Posted January 4, 201411 yr After 1000 hours and 1 billion fried brain cells, I finally finished my Executor design. She's in midi-scale, but that still makes her almost 13 feet long with a weight of 100 Kg. She fits on TWO LDD files (35,000 pieces each) but will fit completely in Ldraw (MLCAD). If you can believe it, I'm actually trying to build this behemoth. Sadly, I don't have the $25,000 needed, so I'll be selling the LDD/Ldraw files on Ebay starting next week. Does $35 sound reasonable? If anyone you know might be interested, I'd appreciate it if you'd give them the heads up. You can check out more mindless commentary / pics here: The design is VERY TRUE to the original model used for Episodes V and VI. She's got all the correct dimensions. And I didn't just randomly place long rectangular blocks to fill up the dorsal city like MOST PEOPLE :) All blocks are the correct shape, size and in proper position. I also crammed in as many barrels / slopes / pipes I could discern from the reference pics. I don't want to toot my own horn, but TOOT -- pro (non-Lego) model builders don't go into this level of detail. I dare you to show me one! :) I also painfully recreated the engine section to specs. There's over 20,000 pieces in the rear alone. I think this would be great project to screw around with like I did here. I built a ton of scale ships to recreate the battle of Endor. The ISD is Brickdoctor's and the frigate is Legostein's. No variety of laser color looks good. Anyway, thanks for viewing. You can check out high-res shots in my BL folder when it's public here: http://www.brickshel...ry.cgi?f=401256 Bye for now and Happy New Year EB'ers!
January 4, 201411 yr ...I'm flabbergasted... Do you honestly intend to build this? Won't it collapse under its own weight? Also, it is a stunning amount of work you did there! Amazing! Edited January 4, 201411 yr by Phoib
January 4, 201411 yr Oh. My. God. Speechless. What I would be happy with is ldd of "small" ISD you built, it beats LEGO midi model and almost certainly the one to be released in 2014 accuracy-wise. Once again, this might be the GREATEST thing ever designed in ldd, and my hats down-low to you!
January 4, 201411 yr Very impressive. No need to say that you achieved great/perfect details here... For 70,000 parts, I am pretty sure that you can fund the model with "only" 15000€. Since there are a lot of small pieces, the price may be even lower than that. Whatever. I doubt you will raise that amount of money by selling the LDD file. You should see if : a) you can be in touch with the Lego Group. They spend much more money for some of their project which are IMO way less impressive (the big X-Wing in New York was kind of boring). If you consider that possiblity, I can help you to be in touch with people from Lego Danemark. b) crowd-funding might also be an option. With all the geeks and Star Wars fans in the world, it may work ! ^^ But first, you have to make sure the model will not collapse because of its own weight, and that it is transportable (with either a modular build or a very strong build). Because an Lego Executor like that would certainely participate in several Lego and Star Wars exhibitions.
January 4, 201411 yr This is just incredible, and 'awesome' doesn't quite cover it! The amount of detail is breathtaking, and the engine section is beautiful :wub: Congratulations on finishing this mammoth task, I hope you succeed in your attempt to build it.
January 4, 201411 yr Ever since I first saw this model in the LDD2Povray topic, I'm finding every model I see extremely small. This model is a milestone in Lego MOCcing, I think. In grandeur it even exceeds awesome MOCs like MB's Sandcrawler. The amount of bricks, effort and detail in this is beyond anything I've ever seen before. So how does the point at the front look? I'm ecited to see a picture of the full model. It might even end up as my wallpaper! Anyway, I really hope you get the money to build this model. Every word I type in this comment is making me feel guilty that I could not come up with a comment that does this extraordinary creation justice.
January 4, 201411 yr Really great job! Having designed in LDD and then build a 5.3 foot Executor, I've spent a lot of time studying the studio model to recreate the maximum of details, but what I couldn't achieve at that scale, you did perfectly. Seeing a picture from the top, I think it's maybe a little too narrow, but like every other Executor that have been built. Sadly I don't think you'll be able to sell the instructions... You should listen to what Anio said about funding. You'll need a strong structure inside to support the weight and avoid bending of the rear, and at least 3 or 4 sections to be able to transport it. Have you an idea on how to display it? You certaily have to cut trough that hull to add feets
January 4, 201411 yr I think I would add at least a zero to the figure. And then maybe double that. Not too many people could do what you did. Awesome job.
