January 26, 201411 yr Author A picture of the HQ set! It really does look a lot like the 2008 Agents HQ.
January 26, 201411 yr A picture of the HQ set! It really does look a lot like the 2008 Agents HQ. Thanks for the link! The set does look like the 2008 set. I hope we do get Dr.Inferno though.
January 26, 201411 yr A picture of the HQ set! It really does look a lot like the 2008 Agents HQ. Yep. Although that is one weird looking tractor. It sort of reminds me of a really bad late 80's TV series that only had a few episodes. The Highwayman? It looks longer and narrower than the old one. But still really neat. But then I am a total sucker for any sort of Mobile Command Center. I collect them, with the Agents one and the Alien Conquest EDF HQ being my absolute favorites.
January 26, 201411 yr Really liking what we're seeing. The smallest set is okay, but those two larger ones are awesome. Finally, something decent for this year :D. It is a lot like the old Agents line, which is definitely a good thing
January 26, 201411 yr A picture of the HQ set! It really does look a lot like the 2008 Agents HQ. And what? If it's like the 2008 set, then I want it even more! Wow it looks nice. It looks like our baddies are Acid themed, much like Inferno and Co. were all fire based with flame colored everything.
January 26, 201411 yr It looks like our baddies are Acid themed, much like Inferno and Co. were all fire based with flame colored everything. Wow! That is even better!
January 26, 201411 yr These images look super preliminary... not sure if I want to trust them at the moment... I rather wait to see something better
January 26, 201411 yr Both sets look like we will be seeing those new Star Wars stud shooter pistols over here in Agents... yay?
January 26, 201411 yr Author I was lucky enough to take a peak at the Summer 2014 retail catalog, and while I cannot share any pictures, I can share some descriptions... Here we go. 70160: Same as the picture that was leaked. The agent in it is Max Burns. The villain's name is Adam Acid. The vehicle is described as a "2-in-1" quad bike and jet speeder. 70161: This set is a beige (I'm bad with colors) vehicle is described as "fearsome armored tracked vehicle". It's like a tank, but the front has two big claws. There's also a bank or security ID scanner in it. The agent is Jack Fury (Rex's relative?) and Tremor is the villain. The description says Jack is defending the "ultra chip". It's a great $20 set. 70162: Wow, you guys are going to be very disappointed. Dr. Inferno isn't in this one. It's a new villain called Infearno. His face didn't seem to be final, as it seemed to be the LOTR Orc's face. But, they still managed to sneak another reference into this set- the agent is Solomon Blaze! While it wasn't in the set picture, the promotional artwork showed Infearno on a pretty cool fire-enhanced flying surfboard- like the Silver Surfer's board. Infearno himself is really interesting- he uses a piece like the trans dome piece, but the top has no stud and is moulded like a flame. Really cool. He also has the CMF S7 Galaxy Patrol guy's armor piece. The vehicle in the set is pretty cool. I love its color scheme- it reminds me of the 2008 Agents vehicles' colors. The vehicle itself is this set done right- it's like that but it's very compact. Half of it was unfinished and just drawn in. 70163: Basically what we saw in the picture. The building is just really a wall. It's a lab, and there's one wall with a mirror and another that's a gateway. Really disappointing. There's four figures- Agent Curtis Bolt, an Astor scientists, and then the villains- Toxita and the henchman Retox. 70164: This set has that olive green color that Craggar uses in Chima. It's a villain vehicle, that looks like a souped up version of the villain's jet from the 2008 Mobile Defense HQ that's MUCH bigger. Nothing too appealing to me. Two big rotors are on the wings.The cool part though is Jack Fury's vehicle. It's really small, but it's like a levitating cycle. The figures in this set are excellent- you get the villain Psyclone, a generic cool looking Astor gaurd (he has the new City Police hat from 2014 and a white security gaurd outfit), agent Caila Phoenix (wearing a the Atlantis/Space Port helmet in black with a trans blue visor), agent Jack Fury, and Psyclone (I didn't get a good look at him). 70165: This one is A LOT like the 2008 one, but even bigger. Y'all saw it in the picture, there's a green mech for the enemy. The minifigures are cool- there's Terrabyte (a villian with a silver helmet over them), who looks like a guy in a black suit with an afro, Solomon Blaze, Curtis Bolt, Caila Phoenix, and Professor Christina Hydron (which had a very final image of her in the left corner of the book, she looks great- uses Ginny's hair, has big goofy high-tech goggles on her face, and a white lab quote over a dark blue sweater). The main city is called "Astor". The color scheme for the Agents seems to be black and trans-blue. Feel free to ask questions, I'll be happy to answer them! Edited January 26, 201411 yr by just2good
January 26, 201411 yr Infearno himself is really interesting- he uses a piece like the trans dome piece, but the top has no stud and is moulded like a flame. Really cool. Hmmm? If the part you are describing is what I think it is, then the Super Heroes fans will be thrilled to death. It sounds like you just described that would allow for figs of Ghost Rider, Dread Dormamu, Mysterio. Human Torch and all of those other "flaming head" types.
