April 28, 200717 yr ... and what not, but it is far too large for a pirate vessel... Teach, Roberts and Phred are the only Pirates known for using large vessels.. LOL! :-D I know the barbary states took over a US ship (don't remember if it's a frigate or a large sloop :-$ ) too. Granted it was a country that controled this ship, but it was a very piratey country >8-) . P Edit: Also, i added those MOC cannons to MOC Cannon index. They look really good *y* Another Edit :-|| : Hey Z i came up with an idea using click-hinges that might help your cathead be more stable and not need a "support arm". I used different colors intentionally so that it's really easy to see ho it's built. ;-) Let me know what you think.
April 28, 200717 yr Author I used different colors intentionally so that it's really easy to see ho it's built. ;-) Let me know what you think. Nice... unfortunately I will not be using your design as I received a small bricklink order today with the parts for my cat heads/ they are remarkably similar though... great minds must think alike! I also have plans for the lower bow too, so we'll see how that turns out. Edit: I used this piece instead of the two Phred had referenced. ... but the designs are pretty close to identical. Thanks Phred!
April 29, 200717 yr Author Here the updated catheads, they are fairly similar to Phred's idea, but a little different hinge plate. Also, I think I might not have shown a picturing looking to the bow from the deck, so there is one of those too...
April 30, 200717 yr Author Triple post! Haha I am sooo lame! okay, well anyhow, this is the progress I made yesterday, but didn't get around to posting... I am studying for tests, so I am not my usual zippy self! I am also short a bunch of plates and what not. Anyhow, the ship is getting heavy, and with the latest editions, it now actually kind of looks like a ship! so here it is... I am missing a bunch of plates and some red hinges so the side wall isn't attached well yet. I also got a better shot of the cathead for Phred!
April 30, 200717 yr Here the updated catheads, they are fairly similar to Phred's idea, but a little different hinge plate. That hinge plate seems to work better *y* This ship is turning out very nicely so far Z. P
May 2, 200717 yr Author That hinge plate seems to work better *y* I agree, but I think the anchors are only supposed to attach to the catheads when they are pulled up from the water... I will try to figure out how to set that up a bit better... anyhow, made a little progress. not my usual speedy self with finals here! More in a few days... I hope!!
May 2, 200717 yr I agree, but I think the anchors are only supposed to attach to the catheads when they are pulled up from the water... I will try to figure out how to set that up a bit better... anyhow, made a little progress. not my usual speedy self with finals here!... More in a few days... I hope!! I think you are right about how the catheads were used. Although i don't have confirmation of that piece of info. In my bow of the DDW i've got it designed for the cathead to only pull the anchor out of the water after the capstan has raised the anchor the rest of the way and keep the anchor from rattling against the bow. P
May 2, 200717 yr Wow, that's coming along, I can't wait to see it finished! I see parts of the deck can slide out, is this just fo viewing purposes?
May 3, 200717 yr Author Wow, that's coming along, I can't wait to see it finished!I see parts of the deck can slide out, is this just fo viewing purposes? Mostly. I just needed some way to get access in there for move around guns and make some interiors... there is now a stove in the front for example, that I built on the the slide out platform then inserted into the ship!
May 7, 200717 yr Author Some updates. Still have one school test left, so still a little slow for a while... Here are some of the stuff on the slide outs... A stove in the front (thanks for the Constitution links Phred ;-) ) And some bilge pumps in the middle... And a little jail sell at the stern...
May 7, 200717 yr Wow, that's one big ship! It already looks good. And the amount of details is already stunning! Although I think it would look a bit "fat" because of it's length, a bit longer would make I look more sleek I think... But if it's intended to look like that, that's okay offcourse! I can barely wait to see the final result of this amazing Ship in progress. Mr Tiber
May 7, 200717 yr Lego handcuffs! 8-o I didn't know those were made. Hey Z, you wouldn't happen to know what set that's from and the part # and etc. would ya? P
May 7, 200717 yr Author Lego handcuffs! 8-o I didn't know those were made. Hey Z, you wouldn't happen to know what set that's from and the part # and etc. would ya? P Why I would... that would be the ol' BAT GRAPPLE! So just about any Batman set will have those as a Batman accessory! Wow, that's one big ship!It already looks good. And the amount of details is already stunning! Although I think it would look a bit "fat" because of it's length, a bit longer would make I look more sleek I think... Really? Well we'll see after the stern cabin is on. If it is still a little 'fat looking' I can alway lengthened up the mid section without much work!
