February 21, 201411 yr I'm quite curious to see pictures of the Chima sets from Toy Fair, but it doesn't appear like there's any of them currently... They weren't on display, apparently, and were even left out of the press information for the lineup.
February 21, 201411 yr They weren't on display, apparently, and were even left out of the press information for the lineup. Shall we riot?
February 21, 201411 yr I was wondering why they were absent from the event catalog. A bit of an oddity, but it's not like we don't know what they're going to look like =P
February 21, 201411 yr I don't want this to be the case, but is it possible that this year's Chima constraction sets won't be released in the U.S.? I think I'd heard anecdotes about them not selling too well over here. Of course, I don't think that's too likely considering the parts budget for these sets. An alternative and possibly more likely theory is that they'll be exclusive to a certain retailer in the U.S.. If the sales of the previous sets truly weren't outstanding here, letting Toys R Us or a similar retailer have them as exclusives would be a good way to sweeten the deal and get them to stock the sets.
February 21, 201411 yr Hmmm... that would be odd, I think. A whole sub-line not being released somewhere sounds rather unlikely to me, though I'm no expert when it comes to things like this (I, for my part, know only that the HF Dropship wasn't available in Germany).
February 21, 201411 yr Hmmm... that would be odd, I think. A whole sub-line not being released somewhere sounds rather unlikely to me, though I'm no expert when it comes to things like this (I, for my part, know only that the HF Dropship wasn't available in Germany). It's rare nowadays, but not entirely unheard of. Back in the 90s there were a number of themes/subthemes that were exclusive to North America, like Aquaraiders, Unitron (well, the infamous monorail was released globally, but the other sets were only in North America), and Dark Forest.
February 21, 201411 yr Speaking of which, there was a, very very weird line of buildable creatures back in the 90s, which used their very own building stystem. I saw the sets in a German catalogue during a trip with my family: IIRC I read the sets were exclusive to Germany, what I'm sure of is that they never reached Italy. Anyone remembers their name?
February 21, 201411 yr even if they delay them, that's no reason to not put them on the toy fair display.
February 22, 201411 yr Anyone remembers their name? Galidor, maybe ? Or Znap (but it's closer to Technic than action figures) ?
February 22, 201411 yr Galidor, maybe ? Or Znap (but it's closer to Technic than action figures) ? I'm pretty sure Shakar was talking about a non-LEGO toy.
February 22, 201411 yr I'm pretty sure Shakar was talking about a non-LEGO toy. Wasn't the first line of buildable figures the Throwbots or had lego tried something earlier than that?
February 22, 201411 yr Wasn't the first line of buildable figures the Throwbots or had lego tried something earlier than that? no, he means figures not produced by lego.
February 22, 201411 yr no, he means figures not produced by lego. I know that, but I was asking, inside of lego, the first line of buildable figures was Throwbots/slizers right?
February 22, 201411 yr So i was snooping around for more pics of the new sets and stumbled upon this german site that had images of the packaging for the new constraction figures. http://www.familienshopping24.de/Lego There's more chima stuff on page 2 Edited February 22, 201411 yr by Snakey Jones
February 22, 201411 yr Znap! That's what I was talking about. Galidor came out in 2002. Anyway, thanks! As for the packaging, we got clear shots of the bags in one of the pics Aanchir posted a few pages ago. Still, it's nice to see that Fangar and Fluminox are confirmed for costing 20 Euro. Edited February 22, 201411 yr by Shakar
February 22, 201411 yr Znap! That's what I was talking about. Nearly certain that Znap was worldwide- I have several znap parts from childhood I have no idea what to do with.
February 22, 201411 yr Nearly certain that Znap was worldwide- I have several znap parts from childhood I have no idea what to do with. not really. i never even know znap exist if not for brickset.
February 22, 201411 yr Nearly certain that Znap was worldwide- I have several znap parts from childhood I have no idea what to do with. Likewise. I've got a whole ziplock back of em and I don't really know what to do with them cause the ends look ugly and the colors aren't that versatile. Everything's either green, old purple, red black or light gray. And there's not enough of either to do something with in that one color. Its kinda all or nothing.It sucks to, cause those are some dang sturdy parts. If they refined the system they'd make for great structure building. People could make framework and then stick brick on it. I think Znap was lego's answer to K'nex.