January 26, 201411 yr Author Hmmm? If the part you are describing is what I think it is, then the Super Heroes fans will be thrilled to death. It sounds like you just described that would allow for figs of Ghost Rider, Dread Dormamu, Mysterio. Human Torch and all of those other "flaming head" types. I didn't think about it, but holy crud, it would TOTALLY work with them.
January 26, 201411 yr The main city is called 'Astor'.....that's an old brand of radio and TV in Oz. So Jack Fury......the better half of the Fury family ? I wonder if the themes are going one day for a massive tie in ?
January 26, 201411 yr Thanks for the descriptions! Can you tell how many female figures this new theme seemed to bring in? The first Agents line seemed to do great with those. Also, is Toxita a girl? And does this Infearno seem like a cool villain? Thanks again!
January 26, 201411 yr This theme just rose above Chima on my purchase priority list. And yes! another Lego theme crossover (Solomon Blaze possibly Jack Fury). What if Infearno was Inferno but with some sort of elemental mutation? It's just speculative, but it would be really, really awesome! Oh, and j2g, if you saw pics of any other themes, please do report your findings! Edited January 26, 201411 yr by Penkid11
January 26, 201411 yr Author Thanks for the descriptions! Can you tell how many female figures this new theme seemed to bring in? The first Agents line seemed to do great with those. Also, is Toxita a girl? And does this Infearno seem like a cool villain? Thanks again! The only female figure I can spot is the scientist in the biggest set. Caila could be a female, but the picture shows her to be the same figure in the smallest set, Max Burns. Toxita is a female, as stated in the catalog's description. This theme just rose above Chima on my purchase priority list. And yes! another Lego theme crossover (Solomon Blaze possibly Jack Fury). What if Infearno was Inferno but with some sort of elemental mutation? It's just speculative, but it would be really, really awesome! Oh, and j2g, if you saw pics of any other themes, please do report your findings! That Infearno theory is possible! I will report some stuff on the other themes!
January 27, 201411 yr Thanks again! I got the feeling we'd be getting 3 females this wave (I am convinced that Caila is a girl) if the sets are of quality I'll surely be buying them since I have so much (as far as both Lego and comics are concerned) to catch up on that I'll have to be prioritizing my budget which means I won't be relying on good figures to buy a set from this theme.
January 27, 201411 yr New picture of the Hurricane Heist set! *cough* Gosh Huw, what's wrong with you? *cough* This is a great set!
January 27, 201411 yr A new agents set http://m.flickr.com/#/photos/102607428@N08/12165152206/ From lego leaks mexico Edit: ninja'ed by just2good! now we have a photo! Edited January 27, 201411 yr by TheLazyChicken
January 27, 201411 yr This posting battle really is just2good! The amount of J2G puns I've seen lately are--- agh -Sci
January 27, 201411 yr This posting battle really is just2good! I just hope it doesn't get out of hand or if not it will be Just2Bad!
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