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These sets look much better than the preliminary pictures. The cheapest set looks great for the builds, but the minifigures can be found in other bigger sets. Soldiers outpost looks pretty good, the dark brown hair piece helps the blue coat minififure. I love the new pirate torsos, they have a classic look to them which is really cool. The soldiers fort looks better, I think we can all agree the new dark blue hat on the general looks awesome and the daughter has some amazing printing on her which makes her a favorite minifigure of the theme. Now to the brick bounty, I see some differences. They're not the same, the captain has a new torso and face just like the chef. I also like the new torso on the kid. I like this theme, I was not expecting to get any but now I have to.

Edited by amazingbricks

Pirates is my favorite theme , but i must go on a rant here : I EXPECTED MUCH BETTER FROM LEGO. the pirate ship is not just basically but in reality brick bounty`s pirate ship from the last wave . Yes there may be a few little and i mean little changes here and there but it is the same @#@$$%^ ! ship. At least change the colour of the sails or something. There havent been too many pirate ship in the pirate theme so why couldnt they just make a different one instead of doing the same thing over again?

What them you may ask?.Well how about a merchant ship with an upper deck, maybe smaller that the current pirate ship if price is concerned and with the bottom deck being used to store goods like apples and fish in barrels. And that is just off the top of my head.

The other sets i cant complain because they look cheap so they will be good as army builder sets.

Edited by kermit

In addition to not thinking that this new ship is the same as Brickbeard's Bounty (I mean, yes, it has some similarities, but I see a lot of differences; and it is a standard sized pirate ship, so it shares similarities with many others), I don't understand the argument that the soldier sets are <insert that tiresome argument>. Doesn't said argument usually involve large, specialized pieces? It seems like this line moves away from those.

In addition to not thinking that this new ship is the same as Brickbeard's Bounty (I mean, yes, it has some similarities, but I see a lot of differences; and it is a standard sized pirate ship, so it shares similarities with many others), I don't understand the argument that the soldier sets are <insert that tiresome argument>. Doesn't said argument usually involve large, specialized pieces? It seems like this line moves away from those.

Yes, that is so, but they still may look baby-ish to some people. I don't think so, but some do.

I realize that I've been contrary without giving my actual opinions on the sets. So, here goes.

I think that Shipwreck Defense is a huge improvement over the equivalent 2009 set--that shipwreck shelter is great.

Soldier's Outpost is great--I think both components are extremely well made, and the outpost reminds me of many older small pirate sets.

Soldier's Fort does feel a bit insubstantial, but looking back, I think I like the structure better than the previous one in 2009.

I probably won't get the Brick Bounty (can't afford to make many big Lego purchases at the moment), but I like it; it's different enough from the previous one, and I actually like it better.

Gee, in the soldiers fort.....there's a female that can defend the fort too.......AWESOME ! pirate_devg1.gif

The minifigs are excellent, don't know if my cash will stretch that far next year. pirate_blush.gif

I loved the kingdoms line, but this warrants for me to sell my entire kingdoms sets just to make room for this line, Pirates was my first introduction to Lego, even as far to say that the Blackseas barracuda was my first lego set ever, I LOVE PIRATES!!!

I'll be getting all these, as I don't have any of the older Pirates sets. They all look good to me, but so far I'm disappointed that I haven't seen a parrot or a monkey. They're both classic animals that I'd want to appear in this theme.

I'll be getting all these, as I don't have any of the older Pirates sets. They all look good to me, but so far I'm disappointed that I haven't seen a parrot or a monkey. They're both classic animals that I'd want to appear in this theme.

Dont eorry, one will be coming in treasure island.

There is a distinct lack of monkeys, sharks, or parrots in this line. Quite odd.

But oh my gosh, you guys. They have the old style flags!!! Arguably it's a step backwards, design wise, but I feel nostalgic just looking at them. I haven't seen the soldiers flag on a new set in over twenty years. And the pirate flag is just perfect. And we get another one in the Juniors set! (Also a fantastic new map piece!)

New mast pieces...has that been mentioned before?

Looking at the two different doors on the Bounty's cabin, I suspect there may be two different rooms...interesting...

The differences between the two Bounties are quite subtle, but they are there...

I love all the references to the old Pirate characters: Will, Red Beard, Camilla...I can't wait to see if they are new or the same--either would make me happy. And that green-shirted pirate brings us a step closer to a Culverin minifigure. pirate_laugh2.gif I like the way they handled the bluecoat female--not in uniform, but free to be posed in exciting action scenes. :D

I really do not understand the bandanna backlash. It's weird to see a new version of a piece that's been around for such a long time, true. (The new baseball caps still seem strange to me...) But it looks fine to me. And it'll be fun to have a little variety in the pirate crew. (Surely every pirate can't tie their bandanna the exact same way! ;) )

I'm really hoping for a large bluecoat ship. With bluecoat sailors with new hats. pirate_blush.gif

Can these just be out now, please?


The figures are nice, but the sets disappointing overall. Both the ship and fort look as if they were just rebuilt from the concept drawings of the 2009 line. There's no doubting they are different, but not anything like the variety we saw in the original Pirates theme. Even Lego Police Stations usually manage to mix it up a bit better than that.

