January 18, 201411 yr On 1/18/2014 at 10:12 PM, Palathadric said: I look at the princess questioningly, trying to take all that she was saying in. "I appreciate the story and an adventure and all sounds wonderful, but I'm not sure I understand what exactly you want us to do. From what I seem to understand the book is under the sea, already rendering it impossible to reach. Furthermore, it could be anywhere between here and Dastan." "Not impossible--we'd just need the right tools. Maybe the Ji Pei could help us? They're extremely talented inventors, and I've helped them in the past." "As for finding the book..." Arthur pulls out his Magic Compass "...perhaps this could help? Not to mention, Princess Ella is a prophet--divining the unknown is her forte."
January 18, 201411 yr I snort. Bah! To think I signed up for this. Going off into the middle of nowhere to look for a book that we don't know exists that could be of no use whatsoever. What kind of "heroing" is this. "I can't say I think it will be as easy as all that, but I'm sure the princess has already thought some of these things through and didn't just call us on a whim."
January 19, 201411 yr Tarn stared at the monk. "Hey now, Pretzel, back off. Princess Septrine is not prone to flights of fancy. If she sees this book and its importance, then there must be a way to get to it, otherwise she would not have been shown it. Not idly do these visions appear." He looked back at Ella, "Since Dastan I have seen many strange things - airships, teleporters, giant lizards, robotic companions. As Arthur said, the Ji Pei have contraptions that almost appear magical. Perhaps I could use my standing with the Ambassador Lady Shanxian to see if they have anything that could submerge itself under the ocean?" Edited January 19, 201411 yr by Rumble Strike
January 19, 201411 yr Author "I'm not going in blind, my dear monk. I have had visions of another creature in this city who is to help us, a creature older than most of us here. His name is Doc Daneeka, and he is in the warehouses. We will go collect him when you're ready. He will want to come. Though your friendship with the Ji Pei can't hurt, dear Tarn." She gives a warm and confident smile.
January 19, 201411 yr "It seems I have become somewhat of an ambassador during my time with Heroica," Tarn smiled back at Ella, wanting to take her hand in his but his professionalism preventing it. "Travelling to new places and seeing new wonders is one of the perks of the hero life." He looked across at his Questmates. "We would have got here sooner if not for the Wolfgang. I know time is of the essence so I am ready to leave for the warehouse, but obviously cannot speak for you or my companions here."
January 19, 201411 yr On 1/19/2014 at 12:00 AM, Rumble Strike said: "Hey now, Pretzel, back off. Princess Septrine is not prone to flights of fancy. If she sees this book and its importance, then there must be a way to get to it, otherwise she would not have been shown it. Not idly do these visions appear." I hold up my hands. "Alright, alright, I'm not the one that knows her." I scoot slightly away from the barbarian. No telling what men of that sort will do, especially when there's a woman involved. Always a good idea to give one's self enough space to raise one's shield if the need should arise. On 1/19/2014 at 12:00 AM, Rumble Strike said: He looked back at Ella, "Since Dastan I have seen many strange things - airships, teleporters, giant lizards, robotic companions. As Arthur said, the Ji Pei have contraptions that almost appear magical. Perhaps I could use my standing with the Ambassador Lady Shanxian to see if they have anything that could submerge itself under the ocean?" "Airships, teleporters, giant lizards, robotic...companions?!? You mean to say that you actually worked with such things. I can't say I've met the Ji Pei, having not quested too much within Eubric itself, but I have to say that more I hear of them the more certain I am that I wouldn't want to meet them. Fangled magical contraptions. Humph!" On 1/19/2014 at 7:41 AM, Zepher said: "I'm not going in blind, my dear monk. "Ah! Good to hear that." On 1/19/2014 at 7:41 AM, Zepher said: I have had visions of another creature in this city who is to help us, a creature older than most of us here. His name is Doc Daneeka, and he is in the warehouses. We will go collect him when you're ready. He will want to come. Though your friendship with the Ji Pei can't hurt, dear Tarn." She gives a warm and confident smile. "A doctor? Well, I suppose that's a good enough start, although really I prefer the healing that comes from the divine sources to that which is bottled. Still I'm not sure how he will help us. Perhaps he will have potion that will aid our breathing under the sea?" "I suppose I'm ready to go though, if you all are."
