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This movie looks dumb, not that I had high expectations based on the last few movies.... I rolled my eyes when he said "I think we've found a transformer" REALLY? :facepalm: Are the transformers hiding from the government now or something? That's so stupid! Mark Wahlberg annoys me as well. They honestly need to stop basing the "transformer" movies around the humans because no one cares about them. I'd go watch a lame action movie if I really cared about humans as the main characters. And it looks like Optimus is gonna get his megablocks beat for 3/4 of the movie AGAIN and probably die AGAIN before coming back in the last five minutes and winning the battle. Also, I don't see how the dinobots are going to fit in with this movie and it doesn't look like they're even going to talk which is so disappointing. Rant over.

1) The humans are basically pulling an iRobot move on the transformers, hence the stinger and bumblebee scene and "we don't need you anymore"

2) In DOTM Optimus was the entire reason Chicago got blown to hell; He's nothing more than an alien terrorist in human eyes now

3) Humans always have and always will be a large part of transformers. Some very large plot points spanning back to G1 involved not only human interaction such asDr Arkeville, but also alien planets and human-like races.

4) Prime quite obviously gets the crap kicked out of him and lockdown brings him down, but from the superbowl trailer it seems he gets captured not killed.

5) Yes it's a bit silly, with no decepticons in this movie (Lockdown being the only non-human made transformer it seems, but he is a bounty hunter. The toys label them all as decepticons for kids to understand easier. And due to the human propoganda poster it looks like Galvatron is human made. Ugh) they really have nothing to fight. I think we will see Grimlock talk as his interaction with optimus would make absolutely no sense if he didn't challenge prime as a leader, and strafe will likely get one or two lines, but the other dinobots may get the cutoff.

  • 1 month later...

Well as someone who has never watched the movies (aside from the also bad 1986 one) they could go the route of Beast Wars. I think the Decepticons used Pretender technology in one of the movies, and in the G1/Beast Wars timeline that (along with Master technology) led to Maximals and Predacons. So perhaps in this new trilogy they bring out deep cover agents of both sides or something?


If I'm entirely honest, I'm hoping that the films begin to gravitate towards Cybertron and focusing more on the Transformers for once rather than focusing on the humans, who are mostly annoying and just distract from the awesomeness of the Transformers themselves. Beast Wars could be an interesting direction to take these films especially with the introduction of the Dinobots.

I doubt they would do this, but as a fan of Transformers Prime, I love the idea that...

Unicron is Earth. I mean, suddenly there is a very good reason for Transformers to hang out on Earth so much, to stop Unicron from potentially stirring and devouring planets. And I felt it set up some parallels with humans and Cybertronians.

But I feel like that idea won't be used, if only because that would be really hard to render.

  • 1 month later...


I go to the movies to be entertained. I want to see big explosions, I want to follow a story line and maybe be surprised along the way...so this looks really entertaining and I cannot wait.

Besides, it's got Mark Wahlberg!

Well as someone who has never watched the movies (aside from the also bad 1986 one) they could go the route of Beast Wars. I think the Decepticons used Pretender technology in one of the movies, and in the G1/Beast Wars timeline that (along with Master technology) led to Maximals and Predacons. So perhaps in this new trilogy they bring out deep cover agents of both sides or something?

You have no idea what you are missing Tanma. You should watch them. They make every other movie seem brilliant by comparison. The world becomes a brighter cheerier and substantially less stupid place when you stand up from the viewing. Because real human beings are nowhere near as stupid as those presented in the first three Transformers films.

The one positive I take from th etrailer for the new one is the humans for the most part don't seem quite as stupid. Which is hopeful. I mean yeah we have the daughter, but she seems to be a "Jack Bauers daughter vs the cougar" level of stupid, which is a great improvement from any character in T1 through T3.


I go to the movies to be entertained. I want to see big explosions, I want to follow a story line and maybe be surprised along the way...so this looks really entertaining and I cannot wait.

Besides, it's got Mark Wahlberg!

I am right there with you! A giant robot riding on an even bigger dinosaur robot slashing through hordes of bad robots? Umm, yes please!!

You have no idea what you are missing Tanma. You should watch them. They make every other movie seem brilliant by comparison. The world becomes a brighter cheerier and substantially less stupid place when you stand up from the viewing. Because real human beings are nowhere near as stupid as those presented in the first three Transformers films.

The one positive I take from th etrailer for the new one is the humans for the most part don't seem quite as stupid. Which is hopeful. I mean yeah we have the daughter, but she seems to be a "Jack Bauers daughter vs the cougar" level of stupid, which is a great improvement from any character in T1 through T3.

