September 9, 201410 yr The Hobbit has been covered VERY WELL. Sure, there are a couple Hobbit characters left out, but we're talking about Bolg & generic elf & dwarf soldiers. Compare that to LotR ... Sauron, Eowyn, Faramir, Witch King, Fell Beast, the Balrog, Treebeard, Gothmog, Guritz, Grishnakh, Denethor, Madril, Gamling, Hama, Gondor Soldiers, Gondor Archers, Haradrim, Easterlings, Oliphant, Elendil, Isildur, Gil-Galad ... and some serious locations like Minas Tirith, Osgiliath, Barad-dur, Amon Hen ... Sorry, but we already have a Rivendell set and are getting an Erebor set! The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few. If there's anything more, it would HAVE to be a final LotR wave or D2C set. And it's not a matter of liking one over the other, it's a matter of addressing which really NEEDS more.
September 9, 201410 yr I don't know if this has already been discussed, but I saw this: You can see some clear pictues of the new minifigures from the third wave. I love Galadriel and I like they give Azog a slightly different face print And if you look closely, you can see that the new orcs also have a different face print. I love the new figures! Galadriel's hair is not too good though... And I'm not loving the Witch King's Crown... But dang! I love their torso and head prints! And that armored Thorin! And Elrond! Wow! Some awesome figures this round!
September 9, 201410 yr The Hobbit has been covered VERY WELL. Sure, there are a couple Hobbit characters left out, but we're talking about Bolg & generic elf & dwarf soldiers. Compare that to LotR ... Sauron, Eowyn, Faramir, Witch King, Fell Beast, the Balrog, Treebeard, Gothmog, Guritz, Grishnakh, Denethor, Madril, Gamling, Hama, Gondor Soldiers, Gondor Archers, Haradrim, Easterlings, Oliphant, Elendil, Isildur, Gil-Galad ... and some serious locations like Minas Tirith, Osgiliath, Barad-dur, Amon Hen ... Sorry, but we already have a Rivendell set and are getting an Erebor set! The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few. If there's anything more, it would HAVE to be a final LotR wave or D2C set. And it's not a matter of liking one over the other, it's a matter of addressing which really NEEDS more. You don't understand. Why does LOTR need a second d2c other than fulfilling afol character wishes? Every theme should have a d2c and the Hobbit hasn't had one. Also LOTR would never have been made in Lego form if it wasn't for the Hobbit license. It is not realistic and there is no precedent for a second d2c for a two wave theme like LOTR.
September 9, 201410 yr Lego's trouble with a third wave is sales, it isn't like the Hobbit with a line of toys and action figures and a movie to back it up. The other thing is The Hobbit's story line is much less dark than the Lord of the Rings and it is more comical. The children buying theses sets most of them were not around or old enough when LotR came out as well, there is just a much smaller fan base.
September 9, 201410 yr The Hobbit has been covered VERY WELL. Sure, there are a couple Hobbit characters left out, but we're talking about Bolg & generic elf & dwarf soldiers. Compare that to LotR ... Sauron, Eowyn, Faramir, Witch King, Fell Beast, the Balrog, Treebeard, Gothmog, Guritz, Grishnakh, Denethor, Madril, Gamling, Hama, Gondor Soldiers, Gondor Archers, Haradrim, Easterlings, Oliphant, Elendil, Isildur, Gil-Galad ... and some serious locations like Minas Tirith, Osgiliath, Barad-dur, Amon Hen ... If we would count side characters for the Hobbit like you did here: Bolg, Dwarf Soldier, Elf Soldier, Thrain, Thror, Young Dwalin, Young Thorin, Young Balin, Battle Ram, Battle Boar, Elf Archers, Battle damaged Gandalf Battle Damaged Thorin, Fighting Thranduil, Hmm?
September 9, 201410 yr Variations of characters are no where near as important if they already have 1 version, Elf archers have also been done albeit only scouts. And Thorin already has 3 variations, I don't think he needs any more.
September 9, 201410 yr You don't understand. Why does LOTR need a second d2c other than fulfilling afol character wishes? Every theme should have a d2c and the Hobbit hasn't had one. Also LOTR would never have been made in Lego form if it wasn't for the Hobbit license. It is not realistic and there is no precedent for a second d2c for a two wave theme like LOTR. I'd prefer them to make D2C sets where they are appropriate, rather than saying every theme should have one. I wouldn't want them to come up with a large Hobbit D2C set just for the sake of it.
