February 26, 201312 yr Author This is my biggest, best MOC ever and I am really proud of it! Visit the post here or see it on Flickr here. I will be posting more images soon. Turned out great! I didn't really think it would work out based on your original picture, but nicely done! Though next time you might want to try to take a shot from a lower angle... that way you can make the dinosaur feel really big! That arch is also really cool .... but the rest of the tower seems bland? which makes your arch feel out of place - know what i'm saying? You should try to balance it out... maybe have some interesting textures on the ramparts to offset it a bit? Here's a little scene I'm working on - genetic human testing in the Steiner Weapons Labs. Any feedback or ideas would be appreciated. Great start! You really were able to express the fear of getting oozed So far the walls look good, the equipment is clean and sharp.... biggest suggestion is do something about that floor! Grills, tiles, anything but plain studs!
February 26, 201312 yr That arch is also really cool .... but the rest of the tower seems bland? which makes your arch feel out of place - know what i'm saying? You should try to balance it out... maybe have some interesting textures on the ramparts to offset it a bit? You're absolutely right-I got lazy. As for the picture, I took some more from all the angles, improves it by 10000%! Edited February 26, 201312 yr by A Plastic Infinity
February 26, 201312 yr Hey guys, Working with an LDD file this time... For this MOC it's a Mecha Dino. I guess the only comment that I'd like to add at this point is that the lower jaw is modeled a bit after the Grimlock character from the recent animated Transformers show. UPDATE! Longer tail to balance the head. Added "spines" along the back. Also added a few greebles to give it a more mecha look. Thanks, rongYIREN Edited March 1, 201311 yr by rongYIREN
February 26, 201312 yr Hey guys, Working with an LDD file this time... For this MOC it's a Mecha Dino. I guess the only comment that I'd like to add at this point is that the lower jaw is modeled a bit after the Grimlock character from the recent animated Transformers show. Thanks, rongYIREN I think the eyes need to be moved to the side of the head, it would be more befitting of a dino. I see what you are going for with the one large claw, but i think it may look more menacing with all three being that size. Great shape overall! The lower jaw is perfect, he reminds me of Grimlock. (Just a little derpy and whiny.) :) Here's an update of my Steiner Labs MOC. Awaiting a BL order so I can clean up the floor and build up the walls. I don't have enough dark bley, ever. :) Steiner Labs - Continued WIP by Steebles1908, on Flickr Edited February 26, 201312 yr by Steebles1908
February 27, 201312 yr I think the eyes need to be moved to the side of the head, it would be more befitting of a dino. I see what you are going for with the one large claw, but i think it may look more menacing with all three being that size. Great shape overall! The lower jaw is perfect, he reminds me of Grimlock. (Just a little derpy and whiny.) :) Here's an update of my Steiner Labs MOC. Awaiting a BL order so I can clean up the floor and build up the walls. I don't have enough dark bley, ever. :) Steiner Labs - Continued WIP by Steebles1908, on Flickr Hey, thanks for the feedback. I'll mess around with it some more in LDD.As for your lab, I think that it is coming along great. The addition of the floor tiles, especially the drains is nice. And the tanks look better on the floor with the valve closer to minifig hands.
February 27, 201312 yr @Steebles1908: The space behind the tanks is disturbing. Maybe you could add a larger grey tank.. The scientist face is strange with blond hair and brown beard, but I like the fact that he has a normal face, not a mad scientist face . @rongYIREN: The dino looks good, but I think it's a little too bulky, and it lacks greebles or mechanical elements compared with your terror bird... Maybe that's because it's an LDD render.
February 27, 201312 yr @Steebles1908: Coming along nicely. I like the dark red lines. It gives the build a Cold War institutional feel. @rongYIREN: You can add levers as antenna recievers to the dishes on the sides of the head to pump up the sci-fi-ness of the build. I would also suggest, if you do a practical build, to change as many of the light bley pieces as you can to flat silver, metallic silver or pearl light grey. I know the LDD metallic silver colors are not very distinguishable from the LDD grey. Edited February 27, 201312 yr by gedren_y
February 27, 201312 yr HI folks.. im just looking on some feedback on an engine im actually building for GARC ship... i still dunno where im heading with the cockpit but any c&c is really welcome....