How were the humans stupid in T1-3? I've seen them but it's been a long time and tbh I wasn't really paying attention half the movie

How were the humans stupid in T1-3? I've seen them but it's been a long time and tbh I wasn't really paying attention half the movie

That probably preserved a few points of your IQ. Let's see how were they stupid, let me count the ways? (Note this is hard to do because virtually every line of human dialogue is worse than something out of an old Saturday morning Cartoon. And I don't mean the classic ones. We're talking Jabberjaw level bad here.)

The main character

His parents

Every interaction between the main character and his parents culminating in the "masturbation discussion" (yeah no joke that happened.

John Tuturo, every word out of his mouth as the worlds least secret secret agent. Culminating in a transformer peeing on his head.

The Blonde Australian chick "they're hacking Air Force one" and "only one hacker is good enough to solve this"

The fat black hip hop hacker arguing with his mom. Bonus points for the donuts scene.

The constant flow of Michael Bay'ism style military cliches shouted out from the Army guys, ie "bring the thunder"

And that's just off the top of my head from the first movie. Generally viewed as the deeper and more intelligent of the trio, before they dialed up the full on stupid.

The basic impression is Michael Bay watched a couple of old episodes of Married with Children and said "that's what we need for Teansformers! Just with more offensive stereotypes!"

O-k! :laugh: I like the moves a lot. Look, I want source material to be respected when I go to see a movie, BUT, in this case I really don't think I hurts that much to have humans alongside them. You kinda need them to offer some relateability from giant shape shift robots smashing through buildings. My friend who is an absolute transformer geek is stoked for this movie, largey due to one thing: Grimlock!

You kind of expect a thin plot at times when it comes to this sort of thing. Think about like this: A kids toys roughly 30 years old, is made into a live action, pg 13 movie with a million dollar budget. Think about that....

Edited by Im a brickmaster.

O-k! :laugh: I like the moves a lot. Look, I want source material to be respected when I go to see a movie, BUT, in this case I really don't think I hurts that much to have humans alongside them. You kinda need them to offer some relateability from giant shape shift robots smashing through buildings. My friend who is an absolute transformer geek is stoked for this movie, largey due to one thing: Grimlock!

You kind of expect a thin plot at times when it comes to this sort of thing. Think about like this: A kids toys roughly 30 years old, is made into a live action, pg 13 movie with a million dollar budget. Think about that....

The problem is not that human characters are featured - they have been since the very first cartoon. The issue is that the writers of the film series seem unaware that those they create are awful and cringe-inducing at the best of times. Mark Wahlberg is certainly more promising that Shia Lebouef, so my hopes for this movie are higher than for the previous three.

Edited by Scorpiox

  • 2 months later...

Saw it, and, as a TF fan, loved the robot characterizations, sad that they were shoved into a terrible story.

Saw it, and, as a TF fan, loved the robot characterizations, sad that they were shoved into a terrible story.

I agree the story was medicore but Transformers were gret (especialy Hound, Lockdown and of course Optimus)

I l was also glad that Brains survived decepticon ship crash from last movie :laugh:


3) Humans always have and always will be a large part of transformers. Some very large plot points spanning back to G1 involved not only human interaction such asDr Arkeville, but also alien planets and human-like races.


I'll admit I don't really care about Transformers. And the movies are terrible and don't help that. However, Beast Wars which had almost no human involvement (aside from the occasional caveman appearance) and was freakin' awesome. It's possible to have a transformers that doesn't pay attention to humans, though yeah it would be tougher with the main line of Transformers who are based around human vehicles.

Of all the Transformer movies, this one was probably less bad than the second and third, mainly because Shia LeBeouf wasn't in it. Despite the usual incoherent plots going all over the place and blatant product placement shoveled all over you, I actually thought the cast for this particular movie was much better than what we've had in the past. John Goodman as Hound, Kelsey Grammer, Stanley Tucci, Titus Welliver, and Mark Wahlberg made the movie much more palatable than its predecessors. It was particularly nice to see Frank Welker as the voice of Galvatron (for the two or three lines he had, anyway). I was surprised to see Optimus get a bit of character development, didn't expect that to happen.

But in the end, despite some good points, it was still more of the same from Michael Bay. If any are wondering why I would fork over the cash to see this dreck, well, it's because my wife (also a big Transformers fan) and I enjoy watching these movies MST3K style and having a good laugh at them! We are both of the opinion that if the actual Transformers were made the primary characters and humans relegated to a supporting role, these movies would improve. Oh, and getting a writer and director that have the first idea about the property would help too, not hacks who throw in useless fanwank every now and then.

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