January 19, 201411 yr Tarn responded to Pretzel: "Yes, the Ji Pei provided robotic companions for us to assist in the search for the Ambassador's son. I have found the Ji Pei to be noble and honourable warriors; their automatons likewise. I certainly admire their skills in battle and their ingenuity."
January 19, 201411 yr On 1/19/2014 at 11:23 PM, Rumble Strike said: I have found the Ji Pei to be noble and honourable warriors; their automatons likewise. I certainly admire their skills in battle and their ingenuity." "Their automatons are noble warriors?!? Come, come now!" I scoff. "Besides, what kind of honour is it to send machines to fight your battles for you? Seems cowardly to me." Edited January 19, 201411 yr by Palathadric
January 19, 201411 yr On 1/19/2014 at 11:23 PM, Rumble Strike said: Tarn responded to Pretzel: "Yes, the Ji Pei provided robotic companions for us to assist in the search for the Ambassador's son. I have found the Ji Pei to be noble and honourable warriors; their automatons likewise. I certainly admire their skills in battle and their ingenuity." "Did you now? Shortly before our battle with Wren, I had the pleasure of recovering one of their automatons that the Bonapartes had illegally stolen and attempted to smuggle out of the city. It was a bit of a primitive model, however, and one of the thieves' conspirators hijacked it to fight against us. Perhaps one of the prototypes of the warriors they sent with you?" On 1/19/2014 at 11:27 PM, Palathadric said: "Their automatons are noble warriors?!? Come, come now!" I scoff. "Besides, what kind of honour is it to send machines to fight your battles for you? Seems cowardly to me." "It seems to me a fantastic means of preserving life. Think, if you will, of a battlefield where Heroes like you and I are no longer needed; no blood spilt in battle, all combat carried out by machines. Does that not strike you as better than the world we live in now, where, to protect the many, we are forced to be essentially--for better or for worse--paid killers?" Edited January 19, 201411 yr by Flipz
January 19, 201411 yr On 1/19/2014 at 11:32 PM, Flipz said: "It seems to me a fantastic means of preserving life. Think, if you will, of a battlefield where Heroes like you and I are no longer needed; no blood spilt in battle, all combat carried out by machines. Does that not strike you as better than the world we live in now, where, to protect the many, we are forced to be essentially--for better or for worse--paid killers?" "But what is life without honour? There is no honour to be found in letting a group of machines fight for you. Besides, it could create so many problems. For instance, what if an enemy power were to steal designs and create their own automatons with which they can conquer the world? When men fight and bear arms themselves, more often than not the greater army wins and those who fight with more purpose. However, with a group of automatons, it would be easy for one man or a select group of people, taking the Ji Pei for instance, to completely take over the world. They would not even need any sort of majority support as a ruler at the head of a regular army would. No, this opens up too many venues for problems. Besides, what's worse than paid killers? Killers who don't need to be paid. Killers who will kill anyone without thinking of the seriousness of the situation just because they have been told to. I'm sure, young Arthur--or was it Em?--I'm sure you understand the danger behind it."
January 20, 201411 yr On 1/19/2014 at 11:44 PM, Palathadric said: "But what is life without honour? There is no honour to be found in letting a group of machines fight for you. Besides, it could create so many problems. For instance, what if an enemy power were to steal designs and create their own automatons with which they can conquer the world? When men fight and bear arms themselves, more often than not the greater army wins and those who fight with more purpose. However, with a group of automatons, it would be easy for one man or a select group of people, taking the Ji Pei for instance, to completely take over the world. They would not even need any sort of majority support as a ruler at the head of a regular army would. No, this opens up too many venues for problems. Besides, what's worse than paid killers? Killers who don't need to be paid. Killers who will kill anyone without thinking of the seriousness of the situation just because they have been told to. I'm sure, young Arthur--or was it Em?--I'm sure you understand the danger behind it." "Eh, 'honor' is just a word people with tiny dicks use to justify overcompensating for their 'short'-comings." "Besides, you can't take over the world if everyone else has the same firepower you do. I mean, it's what keeps Eubric at peace--only problem is that we're using real people instead of machines. And in case you haven't noticed, Heroica isn't too terribly great at questioning their employers, either."
