a dead thread... ;-) ) Nice moc btw! Link to a bigger pic? Edited November 25, 201311 yr by B Rick
November 25, 201311 yr LEGOLand Germany is in Günzburg so the other side of the country... Recently they opened a LEGO Discovery center in Oberhausen though. What Faefrost told about the LEGO stores is also the case for Oberhausen.
November 25, 201311 yr Oberhausen is a nice store, they have some interesting parts in the wall (in June), If you are planning on buying much get a VIP card, they give you a €5 discount per €100 bought in your previous purchase. The old inventory of the wall but missing Purple and pink 1X2 tiles and flowers.
November 25, 201311 yr Author GREAT info guys! Thanks a bunch. Really appreciated. The Discoverycenter was what I meant, heheh. Thought it was called 'Legoland Germany'.
December 6, 201311 yr Author Are there any differences and or sales in prices compared to regular toystores? In other words is Lego at a Legostore cheaper than at a regular toystore? Thanks!
December 6, 201311 yr No. LEGO generally sells all at retail price while other stores may undercut a bit. Other stores also can have sales often like BOGO 1/2 off while LEGO store rarely have sales.
December 6, 201311 yr Author Bummer... Ah well, I think we just have to enjoy the fact that the Legostore has EVERY set from the current line to choose from... Hopefully the pick a brick wall will contain lots of usefull parts... Thanks for responding Lego Otaku!
December 6, 201311 yr Heh PaB wall can have too much of useful things. You will curse your wallet for not having enough to get everything. 42 pages of PaB goodness:
December 7, 201311 yr Author Heh PaB wall can have too much of useful things. You will curse your wallet for not having enough to get everything. 42 pages of PaB goodness: OMG, that link is awesome. Can't wait. Need tips on how to distract my girlfriend....
December 24, 201311 yr Author So... Oberhausen was a fun trip. I found out there were not one but two Legostores within 300mtr! Both selling the same sets, but they do differ in some details. Mostly merchandise and sales(!) ..and selling loose bricks. There is a Legoland Discovery center outside right across the big mall, which has also a Legostore. This one has a rather small pick a brick wall with different bricks and pieces than in the p.a.b. in the Legostore in the mall. At the discoverycenter you'll be using small plastic bags instead of cups. Both shops are well worth a visit BEFORE spending money in either one. There was also a 3rd(!) Lego salespoint: A big departementstore carries the complete legoline and some exclusive stuff. Check for sales...
December 25, 201311 yr It looks like your store has an impressive pick a brick wall. That's really the only thing that tends to vary between the official Lego stores. As retail space differs so some stores will have larger walls. The parts in the wall will carry wildly over time. Most stores try and keep a mix of basic elements and unusual stuff out at any given time. I'm real shocked and impressed by that Turkey. Was that in the PAB wall? Or in some sort of seasonal bundle? As far as what you can find at Lego stores and pricing. The stores will have all currently available sets, including D2C and Store Exclusive sets (depending on local stock. They do sell out and restock stuff). They will not typically have older or retired stuff. They will never have the retailer store exclusive Polybags, but will have their own Lego store only polybag sets, such as the seasonal sets. Prices will generally be MSRP. They do occasionally have sales, but they are uncommon. Prices are typically lower than TRU, and the same as Walmart or similar merchants. Although one bonus is buying at a Lego store earns VIP points, the same as S@H. Some Lego stores will sometimes offer damaged box sets at a discount. Typically 10-20%
December 25, 201311 yr I'm real shocked and impressed by that Turkey. Was that in the PAB wall? Or in some sort of seasonal bundle? I guess that the few random unique parts are from the bin where they dump sets leftovers. I saw that in the Lego store of Köln. I do not know if it is from opened sets or from sets that they built for display, but it may be a good source of interesting parts (e.g. in my case I found a few 1x2x2 window glasses at the bottom of the bin, as I searched at the bottom for the most interesting small parts)
