Posted October 31, 201212 yr LEGO Sci-Fi universal WIP feedback thread. Do you have a Work In Progress (WIP) build that isn't working ? Do you have a problem that you can't just figure out how to get the look that you want? Did you create something but not sure how to use it? Do you want to help out a fellow builders? Then this this thread is for you! During the great EB oppsies of 2012, one of the discussions had off forums was the creation for a universal WIP thread that everyone could post what they were working on, this helps clean up the forums a bit, as well as provide a proper and centralized location where people could get some help on what they were working on. So EVERYONE post away! Throw in things you're working on and our esteemed Sci-Fi members will chime in and help you the best we can. I'll start! This was an attempt at a micro-ship / drone.... WIP micro ship drone thingy by Si-MOCs, on Flickr I've had this thing sitting on my desk for awhile, it had promise, but I just couldn't really get it to a point where I liked it. The idea was almost a bio-ship that felt a bit like armadillo armouring, with some asymmetrical striping. But it's kinda just a blob... Anyone got any ideas? or just scrap it? ...
October 31, 201212 yr Oh sure, after I start my Hawken thread >.> Anyways, as far as your ship goes, I dunno, I mean, I think it's a great ship an I'd love to be able to take cretid for something like that, I think you need to better define what you want to a acheive, if you anted something armadillo-ish I'd say the problem is that you have a ship that has more of a ribbed look, while armadillos tend to be a lot more on the smoother side, so maybe it's just a conflict of what you built not quite matching up to your goal? Mike
October 31, 201212 yr Author Sorry Mike, I was going to try to start the WIP thread sooner, but I didn't want to single someone else out for the first post, so I was going to wait till I did a build... but I haven't built anything so I grabbed this off my shelf Well the idea was to do some sort of ship with a shell... but I just don't like it... it has some decent parts to it, but over all I found it unappealing. Dispute it's round edges, I find the whole thing really boxy still. The wings were added a bit to try to correct this, but they still feel tacked on and not well integrated. And I think there's far too much greeble for the size of this build...
December 1, 201212 yr I'm quite happy with the legs, but the torso seems wrong to me. Oh, and ideas for the nonexistent arm would be nice as well. I plan to make them gatling guns. Edited December 1, 201212 yr by TheRedGuy
December 1, 201212 yr The legs Are really nice! The torso may be too thin at the waist, but I think it looks odd only because there is no arms I'll also share a WIP of the Astradea, since I've already posted a shot of the engines back in september. It's hard to work on it, my computer have trouble handling the 20k bricks astradea par BobDeQuatre, sur Flickr
December 7, 201212 yr Knew I'd find something to build. I've been working on these two the past couple days, I'm really not sure what's wrong with the red one, but it just doesn't appeal to me. I'm pretty happy with the blue one though. Any feedback is greatly appreciated! (I left the image large if you want to see details.)
December 8, 201212 yr Author Okay! TheRedGuy The legs do look good! And I agree that the torso needs a bit of work... I think the width of the torso is bait off, since the legs are so long you might need to streach the toros horiizontally maybe? Either add two studs in the middle section, or maybe build up the ribbing on the side? And I assume the socket joint is where the arm is going to go? Maybe move it up slightly? Though that top section with the is absolutely awesome Bob Ummm yeah... Not sure how I could help - that looks incredible! Though what's the arm? Thing on the top? Maybe throw in a bit more red like the top? MaskedBuilder The left one is pretty fun - I love the colour scheme... But for some reason the end needs like some fins or something... For the left, red one, I think it's the top - it's a bit bland and flat. I think you might just need to break it up a bit. Maybe a racing stripe? Or maybe some red greeble?
