April 16, 20159 yr In theory I'd agree, but looking at 2009 wave (that I missed) and this wave which has very similar content, does it not feel like half a release? It feels very shallow to me and if they're going to rehash a shallow pirates wave every five years. I dunno. I shouldn't complain. at least we have more pirates. For that I am thankful. I get that feeling too. I could just kick myself for missing that wave too. The new ship feels like a slightly watered down version of the last ship with a less appealing colorscheme and a missing aft hull piece for cut cost savings. It's even missing a door! Oh to have gotten that BBB instead. And that Imperial Flashship? Oh my god. I'd have to sell me gold tooth for one of those now!!
April 16, 20159 yr I get that feeling too. I could just kick myself for missing that wave too. The new ship feels like a slightly watered down version of the last ship with a less appealing colorscheme and a missing aft hull piece for cut cost savings. I don't think the missing hull piece was to save money, the BB actually has more pieces to compensate for the loss of the aft piece. It would probably have been cheaper for them to use one large piece there. And the result is a more realistic hull.
April 16, 20159 yr I'm very curious about one thing, and I'm sorry if this has been brought up before. The original bluecoats of Governor Broadside were simply called Soldiers, the redcoats of Admiral Woodhouse were called Imperial Guards. But with the release of 2015 wave on the official LEGO website the new 'good guys' are desrcibed as "Bluecoat Soldier", "Bluecoat Sergant" [sic] etc.Do you think LEGO adapted this term officially due to extensive use of the words Bluecoats and Redcoats by AFOLS on fansites, like Classic-Pirates.com and others? Because that would be kind of cool. By the way, did you know that the official name of the new governor is Governor Hacienda? I didn't know it until today. Check HERE.
April 16, 20159 yr @Hive: since I trashed my last TV about 15 years ago, my kids grow up up watching videos on DVDs on my comp. So basically no advertisement and controlled exposure. And guess what, they love Lego Pirates and Castle, and certainly don't know what the heck to do with Star Wars! Interesting. It kinda confirms my belief that themes like Ninjago and Chima are only "winning" due to the massive exposure they get. So imagine what would happen if LEGO pushed Pirates or Castle in the same way... Ninjago simply has a lot more going for it, for the not-yet-AFOL audience. :) A wider range of sets, more collectible minifigs, flashier elements, more action figures and weapons, the spinner card game thing, the tv shows. I hate to say it but... pirates versus ninjas? I'm afraid the ninjas are winning... I mean corrupting our youth!! Arr!! Yeah, Lego knows where the bread is buttered, in terms of profits. Yes, but it's an "unfair" battle where LEGO have chosen beforehand which theme to push. With the 2009 wave, a lot of people complained about some of the silly maniacal face prints - seems better to me in 2015. Really? I don't see much of a difference with face prints. In fact, I'd say 2015 has far sillier face prints than 2009 (the pirate captain and pirate cook especially).
April 16, 20159 yr @Hive: since I trashed my last TV about 15 years ago, my kids grow up up watching videos on DVDs on my comp. So basically no advertisement and controlled exposure. And guess what, they love Lego Pirates and Castle, and certainly don't know what the heck to do with Star Wars! Hehe, this should become basic 'Pirate Parenting Procedure' in the interest of our hobby: Stick to the 'Pirate Parenting Code'... which is much more than just guidelines! For the Greater Good!
April 16, 20159 yr I stand corrected about the back printing: 2009 and 2015 waves all had back prints. The flags are different (this is the point that bugs me the most, the switch from flexible to solid plastic flags). The fort now has the new brick piece instead of stickers. Oh yeah, I somehow hadn't noticed. I actually beg to differ. I hate that plasticy-sheet material. It was put to especially bad use in the PotC wave for the waterfall in that one little set. I think because when I was a kid, the flags were all hard plastic, that makes me lean more toward that for the flags. On balance I'd say the new range is slightly more AFOL-appropriate, but not by much. And I tend to stockpile any available gold coins whenever I make a BrickLink order, so no problem for me there. That's hilarious. I need to make a point to stockpile gold coins too. I'm starting to wonder if they'll ever make those again. It really seems like chrome gold is used very sparingly these days. I really don't like pearl gold. I just can't get used to it, hardly for anything except an odd accent piece here and there, maybe. It looks more brassy than gold. But yeah, the treasure in these sets is just sad. The gems are okay in moderate doses, but it's just not the same.
April 17, 20159 yr Oh yeah, I somehow hadn't noticed. I actually beg to differ. I hate that plasticy-sheet material. It was put to especially bad use in the PotC wave for the waterfall in that one little set. I think because when I was a kid, the flags were all hard plastic, that makes me lean more toward that for the flags. Sorry, I was ambiguous... yes, I prefer the hard plastic flag as well. But while I'd rather have a theme with all hard plastic flags than all soft plastic flags, I'd rather have a theme with all soft plastic flags than mixed flags. It's an inconsistency that bugs me for some reason.
