Posted April 26, 200717 yr 25b I've build this ship, and I'd like some feedback. Actually it was finished already in the beginning of march ehm.. but guess i'm quite lazy some times :-$ The Folder I'm sorry some of the pictures are a but dizzy, but it seems that my cam isn't that good |-/ I've tried to do some of the things that i've been told earlier. Like putting some real sails on the ship (big problem on the first ship of mine), and i've tried to build it so it could be categorized. Think i made a brig :-$
April 26, 200717 yr Eurobricks Emperor That's a fine pirate ship. It's not very big, but that's how pirates like them. Small and maneuverable. The ship is rather colorful, but the colors are well chosen. And I like the name!
April 26, 200717 yr Governor This was the first image to load and my initial reaction was eh? :-|| Its good to see not everyone is trying to build the biggest ship possible, but that's not to say that big ships are bad, its nice to see some variety. Paper sails, Mr oDDerFisken?
April 27, 200717 yr A bit too colourful for my taste, especially the red mast. The hull itself seems too tall - I think it would work better if the ship was longer, right now the probability of capsizing seems quite real, and you surely wouldn't wanna that to happen to your ship :)
April 27, 200717 yr Governor But he if make the ship longer then it'll be as large as the average LEGO Pirate ship. I say downsize the height of the hull! X-D
April 27, 200717 yr Author Paper sails, Mr oDDerFisken? Aye. Made them in paper because it isn't my intention to let this ship live forever. Didn't want to make a lot of work out of the sails when i'm going to build a new whip where they will not fit in.
April 27, 200717 yr But he if make the ship longer then it'll be as large as the average LEGO Pirate ship. I say downsize the height of the hull! X-D Either would be good.
April 27, 200717 yr good ship mate...i like the slukk in the stern...the custom minifigs are cool too...specially the guy with Western face... the guy with hook appears to be good but we can't see him clearly...please submit photos of that guy
April 27, 200717 yr Looks nice! I like the design, I say leave as is, that way my ship can pummel you even quicker X-D But I like the compactness of it all, I think people should look at it from a creative view instead of a historical view.
April 29, 200717 yr Author good ship mate...i like the slukk in the stern...the custom minifigs are cool too...specially the guy with Western face... the guy with hook appears to be good but we can't see him clearly...please submit photos of that guy Thanks very much.. What exactly do you mean by "custom minifigs"? I haven't made my own bodies like Pirate Maniac have done. But i've mixed the existing bodies a bit. Otherwise i would have a ship with 4 or 5 different men. I will submit a photo of the hookguy (it's the one at the stairs right?) as soon as possible.
April 29, 200717 yr I think people should look at it from a creative view instead of a historical view. I couldn't agree more!! Still, even though I applaud creativeness and don't necessarily care for historical accuracy, I still like a ship that looks like it could actually sail. With the height of the ship, the lowest canons would almost certainly be under water or the ship would capsize if they were above water! Either way, I think you have some good ideas here... the skull in the back, custom made masts, custom anchors, interesting figurehead and a removable mid-section are all nice touches! Like I said though, it might be a bit too tall and I think you have changed colors a few too many times. Overall, I like the creativity and some of the design elements. I think if it weren't as tall for its length that it would be an excellent ship!
April 29, 200717 yr Governor Aye. Made them in paper because it isn't my intention to let this ship live forever. Didn't want to make a lot of work out of the sails when i'm going to build a new whip where they will not fit in. Aye says you and aye says I! Burn the sails! Or maybe not.
April 29, 200717 yr Author Still, even though I applaud creativeness and don't necessarily care for historical accuracy, I still like a ship that looks like it could actually sail. With the height of the ship, the lowest canons would almost certainly be under water or the ship would capsize if they were above water! I am aware that the ship is tall. A bit to much as some say. My intention with this ship was to build a ship with 3 decks, which i did. My problem is that, as i''ve told before, i haven't got enough bricks.. well not as many as i would like to have :-$ I couldn't have made this ship longer, so the proportions of the ship would fit better together. Havent got enough bricks for that :'-( (poor me) When i was finished building it i also saw what you saw - that the lowest cannons would be under the waterline (not good for a ship). But i didn't knew how to get them higher, and still have 3 decks and not get even taller in the same time. So i just took the pics so that you could see it.