February 28, 201312 yr Hi All. I've had this sitting on a bench for about 5 months now. I stopped working on it when I split up with my ex partner who hated lego. I've put my thoughts on it after the pic my new partner is far more encouraging and kicked my butt into actually trying to build more rather than just mess about with minifigs... So first of all I was going to build a "Gore" type robot from Zoids, then it went a bit Blacktron, then I considered making it Chima which I discounted. Now I'm thinking it should be a Steampunk "King Kog" with some Gorilla Crew dressed up in pardon the pun - Monkey suits? I'll change up the colour scheme to remove the yellows. I think the arms need to be massive what do you guys reckon? The head was on but it looked terrible so I'm back to the drawing board on that. I'm thinking the back/top will be one of those cool round nemispehere bubble cockpits so the crew can sit in his brain. :) I'm also going to stick some massive smoke stacks on the back to make it "Silverback" stylee - There will be an obligatory damsel in distress. I've got ideas for the hands (nice bit of bley hopefully) But I'm not to clever when it comes to large arm jounts. the shoulders also require the use of technic pins in those big rotating wheels to attach. Any and all feedback welcome!
March 1, 201312 yr Any and all feedback welcome! Looks great so far, and I think monkey suits sound fine. I would keep the black coloring mainly to the joints, the rest of it would look good in the main body color. Perhaps use tires for the joints?
March 1, 201311 yr Looks great so far, and I think monkey suits sound fine. I would keep the black coloring mainly to the joints, the rest of it would look good in the main body color. Perhaps use tires for the joints? Yeah I like how the tyres worked on the leg joints it looked pretty rubbish without them I'm going to remove the yellow and replace with browns and pearl gold. I've got some cool cabling for the joints on the arms they are brown. I'm going to add a little bit of Sidan in there as well for greebling. It needs massive arms which are going to be the real challenge. :)
March 9, 201311 yr The last GARC I was working on. There is one more between this one and the last one I posted. But this one was giving me so much trouble I've pretty much given up on it. It's not gone yet so if you'd like me to finished it I'm open to ideas!
March 9, 201311 yr This is the drone I was working on about two months ago. I greebled up the legs a bit more, added "Arms", and re-did the body. Just a few more changes and I think it's good to go. (When I get the equipment)
March 10, 201311 yr Here's something new - I've been working on it in LDD, it's the first time I've designed using software. I usually build organically. Still a work in progress. Started out as a troop carrier, but I think it may end up as the hauler for a mobile communications platform. I wanted to keep the overall shape like a vintage Peterbilt, but add sleek touches to make it more modern. Let me know what you think could be improved. I'm still not happy with the front bumper area - I think it needs a brush guard or something along those lines. The rear end is also not yet complete. Big Rig - WIP by Steebles1908, on Flickr
March 10, 201311 yr Not bad! I think one thing that would really improve it is adding some 1X2 grill tiles using SNOT to the side right behind the window. That area just looks a bit too plain and detail-less right now. I'd also try adding some sort of texture to the front grill. Perhaps by attaching a fence piece, or perhaps by switching those bricks out for 1X2 Grill bricks. The bed could use a large plate or two to cover all the hollow studs, and then a 4X4 turntable base to give a cool, but functional, look. The bricks used to hold the axles stick out quite a bit, so adding a few inverted slopes would not only smooth that out, but it would also give you a chance to add more dark red to the back. I know it's a WIP, but it still looks pretty good. Are you planning also on building it physically, or will it remain digital?
