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All the 2nd wave Hobbit sets, and any LotR sets if they continue the line.

Star Wars:

75050 - B-Wing - Maybe, depends on the design of the set as I have the original. If it's a big improvement jump like the latest X-Wing I'll get it.

75052 - Mos Eisley Cantina - A must buy.

75054 - AT-AT - Like the B-Wing, I have the last version of this, so I will probably only purchase if it's a significant improvement.

Death Star Troopers, will probably get a couple of these.

The use (perhaps over-use) of the spring-loaded missile launchers is turning me off to the latest Star Wars sets. Flick fires were bad, but at least they were generally inconspicuous, or made sense (A-Wing and Millennium Falcon). These new launchers look big and bulky, good for kids I guess but bad for AFOLs.

Lego Movie:

70816 Benny's Spaceship - Classic Space! Shut up and take my money!

Cuusoo Exo-suit - Depends on the final product, but I like the submitted design a lot.

Edited by naf

Once again I'm sure my daughter will end with all of the year's Friends sets, and most likely a good majority of the Disney Princesses too.

My son and I will be getting the Technic Container/Skip Lorry and the Cargo Plane as soon as they're in our local Toys R Us or John Lewis. Maybe the Hot Rod too, just to try out the new iPad App, but there's nothing else in the first half of the year that we're interested in, Technic wise. I'm sure we can fill the gap with a few more Chima sets as he's quite into that at the moment, what with the 3DS game and the monthly comic.

The real highlight of the year seems to be this Volvo l350.... I'm intrigued and I can't wait to see some pictures. I don't want to get my hopes up too much regarding the overall functions, but if it's full RC and Power Functions, something to equal the incredible 8043, then I'll be over the moon.

As for Cuusoo, well, I'm certainly interested in the mobile suit model as it looks very cool. But I'm definitely hoping for greater things..... "what I think I'm saying is, sometimes, shit happens, somebody's gotta deal with it, and who're you gonna call?!"

Edited by -SD-

2014 was looking like a reasonably inexpensive year... Until the Summer stuff leaked. The Winter SW is unexciting. I'll probably grab a few Superheroes (yay? More Batman?) and otherwise mt big Winter purchase was the Parisian Restaurant. Then came summer...

Agents, Arctic, Star Wars OT, X Men, GotG, Benny's Spaceship spaceship spaceship, Creator half profile 3 in 1 modular shops, I guess I technically don't need to pay the mortgage...

Entire wave of Ninjago

Chima: Lavertus' Twin Blade, Spinlyn's Cavern?, Scorms Scorpion, Stinger Duel? All the Legend beasts

Superheroes: Penguin Face off, Man-Bat Attack?, Riddler Chase, Joker's Steamroller?, Spider-Man vs Electro, Hulk lab Smash?

Star Wars: General Grievious' Bike, Anakin's Starfighter?

LEGO Movie: Getaway Glider?, Melting Room, Bad Cop Pursuit, Cloud Cuckoo Palace, Ice Cream Truck?, Flying Flusher?, Lord Buisness' Evil Lair

City: Race Car?, Tow Truck?, Logging Truck?

(The question marks mean maybe)

I will reserve final judgement of Summer wave sets when Toy Fair comes around.

All OT SW sets released this year are a must... although I'll have to check just what's special about the Snowspeeder and what figs feature.

Lake Town Chase probably although I'll BL the other figures.

Any LOTR sets that come out.

Hulk Lab Smash, Captain America & Hydra as well as looking at the X-Men and GOTG sets from alter this year.

I may actually get round to getting my first Modular which could be a slippery slope... this all depends on space to display them.

Not much planned for me. I know we haven't seen everything, but 2014 is kind of disappointing. I'll probably get:

-Batman: Penguin Attack and Steamroller(already have the Manbat and Riddler sets)

-all or most of the new Agents line

-maybe some of the arctic stuff if I like it

-Spidercopter maybe?

That's pretty light spending compared to usual. Star Wars wax what got me [back] into LEGO. But it just hasn't been that appealing lately. We shall see.

Since I have just bought "La Tour Eiffel" and the Mars Rover, there are only three sets that I will buy - eventually - i.e., I don't know when it will happen (certainly before they are retired or I won't buy at all):

- 10224 Town Hall

- 10232 Palace Cinema

- 10243 Parisian Restaurant

Town Hall will be the first because it it the oldest.

And there is that house from the Simpson's House set (yet to be released). I don't care about the horrible minifigures, I never watched Simpsons anyway, but the house looks worthy.

I think to get 1 more 10211 set to make an extra level to my emporium and use the leftover piece sto do build something.

Then i would like to buy a 10243 restaurant... It's amazing!