December 25, 201311 yr Hi B Rick, since you are from the Netherlands I can tell you there is also a Lego store in Oisterwijk (near Tilburg) I'ts a unofficial Lego store but they have evrything the same as a official store. Exclusives, PaB,.... And you can park your car right in front of the store ( 2m to the entrance) And there is a official store in Wijnegem shopping center (Belgium) wich has been opened recently. If you want to know whats in the PaB-walls
December 27, 201311 yr Author It looks like your store has an impressive pick a brick wall. That's really the only thing that tends to vary between the official Lego stores. As retail space differs so some stores will have larger walls. The parts in the wall will carry wildly over time. Most stores try and keep a mix of basic elements and unusual stuff out at any given time. I'm real shocked and impressed by that Turkey. Was that in the PAB wall? Or in some sort of seasonal bundle? As far as what you can find at Lego stores and pricing. The stores will have all currently available sets, including D2C and Store Exclusive sets (depending on local stock. They do sell out and restock stuff). They will not typically have older or retired stuff. They will never have the retailer store exclusive Polybags, but will have their own Lego store only polybag sets, such as the seasonal sets. Prices will generally be MSRP. They do occasionally have sales, but they are uncommon. Prices are typically lower than TRU, and the same as Walmart or similar merchants. Although one bonus is buying at a Lego store earns VIP points, the same as S@H. Some Lego stores will sometimes offer damaged box sets at a discount. Typically 10-20% Thanks Feafrost. That is some good info. Sorry, but I forgot to say that the turkey was the on piece I bought seperate from the pab-bricks. They had a bunch for sale for 0,50 eurocents. The reason to visit a legostore is to see all of the exclusive and/or hard to find sets, unique pieces, merchandise, and only to buy from the pab-wall. There are other stores for buying much cheaper lego. Lot's are 25% less then lego-store prices... I guess that the few random unique parts are from the bin where they dump sets leftovers. I saw that in the Lego store of Köln. I do not know if it is from opened sets or from sets that they built for display, but it may be a good source of interesting parts (e.g. in my case I found a few 1x2x2 window glasses at the bottom of the bin, as I searched at the bottom for the most interesting small parts) So the turkey came as a seperate piece, but not from a pab bin. But you're right Antp... There was a bin chuckfull of interestinf and usefull leftoverparts.
December 27, 201311 yr Author Hi B Rick, since you are from the Netherlands I can tell you there is also a Lego store in Oisterwijk (near Tilburg) I'ts a unofficial Lego store but they have evrything the same as a official store. Exclusives, PaB,.... And you can park your car right in front of the store ( 2m to the entrance) And there is a official store in Wijnegem shopping center (Belgium) wich has been opened recently. If you want to know whats in the PaB-walls Oh WOW! That is some great info Ritzs!!!! I will definately visit that store really soon for the pab-wall. They have two other stores in the netherlands. Don't know if there are more (dutch) members who know about them... Oistrwijk isn't that far from where I live. I was aware of those pab-contents links but I don't think the brickfeverstore is mentioned on there, or did I miss something. But thank you for pointing me out I have a pab-wall around the corner. :-)
December 27, 201311 yr Your welcome! I do have to say that the price for the cups is 1 euro more than the original Lego shops. But like you said, if you live near that store it's always great to go and have a quick look if there's something new in the wall. The other stores, Den Haag and Rotterdam are smaller and don't have a PaB-wall like Oisterwijk. (That's what the guy in Oisterwijk told me) BTW he is the owner of, he explaned me, that the site went so well that he could start with the store on his own costs. So without the help from Lego. Thats the reason why it's not a official store, however he gets all the sets and PaB-wall parts the same way as the official stores.