September 9, 201410 yr I'd prefer them to make D2C sets where they are appropriate, rather than saying every theme should have one. I wouldn't want them to come up with a large Hobbit D2C set just for the sake of it. Exactly. What justification is there to make a Hobbit D2C set? Just because one hasn't been made yet? The Hobbit has been covered very well and it should be considering it has three waves, one more than LotR. LotR only has two waves and is severely missing some key scenes. The Hobbit is not. I mean look at it this way, the LotR theme has only gotten 12 sets where as the Hobbit has gotten 14. I seriously can't think of a single Hobbit scene that is deserving of a D2C set. Everything has already been covered with smaller sets or just doesn't have the screen time to justify being made into a D2C set. On the other hand LotR is severely missing a Gondor set and a Balrog, at the very least.
September 9, 201410 yr Variations of characters are no where near as important if they already have 1 version, Elf archers have also been done albeit only scouts. And Thorin already has 3 variations, I don't think he needs any more. They are important to me, and where his important? no. if i had not googled Hama, Madril, Grishnakh and some others i would've never known them
September 9, 201410 yr They are important to me, and where his important? no. if i had not googled Hama, Madril, Grishnakh and some others i would've never known them A lot of the characters he listed were secondary, or fairly minor. I think the only big named characters we are missing from LotR are Eowyn, the Witch King, Faramir, and maybe Sauron. From the Hobbit though? Bolg is the only one that really sticks out. In terms of creatures LotR is also lacking pretty heavily with the Balrog, Fel Beast, Mumakil, and Treebeard all missing while the Hobbit is just missing bear form Beorn and maybe rams depending how big of role they play in the Bo5A.
September 9, 201410 yr Eowyn, the Witch King, Faramir, and maybe Sauron. I'd quite like Denethor too, especially if we had Faramir. And Rosie too. Fortunately both are quite easy to MOC in a purist way and look convincing. It is the specialist parts that make some characters instantly recognizable (Eowyn's helmet and hair, Witch King's Helmet, Faramir's armour, Sauron's helmet) that we are really lacking. Gondor armies are relatively easy to make from standard armour and helmets and look fairly reasonable - which is exactly what people did before Lego did LOTR. But of course, since the sets came out with so much detail in the minifigs, they no longer look as good as they did five years ago.
September 9, 201410 yr I'd quite like Denethor too, especially if we had Faramir. And Rosie too. Fortunately both are quite easy to MOC in a purist way and look convincing. It is the specialist parts that make some characters instantly recognizable (Eowyn's helmet and hair, Witch King's Helmet, Faramir's armour, Sauron's helmet) that we are really lacking. Gondor armies are relatively easy to make from standard armour and helmets and look fairly reasonable - which is exactly what people did before Lego did LOTR. But of course, since the sets came out with so much detail in the minifigs, they no longer look as good as they did five years ago. I dont want to sound insulting but how can you say in the same sentence that Eowyn helmet is ''special'' and recognizable while Gondor helmet is not the same and can be done from other generic parts............ those 2 helmet are exactly the same in those terms....... Eowyn is as easy to make with current parts as armies of Gondor are........... Faramir is the easiest, IF, you decide to give him the hood + cloak and make him ranger and duplicate his look when ambushing Oliphonts on the way to Mordor.................
September 9, 201410 yr I thought the Ent in Orthanc was Treebeard . He's a tree with a vine beard.. I am fairly sure that's what TLG want us to use it for, but it seems they've left it open just in case they make a treebeard set later.
September 9, 201410 yr I am fairly sure that's what TLG want us to use it for, but it seems they've left it open just in case they make a treebeard set later. Yup, I agree. I think Lego intentionally made him look similar to Treebeard without specifically stating it was Treebeard. A number of people seem to think he ISN'T Treebeard though. Personally, I think he does look pretty close with the beard and eyes which are pretty distinct, plus there are no other Ents shown in the film with the same features. The Orthanc Ent looks more like Treebeard than any other Ents. If not meant to be Treebeard, who is the Ent? I asked this before in a thread and no one really gave any answers despite vehemently denying it was TB.
September 9, 201410 yr If there could ever be one more set, I would hope it would be Gondor. I think we all would hope that.