December 14, 201212 yr I like that Blue Car, it screams "I'm a toy!" lol The Red one is cool but maybe the top of the "wings" (the long white tiles) are too blocky? Here's something based on random pictures I saw, I like it so far but not sure what I want to do with the cockpit area heh Reveal hidden contents
December 14, 201212 yr On 12/14/2012 at 4:07 AM, DrNightmare said: I like that Blue Car, it screams "I'm a toy!" lol The Red one is cool but maybe the top of the "wings" (the long white tiles) are too blocky? Here's something based on random pictures I saw, I like it so far but not sure what I want to do with the cockpit area heh I would build a small cockpit, to keep it between the two sides. maybe slightly angled toward the front. How you placed the cockpit is the best spot for me.
December 15, 201212 yr Author oh Dr! That's awesome, I really like the shaping you have started there. Those front prongs wrapped with the white clips are very aesthetically pleasing. Where you put the cockpit is nice... Though have you considered rotating the sides? maybe 30 degress or so? It might be just something interesting to try. Especially since it's not anchored in yet. Also don't forget put some greebling on the inside of the prongs!
December 16, 201212 yr Hello to everybody, I'm a new member and this is the first time that I write in the forum. I must to say that I'm from Spain and my english level is normal so it's possible that I could make some syntax error. Well, I'm working in my first "big" Lego proyect: an apocalytic diorama made with 6 baseplates of 32x32. It´s divided in the hill part, the dessert road and the city. The idea for the proyect is a simulated future where the earth isn't like we known today, The next step for the diorama is construct an human settlement on the hill and finish the sand next to the road, then I will add some minifigf and some vehicles, but iI'm not sure about what kind of vehicle (reallistic, armored, military, futuristic ships, steampunkeds....( I accept all kind of suggestions ). Well, I hope you take a little time to see the photos of the MOC and the minifigs that, for the moment, I'm going to use. I hope you like it! Sin tÃtulo por josecharly, en Flickr More photos in my gallery
December 22, 201212 yr Author Hey Cocozero, That's a pretty great start you got there! I like how you added layers onto the baseplate. And the buildings are nice. Though for the side walk you have a certain sections that are really crumbly and some that are fine, maybe try to spread it out more so it's uniformly broken? The telephone pools are also really cool. Using the raised baseplate is also a good idea, but I think you need to cover it up a bit better, the side seems a bit off for me, maybe use some smaller slopes instead of the big 4 long ones?
January 16, 201312 yr First of all, I'm not even sure if this counts as sci-fi, I don't know WHAT category of Lego it fits in. But I'm posting it here because I'd like some advice on what to do. I'm not planning on doing this whole scene here, just the section with the triceratops and the rider of the Coelophysis. (Which I'm using a raptor for, Lego's Coelophysis is too small.) I've already completed both dinosaurs and their riders (Thank you Dino Attack!) but now I'm going to work on the city, which I'm thinking of doing a general light grey color with some statues and a flower pot or two. Any suggestions? Edited January 16, 201312 yr by A Plastic Infinity
January 17, 201312 yr Author Excellent place to ask! I would think classic greek architectural, would work. Or use some of the elements from the prince of persia sets. I would also make sure whatever you do build in the back to be a neutral colour, so that your dinos stand out
January 17, 201312 yr On 1/16/2013 at 3:59 PM, A Plastic Infinity said: I'm not planning on doing this whole scene here, just the section with the triceratops and the rider of the Coelophysis. (Which I'm using a raptor for, Lego's Coelophysis is too small.) I've already completed both dinosaurs and their riders (Thank you Dino Attack!) but now I'm going to work on the city, which I'm thinking of doing a general light grey color with some statues and a flower pot or two. Any suggestions? I'd check out some of the Lego Atlantis theme for inspiration. Some of those sets look really familiar to the building behind those two Dino's.
January 17, 201312 yr On 1/17/2013 at 3:44 AM, Lego Chris said: I'd check out some of the Lego Atlantis theme for inspiration. Some of those sets look really familiar to the building behind those two Dino's. Thanks, I got a couple. Grecian columns, here I come!