Finally I think to buy the Simpson's house! :sweet:

My 2014 wishlist so far:


Police Station

Mobile Police Unit

Prisoner Transporter

Auto Transporter

Race Car

Light Repair Truck

SUV with Watercraft


Parisian Restaurant

Power Digger


Heartlake News Van

Super Heroes:

Batman Jr set

Hulk Smash

LEGO Movie:


Trash Chomper

Ice Cream Machine

The Flying Flusher

Creative Ambush

Rescue Reinforcements

Benny's Spaceship

Will need to see a full parts inventory for the Simpsons House before I decide if its worth it or not.

Of course all this depends on how much money I have (which is in turn dependent on the need to buy furniture and things for my new apartment :)

I just found out about the Simpsons... I think that would be one of the buys for this year. Also some more sci-fi stuff. :)

60050, 60051, 60052

Friends Beach House


Auto Transporter?- maybe

Freight train

Passenger station

Maybe a snow set or two


the modular

Simpsons House

Parisian Restuarant

surprised no one mentioned this - Maersk Triple E :D

Lots of loose bricks and pieces



76013 Joker's Steamroller

76010 Batman: The Penguin Face-Off


76014 Spider-Trike vs. Electro

76016 Spider-Helicopter Rescue (tentative, not totally sold on Goblin yet)

76017 Captain America vs. Hydra

76018 Hulk Lab Smash

Plus whatever the summer wave ends up being, I'll grab any GotG sets I need to complete the team and the X-men set

Other than that, probably a few of the Hobbit sets (mostly to shore up my orc army for castle stuff, they mesh reasonably well with the old Castle Trolls for me). Maybe the Goblin King set on clearance. Also need to at least pick up the Turtle lair, I'm missing Leonardo. Dunno what else, since Castle last year seems to've been a one-and-done wave.

surprised no one mentioned this - Maersk Triple E :

Actually saw that for the first time today, it looks beautiful. Too many stickers but they really make it look good.

Must buy:

Death Star before it's gone

Parisian Restaurant because it's amazing

Haunted House before it's gone as well

Mos Eisley Cantina

What i'd love to get this year, putting * next to the must haves...I'm sure there will be more added once the summer lists come out.

Lego Movie:

Benny's Spaceship*, Lord Business Evil Lair, Castle Cavalry* and Flying Flusher

Star Wars:

Mos Eisley Cantina*, a couple Death Star Troopers and At-At*


Parisian Restaurant and Grand Emporium

City sets:

Camper Van*, Auto Transporter* and the Police Dog Unit


Sunshine Harvest


Emerald Express and Mountain Hut

Simpsons House*

Edited by beatpoet

I just found out about the Simpsons... I think that would be one of the buys for this year. Also some more sci-fi stuff. :)

I would like to add. that the CuuSoo Exo Suit seems very interesting... http://lego.cuusoo.com/ideas/view/6135

10243 Parisian Restaurant

10219 Maersk Train

10233 Horizon Express

10241 Maersk Line Triple-E

60051 High-Speed Train (Depending on what it looks like)

60052 Goods Train

And of course, the 2014 Winter Village set!

Must get fire brigade before it disappears from regular retail channels and scalpels start charging an arm and a leg.

... before ... scalpels start charging an arm and a leg.

They are already, here in the US. Fire Brigade is gone.

I told my boyfriend than I'm expecting 40085 Lego Valentine on Feb 14th or he's not getting dinner for a week!

The new minifigures

Woops might have already built Parisian Restaurant and R2D2 (well it was my birthday)

70804 Ice Cream Machine

Undecided about the Simpsons (I don't really like the TV series but the set looks like a cool must have)

Haunted House (pending finding more room to put it)


Uruk-Hai Army

Battle at the Black Gate


Mirkwood Elf Army

4 sets released in october

DC Superheroes

- Bane vs Bat

- Black Zero Escape

- Penguin Face-Off

- Joker's Steamroller

- Man-Bat Attack

- The Riddler Chase

Lego Movie

- Cloud Cuckoo

- Metalbeard Duel

- Lord Business's Lair

- Benny's Spaceship Spaceship SPACESHIP

Lego Simpsons

- House

Fire brigade. It's still available at reasonable prices. Then more modulars after that as I don't have any.

Hopefully I can get the medieval market village some time too.

All the upcoming Hobbit and hopefully LotR sets.

The arctic sets because of the huskies and the new polar bear.

Star wars Mos Eisley Cantina.

Have purchased so far the Mars Rover and Eiffel Tower

Looking to add:

Paris Restaurant

Simpsons House if it looks good in person

2014 Architecture sets that come out

Benny's Spaceship if it looks good in person

Keeping an eye out for old sets here and there (classic space to go with my old collection I had as a kid) plus would love to find a decently priced Green Grocer and Café Corner

Might need a storage facility for all the boxes though, I am about maxed out, have 8 36g tubs and those won't allow the big modular boxes to fit in there.

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