April 12, 201410 yr If it's the same trans light blue that's on Brain Attack Stormer, then no. I've tried, and much to my disappointment, no fluorescent glow. I know there is (or was) a trans fluorescent light blue. I think some of the Toa Mata had it for eye color. And some Bohrok eyes were in that color as well. There still is. It's used on some of the Series 2 Mixels (alongside Trans. Light Blue). But unfortunately for blacklight fans, both Chima and Ultra Agents are opting for the more vibrant Trans. Light Blue.
April 13, 201410 yr Okay, out of COMPLETE curiosity... which is your favourite villain so far? I like Psyclone or one of the Goo-Brothers.
April 13, 201410 yr I like Adam Acid (or Acid-bowler-hat-guy) and Infearno the best. Terabyte and Tremor are cool, too, and I'm not sure about Toxikita, since she's the most human-looking villain of the group.
April 13, 201410 yr Infearno is my favorite of the bunch. I'll mod the heck out of his suit and build him a bigger vehicle when I get my creepy claws around him, though. I like Terabyte (TerrorByte?) while he's in his mech, but he looks like he's about to injure his neck while he's out of it. I really like the Toxic Trio because I think they'll go great with Dr. D. Zaster from Agents 2.0, but that means I'm judging them on compatibility instead of their own merits, and I'm too intellectually uninvested to separate them. Guy in the tank looks a little too much like Ram-Man for my tastes, and I'm still on the fence about Psyclone (and probably will be until I see a picture of hat he looks like without the helmet on).
April 13, 201410 yr The one thing I hate is how the Agents have an Astor City badge on their Uniform. Special Agents are usually meant to be non-identifiable to any specific organisation or location, so I think that ruins the look of their otherwise perfect Torsos.
April 13, 201410 yr Fav villain is Infearno. He's like Mr. Freeze only with fire! Other favorites are Tremor, Terabyte and Toxikita (lots of T's there).
April 13, 201410 yr I like the idea of these new agents being more "colorful"! We still need to see higher quality pictures of some of the characters. "Infearno" :laugh: Dr. Inferno reloaded or what?
April 13, 201410 yr Infearno. He brings me back to the first Agents series. Dr. Inferno has been one of my all-time favorite villains, therefore, anything remotely similar to him is a favorite in my book. Terabyte and Toxikita are a close second.
April 13, 201410 yr On the subject of Terabyte's disaster, I think, if anything, it is an earthquake since Tera sounds like Terra, which means Earth. What that has to do with hacking and exo-suits though, I have no clue.
April 13, 201410 yr A valid point, but terabyte refers to a trillion bytes, and we have an earthquake villain in Tremor.
April 13, 201410 yr On the subject of Terabyte's disaster, I think, if anything, it is an earthquake since Tera sounds like Terra, which means Earth. What that has to do with hacking and exo-suits though, I have no clue. I've always thought Terabyte's name was meant to allude to that, but also to be a mispronounce "terror," implying that he is more threatening than just his skills let on... a computer geek bent on chaos would probably do that sort of thing. Makes him sound cool to hide his otherwise nerdy introvert behaviors
April 13, 201410 yr I can also see his cheesy supervillain origin story now: a computer nerd gets a computer virus and when he tries to unplug the computer he gets shocked and the virus enters him and grants him chaotic technological control.
April 13, 201410 yr I know. I was just thinking of old comic-style origin stories that can be that dumb.
April 14, 201410 yr I know. I was just thinking of old comic-style origin stories that can be that dumb. Yep, there's nothing wrong with a story that revels in that kind of old-school cheesiness! Some of my favorite webcomics, like The Adventures of Dr. McNinja and Axe Cop, are basically superhero comics that don't make any effort to constrain themselves to the laws of reality, and instead follow their own internal sort of wacky cartoon logic.
April 14, 201410 yr Yep, there's nothing wrong with a story that revels in that kind of old-school cheesiness! Some of my favorite webcomics, like The Adventures of Dr. McNinja and Axe Cop, are basically superhero comics that don't make any effort to constrain themselves to the laws of reality, and instead follow their own internal sort of wacky cartoon logic. Yes, this! Like how eating a lot of hi-protein stored fast food gives you 6-pack abs so good you grow an organic jet pack. Sometimes it doesn't all have to be super-realism and grimdark motivations. That one guy's head is on fire and the computer virus guy would be the thing that makes it seem dumb?
April 14, 201410 yr Okay, out of COMPLETE curiosity... which is your favourite villain so far? I like Psyclone or one of the Goo-Brothers. They're all awesome, but the fire guy looks the best (I don't know their names, sorry :P)!
April 14, 201410 yr Okay, out of COMPLETE curiosity... which is your favourite villain so far? I like Psyclone or one of the Goo-Brothers. Will wait until I have them in hand, but right now I'm digging Tremor for his armor and fists and Psyclone with his turbines/props. Edited April 14, 201410 yr by Drock
April 15, 201410 yr What if all of the best parts of each villain were put on one minifig? Tremor's hands, Psyclone's turines, Terrabytes head...
April 15, 201410 yr Infearno's flame headgear, Tremor's armor, Toxikita's hair, Adam Acid's head, Psyclone's armor, Terabyte's helmet.
April 20, 201410 yr Infearno... Inferno... Got it! So, the old agents had their h.q. blown up by Inferno, so the hunted him down (again) and ended up finding his hideout in an abandoned chemical factory. After an epic battle, he uses the emergency exit flying fox to escape, but on the way, he falls into one of the tubs of chemicals! The resulting explosion blows the clothes of the agents, as well as wiping their memories. Their subconsciousness, however, remembers their time as agents, and so, after finding new clothes, they become the ultra agents! However, the explosion also gave Inferno control of fire! Adopting a new name, he sets out to do good, never knowing that the agents had survived...
April 20, 201410 yr That's a cool (or rather, considering the villain, not-so-cool) explanation, but the villains are unaffiliated here, with no leader. Not trying to be rude, I'm just an overthinker. I'm really intrigued and want to know the real backstory of this theme.
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