January 20, 201411 yr On 1/20/2014 at 8:14 AM, Flipz said: "Eh, 'honor' is just a word people with tiny dicks use to justify overcompensating for their 'short'-comings." "Not quite sure what exactly you mean by that. I don't even have a dick." On 1/20/2014 at 8:14 AM, Flipz said: "Besides, you can't take over the world if everyone else has the same firepower you do. I mean, it's what keeps Eubric at peace--only problem is that we're using real people instead of machines. And in case you haven't noticed, Heroica isn't too terribly great at questioning their employers, either." "But that's just the thing. This sort of technology will be available only to those who have the means to purchase or to create such equipment. Not your average man. It would render it even easier for a few to gain complete and total power over the many, because there would be no way for the many to resist. The rich would just be able to create more and more of said automatons. Right now, the rich need to ensure that they have enough people on there side to at least have a semblance of power. They can't be in control on their own. Then it will be far easier. Any sort of tyrant could take control and do more or less whatever he/she wanted. There is another thing also if a man kills a man himself there will always be some guilt on his conscience unless he did so for a good reason such as in the defense of another. Whenever a man feels guilty there is a chance that his guilt will outweigh whatever it is that motivates him to do the crimes he does and he may change his ways. However, if said man were to have an automaton do his work for him, it would be much harder for him to feel guilt because he will not even see the agony he is causing. It will enable those in power to be more distant than ever from the people whom they rule whilst also being able to keep a stricter watch on them and controlling their movements more than ever. "Now, as far as Heroica questioning their employers is concerned, I'm not sure about that. I think most of the quests I've been on were quite justified. I killed a demon that was plaguing a village. I killed a great beast that was a threat to humankind. I have healed a dragon. I have uncovered the author of a crime when he tried to place blame on another. These are all the things that I have actually accomplished for my employers, but it is does not include the other things, the rescuing of a gnomish village from the grip of the Wolfgang, etc. There was once or twice when I have been employed by less than good people. One man wanted me to help him build a sword which he then tried to use to gain control of the world, but when I realized that I made the man see the error of his ways so that he destroyed the sword. Maybe other heroes have records of backstabbing their employers or working for underhand employers, but my part is to do what I can and if others around me want to go to hell, where that's there business, I suppose." Edited January 20, 201411 yr by Palathadric
January 20, 201411 yr "You're a lucky man, then, Pretzel, if you've never been stabbed in the back by the people you're working for." "Power abhors concentration. Sooner or later, it always end up split among many. Automatons can be stolen. Automatons can be reprogrammed. If any one power amasses them in force, another will find a way to make them their own. Make no mistake--any period in which machines fight people will be brief--especially if the Ji Pei have anything to say about it. They seem a remarkably peaceful sort, truly wanting to make the world a safer, more civilized place."
January 20, 201411 yr On 1/20/2014 at 7:17 PM, Flipz said: "You're a lucky man, then, Pretzel, if you've never been stabbed in the back by the people you're working for." "Well, not to say I've never been stabbed in the back by my employers, well I can't say I have literally...I'm still alive, but I was attacked twice by my employers. One time I managed to make the man come to his senses and destroy the sword he created and the other time...well...I'll admit that we were used by our employer, and though she used for us her own benefit we ended up doing a lot of good. There was an assassin on her back, apparently for good reason, and she had us kill him, although I can't say Eubric is any worse off without him. We ended up defeating her force, though we couldn't catch her. It's unfortunate. By the way, you've never heard of 'The Cardinal' or a 'Sofia,' have you?" On 1/20/2014 at 7:17 PM, Flipz said: "Power abhors concentration. Sooner or later, it always end up split among many. Automatons can be stolen. Automatons can be reprogrammed. If any one power amasses them in force, another will find a way to make them their own. Make no mistake--any period in which machines fight people will be brief--especially if the Ji Pei have anything to say about it. They seem a remarkably peaceful sort, truly wanting to make the world a safer, more civilized place." "But automatons getting into the hands of many is almost worse. Think of what could be done with them. Think of an individual who is motivated by evil and what he would be able to do with an automaton. Any man who has knowledge enough to use the automaton to his bidding could become the deadliest assassin, whilst