March 10, 201311 yr Not bad! I think one thing that would really improve it is adding some 1X2 grill tiles using SNOT to the side right behind the window. That area just looks a bit too plain and detail-less right now. I'd also try adding some sort of texture to the front grill. Perhaps by attaching a fence piece, or perhaps by switching those bricks out for 1X2 Grill bricks. The bed could use a large plate or two to cover all the hollow studs, and then a 4X4 turntable base to give a cool, but functional, look. The bricks used to hold the axles stick out quite a bit, so adding a few inverted slopes would not only smooth that out, but it would also give you a chance to add more dark red to the back. I know it's a WIP, but it still looks pretty good. Are you planning also on building it physically, or will it remain digital? The front grill is already made with 1x2 grill bricks - LDD doesn't render them properly at this angle. This will be built physically as soon as I am done designing. I own most of the pieces, but will have to make a couple bricklink orders to get the wheels and tires, as well as a few of the longer dark red plates. As far as the area behind the cabin, I am contemplating a continuation of the white stripes up into that area. I think some extra color blocking may make up for the lack in texture. Thank you for the feedback! EDIT: Here's an update! Big Rig - Continued LDD Work by Steebles1908, on Flickr Edited March 10, 201311 yr by Steebles1908
March 10, 201311 yr Author The last GARC I was working on. There is one more between this one and the last one I posted. But this one was giving me so much trouble I've pretty much given up on it. It's not gone yet so if you'd like me to finished it I'm open to ideas! What don't you like about it? I think over all it has some great points - loving the front bumper area. The oddest part is both of them stuck in the same canopy... And that tail fin at the end looks a bit odd relative to the rest, but I think you should keep going, it's looking great! This is the drone I was working on about two months ago. I greebled up the legs a bit more, added "Arms", and re-did the body. Just a few more changes and I think it's good to go. (When I get the equipment) Looking great! I love the the greebleness you were able to incorporate. And those wedges near the head is fantastic! Though that one wedge plate seems a bit ... barren, relative to the rest of the build - maybe add a bit more detailing there? But I think you're right, you're pretty much ready to go EDIT: Here's an update! Big Rig - Continued LDD Work by Steebles1908, on Flickr Looks good, I love seeing the progression of WIP builds though this should probably be in town forum
March 10, 201311 yr Looks good, I love seeing the progression of WIP builds though this should probably be in town forum This is the first portion of a near-future mobile communications / weapons platform. This is going to tow the giant trailer.
March 10, 201311 yr Author This is the first portion of a near-future mobile communications / weapons platform. This is going to tow the giant trailer. Sorry I didn't mean it as: "This isn't sci-fi -ewwww get it out of here" I meant it more as: "This is truck, there might not be as many truck builders here that can help you with your build like there are in the Town forum"
March 10, 201311 yr Sorry I didn't mean it as: "This isn't sci-fi -ewwww get it out of here" I meant it more as: "This is truck, there might not be as many truck builders here that can help you with your build like there are in the Town forum" I knew what you meant, I didn't take any offense. I posted in Town as well, just trying to get as much feedback as possible. On a side note - your Iron Builder MOCs are blowing my mind. Edited March 10, 201311 yr by Steebles1908
March 26, 201311 yr Did some work on LDD tonight. I'm not sure about the bumpers, and I wonder if I should build bigger guns... beetle par BobDeQuatre, sur Flickr beetlejuice2 par BobDeQuatre, sur Flickr
March 27, 201311 yr Author The bumpers are gorgeous! I really like them! That orange colour strip is fantastic. Only suggestion is maybe add something right in front? maybe a black or light bley axle in front? just to break up that section a wee bit? The front is really awesome, it's got such a angled aggressive pose.
March 27, 201311 yr Did some work on LDD tonight. I'm not sure about the bumpers, and I wonder if I should build bigger guns... Wow, this is a nice build. and I think the bumpers look great. As for the guns, I think that they're a decent size but I wonder what they would look like sitting on a rotating base...
March 27, 201311 yr The bumpers are gorgeous! I really like them! That orange colour strip is fantastic. Only suggestion is maybe add something right in front? maybe a black or light bley axle in front? just to break up that section a wee bit? The front is really awesome, it's got such a angled aggressive pose. Wow, this is a nice build. and I think the bumpers look great. As for the guns, I think that they're a decent size but I wonder what they would look like sitting on a rotating base... Thanks for the feedback guys. So I modified the bumbers to add the mandatory phone And also did some new guns. Too bad I don't have all the parts to built it Here is the lxf file beetlejuice3 par BobDeQuatre, sur Flickr beetlejuice4 par BobDeQuatre, sur Flickr beetlejuice5 par BobDeQuatre, sur Flickr
March 30, 201311 yr Thanks for the feedback guys. So I modified the bumbers to add the mandatory phone And also did some new guns. Too bad I don't have all the parts to built it Slick looking war machine! I like the new bumper and the rotating weapons. Too bad you won't be building it. LDD never does a model any justice. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Oh, while I'm here I can post an update to my Dino Mech from a few weeks back. Finally built it with real bricks. Still a WIP so I take any comments if you've got them. Thanks, rongYIREN Edited March 30, 201311 yr by rongYIREN
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