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LEGO Minifigures - The LEGO Simpsons Series 280 members have voted

  1. 1. How do you rate this entire LEGO Simpsons Series?

  2. 2. How do you find this review? Do you find it helpful and useful?

    • 1 - Very helpful and useful
    • 2 - Somewhat helpful and useful
    • 3 - Little helpful and useful
    • 4 - Not helpful and useful at all
  3. 3. Are you happy to see the LEGO Simpsons being feature in the LEGO Minifigures theme?

  4. 4. Do you like the distribution allocation number based on the designs for LEGO Simpsons Series?

    • 1 - Yes, I love it
    • 2 - Neutral and it made no difference to me
    • 3 - No, I hate it
  5. 5. Will you buy and collect a complete set of LEGO Simpsons Minifigures Series?

    • 1 - Yes, I will definitely complete a full LEGO Simpsons series!
    • 2 - No, I will not be collecting the LEGO Simpsons Series

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Featured Replies

Hmm, I used to be a Simpsons fan, but I have grown out of it. So I am not buying these.

But still, these figs are to be applauded because they open up the whole simpsons universe. Many MOCs will come up, which would not have happened without this series.

Thanks for the review, WhiteFang. I particularly appreciate that you made some effort to research the characters with which you aren't familiar so you could discuss them from a Simpsons-related perspective. Often, people here review sets from licensed themes only from the perspective of LEGO fans.

If you will forgive a few minor corrections, I just want to comment on a couple things:

  On 1/30/2014 at 4:02 AM, WhiteFang said:

The LEGO Minifigures – The LEGO Simpsons Series is slated for worldwide release on the 1st May 2014 or 1st June 2014. This complete new series has also taken on a new LEGO Theme name, and it will be regarded as 'The LEGO Minifigures' (MFs) instead of the traditional name known as 'The LEGO Collectable Minifigures' (CMFs). This is used in conjunction with the LEGO Movie Series which was released in the beginning of 2014.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think "Collectable" has ever been part of the traditional name of the line, at least not officially. I believe it's just the way FOLs refer to them. As far as I know, LEGO's official nomenclature for the theme has always been simply "Minifigures," with a capital "M" to distinguish this particular line from minifigures in general.

  On 1/30/2014 at 4:02 AM, WhiteFang said:

The LEGO Simpsons Series is based on the very popular and timeless American adult animated sitcom in the 1980s, known as The Simpsons.

While The Simpsons did technically begin running in the 1980s, note it began at the very end of the decade, with a Christmas episode first shown in December of 1989. Aside from some short segments which ran as part of The Tracey Ullman Show (which launched this show), that was the only episode ever shown in the 1980s. The series became a phenomenon immediately after, in the 1990s, and is probably most closely associated with that decade.

  On 1/30/2014 at 4:02 AM, WhiteFang said:

Parts assortment


The parts assortment is average as it only come with a typical club but the nicest thing about this character is, you will be able to obtain the very first mouse cartoon character in LEGO form.

Actually, Itchy isn't the very first mouse cartoon character in LEGO form; Mickey and Minnie are:


Edited by Blondie-Wan

Amazing. Another really thorough review — I just love the comparison with similar figs/parts. I am thrilled about CMF for the parts they add to the LEGO System.

I won't bother with this line. I like the Simpsons as a TV show but have no need to include them as part of my Lego creations. I am sure they will sell well but I am disappointed that Lego sets are becoming too model-collector orientated and limiting people's creativity.

Don't get me wrong, I think the Minifigures series are an integral part of Lego, allowing roles that aren't necessarily available in standard sets. However, there are still a lot of non-licensed figures that haven't yet been made and I am pleased the next series to be revealed will hopefully be back to normal. I cannot wait for pictures and the customary White Fang Review of the real Series 12!

Not interested in this line at all. Maybe a few body parts / accessories could be useful, but that's all. However it's great that Lego has gone back to the 3-4-5 distribution. Here's hoping it will stay like this for the normal collectible minifigures, too. 2-4-6 was awful.

  On 3/27/2014 at 11:53 AM, Blondie-Wan said:

Actually, Itchy isn't the very first mouse cartoon character in LEGO form; Mickey and Minnie are:

Correct: obtain the very first mouse cartoon minifigure in LEGO form. Oh, I really hope that there could be a Disney CMF series. :tongue:

  On 3/27/2014 at 12:32 PM, lifeinplastic said:
I am disappointed that Lego sets are becoming too model-collector orientated and limiting people's creativity. I am pleased the next series to be revealed will hopefully be back to normal.

