Posted December 5, 201311 yr So for some reason I have been building sports car after sports car lately, and while most of them ended up looking rather bad, some turned out pretty well like this one. Of course the front would look suspiciously familiar to some of you, but you have to admit that it is a really good way to build a sporty front. The rear end is inspired by McLaren MP4-12C, but is quite a bit blockier Comments are welcome and feel free to download the .lxf As the topic is now quite large and I might add a few more cars to it, I decided to add an index of the cars: Click thumbnails and links to jump to the corresponding post Stunt car City mix car Edited June 10, 20204 yr by imvanya Update index
December 5, 201311 yr Very nice car 'imvanya', especially I like the front end of the car....Brick On Race On !
December 5, 201311 yr Author Very nice car 'imvanya', especially I like the front end of the car....Brick On Race On ! And once again all props go to LEGO designers
December 6, 201311 yr Author A quick follow-up - a yellow roadster. No renders for this one - it's too similar to spend a whole day rendering Building it would be tricky (ring piece in trans-red - wuuuut?), but just in case here's the .lxf EDIT: I ended up rendering it, but I had already changed its color to azure by that time, so now it has a little Friends vibe to it: Edited June 10, 20204 yr by imvanya
December 8, 201311 yr I like these a lot! Great job. I like the louvered engine compartment on the red one, and the rear end of the yellow one is really cool. Great!
December 15, 201311 yr Great builds! I have always found it hard to build anything sporty and organic from the not so sporty, and not so organic bricks... But now I might give it another go!
December 15, 201311 yr WOW another great supercar in a few days! I love your models! Great work! :thumbup:
December 16, 201311 yr Author I still can't help building sports cars and I blame Split/Second, it's a must-play if you like cars. Anyway, here are two more vehicles, each with a certain idea behind it. in the olive-and-gray one I used 1x4 axles and that influenced the rest of the build, it even got unnecessarily complicated in places. With the black-and-yellow one I was trying out an idea I had about making triangular rear lights. Both of them could do with a bit more room for hair and hats, but other than that they turned out pretty well. Here are the .lxf files for the first and the second one. EDIT: I rendered these two as well. With the first car I took 'L@go's advice and chose another color scheme and slightly changed the shape Edited June 10, 20204 yr by imvanya
December 16, 201311 yr I really like the first two. Do you have any instructions on the first one? Mostly cos I'm too lazy to backwards engineer it The second looks like a lotus. Great stuff!
December 17, 201311 yr Author I really like the first two. Do you have any instructions on the first one? Mostly cos I'm too lazy to backwards engineer it The second looks like a lotus. Great stuff! Unless an .lxf qualifies as instructions, no I don't. There's a link at the end of the first post, though, and if you have LDD installed, it should be able to generate good enough instructions
December 25, 201311 yr Author I am sorry for reviving this topic yet again, but I came across something I find really amusing. In the original post I pointed out the similarity of my design to that of the 2014 Race car by TLG. It is still true, but let's just say I am now not entirely convinced that the TLG design was entirely original to begin with I've been looking at al kinds of car MOCs and as usual at some point I found one of 'L@go's cars, this beauty to be exact. Looks familiar, doesn't it? New parts make it look more slick, but still. And honestly, I can't blame Lego designers for (allegedly ) borrowing some ideas from 'L@go'. For me his MOCs are a huge inspiration, especially his superb remakes of classic sets, so I wish him the best of luck and look forward to yet more awesome cars Edited October 30, 201410 yr by imvanya
December 26, 201311 yr These sports cars totally rock in their creative parts usage and design flow. I would not be surprised to see something similar pop up in an official Lego set.