being completely covert. These days we have assassins too, and I'm not particularly fond of the idea, but at least these days it takes great skill to be a good one or it takes a great deal of determination and even then if the skill at covering ones tracks is not good enough, they will be caught and slain themselves. Being an assassin is a risky business. However, if automatons get into the hands of regular people then anyone could become an assassin. It would be much too easy too. If the ability to kill is right at a person's fingertips, especially the ability to kill from a distance with no suspicions to be placed on one's head, then you will see that any petty feud will be concluded with a death. As soon as someone reaches a level of anger they will 'push the button' and that will be that. They may regret it later, but once it's done it's done. Having to stab someone in the back takes a lot more thought and planning and if one plans to do it in a moment of anger, that moment will likely pass before the plan is carried out. I can see little good in automatons becoming widespread. "Furthermore, you speak about the Ji Pei and what a peaceful people they are, but trust me few people can rise to the kind of power they have risen to by peaceful means. Furthermore, they are living here amongst our people instead of in their homes where they came from. Why is that? One cannot know unless one travels to their land, but likely they are not seen in a very positive light over there, who can know why. Even here, the main reason from what I can see that people consider them as being peaceful is just that they do not know what they are like. Tell me how did they get enough power to be considered one of the six houses? The Shadeaux, the Hinckwells, the Guild of Invision got it through their business practices, the Bonapartes through their forces and business, the Ziegfrieds...well... let me not mention them. Anyway, little is known about the Ji Pei. They don't seem to be tremendous business-folk, they haven't done anything to help the common people of Eubric. No, they just sit in their palace and do nothing. I have my own theory about them, but perhaps it's better I don't say. One never knows where such people may have their eyes and ears."
January 20, 201411 yr "You both make valid points. I too was initially unsettled by the automata but they performed admirably during the Quest and were a big part of how we were able to rescue Jun Ji Pei from the clutches of the 108 Stars of Destiny. Do I imagine a time when all battles will be fought that way? Not in our lifetime, at least. Your disdain for the Ji Pei is understandable, Pretzel. They have undue influence ore Eubric whilst being secretive. However, all I can say is that every Ji Pei and those who work for them have seemed good people. A proud people, for sure, haughty even. I have dealt with far worse."
January 20, 201411 yr I shrug. "I wouldn't commit my life into their hands." I feel like spitting to show my disdain, but I realize that it may not be the best move in front of a claiming prophetess.
January 21, 201411 yr On 1/20/2014 at 10:56 PM, Palathadric said: "Well, not to say I've never been stabbed in the back by my employers, well I can't say I have literally...I'm still alive, but I was attacked twice by my employers. One time I managed to make the man come to his senses and destroy the sword he created and the other time...well...I'll admit that we were used by our employer, and though she used for us her own benefit we ended up doing a lot of good. There was an assassin on her back, apparently for good reason, and she had us kill him, although I can't say Eubric is any worse off without him. We ended up defeating her force, though we couldn't catch her. It's unfortunate. By the way, you've never heard of 'The Cardinal' or a 'Sofia,' have you?" "I knew a Sophie before I left home, but that was four years and several continents back. A bit young to be a criminal mastermind, though--and besides, she was a philosopher. Always seemed to be off in her own world..." OOC: Literary reference. On 1/20/2014 at 10:56 PM, Palathadric said: "But automatons getting into the hands of many is almost worse. Think of what could be done with them. Think of an individual who is motivated by evil and what he would be able to do with an automaton. Any man who has knowledge enough to use the automaton to his bidding could become the deadliest assassin, whilst being completely covert. These days we have assassins too, and I'm not particularly fond of the idea, but at least these days it takes great skill to be a good one or it takes a great deal of determination and even then if the skill at covering ones tracks is not good enough, they will be caught and slain themselves. Being an assassin is a risky business. However, if automatons get into the hands of regular people then anyone could become an assassin. It would be much too easy too. If the ability to kill is right at a person's fingertips, especially the ability to kill from a distance with no suspicions to be placed on one's head, then you will see that any petty feud will be concluded with a death. As soon as someone reaches a level of anger they will 'push the button' and that will be that. They may regret