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Why do people keep saying that apart from the torso printings and flags these are the finished models? I would just like to see any comparison between a preliminary image and a final set, even for a non-pirate set. I can't recall the preliminary images for the 2009 pirates but I seem to remember noticing significant changes for the final sets.

  On 9/19/2014 at 5:19 AM, David Thomsen said:

I would just like to see any comparison between a preliminary image and a final set, even for a non-pirate set.

These look pretty similar IMO.



Edited by Robert8

The prelim images for the QAR had completely different sails to the ones that were in the final product. My purchase of the 2015 ship is contingent on the sails being significantly different from those used for Brickbeard's Bounty. It might be a different story if the actual ship design was inspiring but I don't need to display two very similar looking ships together.

  On 9/19/2014 at 5:59 AM, Robert8 said:

These look pretty similar IMO.


Hmm yes the builds are almost identical, but the minifigs and pieces of the prelims are also a lot more advanced, the castle set even has the final design on the shield. The movie set would probably have been much more advanced in design to tie in with the Movie itself.

Having said that, all of the other preliminary images I can find by searching 'Lego preliminaries' on Google closely match their final counterparts, so maybe I'm clutching at straws. My gut instinct tells me that some of the sets, particularly the forts, are unfinished (I just can't imagine them releasing a set with a tower on four pillars with no walls, and a prison with no back), but can't back that up with evidence from other prelim images. pirate_sceptic.gif

Edited by David Thomsen

David, the prelim shows a back to the prison. But as a play feature it pops out. It is leaning to the right of the cell.

  On 9/19/2014 at 11:26 AM, Blakstone said:

David, the prelim shows a back to the prison. But as a play feature it pops out. It is leaning to the right of the cell.

Sorry, I mean the rear wall. pirate_satisfied.gif I can't remember having seen Lego make a prison cell of any kind that wasn't fully enclosed, which is one of the main reasons I don't think the set is finished.

Oh wait, I see what you mean, the part leaning against the side is the rear wall. I thought it was the side wall, and it was leaning like that because it was being popped out.

Edited by David Thomsen

  On 9/19/2014 at 6:30 AM, Hewman said:

The prelim images for the QAR had completely different sails to the ones that were in the final product. My purchase of the 2015 ship is contingent on the sails being significantly different from those used for Brickbeard's Bounty. It might be a different story if the actual ship design was inspiring but I don't need to display two very similar looking ships together.

It's worth pointing out that we do seem to be getting new Jolly Rogers for this release, so I can't imagine that would be the same on the final ship...


Alright, let me just go through these individually so I can express my opinions.

Shipwreck Defence: From a preliminary stand point, I actually really like this set. It's cute, it's got some awesome parts, and apparently we're getting blue coats again! pirate_oh.gif I'm surprised our blue coat supporters aren't going bananas over this, but it's a cute little set! thumbup.gif Although the flag looks absolutely ridiculous. I actually didn't mind a lot of the Castle 2013 sets, since at least the designs of the uniforms and motifs was nice, but that flag... default_sick.gif I'm sure I'll find a use for it. Captain Kid and his crew of 12 year olds, perhaps. default_tong.gif

Soldier's Outpost: Again, a good set! I like the parts selection, the blue coats, it's really a nice set with nice parts. I especially like those dark red brick parts. default_wubnew.gif And the use of the tattered cape as a sail was a nice touch, although I hope all the sails aren't like that.

Treasure Island: Not as good as Soldier's Outpost, but not bad by any means. I like the inclusion of the lady pirate, as well as the white head band. The palm tree leaves are in a nice colour, and although the skull island thing is a little corny, I like the gold tooth. Really cute! default_laugh_new.gif Although I really don't understand the reason for the blaster on the soldier's boat. Is it supposed to be a swivel cannon? default_sceptic.gif

Soldier's Fort: I surprisingly don't hate this set. I don't think it's that great, racking in at only 234 pieces, but it's not the worst possible thing. I like the female blue coat (who might be getting a unique torso? wub_drool.gif ) and I like some of the pieces.... and that's it. Really let down by this one. A lot. default_sad.gif What I don't like is the jump from 234 pieces to the ship which is over 700. How much is this going to be compared to the ship? I feel as if this will be a huge rip off of a set. default_shrug_confused.gif

