January 23, 201411 yr I agree with both of them. I hope you will be in everyone's thoughts... (And thank you for shipping the figs, it's incredible to see how you can manage time to do this)
January 24, 201411 yr Today the mail man had to fetch this : Prize C Trance89 bacem schermvlieger the Hulk Wedge09 Ninja Nin Oky herrJJ Sid Sidious Spider-Man TWP fatfrog2596 dr_spock brickie Mofo Jones Emperor Miniton Propicz89 Artizan naugem Evillemur Prize D Captain Settle TheLegoDr HJR Covi Blakstone MathBuilder zzzxxxxzzz -GZ- mordatre Athos Ojik KyleJohnson11 Praiter Yed beyza SirNagek Kumpelkante krumb Or2Me2 xinbei JaseTJ cornbread Prize E Stephan jamesn LegoFan117 hooky Tanotrooper gussguss Lego-Freak The Brick is Epic Metallic11 gazumpty MAB Padme#1 meschepers mrjensmeister Tommi Ceroknight LegoGalactus badboytje88 The Joker1 Lego Otaku Shadows SalvoBrick legobodgers Prize F iminifig Daiman vecchiasignoraceppo ronenson SteampunkDoc SandåäöMirror38 Lancethecat jluckhaupt Niku Pellaeon Donnie Bricko erined5 BigRedGoat green dewback Ashell The Phantom Terror Treader Ecclesiastes Merlin rodiziorobs apemax
January 24, 201411 yr Received my prize (A) in the mail earlier today - wonderful figures, they've been on the desk looking at me ever since! Thanks a ton again for the extremely generous raffle, CopMike (and all who were involved) and all the hard work that went into getting all of this done! It is very much appreciated. Edited January 24, 201411 yr by General Magma
January 25, 201411 yr yay! so mine has ben sent already. thanks copmike! BTW, how long it usually takes for it to arrive?
January 25, 201411 yr Hey Mike, Couldn't help but notice my name wasn't included in the list for Prize C. Seeing as I was one of the bonus winners, I am still supposed to receive something, correct? Or are you sending the bonus winners' prizes last? Just a tad confused, any clarification would be appreciated.
January 25, 201411 yr Hey Mike, Couldn't help but notice my name wasn't included in the list for Prize C. Seeing as I was one of the bonus winners, I am still supposed to receive something, correct? Or are you sending the bonus winners' prizes last? Just a tad confused, any clarification would be appreciated. The minifig Exodus has started! These ones was sent out today: I´ll will post when the next batch hits the post office. The day 23rd extra winners will be a bit later, still doing random street muggings to gather up those figs!
January 25, 201411 yr I recieved a funky box with a mathematical chicken genious on it yesterday. It turned out to contain the precioussss minifigs (prize A). They arrived sooner then I thought (long live the EU!), and this night they have been glowing in the dark in my room. One little problem though. With the four minifigs, I got 8 capes... I don't hope some one is missing some! Thanks a lot once more. They're just in time to celebrate the end of the exams!
January 25, 201411 yr Thank you for all the effort you put into this Cop Mike, the package arrived earlier today. @BEAVeR: I got 8 capes too.
January 25, 201411 yr Yay! Thanks again CopMike, you are a wonderful person. Now let's just see how long that glorious package takes to reach me from half-way around the world....
January 25, 201411 yr Since mine went out yesterday (Thanks again, CopMike) I can stop hoping it's in the mailbox for the next week or two. Looking forward to the Iron Man arsenal!
January 25, 201411 yr Received my prize (A) in the mail earlier today ... How come Mordor has the fastest post?
January 25, 201411 yr Cop Mike are you pulling my leg again??? What's with the Y is SandMirror38??? :P Thanks :D
January 26, 201411 yr How come Mordor has the fastest post? Because the postman does not simply walk into Mordor.
January 26, 201411 yr Cop Mike are you pulling my leg again??? What's with the Y is SandMirror38??? :P Thanks :D What Y ;-)?
January 26, 201411 yr What Y ;-)? Haha..... Really? Now I'll forever be known as SandaaoMirror38 As long as this dosn't stick around forever :)
January 26, 201411 yr Thank you CopMike! The minifigs are now investigating their new homes and getting aquainted with their neighbors.
January 27, 201411 yr Some funky chicken from Sweden entered my mailbox today. Thanks a lot for the figs! I will give Aragorn and his dead friends a sweet home
January 27, 201411 yr Thank You again CopMike! I've recived my "chickenbox" today, and the figs are already on my bookshelf. :)
January 28, 201411 yr Off topic: Just a few questions out of curiousity: How big the box is, and what was it made of (hard/soft paper)? I ask because the mailboxes here are not suitable to accept anything that is not soft enough to bend (like a newspaper). So every time that a receive LEGO in a hard paper box the postman cannot throw it in. And since he and I work at the same time, he cannot ring the bell and give it to me, so leaves only a note, that I can grab the package at the post office. Just to know what to expect. Of course going to the post office is not a big prize for some free lego.
January 28, 201411 yr I was beyond thrilled to recieve my package today. We immedately opened and assembled the prize B minifigs and began to play with them. Thank you so much for this generous raffle, and I hope everyone has as much fun with their new minifigs.
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