May 23, 201410 yr So I built 70165 Mobile Command Center last night and have it sitting side by side on my desk with the classic 8635 Set of the same name. So how do the two compare? Well the new one acquits itself well, and is probably one of the best sets at that price point you can get this year. While it does offer some improvements over the original, it does not quite surpass it in terms of shear awe inspiring coolness and play. (And yes I know I need to take some side by side pictures). Looking at the two, the new one is slightly smaller, about 3" shorter in the trailer, and only having 4 axels total instead of 5. The Cab; This section is a near toss up. With maybe a very slight edge to the old. The basic shaping of the two is very very similar. The new scores major points here for its cool styling, the wonderful way the new spring missiles are incorporated as front lights, and the fantastic way it connects and releases from the trailer. However the old gets the edge for having actual seating for two and having the third axel on the tractor. The lack of the extra wheel set really kills the news aesthetic. The Trailer; Positives for the new; structurally very sound. The new technic panel walls feel a lot sturdier than the olds large wall panels. The opening mechanism feels a bit less wobbly. Opening it does not have an overhead height requirement. Opening rear doors. Better and more truck like proportions than the old. Negatives for the new; The whole wheel assembly on the trailer just feels like it is missing something. Too open, not enough connecting side to side. It isn't flimsy but it looks flimsy. The way the front stand rocks out of the way when the cab is connected is a neat play feature, but is aesthetically kind of out of place just dangling oddly. No locking mechanism when the stand is down makes it feel a little wobbly when the sides aren't folded open. The six separate Independently hinged roof panels don't really have a lot of support. Especially when pushing down on them such as to stand a minifig on. Where the old really stands out; shear density of stuff. The new one by comparison has some issues with space. Because the left side wall folds down to become part of the play space, with things like the buggy and prison cell attached to it, space for these items must be maintained for when the wall is folded up. The result is the actual floor space of the trailer feels much more sparse. Whereas is old one is possibly the most dense play set Lego has ever made. Virtually ever stud of the old is littered with details and play items and cabinets and stuff. All without sacrificing useable floor space for Minifigs. You can have 10 Minifigs working (or jailed) in the old trailer, and still close it up and drive off. You can only have 2 in the new. 3 if one rides sideways in the jail cell. Even weirder some floor space in the new seems to be used in the same way as the old for no real reason. Case in point, the crane and striped off area. In the old the crane and striping was to lift the 4x4 buggy into its parking space/ service bay. But on the new the buggy is attached to the wall? So why the crane? To hold the jet pack? But if you leave the jet pack attached you can't close the trailer? Small Vehicles; no question the old wins this subject hands down. The old hides 5 smaller Agent vehicles in all of its nooks and cranies. The new? 2 the micro jet on the cab and the sideways slung ATV. Granted the new does win on villain vehicle. The Terabyte mech is great. Although the originals Inferno hover jet is an amazing lesson in unusual build and part use. minifig; slight edge will go to the new on this one. It has the far better individual Minifigs. With Terabyte being the true stand out. Each is wonderfully unique. The only downside to the new, it really needs another bad guy as a flagship set, and with 4 Agents one of them has to ride on the roof. Not cool dudes. The original had a perfect mix of 4 Agents and 3 villains. And the set still has room to fit in the other three agents not included in this set. Overall 70165 does not quite hit the legendary status of its predecessor. But it comes damned close, is an amazingly fun build and one you will be playing and fiddling and driving around for years to come regardless of age.
May 26, 201410 yr Strangely, the minisite isn't up yet. It should be within a couple of days, though.
May 27, 201410 yr Any sightings of these sets at Target/Walmart/Kmart yet? I don't have a TRU or Lego store within hundreds of miles, so I'm stuck waiting...
May 27, 201410 yr Strangely, the minisite isn't up yet. It should be within a couple of days, though. Still waiting for the free app that's advertised in the sets. I think June 1 is the official release date, so hopefully then. I'm curious how the app integrates with the sets, since it seemed to be a big talking point at Toy Fairs.
May 27, 201410 yr May 25 was the official release date of the sets, so it's odd that the website and app weren't added at the same time.
May 28, 201410 yr Just trying out the app, it's interesting, but no backstory whatsoever. Why does Toxikita sound like a fifty-year old woman with a deep voice when she looks around 20? All of the voices are strange. The games are standard fare, and the comics are slightly animated. Edited May 28, 201410 yr by 8BrickMario
May 28, 201410 yr I can't seem to get the app on the iOS app store yet. The microsite is up. But apparently not complete. You can go to each portion of Astor City and it says something like Stuff is going on in West village, bad guys will do bad stuff if the Ultra Agents do not do something!
May 29, 201410 yr I can't seem to get the app on the iOS app store yet. The microsite is up. But apparently not complete. You can go to each portion of Astor City and it says something like Really? I can't find it in the products and the link on the club page it keeps giving the 404 error.
May 29, 201410 yr It comes up in the search bar as a suggested address, but 404s when I load it. Edited May 29, 201410 yr by 8BrickMario
May 29, 201410 yr I can't seem to get the app on the iOS app store yet. The microsite is up. But apparently not complete. You can go to each portion of Astor City and it says something like Darn, no iOS... That's sad... Are you on a different language than the rest of us? Maybe that's why it won't show up for US...
May 29, 201410 yr To validate a previous discussion, the hooded figure on Psyclone's screen and Terabyte's laptop is indeed a cliffhanger plot point. In the HQ chapter of the app, it tries to teleport into the truck using the prison pod before Hydron ends the teleportation transmission. and it's hinted at providing info to the other villains "Tremor not know. Tracks knows". The end of the chapter has the narrator asking "Who is this mysterious leader", etc. and has a "to be continued..." The plot truly does thicken. It may be a supernatural force or a renegade Agent. Hmm... Edited May 29, 201410 yr by 8BrickMario
May 30, 201410 yr Let's just hope they resolve this cliffhanger, unlike in some of LEGO's other themes. coughHeroFactorycough.
May 30, 201410 yr Darn, no iOS... That's sad... Are you on a different language than the rest of us? Maybe that's why it won't show up for US... I'm sure it will be out for iOS eventually. And the site was for US-English, but I can't get there anymore. Wish I had done a screenshot because the text was funny.
May 30, 201410 yr Let's just hope they resolve this cliffhanger, unlike in some of LEGO's other themes. coughHeroFactorycough. Haha! So true... I'm sure it will be out for iOS eventually. And the site was for US-English, but I can't get there anymore. Wish I had done a screenshot because the text was funny. Darn, oh well. I'm just surprised it's at Shop at Home and doesn't have a minisite yet...
May 30, 201410 yr Wow. Such a generic description lol. Which makes me realize how often that template is followed. Can't wait to see what the final site has in store.
May 31, 201410 yr Here's the deal: Im going to purchase an agents set ( or two depending on the size) tomorrow. The question is, which one?! Originally the Hurricane mech-copter was high on my list but now I'm not so sure. I have roughly a hundred dollar budget, meaning I can get any one of them. What should I get? I don't know about the Tremor track, it seems a little too gimmicky and I absoulty don't want the toxic chopper. HELP!!
May 31, 201410 yr Get Infearno Interception, Riverside Raid and (if you have enough) Hurricane Heist.
May 31, 201410 yr The new Ultra Agents app is now available from the Google Play store for free! Thanks for the information! I'll look on the App Store and see if it's available!
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