"Pirats Ship": Good golly Miss Molly is this a mixed bag. I like the minifigs included, including what appears to be a high ranking blue coat with the powdered wig, and what appears to be the ship's cook, but the rest of the ship is a bit of a let down. It's almost a piece for a piece redesign of the Brickbeard's Bounty, and I really liked that ship's colour scheme! Here it just looks plain and somewhat dull looking. I'll still pick it up, but it really is a let down. default_sceptic.gif

So yeah, two big sets that aren't that great and three cheaper sets that actually look pretty good! I'll wait and see the finals for the largest two sets to make final judgement, but the smallest three will definitely be purchases in my book! thumbup.gif

  On 9/20/2014 at 3:07 AM, Kintobor said:
Soldier's Fort: I surprisingly don't hate this set. I don't think it's that great, racking in at only 234 pieces, but it's not the worst possible thing.

I disagree, I find it to be exactly the worst possible thing. pirate_tong.gif

The worst set of the wave for sure, with nothing interesting going for it. The 2009 fort was superior to this in every single way, and I doubt some nice finishing up and stickers can change that from the prelims.

First of all I am really happy we get a return of pirates, one of mine childhood favourites pirate_laugh2.gif

The blue coats are a welcome return, I have plenty of red ones from 2009!

It looks like they have taken the 2009 series and put it in a blender and this is the smoothie that came out.

Overall the smoothie was sweeter in 2009, but 2015 is not to bad either :pir-wink: 2009 also got more sets, but if this series sells well so will this one..

Shipwreck Defence: This set is in my opinion better looking than 6239: Cannon Battle, but have more parts and will probably cost more=not so good for army building pir_wacko.gif

Soldier's Outpost: The raft in 6240: Kraken Attackin is better looking, but there are only pirates in that set= really bad army builder. Here we get 2 soldiers and a cannon, but for twice the pieces and price?!

Treasure Island: Like this set better than 6241: Loot Island (with one big island piece). Hopefully the colour of the boat will change= pirates brown boats, soldiers another colour than brown pirate_wink.gif

Soldier's Fort: Not as good as 6242: Soldiers' Fort! Have over 100 pieces less, 1 soldier less, no monkey, no crocodile pir_wacko.gif Hopefully the frogs are stand ins for a new animal mould! On the positive side it has a stud shooter in addition to the cannon and can connect to soldier's outpost?!

"Pirats Ship" To early to say which is the best ship, this or 6243: Brickbeard's Bounty. They seem quite similar! 2015 has over 100 more pieces, if that is correct (?!) that is good news, but were they are hidden I am not sure pir_wacko.gif 3 soldiers that is positive, no monkey, parrot or mermaid are negative.. Hopefully we will get the big shark like last time :shark:

No army building impulse sets or a "limited" set like 6253: Shipwreck Hideout this time around?! :pir-oh:

Still we can hope for a d2c fort or fort/village and at least a great advent calendar like last time pirate_laugh2.gif

  On 9/20/2014 at 10:10 AM, Roebuck said:

No army building impulse sets or a "limited" set like 6253: Shipwreck Hideout this time around?! :pir-oh:

Still we can hope for a d2c fort or fort/village and at least a great advent calendar like last time pirate_laugh2.gif

I was going to say that there are probably impulse sets that haven't been listed yet, but 2010 Castle had two impulse sets and 2013 Castle had none, so maybe there won't be any. pirate_sceptic.gif

I'm not holding my breath for an exclusive set either next year, I think the trend is to not do them as much either. Still, there's always the chance that this will finally be an ongoing theme, and/or that there will be a lovely D2C ship or harbour/fort set.

Edited by David Thomsen

Why people keep comparing the new sets with the 2013 Castle sets??Yes they do kinda have the same lack of impressive structures but I'm more excited for this theme than I was for castle.

I actually like these sets decently enough. I am hesitant at the price points, but I'll wait to see the final product. I am excited for new bluecoats. And it does look like a good army building wave, if purchase all of them. But to buy multiples of some of the sets might be cost-prohibitive.

A female bluecoat is interesting. Have to make the feminists happy I guess. (I am 100% for women having equal rights, but it seems odd to have them as an officer at this time period is all).

  On 9/20/2014 at 3:35 PM, TheLegoDr said:

I actually like these sets decently enough. I am hesitant at the price points, but I'll wait to see the final product. I am excited for new bluecoats. And it does look like a good army building wave, if purchase all of them. But to buy multiples of some of the sets might be cost-prohibitive.

