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Drizzt Do'Urden.

Oh, and can I third the suggestion of an armoured female torso? And not just a print but an actual part.

Yeah, a female armored torso at a reasonable price would be great.

I don't know if you are only looking for suggestion for specific characters or figs more in general, but I would like to post a wish as well:

female armored torsos

There is a distinct lack of female torsos that wear armor. The CMF series has brought us many fighting women in the last months, which can be seen as a response to may requests. However, most of these figs (forest maiden, warrior woman, viking woman etc.) are clad in leather or fabric with golden patterns. At the moment, there is only ONE single female armored torso that I can think of, and this is decades old.


It is not even every beautiful.

Think of all the amazons, female knights, female elves, female romans, gladiators and whatever people could build with it.

If you are looking for a market gap, there it is. People would buy this as army builders, not just as a single superhero fig.

A good example would be the Warhammer High Elf maiden guard: http://imageshack.us...aidenguard.jpg/ It would not have to be elves, everthing with female shapes behind metal woud suffice.

Hit me up some links for the type of female armor types you would like if i was to make some, please

Not on as much as its Christmas! Be on just after! everything you post is still valued so please do!

Hope you all have a fantastic holiday!

Luckiest love lucky!

I also think Doctor Who figs would be nice. Either Four, Ten, or Eleven (they are certainly the most famous Doctors).

You can make a pretty fair purist Tenth Doctor. I did Ten and a few others, mostly purist, in this thread.

For the Tenth Doctor start with the Alien Conquest Business Man for a blue pin-striped suit, use the hair from Team GB Relay Runner, and add the head and hands of your choice depending on whether you prefer fleshy or yellow.

Found a Blog on "ladies that actually dress for dealing damage"'. There seems to be a faszination for the warrior woman image.


These Are good:

Normal: http://womenfighters.tumblr.com/image/45908289244

Evil: http://womenfighters.tumblr.com/image/21141998079

Awesome: http://nebezial.deviantart.com/art/captain-arianna-balthasar-133822743

Very good: http://nebezial.deviantart.com/art/ravine-lynn-de-luctes-184165495

Basically, it all comes down to waistline and breastspace. The Captain Arianna picture even works without the latter.

For some reason, the geonosian Zombie looks very female:


Another idea might be to Print armor on the standard female dress piece. There is not a Single official piece that does this.

Edited by Wardancer

+1 for russell crow gladiator that someone mentioned earlier - with helmet would be the bomb.

Edited by nivremis

Daredevil, Punisher, Russel Crowe's Gladiator

Just a heads up but Daredevil and Punisher will be released very soon by Muddy River Figs (iggs02 on Flickr). All his figs are pad printed. Also, I am planning on printing my gladiator fig down the line, hopefully before Summer 2014, just a FYI. I also only pad print. You can see my Gladiator fig in decal form on my Flickr page (link below), though the face and torso have been sharpened and improved.

As for what I'd love to see printed...good quality Harry Potter figs, at least the ones that never received a proper update, and LOTR figs (Galadriel, Tom Bombadil, etc.)

Just a heads up but Daredevil and Punisher will be released very soon by Muddy River Figs (iggs02 on Flickr). All his figs are pad printed. Also, I am planning on printing my gladiator fig down the line, hopefully before Summer 2014, just a FYI. I also only pad print. You can see my Gladiator fig in decal form on my Flickr page (link below), though the face and torso have been sharpened and improved.

As for what I'd love to see printed...good quality Harry Potter figs, at least the ones that never received a proper update, and LOTR figs (Galadriel, Tom Bombadil, etc.)

This reminds me: any figs that appeared only in the videogames.

A modern-day soldier would be fantastic, like the USMC Assault class from Battlefield 4.

  • 2 weeks later...

Does anyone else find the lack of activity in this thread to be a little strange?

Yes. But I try to keep calm optimism.

I would love to see...

The Plutonian from Irredeemable


DC -

Animal Man

OA Guardians


A good generic x-men/New Mutants costume - Black and Yellow or Blue and yellow


Mimic (exiles)





I would like to see the four original members of the rock band kiss. (gene simmons, paul stanley, ace frehely, and peter criss.) in full make up.THAT would rock n roll all night. :wink:

  • 2 weeks later...

I think it'd be really cool to see famous characters from film and musicians from history.

Like Theodore Twombly from Her

Clementine Kruczynski and Joel Barish from Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind

Llewyn Davis from Inside Llewyn Davis

The Dude and Walter from The Big Lebowski

The Beatles

Kurt Cobain


Lou Reed


Lana Del Rey

Bob Dylan

The Rolling Stones

Michael Jackson

Daft Punk

The Beastie Boys

Unamed Driver from Drive

Dave Lizewski/Kick-megablocks from Kick-megablocks

Alex DeLarge from A Clockwork Orange

Bill "The Butcher" Cutting from Gangs of New York

Jules Winnfield and Vincent Vega from Pulp Fiction

Tyler Durden from Fight Club


just to name a few. lol



And the Kids from Decpiable Me.


Cause it'd be awesome thats why

  • 7 months later...

A Video game version of Agent Coulson and Peter Parker would be cool

I'd love to see some Fallout, Post-Apocalyptic, and Steampunk minifigs.

ROBOCOP!!!! Please, it'd be the coolest minifig ever.

ROBOCOP!!!! Please, it'd be the coolest minifig ever.

A few people have already done Robocop! :classic:This one and this one look to be digitally printed and Breakthrough Army has a set of armor that you can buy to put on a figure!

Gatchaman! I loved watching Battle of the Planets when I was a kid! A few years ago, someone built a minifig scale Phoenix and it's spectacular!

Tron in his white Uprising suit

Still have plans to make Star Trek TNG minifigures some day. Can't find a way to make Worf's head any good or Geordi's hair. There just isn't a mold for them. I'd need to 3d model and pay to have it printed...

A few people have already done Robocop! :classic:This one and this one look to be digitally printed and Breakthrough Army has a set of armor that you can buy to put on a figure!

Dude, don't even show me that remake bs. Let me be specific, someone make a good, original robocop, printed on a light gray minifig. Screw the helmet, give me Murphy face.

Still have plans to make Star Trek TNG minifigures some day. Can't find a way to make Worf's head any good or Geordi's hair. There just isn't a mold for them. I'd need to 3d model and pay to have it printed...

Dr Leg O'Brick's customs are pretty good, take a look at his. Or, for Worf, there is a Kre-O option. I doubt you'll take it, but it's there just in case

Some Middle Earth figs would be nice...

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