December 28, 201311 yr Author One euro more than at the official stores huh... Well, depending on the sort of bricks and what you're looking for it probably still is a good deal... BUT... Did you check out their site? The Den Haag store also seems to have 'some sort of pick-a-brick'... There is a picture from a pab-wall, and If you click the link below and scroll down you'll see a fully operational Google Streetview ...INSIDE THE STORE!!!! Go check it out! (oh, and too bad I found out about their salesfolder a day late. It had some pretty good deals...) Edit: I now read that 'you only have to show your blue brickfever-pass to get into the store'... Edited December 28, 201311 yr by B Rick
December 28, 201311 yr There is a store here at me where you can get lego like that bricks but not all the bricks you can still get bricks Like gold bricks and and transperant red bricks. Edited December 28, 201311 yr by warg1120
December 28, 201311 yr That PaB-wall on the picture in Den Haag I think is the one in Oisterwijk (correct me if I'm wrong). Den Haag does have a sort of pick a brick but i was told its like a big tube where at the bottom of the tube, you can get the pieces. Probleem is that there are only a few tubes (5 or so?) and as they get 15 different types of bircks they just fill them up at the top everytime, so you'll understand how thats going to work out.. Appart from that I think the stores will be all the same, so if your nearby you can go check it out. I just took another look at the pictures, and if you take a close look at the left picture, you'll see the tubes that I was talking about (just behind the window)
December 29, 201311 yr Author That PaB-wall on the picture in Den Haag I think is the one in Oisterwijk (correct me if I'm wrong). Den Haag does have a sort of pick a brick but i was told its like a big tube where at the bottom of the tube, you can get the pieces. Probleem is that there are only a few tubes (5 or so?) and as they get 15 different types of bircks they just fill them up at the top everytime, so you'll understand how thats going to work out.. Appart from that I think the stores will be all the same, so if your nearby you can go check it out. I just took another look at the pictures, and if you take a close look at the left picture, you'll see the tubes that I was talking about (just behind the window) You could be right about that pic of the pickabrick wall... HOWEVER... And I think it now is my turn to give YOU some great info: 1- The pickabrick at DenHaag is twice as large as you think because it has not 5 but 10 BIG tubes. Sure, different bricks are put together but it is not much different from the pab-wall in Oberhausen. I think it's a good thing there is a lot to choose from. What I see is a few tubes filled with different bricks from one color. So yeah, you could spend a whole afternoon picking the bricks you really need. But other than ordering online I don't see any other way to get a bulkload from one particular type of brick. Really, I don't think it's that much different from a regular pickabrickwall... 2 - Some other great info (cause I suspect that you've missed it: If you scroll down on the DenHaag page you will find a Google-streetview-'pic'. That means YOU CAN TAKE A LOOK INSIDE this store and see for yourself. Just click on the entrance and step inside for some inside-windowshopping. You'll get amazing views like this one: ^ 360°view pic by Hans Klop (owner) ^ 360°view pic (zoomed-in) by Hans Klop (owner) Just step in digitaly to see what those tubes are really about. (But keep in mind that these are OLD pics and PROBABLY DON'T let you see the current stock!! This is just to give you an impression.) Brickfever Conceptstore Den Haag If you want to take a visit, remember to join there club to get the blue pass that will let you inside the store. At least, that's what I think you have to do, but you can read about it on their site: Brickfever Clubmembership Edited December 29, 201311 yr by B Rick
December 29, 201311 yr Thanks for posting the picture because my streetview didn't work.. As I can see on that zoomed in pic there are lots of different bricks. maybe even better than a normal PaB-wall. The variety of the bricks looks greater than the normal PaB this way. like you said maybe you'l have to spend more time searching for the right bricks, but I don't mind that. (I enjoy doing so) I do already got a blue pass so in April when I'm back in the contry I'll definitely go and check that store out. Instead of going to Germany I'll start in Den Haag, then pass by Oisterwijk and at last Wijnegem. that would be a great day!
December 29, 201311 yr Author Ah, I'm guessing you're using a tablet? The site doesn't seem to work properly on a tablet... I think it's best to call the store right before you plan a visit to see if they still have these big plastic container bins, and if they are half full or half empty , and maybe find out what kind of bricks are being offered. I think it's great to see this happening in the Netherlands because of lack of 'official' Lego stores... Still, I won't be buying a lot of Lego anymore (when I keep on NOT winning the lottery), But it's good to know there is a possibility in the Netherlands to buy a bulkload of particular pieces.
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