Well that's what licenses are for. But sole licensed CMF series with no medium set together doesn't allow us to recreate the major scenario from this TV show, unlike Lego Spongebob. Hope that TLC have regular sets in their future plan. The second point should only be why TLC has to release two special series in a row.

Edited by Dorayaki

  On 3/27/2014 at 12:52 PM, Dorayaki said:

Correct: obtain the very first mouse cartoon minifigure in LEGO form. Oh, I really hope that there could be a Disney CMF series. :tongue:

There was a Fabuland mouse in 1979.

Thanks for the review, now with that decent distribution of figs I have to decide between a whole box or a full set plus some doubles I'll want to give as gifts.

Why didn't Marge come with "Mom Monthly?"

Ralph is certainly the best representation out of the lot

Millhouse looks weird, his face looks like the balloon that Bart blows up when he's looking for Krusty in the episode where he fakes his own death:

WTF did they do with Mr Burns? He looks like his head's been squashed!!

They all still look like bobble head characters!

Bit of a plain series overall, will get Homer, Maggie, Ralph, Bart & maybe Grampa, Krusty & Apu for the accessories!

Worst. Series. EVER!!!

Absolutely fantastic review. I can't wait for this series, being a huge fan of The Simpsons and LEGO Minifigures. :classic:

And, I'm astounded you've had this since January 29th! Holy cajoli! *oh2*

Edited by just2good

Would someone tell me what the 3-4-5 distribution is that we seem to be happy about? I couldn't find it in the posts. Thanks

You've done it again! Great review!

I do still see some minor spelling mistakes, but that's okay, cause I do that all the time too! :wink:

You might want to put a bit less "bla bla" in the next review, sometimes I got the "TLDNR" feeling. Pictures are excellent as always!

  On 3/27/2014 at 1:51 PM, egg roller said:

Would someone tell me what the 3-4-5 distribution is that we seem to be happy about? I couldn't find it in the posts. Thanks

3-4-5 distribution means that there are of some minifigs 3, some 4 and some 5 in a sealed box.

Excellent executive detail review WhiteFang. You have a lot of photos in your review.

How did you get such access to Lego to give you the figures so early?

The Simpson's popularity have been waning throughout the years so I will not collect the whole set.

I may at least pick up one pack to just see how the Simpsons figures are.

Thanks for the review. Not being a huge Simpsons fan, I'm not all that interested in the set (and I don't particularly like the molded heads, so that is another negative for me, personally). That said, I will probably get a few of these for custom parts if nothing else. I definitely want to track down Ralph and Milhouse as they are characters I remember and liked when I watched the first couple seasons of the Simpsons.

One thing I wonder about your review. You say that the traditional Lego CMF's may return in 2015. I thought that there would be another traditional series this year...

Thanks for the review! Good photos too!

Another solid review with great pics! Thank you for posting that.

Overall, while I wish they had left out the Simpsons family for other characters seeing them all together does make for a pretty complete set. This will be another series where I will be in for all the figures, even with the higher cost. Speaking of which, I feel a lot more confident in the new price point given everything that the figures offer in terms of new molds and unique pieces - mostly the heads. I really hope this isn't the last we see of the Simpsons, but if it is we at least have a pretty solid group.

  On 3/27/2014 at 7:37 AM, B-Lister said:

I want everybody except Itchy and Scratchy.

Funny - those two are the only ones I want. :classic:

I think I'll buy Scratchy and that's it. I'm not interested in the Simpsons. Looking forward to Collectible Minifigures Series 12. :-)

Love them all! Great review, and thanks for posting photos of the sides and backs. I can appreciate the detail more w/ those shots.

I love how Lego added the little touch of Bart's slingshot in his back pocket. That is brilliant.

If this sells well, hopefully more fan favorites will be made.

This seriously reminds me of Playmate's World of Springfield days when everyone always complained about something, but at the end of the day, they're great figures that are must wants for Simpsons fans.

Edited by Gooker1

  On 3/27/2014 at 2:49 PM, Gooker1 said:

I love how Lego added the little touch of Bart's slingshot in his back pocket. That is brilliant.

That's so cool, considering that little detail isn't even found in the House set version of the shirt and legs.

  On 3/27/2014 at 6:44 AM, Dorayaki said:

Uh...... since gender ratio is a big problem to this series (while the previous series usually make ladies the rare ones), I don't think it's really worth celebrating . :sceptic: Well let's hope CMF series 12 would be like this.

Thanx for a very complete review again. But even though this topic is posted in licensed subforum, I wonder if WhiteFang would keep using the Simpsons characters in future review photos of regular series since you've made many comparisons between Simpsons and the others?

I don't think the fact that there aren't enough female characters has anything to do with being happy all the minifigures are easy to get.