Not convinced about the bandana piece either, but I'll wait on clearer pics to really decide as maybe the detailing helps.

I've seen people saying that this new ship is the same as Brickbeard's Bounty, but I really don't see it. Sure, they have similar color schemes, but a side-by-side comparison shows plenty of differences.

Sure, there are lots of differences. Minor differences. The overall structure, sails, and colours are practically the same (replacing dark red with red is not exactly a huge variation, is it?). If you don't think they are much the same, then try comparing the ships to earlier pirate ships such as Black Seas Barracuda, Skull's Eye Schooner or Red Beard Runner. The differences between these ships is soooo much greater than between Brickbeard's Bounty and Brickbeard's Bounty II The Brick Bounty.

Now to the brick bounty, I see some differences. They're not the same, the captain has a new torso and face just like the chef. I also like the new torso on the kid.

Noone has been disputing that the minifigs are different and great, we're talkining about the ship itself.

It's a fine enough ship in it's own right (though not quite on par with it's 2009 sibling), but most of us who owns the 2009 lineup had simply expected something a bit more fresh and innovative.

Also, though it's not a major issue, I miss the "damsel in distress" type figure in the ship...

I also don't like the ship. Honestly both BBB and BB are not my type of ships anyway. On the other hand Shipwreck defense and Soldiers outpost look pretty nice and I might buy.

Clean white-blue for soldiers and dark-blue/pearl gold for governor is a combination that suits perfectly our new bluecoats, but adding a new tricorn like this would be even better..


Last but not least I do believe pirate fans deserve at least one set like clastles 10193, whether its island or tavern

Yes, it's much more like the ship that was made five years ago than the ships that were made fifteen, twenty-one, and twenty-five years ago. The construction and color scheme still seem quite distinct to me. I'll admit that the sails are similar, and so is the size. However, I think that they've done an admirable job making it distinct given the size--and I do think that's probably the best size. Anything bigger like the SES would be much more expensive, and anything smaller that's not drastically smaller would be too small. Every wave needs a "big" pirate set that's still not too expensive for parents, and, size-wise, they're sticking with what works. Still, it looks distinctive to me (and if I didn't have a one-year-old, I'd buy it and display it next to my prized BSB). But, to each their own.

Forgot to mention--as the father of a daughter, I am glad to see the shift away from "damsel in distress," and may get the soldier's fort to get that minifigure. And there is something where I'll agree completely: "The Brick Bounty" is a terrible name. What about a name like "The Flying Dane"?

Edited by Mariko

Bluecoats return! pirate_satisfied.gif

New torso's, a white bandana, dark red brick bricks, flags, rum bottles and is that a dark blue bicorner?

I think I'll pick up the soldiers fort and pirate raft.

The ship I'm not so interested in, it's hardly different from the BBB, recycling couldn't be more obvious.

Although... I didn't get the BBB so I might get this BB instead, the two are practically equal.

Just a thought; is it possible there could be another wave in 2016?

We don't know anything about that but I hope we get a second wave or an exclusive set(You know a tavern or a hideout)

I love this return to the old style Pirates theme..seems like renesaince to me :) Its really good to see those soldiers with hairs and detailed new torsos.. Also its really nice to have bluecoats back. I expect that those sets will be cheap due to the brick count. Is there any pricelist so far?

Ship ooks similar to Brickbeard bounty so I will pass that, but I really want those forts :)

Great to see an admiral lady instead of a damsel-in-distress this time. But I expect more than one female pirate (the only confirmed one appears in the Skull Island). The pirate kid is also a good addition.

As for the general sets, they seem to be an update versions of earlier sets, as much as the leaked names showed. I wish to see some Pirates sets involving cultural or fantasy things (like the mermaids appeared last time). But maybe TLG try not to make it similiar with PotC or The Little Mermaid.

Edited by Dorayaki

Yeah the BB is pretty much a rehash of BBB but I'm happy with getting another Pirate ship. The mini figure's look pretty great too. I'm in love with the blue coats and cant wait to amass an army of them.

Here are my thoughts:

  • The shade of red used for the sails seems to be different from the shade of red used in the Brickbeard's Bounty, which is good. It's not black and white like I'd hoped, but at least the different shades of red will make the ships looks slightly more different than they otherwise would have.
  • The ship's cook needs a kitchen... is it just me, or is the door to the cabin slightly asymmetrical with the opposite side, which looks like a smaller door? I'm wondering if the captain's cabin has been made smaller so that a small kitchen can be built next to it. This might account for the mysterious increase in the piece count.
  • Love the new torsos, especially the female soldier. Can't wait to see the female pirate in the skull island set. Like everyone else I'm not that fond of the new bandanna, except the white one on the cook, which actually works. Not so well on the shipwreck defense pirate! Glad to see the tricorn finally in reddish brown.
  • I was hoping the fort would redeem itself but the prison has no back, the tower is on stilts without proper walls and the top of the tower just looks silly. Actually the outpost looks more nice and solid than the fort, although it could have been raised a little higher.
  • Love the references to Classic Pirates!

Edited by David Thomsen

I like all the sets greatly, but the fort is too small, its price is dropped to 35 dollars. I will get ti though because i didnt get the last fort, and you can connect the outpost to this to make it bigger.

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