January 4, 201411 yr Bloody Hell. This just made my year . Seeing it in the composite space battle as well is fantastic.
January 4, 201411 yr Hi impressive! At least you have shown that you can archieve the studio models detail level (except color, painting) with Lego, but, with a larger scale. I would too suggest to stick on Anios suggestion to contact Legos marketing management. To get the money by selling the instructions or LDD would mean to sell is by hundreds or thousands. Do YOU expect there are so many AFOLs out there that are willing to build and pay for this model? I dont think so. I would LOVE to see a good render of this ship, with background, shading, dust, glare, engine blast and ..... You would probable sell more of zhose images/posters, than LDDs. Dino
January 4, 201411 yr Holy Crap! I like what you did here! Excellent display. The ships are all so accurate it's amazing!
January 4, 201411 yr Holy crap on a cracker. Wow. Just wow. The detail. Wow. I just can't. Wow. I agree about the funding. You could most likely sell this to design to Lego in exchange for the parts needed. They would build this for one of their Legolands. Why do my eyes get instantly drawn to that white antenna in the front.
January 4, 201411 yr This so incredible. If TLG are wise, they would commission you to build this as an exhibition model and tour with it. As far as instructions go, I would have little use for that, but I would gladly pay for a nice long banner or quality poster of this work of art. If I had the cash to do it, I would fund this project today, so surely someone will. Good luck !
January 4, 201411 yr Great to see this posted here; as I've said, it's awesome! The engine area's probably my favorite. (Do the tires come in that light bley color?) I just love how when you build in excruciating detail based on the studio model, every camera angle makes the ship look perfect.
January 4, 201411 yr Congratulations, Fox Hound! Your Executor is simply breathtaking and I wish you the best of luck in constructing it in real life. I would recommend following Anio's advice in contacting TLG; it would truly make a beautiful display piece at shows and IMO is well-worthy of representing the company. Again, congratulations on your amazing work. I will look forward to seeing more of your work in the future!
January 4, 201411 yr This thing is incredible! The amount of time put in is simply mindboggling, and I do wish (though I would love to see any results) that you don't spend the next five years on a single model! I never could, that takes some serious determination, and as this proves attention to everything! If you do end up attempting to build, don't forget to show us, we are very interested in any results of such an endeavour! I love that at this scale this ship is finally not a flat pizza slice, and has some actual depth to it!
January 4, 201411 yr I'm not often rendered speechless. This is one of those times. Kudos. I wish you luck in building this in real life, it's superb!
January 4, 201411 yr The design is just amazing! Plenty of luck on your quest to make this behemoth, and I hope TLG helps you out! Out of curiosity, is the interior technic, or a massive solid brick of Lego parts? Either way this is really incredible, and I wish you all the best and hope to see it one day in the brick!
January 4, 201411 yr First of all, this is an amazing achievement. I can't image the time, frustration and dedication this must have cost you. However, like many before have said, there aren't a lot of people who can afford to build this. What I have seen is that typical instructions for, let's say, a modular building sell for around $10. And they sell 200 copies of them if it's a nice enough model. That's pdf instructions for a proven model. You want to sell the digital file, without really knowing if it is structurally sound. That's for really hardcore builders, and there aren't that many around (excluding the nice folks around here). Get some "corporate" sponsors, because I too would want to see this thing in real bricks.
January 4, 201411 yr *jaw drops* This is beyond words, I salute you and your seemingly enormous patience
January 4, 201411 yr But first, you have to make sure the model will not collapse because of its own weight, and that it is transportable (with either a modular build or a very strong build). I agree. Nice looking model, but I'm quite curious to know something about the main structural frame you have considered to support this huge (and amazing) model!
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