it later, but once it's done it's done. Having to stab someone in the back takes a lot more thought and planning and if one plans to do it in a moment of anger, that moment will likely pass before the plan is carried out. I can see little good in automatons becoming widespread. "Furthermore, you speak about the Ji Pei and what a peaceful people they are, but trust me few people can rise to the kind of power they have risen to by peaceful means. Furthermore, they are living here amongst our people instead of in their homes where they came from. Why is that? One cannot know unless one travels to their land, but likely they are not seen in a very positive light over there, who can know why. Even here, the main reason from what I can see that people consider them as being peaceful is just that they do not know what they are like. Tell me how did they get enough power to be considered one of the six houses? The Shadeaux, the Hinckwells, the Guild of Invision got it through their business practices, the Bonapartes through their forces and business, the Ziegfrieds...well... let me not mention them. Anyway, little is known about the Ji Pei. They don't seem to be tremendous business-folk, they haven't done anything to help the common people of Eubric. No, they just sit in their palace and do nothing. I have my own theory about them, but perhaps it's better I don't say. One never knows where such people may have their eyes and ears." "I guess you didn't hear about the Hovels riots last year, eh, Pretzel? Happened right outside the Shrine we just left, as a matter of fact. Regular people do have the ability to kill on a whim and get away with it--it's called anonymity. And again--how is this any different than Heroica? All someone has to do is shell out a little gold for us, and they've got a crack team of master assassins at their fingertips. Hel, I've seen Quests listed for no reward at all, asking for people who wanted the job for the sake of it. Not to mention the fact that Heroica lets almost anyone join..." "Hate to break it to you, Pretzel, but the change is on the way, and it's already happening--with or without the Ji Pei. A guy in Dastan--Blackenord, I think was his name--built a bunch of killer robots as part of an assassination plot, called 'em 'Chimaera Guards'. You remember 'em, don't you, Tarn? Anyway, we killed them, I took my Topaz off his body, but a couple of the assassins got away, and later we find out they took a bunch of Chimaera Guards with them. Those things have been spread who knows where, it's only a matter of time before SOMEONE in the wide world starts building them for themselves. I, for one, would rather have some Ji Pei tech on our side before someone else comes in with an army of robots we'd have to fight off." On 1/20/2014 at 11:22 PM, Palathadric said: I shrug. "I wouldn't commit my life into their hands." I feel like spitting to show my disdain, but I realize that it may not be the best move in front of a claiming prophetess. "Fair 'nuff. I feel the same way about the Hinckwells." Edited January 21, 201411 yr by Flipz
January 21, 201411 yr Author "Glad to hear that I won't have to use my gift much longer. It seems you both already know exactly where the future is headed." Ella giggles. "No one knows the future. Not you, not me. Now, if you don't mind me changing - I like the garb of the Priestesses here, but if I must be honest, I get treated far better on the streets if I'm dressed as royalty. People are more likely to listen to my pleas in that outfit as well." Ella goes to change, and reappears moments later in a more stately outfit. "Much better. Shall we be off, then?" The heroes take to the streets, weaving their way towards the great gate once more... but it is not long before they hear the clanking and clattering of armor, and as they round the corner towards their previous scuffle (the bodies of the gangsters having been cleared away in their absence - a job Heroica most certainly never bothers with... perhaps that's why the town watch is always so angry with them) they meet three men in gleaming armor. One of them is particularly recognizable, though his outfit has changed noticeably. "Halt right there, Princess," the 'friendly sailor' commands. His wry smile remains on his lips, but there is no doubt that in this armor, sword in hand, he stands up a little straighter. "We're going to have to have a little talk." "I don't think so," says Ella with a shallow smile, though it seems in less jeopardy than the 'Sailors'. "My friends and I are on an adventure, and really I'd like to be on my way." "I know who you and your friends are. You, however, may not know who we are. My name is Sir Abel Justice. I represent the Order Imperial. My comrades and I are here to dissuade you from this task you've taken on. We believe that some records are better left buried."
January 21, 201411 yr "Oh, sod, you're not with the Hinckwells, are you? Because I've had just about enough of them today. And what's this about 'some records better left buried'? From what I hear, we're after a glorified tour guide--a detailed and in all likelihood very well-written one, mind--but surely nothing to cause concern. I mean, it's not like we're talking about a copy of the Pandemonicon, are we?"