April 29, 200717 yr Well, it could use some carefully chosen improvment. I say just make it a one-decker. Don't try a 3-decker until you have enough bricks and are thinkin' that you are ready. Even a 2 decker looks a little out or porpotrion in Lego, no matter how much you balance it out.
May 2, 200717 yr Governor Still, even though I applaud creativeness and don't necessarily care for historical accuracy, I still like a ship that looks like it could actually sail. With the height of the ship, the lowest canons would almost certainly be under water or the ship would capsize if they were above water! So you're talking in terms of physical accuracy Mr ZCerberus? King Henry VIII discovered the hard way what happens when you have the cannon ports too low.
May 2, 200717 yr So you're talking in terms of physical accuracy Mr ZCerberus? King Henry VIII discovered the hard way what happens when you have the cannon ports too low. Physical possibility I guess... on the original Arbiter II, I also probably had the gun ports a little low. I decided it was worth basically taking apart the whole ship to fix them! Perhaps oDDerFisken disagrees with me and likes the ship as is, which is completely fine, but I think it detracts from an other wise cool MOC. maybe going down to 2 decks would make it better... I haven't even ever attempted a 3 deck, and I seemingly have more pieces than Mr. oDDerFisken!!
May 2, 200717 yr Author I see what you all mean. And i think my next ship will only have 1 or 2 decks. I just wanted to try to build a 3 decker. Now i've tried it, and i've found out that it will be better if I build a ship with 3 decks, when i got a lot more bricks. So now i only need the inspiration for my next ship.. come on and give it to me :-$
May 3, 200717 yr Governor Perhaps oDDerFisken disagrees with me and likes the ship as is, which is completely fine, but I think it detracts from an other wise cool MOC. maybe going down to 2 decks would make it better... I haven't even ever attempted a 3 deck, and I seemingly have more pieces than Mr. oDDerFisken!! I never would have thought of the cannons being so low it would capsize but I did think for it was too tall for its length. So now i only need the inspiration for my next ship.. come on and give it to me :-$ Alrighty then! What kind of ship would you like to build next? Something involving the military to keep the pesky pirats of El
May 3, 200717 yr I never would have thought of the cannons being so low it would capsize but I did think for it was too tall for its No, no, perhaps I didn't say it right... I thought that if the lowest gun ports were OUT of the water, the ship would be too tall above the sea for its width and a strong wind gust could make it capsize. Yes, see here is what I actually said... or the ship would capsize if they were above water! If the ports were too low, and below the water line, the ship would take on to much water and sink!
May 4, 200717 yr Thanks very much..What exactly do you mean by "custom minifigs"? I haven't made my own bodies like Pirate Maniac have done. But i've mixed the existing bodies a bit. Otherwise i would have a ship with 4 or 5 different men. I will submit a photo of the hookguy (it's the one at the stairs right?) as soon as possible. Sorry for be late. I mean by custom minifigs what you said, mixing existing bodies...and i am still waiting for the photo of the guy with hook ;-)
May 4, 200717 yr Author Sorry for be late. I mean by custom minifigs what you said, mixing existing bodies...and i am still waiting for the photo of the guy with hook ;-) You don't have to wait any longer. I've taken some new pics of my custommade crew.. and a few new pics of the ship. The Folder (with a couple of new pics, when public)
May 4, 200717 yr Governor What an interesting assortment of lads you've got Mr oDDerFisken. Is the mini-figure with the white moustache who is wearing the bicorne the captain?
May 4, 200717 yr Author What an interesting assortment of lads you've got Mr oDDerFisken. Is the mini-figure with the white moustache who is wearing the bicorne the captain? The captain is the one with captianhat, red beard and a ruby in his hook. The one with the white moustache is firstmate (i think that's what you would call the person that steers the ship)
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