October 23, 201410 yr I was hoping to get a bunch of dain minifigs on ebay to build a dwarf army, but when I went and looked they are a little bit to expensive to do that. oh by the way check out the LOTR staff pick on Lego Ideas: https://ideas.lego.com/dashboard Bet i can help you out pal: http://www.bricklink...itemID=63505831 That's the lowest price you can get, he has 9 available so Edited October 23, 201410 yr by kevkipo
October 23, 201410 yr Thats funny, no designer´s video yet on the official pages... Seems they dont caare anymore about this theme.. Its more then week after official release and nothing...no advertisment no nothing. Maybe thats why the whole middle earth theme was cut.
October 23, 201410 yr WOW! After watching the extended edition of The Desolation of Smaug not only do I love the movie even more than I did (I loved it a lot) but now I wish the Dol Guldur battle had a thrain figure back in 2013. Anyone who was disspaointed that the Gandalf in dol guldur scenes were brief is going to be pleasantly surprised! PLUS I finally see what parts of dol guldur lego based DGB on. Clue, its not the courtyard where azog attacks him in the theatrical, its more of a dungeon..
October 23, 201410 yr Is this video scen somewhere for watching? I just read some scenery form EE but never seen those scenes. I agree I wish we had a Thrain minifig (his tatoo on face is really cool)... To sad that DGB set was only 860 pcs or something like that...wish for at leat 1300pcs...
October 23, 201410 yr No I've just seen clips on YouTube. You can get it on digital if you wish from iTunes but the Dvd/ Blu Ray comes out on the 3rd November over here and the 4th in the USA. Considering I am usually dead against extended editions and a few clips have really impressed me I think I can make a wager that its good! The dol guldur scenes are on youtube. and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ia1wbfpQ5PE. There is one more but its not on the net. Personally I think these scenes should have been in the theatrical film! They make much more sense in context than the version in the movie. Edited October 23, 201410 yr by legofreak86
October 23, 201410 yr Thrain, eaten by darkness? How sad Awesome vids, would have loved to see him Legonized.
October 23, 201410 yr Maybe now I understand why they made that choice for DGB set, what I miss is Thrain...only new prints was required (torso - dark brown robe, and head with triangle tatoo.) Such a pity.
October 23, 201410 yr Whats great about the clip is it really cements Sauron as a threat in the hobbit films in general. I mean having him actually kill someone is a great way to say this guy is quite powerful now and then it makes it more meaningful when he beats Gandalf. Plus the fact that in the theatrical scenes we barely see any of Gandalf inside the fortress shy of him entering and meeting azog. In the extended cause it goes on for longer it feels better cause theres a buildup to fighting Sauron. On topic. I like the way they did Dol Guldur after seeing this as its clearly the dungeons they are trying to make. I look forward to seeing the next trailer for BO5a and hopefull with some more white council footage as i want to see elrond and galadriel in action as their Lego figures are awesome!
October 23, 201410 yr heh, so much for discovering the new scenes on my first watch-through next week spoiler tags or at least a notice would have been nice folks. My guess is most of us haven't seen the EE yet since it's not really released. been avoiding the discussion in other Tolkien forums, didn't expect to stumble across pointless descriptions of a linked video in a LEGO thread :/ Edited October 23, 201410 yr by bachamn
October 23, 201410 yr I Only linked the clips. I myself am dead against spoiling things before i see them. In fact to be honest i have only seen of this sequence in full the second clip myself. You have a good point about the spoiler tags for people discussing the scene though. I've only seen the official released clips and one of those Dol Guldur scenes myself as i too would like to keep the rest a surprise. To be honest all that has been mentioned in the aforementioned comments is the fate of a certain character. Nothing else of the extended edition has been spoiled so there's one upside. It is true though that a Thrain figure would've been cool. Perhaps i should not have linked the clips after they were requested, but I have to say that i did not force anyone at gunpoint to watch them to be quite plain. On topic of lego the only thing i think this line is outwardly missing (other than thrain) is a proper sauron figure. I mean the sillouette one in desolation had the armour details but it was glowing orange. I don't know about anyone else but a figure like the sauron in armour but with orange fire accents and orange eyes on the helmet would've been pretty epic! Compared to the necro-gorilla we have. Then again no one knows how much of a role he will have in the third one or what form he will take to combat the white council.
October 23, 201410 yr Maybe if there will be chance for next wave in LOTR series, there could be reason to create Sauron fig. One with orange/fiery glowing colour scheme to fit the Hobbit and one in pearl dark grey to fit LOTR Prologue... This fig requires new molds for helemet and pauldrons...also he should have helemt and head in one piece like Beorn to make that figure slightlyy bigger than regular minifig. So the differences will be in colour printing and maybe in colour of cape...But I am totally agree with this.. Sauron would be nice.
October 23, 201410 yr No wonder we never got Thrain, everyone knows LEGO would never produce a set based on an Extended Edition of a movie...oh wait...
October 23, 201410 yr Does anyone has a picture of both Lake Town sets combined? I do have both, but the LTC is in storage... No wonder we never got Thrain, everyone knows LEGO would never produce a set based on an Extended Edition of a movie...oh wait... I don't know what you are referring to?
October 23, 201410 yr I think that Beorn´s proportions are not big enough for Sauron´s minifig. Toy Story Woody´s legs and arms would fit better, imho. Alfadas: He´s refering to Mouth of Sauron. Edited October 23, 201410 yr by Mr. Cube
October 23, 201410 yr Well this makes all the Dol Guldor sets make a little more sense. I need to watch the extended version now.
October 23, 201410 yr Maybe if there will be chance for next wave in LOTR series, there could be reason to create Sauron fig. One with orange/fiery glowing colour scheme to fit the Hobbit and one in pearl dark grey to fit LOTR Prologue... This fig requires new molds for helemet and pauldrons...also he should have helemt and head in one piece like Beorn to make that figure slightlyy bigger than regular minifig. So the differences will be in colour printing and maybe in colour of cape...But I am totally agree with this.. Sauron would be nice. "Next wave of LotR." <=)
October 23, 201410 yr I hope we get designer videos soon. It would suck if the design team was not as invested as they used to in the theme Edited October 23, 201410 yr by cullmancreations
October 23, 201410 yr I thought it was an obvious joke alluding to Mouth of Sauron AND Pirate Ship Ambush. I guess both of them were from extended versions? I haven't seen the unextended versions, so I was unaware of their exclusion. Maybe the LEGO developers only saw the extended versions too?? I'm sure it is possible.
October 23, 201410 yr "Next wave of LotR." <=) Yeah, at this point it is looking unlikely unless Lego is going to surprise us... which is very rare.
October 23, 201410 yr I, for one, want to thank you for the EE clip links, legofreak86! As for a Sauron with Woody legs, I think that would look pretty goofy. I dont really know how to make a cool Sauron apart from a specialized bigfig mold. Edit: Removed part of post to the more appropriate "Future LotR Sets" thread. Edited October 23, 201410 yr by Ardelon
October 23, 201410 yr Sauron ... simple, like this: Would need a head mold. Done. Could put him out as a polybag. 2 versions... grey prologue and fire color variant.
October 23, 201410 yr So does the Ee explain why we got a Beorn fig in DGA, because i really dont understand that. Unless the EE explains that im still chalking it up to Lego wanted to put Beorn in a set and decides that was the only place.
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