It amuses me that people keep specifically saying you would never want an army of homers...when there actually was exactly that in a Treehouse of Horror episode.

Thank you, White Fang, for a really excellent review. My favourite part of the range? Grandpa's newspaper headline. Can't see that I'll be getting any of them myself, but I'm sure they'll be a huge hit.

Terrific coverage! This really is a must-have series.

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Thank you everyone who have taken their time to pen their comments. It is insightful to see various comments of different views to be shared in here. I supposed there is no way we can pleased everyone whether TLG did the right thing to create the LEGO Simpsons Series. For me, I am also not a huge fan of the Simpsons, but it open a brand new dimension for Simpsons fans who are non-LEGO fans to jump onboard to acquire this series. I will like to view the LEGO Simpsons minus away the headpiece, I see the rest of the components as a form of integration with our regular LEGO Minifigures in our daily collection.

  On 3/27/2014 at 7:48 AM, TNT apples said:

But the problem with these figures, is that due to the character's simple and 'cartoony' style in the show, the figures don't have many details, thus looking out of place near characters outside of the Lego Simpsons theme.

I don't disagree with you and it does look quite plain and emotionless to some extent unlike the usual different feelings in our regular minifigs. In this case, I tend to relate it as "classic".

  On 3/27/2014 at 9:07 AM, jonwil said:

Oh and I think the existence of http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?M=33254 http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?M=33254b and http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?M=33254c would disprove your claim that "itchy" is the first cartoon mouse in LEGO form :)

Oh great! Yes, now I know! :tongue:

I know you and some of you have pointed this out, and I definitely agree that Itchy is not the first LEGO mouse design!

  On 3/27/2014 at 11:39 AM, Wardancer said:

But still, these figs are to be applauded because they open up the whole simpsons universe. Many MOCs will come up, which would not have happened without this series.

I concur with you.

  On 3/27/2014 at 11:53 AM, Blondie-Wan said:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think "Collectable" has ever been part of the traditional name of the line, at least not officially. I believe it's just the way FOLs refer to them. As far as I know, LEGO's official nomenclature for the theme has always been simply "Minifigures," with a capital "M" to distinguish this particular line from minifigures in general.

I also don't think it is coined as an official naming but I have been using this definition format since the very first Series 1 in 2010.

  On 3/27/2014 at 11:53 AM, Blondie-Wan said:

While The Simpsons did technically begin running in the 1980s, note it began at the very end of the decade, with a Christmas episode first shown in December of 1989. Aside from some short segments which ran as part of The Tracey Ullman Show (which launched this show), that was the only episode ever shown in the 1980s. The series became a phenomenon immediately after, in the 1990s, and is probably most closely associated with that decade.

Thank you for sharing some history facts! I didn't realise that as well.

  On 3/27/2014 at 2:03 PM, TWP said:

I do still see some minor spelling mistakes, but that's okay, cause I do that all the time too! :wink:

You might want to put a bit less "bla bla" in the next review, sometimes I got the "TLDNR" feeling. Pictures are excellent as always!

Pardon me for my minor spelling mistakes!

  On 3/27/2014 at 2:03 PM, TWP said:

3-4-5 distribution means that there are of some minifigs 3, some 4 and some 5 in a sealed box.

Yes, that is correct. It also means in a box of 60, the 16 unique minifigure designs will come in pre-fix quantities of 3 or 4 or 5.

  On 3/27/2014 at 2:06 PM, sithewok said:

One thing I wonder about your review. You say that the traditional Lego CMF's may return in 2015. I thought that there would be another traditional series this year...

The thing is, we can't be certain for sure that the third upcoming series will be coined as "traditional", until we see some firm facts in the nxt few months.

  On 3/27/2014 at 2:13 PM, Sinner said:

Thanks for the review! Good photos too!

Thank you Sinner! It means a lot to me to hear this from you! I mean it. :sweet:

While admiring the job they have done with the minifigures (particularly the accessories, some beautiful touches - 'I choo choo choose you!'), and despite my reverence for the show (the earlier years, at least), I have decided to give this theme a miss. For me, they push LEGO minifigures too far into the realm of action figures.

My hope is that the moulds they have developed are only used for the very singular features of The Simpsons characters, and that they are never tempted to mess with the traditional minifgure that we all know and love so much.

Edited by Remus_Lupin

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  On 3/27/2014 at 3:42 PM, Remus_Lupin said:

My hope is that the moulds they have developed are only used for the very singular features of The Simpsons characters, and that they are never tempted to mess with the traditional minifgure that we all know and love so much.

I hope TLG will not or require to venture into such uncharted waters... It can be quite troubling if you ask me.

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