May 7, 200717 yr Governor Triple post! Haha I am sooo lame! Triple posting? How could you! :( Fortunately you contributions were significant enough to warrant those 3 posts so we can forgive you. But don't try this at home folks, unless you've got a good reason for it. X-D The Phantom seems to be coming along nicely, I'm curious to see how those masts are going to work.
May 7, 200717 yr Eurobricks Emperor I'm impressed every time I see a new update of this ship. My mouth spontaneously opens and my head moves closer to my screen (to better see the pics).
May 7, 200717 yr Author Triple posting? How could you! :( Fortunately you contributions were significant enough to warrant those 3 posts so we can forgive you. But don't try this at home folks, unless you've got a good reason for it. X-D My good reason = neglect :'-( Wither people have nothing to say, or no one is really all that into it. The Phantom seems to be coming along nicely, I'm curious to see how those masts are going to work. As am I. I think once they get high enough to reach a mast platform, I may switch over the the standard Lego masts! Man, that is one large ship. Nice design and size, good luck on your test. Thank you sir! I may need it! I'm impressed every time I see a new update of this ship.My mouth spontaneously opens and my head moves closer to my screen (to better see the pics). Well I try boney! Maybe I should start taking the pics during the day so they are easier to see! I also need to do a massive redesign on the stern... it appears this is going to be quite a challenge!!
May 9, 200717 yr Author A quick update... I am off to the library to study for my final... a final ;-) I did some stern redesigning, but I am short a few pieces still. I am still working on it... but I added some windows... I am going to withhold judgment until I have the cabin walls completed!
May 9, 200717 yr Eurobricks Emperor Great idea to make the windows like you did! This is something I will remember for one of my future creations.
May 9, 200717 yr Great idea to make the windows like you did! This is something I will remember for one of my future creations. I agree with B *y* I'll have to try this too. Thanx Z, P
May 9, 200717 yr Author Great idea to make the windows like you did! This is something I will remember for one of my future creations. Go right ahead and steal from me! that is the point of sharing after all! I came up with this solution after trying to figure out haw to jam a black fence part in there... then I said... "Hmm... I wonder if the shutter hanger and the windows are the same height!"... I looked at the window and saw that they were. They obviously won't work as shutters over the current window panes, but they work quite nicely as sloped windows!
May 10, 200717 yr Eurobricks Emperor I came up with this solution after trying to figure out haw to jam a black fence part in there... then I said... "Hmm... I wonder if the shutter hanger and the windows are the same height!"... I looked at the window and saw that they were. They obviously won't work as shutters over the current window panes, but they work quite nicely as sloped windows! It's a very innovative idea! Again you have proven worthy of your title Mr. Z.
May 11, 200717 yr I love it *wub* !! Though I must say, when I first saw it, the name "Phantom" made me think about the Haunted Mansion at DisneyLand, and then I began humming Grim Grinning Ghosts from the HM graveyard scene to myself :-P . Check the link, the song is actully quite catchy 8-o .
May 12, 200717 yr Author So Tiber says me ship is 'fat' and 'stubby'... I don't know what he is talking about, looks sleek to me! Okay, so that was a joke. Onto small update... You can see the length here... I think Tiber might be right, it seems about 12 studs to short to me know... I think I will stretch when I can get some pieces! Here is some creepy winding stairs I tried to add because striaght stairs would take up too much room. They are kinda cool, but a mini fig couldn't really walk up them or anything. Here is the stern from behind. I am not yet happy with it, but because I am running out of piece (hence the reason the quarter deck isn't done), I have to wait for a BL order.
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