January 21, 201411 yr On 1/21/2014 at 1:35 AM, Flipz said: "Hate to break it to you, Pretzel, but the change is on the way, and it's already happening--with or without the Ji Pei. A guy in Dastan--Blackenord, I think was his name--built a bunch of killer robots as part of an assassination plot, called 'em 'Chimaera Guards'. You remember 'em, don't you, Tarn? Anyway, we killed them, I took my Topaz off his body, but a couple of the assassins got away, and later we find out they took a bunch of Chimaera Guards with them. Those things have been spread who knows where, it's only a matter of time before SOMEONE in the wide world starts building them for themselves. I, for one, would rather have some Ji Pei tech on our side before someone else comes in with an army of robots we'd have to fight off." "That is bad news..." I mumble pensively. "Who is to say the Ji Pei are on our side though? I have to say that at least a human has a conscience and therefore, hopefully, can be reasoned with...a machine? Not so much so." On 1/21/2014 at 2:10 AM, Zepher said: I get treated far better on the streets if I'm dressed as royalty. People are more likely to listen to my pleas in that outfit as well." "I guess I wouldn't know, but I would guess that if you dress royally you are much more likely to attract unwanted attention from criminals and the like. They're all lurking around these areas, but I guess you know what you're doing." On 1/21/2014 at 2:10 AM, Zepher said: "I know who you and your friends are. You, however, may not know who we are. My name is Sir Abel Justice. I represent the Order Imperial. My comrades and I are here to dissuade you from this task you've taken on. We believe that some records are better left buried." "Humph," I snort, unimpressed. "How is it that you know of the princess's plans, Mr. Belle? 'Order Imperial'? Sounds like a name made up by a couple of snitts to make themselves look impressive. You may be right about it not being a good idea, but heck it's just historical records at the end of it."
January 21, 201411 yr Author "The world was once much more open, and the ancient texts hold many secrets that were lost to the common knowledge, but were preserved by the select few. There is a reason history played out the way it did. The secrets in that book should remain secret, save to those who should know them. It is strange that you speak of the Book of Demons, it too is something that should have stayed buried but didn't. Surely, then, you understand why old works must be laid to rest." "As for our knowledge of the Princess' plans... we have eyes and ears all over the city. I work on the docks when I'm not serving the Lord of Light. Things trickle down. It was no mistake that I helped you earlier. Now, return the favor, and leave the book be." "You don't frighten me," says Ella with a shrug. She turns to the heroes. "The Order Imperial. I've had glimmers of them too. This city does strange things to a prophet. Many old magics mucking up the air. And you have an inordinate amount of secret orders and cults. In Dastan we just had the one." She giggles. "Order Imperial, Wolfgang, the Crimson Crown, Blue and Red Assassins, Blood Paws, the Syndicate - there's a whole city of nightmares below this city, and then a totally different underground city where some short fellows live as well. And those are just the secret organizations that operate out of Eubric, not even giving mention to the number that have visited in my short time here. And so many witches filtering in and out. It's outrageous." Ella turns back to the Order Imperial soldiers, who bite their lips and look at the ground in frustration. "It's a wonder you haven't all torn each other apart by now. You are but one of many, and you have no say in my actions. Now, step aside." "I'm afraid we can't do that." What will the heroes do? Edited January 21, 201411 yr by Zepher
January 21, 201411 yr Tarn watched with pride as Ella stood up to the Order Imperial. She certainly didn't back down, but sadly neither did Abel, so he thought it was time to say a few words. He stood face to face with Abel, unflinching. "I appreciate both your help earlier and your position on this lost book, I do. However we have been asked to help find it, and that is exactly what we are going to do, and you are not going to stop us. Now, please kindly leave and let us go about our business." Edited January 21, 201411 yr by Rumble Strike
January 21, 201411 yr "So you are saying that the Order Imperial do know about the knowledge contained in the book and are trying to keep the knowledge from others?" I turn to the princess. "Do you know more than what you've said about this book?" My tone is not demanding. "Do you think it may contain any knowledge that could be a danger?"
January 22, 201411 yr "You still haven't explained what sort of dangers could possibly come out of finding this book," he says diplomatically. "How does our finding this book hurt anybody else?"
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