January 17, 201312 yr On 1/16/2013 at 3:59 PM, A Plastic Infinity said: I'm not planning on doing this whole scene here, just the section with the triceratops and the rider of the Coelophysis. (Which I'm using a raptor for, Lego's Coelophysis is too small.) I've already completed both dinosaurs and their riders (Thank you Dino Attack!) but now I'm going to work on the city, which I'm thinking of doing a general light grey color with some statues and a flower pot or two. Any suggestions? Light gray or bley might end up looking just a little too grim or bland. It looks like Atlantis and Prince of Persia sets might have exactly the type of designs and color pallets that would work well for what you are doing. Some blending of white with light tan and dark tan, with some bleys thrown in for accents to give it that Roman / Mediteranean structural feel.
January 17, 201312 yr On 1/17/2013 at 3:21 PM, Faefrost said: Light gray or bley might end up looking just a little too grim or bland. It looks like Atlantis and Prince of Persia sets might have exactly the type of designs and color pallets that would work well for what you are doing. Some blending of white with light tan and dark tan, with some bleys thrown in for accents to give it that Roman / Mediteranean structural feel. Good idea. Maybe only the road should be light bley, like concrete...
January 28, 201312 yr On 1/17/2013 at 5:35 PM, A Plastic Infinity said: Good idea. Maybe only the road should be light bley, like concrete... I agree the buildings should be white or a mix of light colours, but I'd try to mix up the road a little too, in the reference pic the road is tan and light bley (well,that's how I see it) so maybe try to use smaller elements and marble them ... if that makes sense? (this gets pretty part intensive though) Great subject.
January 28, 201312 yr Well, I'm making progress, the light bley arched building is done and I'm working on the temple. Got some Bricklink orders coming in, too. Edited February 24, 201312 yr by A Plastic Infinity
January 28, 201312 yr (This may not be the best thread for this post. Over in Pirates and Castle, there's a "share your latest acquisition" thread, but I couldn't find one for space. Feel free to move this post somewhere better, with my apologies...) Please go take a look here: I got my childhood Lego collection back, and there's a bunch of Space stuff in there. I'm so stoked to piece it all back together. Based on the instructions I re-discovered, here are the sets I probably have (just of Space): Classic From 1980 6861 - X1 Patrol Craft From 1981 6801 - Moon Buggy 6822 - Space Digger 6842 - Small Spce Shuttle Craft 6870 - Space Probe Launcher 6927 - All-Terrain Vehicle From 1982 6880 - Surface Explorer From 1983 6823 - Surface Transport M-Tron - From 1990 6877 - Vector Detector Blacktron 2 - From 1991 6981 - Aerial Intruder What do you guys think? I'm going to part them together, and I was thinking I could maybe also take some photos and write reviews for them, if that would be welcome.
January 29, 201312 yr Author We don't really have a thread for that ... (maybe we should) But that's cool. I 'm so jealous.... You should totally build them again and keep those locked up in your safety deposit-display case. Then go buy new lego and MOC with that
January 29, 201312 yr Here's a microscale WIP. I'm creating a series of small fighters and frigates with a similar design language as they will all be from the same manufacturer/shipyard. This is the current work in progress - a heavier, close support fighter. This is the first in the series, a completed build and the basis for future designs: Let me know what you think may be improved. Please be harsh, I relish criticism. I also need to add some sort of weaponry to the dark bley ship - not sure how to do this and keep the sleek look.
January 30, 201312 yr Author These are so small (and fun) there's not really comment... A lot of it depends on your style. I think you've done a good job of making it nice and smooth. Me, I'm more of a greeblier, and that extends into micro builds. What I do like is how you had some nice offset angles in the white ship I would suggest taking some of those traits and apply it to the heavy fighter - like the minfig hands and that cool bend.
January 30, 201312 yr @A Plastic Infinity: I would suggest acquiring some light yellow and medium orange pieces for your project to vary the color of your travertine. Also, there are some nice printed pieces from the Adventurers: Orient Expedition line. Is it supposed to be Dinotopia? If so, then it would qualify as Sci-Fi. @Steebles1908: Your heavy cruiser could use some mild recoloring to make it more imposing. Maybe change the back three jumper plates to dark red, or change the 1x3 tile to red. The white one is perfect the way it is.
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