December 26, 201311 yr I've been looking at al kinds of car MOCs and as usual at some point I found one of 'L@go's cars, this beauty to be exact. Looks familiar, doesn't it? New parts make it look more slick, but still. And honestly, I can't blame Lego designers for (allegedly ) borrowing some ideas form 'L@go'. For me his MOCs are a huge inspiration, especially his superb remakes of classic sets, so I wish him best of luck and look forward for yet more awesome cars Thanks for the kind words, imvanya! I appreciate it a lot. I have noticed the similarity, too, and when I saw the first picture of the new LEGO sports car I thought that there was no way it could be a coincidence. Then again, there are only so many ways to design a sleek six-wide sports car - but I still wouldn't be surprised if the designer had seen my original design, especially since it got picked up by The Brothers Brick and was at the time the most well-known of all my builds. It was even what eventually led to my contributions to the LEGO Adventure Books... I don't have any definite plans for new cars at the moment, but my Christmas holiday isn't over yet, and I've brought my computer with me, so when I eventually get bored I might get creative with LDraw - which is how all my builds start :) Of your cars, I like your rear end designs best. The first one is brilliant, very aggressive. I also like rear end of the yellow one. I haven't got any of those spoiler parts yet, and that taillight arrangement is different and nice (and although the ring piece doesn't exist in trans-red, I think this piece might work in its place - although I may be wrong, I've never actually owned one). What I don't like about the red one is the roof, especially how it meets the windscreen. I can see that you can't lower the windscreen any further because it hits the mudguard pieces, but those exposed corners look strange. Apart from that, it's a great design that I'd love to see translated into real bricks. On that olive green one, I think you could perhaps do with another colour - maybe to break up that big, flat gray area between the mudguards. Maybe a stripe of black at the bottom, or something. I think what might also work out well for the red one is to break up the black area in the same place - have you considered replacing the second black plate from the top with a red one, for a slight transition effect? Just my 2 cents :) keep up the good work! And it would be nice to see some of these in the brick at some point!
December 26, 201311 yr Author Just my 2 cents :) keep up the good work! And it would be nice to see some of these in the brick at some point! Thanks a lot, 'L@go'! A good solution is a really good one if multiple people come up with it And as I've mentioned in the previous posts, I myself have borrowed some ideas from Lego designs. There are some very nice cars in the LEGO City Undercover game, the louvers and the roof on the red car are actually inspired by some of those, so I definitely recommend checking them out. Speaking about the roof, I tried to keep these cars as low as possible so they are rather impractical now - no hair or head wear allowed The olive green car is indeed rather dull, but that's because I was trying to use the parts that are actually available. Unfortunately, those 1x2x2/3 slopes were available only in dark bley and olive green at the moment. Now there a few more colors for it and there's even a 2x2x2/3 slope. But I will try to do something about it. I mostly create MOCs digitally, can't really afford buying as many sets as I wish. My dark age is in the past, but so are all the sets I owned as a kid But I am working on it. Thanks again and keep the awesome MOCs coming!
December 26, 201311 yr Author this piece might work in its place Turns out, somebody actually did that. This part is a little bit bigger, but It does look great
February 16, 201411 yr Author Yet another one and it's getting very difficult to come up with different fronts for these cars You can get the .lxf here Edited June 10, 20204 yr by imvanya
February 22, 201411 yr Author Well, here's yet another car. With this one I decided to try putting the axles at different levels, and the result is quite diagonal You can get the .lxf here Edited June 10, 20204 yr by imvanya
February 22, 201411 yr Nice cars! Great design! Edited February 22, 201411 yr by vean Please don't use other people's MOC threads to advertise your own MOCs
February 28, 201411 yr Author Thanks everyone, it's great that you like them There's actually another one coming very soon, all I need is to get the images rendered
February 28, 201411 yr I really like the latest the design.....only for the fact of such an AWESOME front end.....those cool headlights ! Brick On LDD On 'imyanya' !
March 2, 201411 yr Author So here's the new car. It's quite different, as this is a beefy American muscle car, the look of which is obviously based on one very popular modern muscle car The .lxf can be downloaded here UPD: A slightly updated version is also available on Mecabricks here, instructions are available on Bricksafe here. Edited June 17, 20204 yr by imvanya
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