September 9, 201410 yr Yup, I agree. I think Lego intentionally made him look similar to Treebeard without specifically stating it was Treebeard. A number of people seem to think he ISN'T Treebeard though. Personally, I think he does look pretty close with the beard and eyes which are pretty distinct, plus there are no other Ents shown in the film with the same features. The Orthanc Ent looks more like Treebeard than any other Ents. If not meant to be Treebeard, who is the Ent? I asked this before in a thread and no one really gave any answers despite vehemently denying it was TB. That's a good call. I thought maybe they were waiting to make a treebeard set, so they didn't give the ent a name. Maybe he's Treebeards Evil half Brother . ...yikes.
September 10, 201410 yr I dont want to sound insulting but how can you say in the same sentence that Eowyn helmet is ''special'' and recognizable while Gondor helmet is not the same and can be done from other generic parts............ those 2 helmet are exactly the same in those terms....... Eowyn is as easy to make with current parts as armies of Gondor are........... Faramir is the easiest, IF, you decide to give him the hood + cloak and make him ranger and duplicate his look when ambushing Oliphonts on the way to Mordor................. You need to read the sentence after. Gondor soldiers are easy to MOC and many people did it before Lego did LOTR. They don't look so good now though, as many of the other characters have so much detail - the lack of the Gondor tree symbol is probably the most important identifier, the regular helmet I could live with.
September 10, 201410 yr You need to read the sentence after. Gondor soldiers are easy to MOC and many people did it before Lego did LOTR. They don't look so good now though, as many of the other characters have so much detail - the lack of the Gondor tree symbol is probably the most important identifier, the regular helmet I could live with. Thats not true, most significant for gondor are those helmets. You can create really good printing on your own as well you can made some banners for them with tree and use some older torsos with printed preastplate or use those current breastplate piseces in silver metalic colour. Tree is not important at all. And if you input those MOCed soldiers form parts that we had before lotr (like you said) between those current LOTR Characters it would look silly. So wake up, u cannot moc it from parts we have to get true gondor soldier. 1. Helmet 2 . Shield 3printed torso and legs.
September 10, 201410 yr Thats not true, most significant for gondor are those helmets. You can create really good printing on your own as well you can made some banners for them with tree and use some older torsos with printed preastplate or use those current breastplate piseces in silver metalic colour. Tree is not important at all. And if you input those MOCed soldiers form parts that we had before lotr (like you said) between those current LOTR Characters it would look silly. So wake up, u cannot moc it from parts we have to get true gondor soldier. 1. Helmet 2 . Shield 3printed torso and legs. The tree is important for me as it clearly shows the soldiers are Gondor soldiers. The existing standard castle helmet is not the correct shape, but it is better than nothing. The correct shape helmet with no torso print, for me, is not as good as an acceptable helmet with the correct torso print. Also many official (unique) parts are not the correct shape anyway. For example, the official Rohan soldiers helmet is not the correct shape for many of the soldiers, they just reused the mold for Eomer's helmet. However, it is acceptable.
September 10, 201410 yr If confronted with the choice, I too would rather have the castle helmet and printed tree than have the "real" helmet with no tree.
September 10, 201410 yr If confronted with the choice, I too would rather have the castle helmet and printed tree than have the "real" helmet with no tree. Same, I'm tempted to just find prints for them online and use them on my figures.... even though I'm pretty much a LEGO purist. :P
September 10, 201410 yr The tree is important for me as it clearly shows the soldiers are Gondor soldiers. The existing standard castle helmet is not the correct shape, but it is better than nothing. The correct shape helmet with no torso print, for me, is not as good as an acceptable helmet with the correct torso print. Also many official (unique) parts are not the correct shape anyway. For example, the official Rohan soldiers helmet is not the correct shape for many of the soldiers, they just reused the mold for Eomer's helmet. However, it is acceptable. The Gondor soldiers are usually seen in full armor like in this picture. The tree indentation isn't terribly noticeable on it. At least not so much so that it's more important than the helms imo. I would be ecstatic to get an official Gondor helm as I could then use it along with some standard silver chest plates on solid black torso/legs with random heads and have a nice looking Gondor Army..
September 10, 201410 yr Guys lets stay with the Topic here shall we? Not trying to mini-mod just saying before a Mod has to come in Edited September 10, 201410 yr by kevkipo
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