A female bluecoat is interesting. Have to make the feminists happy I guess. (I am 100% for women having equal rights, but it seems odd to have them as an officer at this time period is all).

Don't think it's specifically to appeal to feminists... maybe they just wanted a figure for girls to identify with on the side of the "good guys". We don't even know if she'll be a soldier in the finalized sets, given that she might be just as preliminary as the other figs (she could be out of uniform in the final set, or possibly not appear at all).

If she does appear similarly to how she does in the preliminary pictures, it's not totally unprecedented—the Lego Pirates waterskiing show at Legoland Florida features a "Miss Miranda Valentina" who, while not necessarily a soldier herself, is basically in charge of the imperial soldiers and fights alongside them. I'd hesitate to say this is the same exact character (although it'd be an interesting shoutout), but it's not completely improbable that her role might be similar—a colonial leader or aristocrat, or relative of one, who takes up arms against the pirates with the rest of the soldiers.

  On 9/20/2014 at 12:25 PM, David Thomsen said:

Still, there's always the chance that this will finally be an ongoing theme, and/or that there will be a lovely D2C ship or harbour/fort set.

I doubt it, as it seems to be the replacement for Castle next year. Even the set numbering is in the same range as this year's Castle line. They skipped set numbers 70405-70408 so far though, so maybe there are Castle and/or Pirates sets we haven't seen yet.

I believe the finished sets will look much better than the ones in the preliminary pictures. I agree that the pirate ship is the most disappointing set of them all.

The one thing I miss is a big "land-based" set like 6242 Soldier's Fort (ok, that's more of a medium-sized one), 6276 Eldorado Fortress and 6277 Imperial Trading Post

  On 9/20/2014 at 3:35 PM, TheLegoDr said:

A female bluecoat is interesting. Have to make the feminists happy I guess. (I am 100% for women having equal rights, but it seems odd to have them as an officer at this time period is all).

Heaven forbid our technicolor pirate building toys become historically inaccurate.

ps. if she was a soldier rather than an officer, that would actually be completely historically accurate.

Edited by 2maxwell

I was wondering what time period he was referring to since I don't remember any where the canons were made of plastic. Just wouldn't hold the pressure.

Funny how the knight moves, with autumn closing in.

Edited by Darth Punk

The images as far as I can tell are down on the shopping site. The only way I can feel looking at them, is simple. I like the design of some of the smaller sets, but the ship looks absolutely ridiculous. Now I'm not expecting another IF, but for 179.99 NZD, you'd expect something a bit more substantial and more detailed. It looks like a Juniors set because of the strict brick built order without any use of simple techniques.

  On 9/20/2014 at 7:24 PM, Artifex said:

I believe the finished sets will look much better than the ones in the preliminary pictures. I agree that the pirate ship is the most disappointing set of them all.

The one thing I miss is a big "land-based" set like 6242 Soldier's Fort (ok, that's more of a medium-sized one), 6276 Eldorado Fortress and 6277 Imperial Trading Post

I wouldn't get your hopes up. The structures will be as they're shown, they've been designed to be deliberately simple. In terms of brick counts compare the sets to 6263 Soldiers Outpost or 6267 Lagoon Lock-up rather than Eldorado or Imperial Trading Post. If you re-appraise those set you'll see that they don't have much more structure than the 2015 sets.

The bias seems to be very much towards smaller, cheaper sets, TLG have obviously been looking at their sales records and are tailoring the ranges accordingly.

What's real funny is, if I wanted I could probably build this new ship the way it looks now, using pieces from the Brickbeard's Bounty + some extra ones. It wouldn't be 100% accurate obviously, but the exterior would look very much the same. And such thing was never possible with the previous ships...

  On 9/21/2014 at 6:47 AM, The_Cook said:

The bias seems to be very much towards smaller, cheaper sets, TLG have obviously been looking at their sales records and are tailoring the ranges accordingly.

And the irony is, unless I'm very much mistaken, based on the global reaction, their sales records are going to tank even more because of that.

On the good side of things, these should be available at some very nice discounts* so unless they do something uncalled for, like change the cutlass for no apparent reason other than that they want to use up a mold that didn't need to be made(glares at 2013 knights), they should make some excellent parts packs.

*If LEGO does somehow make a profit on these, I'll be glad for them and buy them anyways, simply as a collector. I'd rather that they sell well and we get another line in the future than they sell poorly and it takes years before we get another line.

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