February 22, 201411 yr It's rare nowadays, but not entirely unheard of. Back in the 90s there were a number of themes/subthemes that were exclusive to North America, like Aquaraiders, Unitron (well, the infamous monorail was released globally, but the other sets were only in North America), and Dark Forest. I do believe that some of the Dark Forest sets were available in Germany too. At least the stronghold looks vaguely familiar to me, unless I confuse it with something similiar (I'm pretty positive to own some of the shields and minifigs though, were these exclusive to this line?). Speaking of which, there was a, very very weird line of buildable creatures back in the 90s, which used their very own building stystem. I saw the sets in a German catalogue during a trip with my family: IIRC I read the sets were exclusive to Germany, what I'm sure of is that they never reached Italy. Anyone remembers their name? Znap! That's what I was talking about. Znap was not that widespread? Hm, that might explain why I hear even less about it here than about Galidor (which seemed far more alien to me, as it wasn't strongly advertised in Germany and TRU exclusive). That website has prelims for all the sets for 2014... Including Hero Factory! We might wanna mention it in the Hero Factory 2014 thread then. Edited February 22, 201411 yr by ZORK64
February 22, 201411 yr Well, it sure never reached Italian stores, but apparently it was a worldwide release, like DV said. I must say that, while I felt a bit curious about the building system, not even as a kid I was interested in the sets..they looked kind of bland. I definitely felt the K'nex influence, which I never really liked either. It didn't help that my cousin, who had a lot of them, would keep trying to force on me his opinion that Knex was better than Lego... I see you can build some pretty amazing things with Knex however, same for Znap. Anyway, let's just say that, Lego aside, the other building toys seem kind of..lacking in personality to me, that is why Znap didn't feel very Lego-esque to me. Some pretty ugly colours too. Returning to Chima, I think I won't buy any set afterall. The only designs that seem truly interesting are Fangar and Mungus- I mean the torso structure for those two, I'm curious to see how those are built. I'm just interested in the tr. light blue bones and the new torsos.
February 23, 201411 yr Well, it sure never reached Italian stores, but apparently it was a worldwide release, like DV said. I must say that, while I felt a bit curious about the building system, not even as a kid I was interested in the sets..they looked kind of bland. I definitely felt the K'nex influence, which I never really liked either. It didn't help that my cousin, who had a lot of them, would keep trying to force on me his opinion that Knex was better than Lego... I see you can build some pretty amazing things with Knex however, same for Znap. Anyway, let's just say that, Lego aside, the other building toys seem kind of..lacking in personality to me, that is why Znap didn't feel very Lego-esque to me. Some pretty ugly colours too. Returning to Chima, I think I won't buy any set afterall. The only designs that seem truly interesting are Fangar and Mungus- I mean the torso structure for those two, I'm curious to see how those are built. I'm just interested in the tr. light blue bones and the new torsos. I'm actually looking forward to these moreso than the entire lineup of HF this year. Sir Fangar has that cape, capes are always cool in constraction, not to mention the trans blue. Mungus as a figure is way disappointing since he's a mammoth and mammoths are ya know...big...and he's...kinda not. But the trans blue bits and brown bone pieces on him are of interest. I totally called the feather elements on Fluminox. I was talking to a friend on DA and I said "watch the phoenix will have either new feather elements or they'll be two color molded." I ended up being right on both counts. Then he's got some trans neon orange bones to. Pretty much everyone has something interesting to offer except for the panther dude. He seems to have stuff you can get in every other set with the exception of his head.I also think that the UB's might be an indication that Lego might be ready to cancel HF. Cause now they're making parts in that system with different flavors for another theme. Either way I love the kind of "LOTR" Elvish-esque vibe the new parts from these Ultrabulds are giving off. I'll definitely be picking up Sir Fangar when he first hits my local TRU's shelves.
February 23, 201411 yr I totally forgot about the cape! Whilst I prefer proper looking capes to tattered ones, it looks pretty cool anyway. I hope it's easier to attach than Furno's. Another cool piece is the new armour add on, too bad it's only on gold so far. Unfortunately I don't care for the other parts. I strongly dislike tr reddish/neon orange and brown. I love tr light blue, the amount of it we're getting is absolutely crazy. Not sure on what I could with the hands, though.. As for LoC replacing HF, I disagree. The new parts they introduce are no less compatible with HF than last year's parts were. The pieces used in 2012's Super Heroes have been used in HF lots of times, same goes for the parts on the 2013 Chima figures: just think about the fur piece reused by Frost Beast and his jagged blade. Queen Beast is using the new armour add on on her abdomen, and I definitely expect the torso with the chest orb to be reused on a HF villain (those orbs are Zamor- that means that the available colours are endless!). So I wouldn't worry, these sets don't certainly spell HF's demise.
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