April 17, 20159 yr Here in America, or at least where I am in the NYC/NJ area, the Pirate sets appear to be selling very well. I have about 10 different Toys R us's within driving distance from my house, and they all have had to re-stock quite a few times due to selling out. The Toys R us have had all the sets too, including the BB, and they are all selling. The Walmarts and Targets have also been selling pretty well of these sets too. I have many Targets and Walmarts by me as well, and the shelves are empty and re-stocked of the Pirates stuff a few times over. That being said though, it appears that both Walmart and Target did not get in the BB. I don't like this for the strength of the line, but maybe they will stock them as sales increase. So, yes, it does appear the sets are selling decent by me, and again I am in a very "important" part of the world, atleast according to Lego sales, New York city area. I truly hope sales continue, and we get a 2nd wave and at least an awesome UCS. I don't know why Lego isn't pushing this line more to our friends in Europe, but I hope they do, and we can get more sets.
April 17, 20159 yr Picture in Italy they aren't even on the shelf. People is forced to buy them on shop.lego.com
April 17, 20159 yr Sorry, I was ambiguous... yes, I prefer the hard plastic flag as well. But while I'd rather have a theme with all hard plastic flags than all soft plastic flags, I'd rather have a theme with all soft plastic flags than mixed flags. It's an inconsistency that bugs me for some reason. I feel the same way. For the sake of consistency, I'd have prefered them to continue with soft plastic. It's more durable as well. But overall, I prefer hard plastic flags.
April 18, 20159 yr Dunedain, I also found it odd that my local walmarts haven't carried the Brick Bounty. All our targets just shut down so don't know if they would have carried it. Our chapters/indigos have had them ( our version of B&N) or I would have said TLG is driving up demand artificially by limiting BB to just Lego store or TRU.
April 18, 20159 yr My local Legodealer confirms that pirates are not selling so great... I hope to change that this weekend at Brickmania Wetteren where I will expose a mini Pirate Lay-out in front of his stand :D
April 19, 20159 yr The pirate sets are selling well at my local walmart. They were completely cleaned out sans for the two smallest pirated themed non-imperial focused sets.
April 19, 20159 yr I want to re-iterate that the sets are constantly getting wiped out at Walmart's and Target's by me. AND, I just have finally spotted the BB at both Walmart and Target. Not in every one yet, but they are showing up, outside of TRU and Lego stores. I think that's a good sign, I hope.
April 19, 20159 yr I want to re-iterate that the sets are constantly getting wiped out at Walmart's and Target's by me. AND, I just have finally spotted the BB at both Walmart and Target. Not in every one yet, but they are showing up, outside of TRU and Lego stores. I think that's a good sign, I hope. Awesome. Even though some may not appreciate the Brick Bounty; it really is the sailing ships that sell the theme.
April 20, 20159 yr Man I really just want the UCS set to surface already I just can't wait for next year!!!!!!
April 20, 20159 yr There's only one place in my city that actually has the sets, which would be MyToys. All the other big retailers like real, müller etc. do not have them at all. I really wonder why.
April 22, 20159 yr You think buying from Lego.com directly and by extension giving them fatter profit margins (no middle man wholesale price) is the best way to support the brand? I want more Pirate ships...
April 22, 20159 yr My only problem with this theme is that the sets all look so simple much like the Castle theme did from last year, it does not seem to have anything special or challenging about it to me. The only set that appeals to me is the Brick Bounty, the other sets just scream "Castle 2.0" for me and that theme (the one from last year not the much older ones) was a huge miss for me...
April 22, 20159 yr My only problem with this theme is that the sets all look so simple much like the Castle theme did from last year, it does not seem to have anything special or challenging about it to me. The only set that appeals to me is the Brick Bounty, the other sets just scream "Castle 2.0" for me and that theme (the one from last year not the much older ones) was a huge miss for me... I complete agree,by looking at those sets you can see how little effort was put to them...which is quit sad since it's Lego way of saying "The golden age of the Pirates line is over,that of course doesn't mean we'll stop making them but the future sets wont be as epic as was the original sets." Edited April 22, 20159 yr by LOTR34
April 22, 20159 yr Yeah. You definitely get the impression that they phoned it in with this line. Just compare the ship to the last one. So similar, right down to the name. And hardly any advertising or announcements, it's like they sent the set out to die.
April 22, 20159 yr I think Soldiers' Outpost and Treasure Island are two really well designed sets. As for the Fort and Brick Bounty, I sadly have to agree. I still like the fort and ship for the figures and flags and some of the parts : P
April 22, 20159 yr I think Soldiers' Outpost and Treasure Island are two really well designed sets. As for the Fort and Brick Bounty, I sadly have to agree. I still like the fort and ship for the figures and flags and some of the parts : P Have to disagree about the Island,I'm sure if the designers had time to put more effort into the set it would have been better.The more I'm looking at it the more it seems that it lacks something.But I'm excited about The Brick Bounty since it'll be my first Lego ship!!!!
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