February 11, 201411 yr I would prefer it if we don't split up the SH discussion thread, mainly due to the inevitable repeat of discussions. While I don't mind the current banner, a new one that perhaps includes more than one theme would be nice. The one thing that I would really like to see, though, is the forum description update. We've been asking for it for over 2 years now and we have yet to see any progress on this. It may seem unimportant, but I really think it would help keeping the forum more organized by giving newbies a better idea of what qualifies as a licensed theme. That way we wont get so many unrelated topics in the forum, which would mean less work for the mods moving threads around. I know it's difficult to make a comprehensive, yet concise description of all licensed themes, but there has been some pretty good suggestions for an updated description in the thread that Blondie-Wan linked to, any of which would be better than what we have now. So I hope you will come to a decision soon and replace the old description. I know you said you are working on it, so I'm not going to press this matter any further; I just wanted to express my thoughts on it.
February 11, 201411 yr I don't mind a new banner. I could help with it! As for separating the SH thread... eh. Wouldn't mind, but don't want it THAT much. -Sci
February 11, 201411 yr I agree with LightningTiger The forum is filled with Superhero related posts and I think it would be better to give it it's own forum (like Star Wars). If it doesn't work out we could always change it back I agree with Greeny and LT.
February 11, 201411 yr Separating the threads into DC and Marvel is an excellent idea. I like ranting about my burning desire for an Abomination macrofigure to go up against the Hulk and I like ranting about the overwhelming presence of Batman, but generally not at the same time. A forum devoted entirely to Super Heroes sounds fine by me too.
February 11, 201411 yr Maybe the mod's could run a poll to see which direction the Super Heroes topics/forum/etc., should go ?
February 12, 201411 yr Author Maybe the mod's could run a poll to see which direction the Super Heroes topics/forum/etc., should go ? What, you think this is some kind of democracy now? Give you an inch and... This is a suggestion box, not a congress. New FORUM for Super Heroes separate from the rest of the licensed themes. I don't think this one is going to work. Sure, there are a lot of SH threads and MOCs right now, but that activity level is the sign of a successful forum. You take all of that away and what will the Licensed forum look like? In any case there are not so many threads that other themes are really being pushed away too quickly. I think there are one too many Simpson threads, two in here and one in special. The CMF one doesn't make sense being in the Special forum. It should be in here or merged with the pinned topic. Also people are discussing the Simpson house in the pinned topic and in the house topic. Same with BTTF, some threads are in here but the review thread is in the Special forum. I'll look into it.
February 12, 201411 yr Personally I would like to keep the superheroes topic how it is. I mean we do get a huge amount of Superhero sets, so to have two separate discussions seems silly. We only got 4 DC sets this year which I feel doesn't really warrants a separate Thread. While some may argue that there are also 3 Duplo sets and a rumoured UCS tumbler I still feel two threads isn't needed. I mean we have photos of the Duplo sets and very few people have given them attention. So if we do get a tumbler that's 5 sets which doesn't really create enough discussion for a whole year. I also feel that in both threads people will be saying the same things. In July for example everyone in both threads will be talking about how much they hate Comic con exclusives. A lot of the posts will just be repeated. Superheroes isn't the only topic that has multiple branches, Star Wars has both Prequel Trilogy, original Trilogy, Clone Wars, Rebels and soon the Sequel Trilogy., yet they can except a single topic. There are posters in the Star Wars topic who aren't interested in Clone Wars or Prequel stuff, but they don't moan and ask for two topics. Lastly I doubt two topics will stop the whole Marvel vs DC thing. People will still go between topics and comment how they like the marvel sets more than the DC ones or whatever. As someone who buys both Marvel and DC, I can't see the point of two topics. It will just inconvenience members who like both and really just be pointless. I highly doubt it will solve anything. On the point of the banner I would love to see a new refreshing banner. Perhaps with a mix of superheroes, turtles and Simpsons. I can certainly see the argument for two threads going forward, even with the possibility of repeat discussion (which wouldn't really be such an awful thing, in my mind). As far as I'm aware this is mostly a discussion for "next time" so the imbalance in sets this year doesn't necessarily factor in, though we could be heavily skewed one way or the other as far as DC sets/Marvel sets in coming years too (next year especially with Avengers 2 and nothing from DC again). Two threads may be a good idea. On the other hand, the current one really only fully derailed in the last 10 pages or so, and largely because of a select few individuals who just can't let it go (or couldn't, it's simmered down now). Some one-on-one attention from the mods towards people who just keep going off-topic might do the trick (though that may already happen! Don't know, just a thought). What, you think this is some kind of democracy now? Give you an inch and... This is a suggestion box, not a congress. I don't think this one is going to work. Sure, there are a lot of SH threads and MOCs right now, but that activity level is the sign of a successful forum. You take all of that away and what will the Licensed forum look like? In any case there are not so many threads that other themes are really being pushed away too quickly. I'll look into it. SH being a separate forum would kill Licensed, not much question there. Other than SH what is there that gets a ton of discussion? SW already has its own forum, so that's out. HP and PotC are dead (and one belongs in Pirates). This will probably be the last year of Hobbit/LotR (not even getting any LotR this year are we?) and that belongs (rightfully in my mind) in Historical. I agree with what someone said about not splitting Simpsons up so much. Since it's not as much a "theme" as a single set (at least right now) I'd advocate moving it to the special themes forum entirely. License or not, it's more CMF than anything else, with only one set. Splitting the discussion for such a meager theme feels a bit silly.
February 12, 201411 yr HP and PotC are dead (and one belongs in Pirates). Might as well add Spongebob to the mix as Mega Bloks announced today that they've picked up the license (with some pretty awful pics of their figs )
February 12, 201411 yr Might as well add Spongebob to the mix as Mega Bloks announced today that they've picked up the license (with some pretty awful pics of their figs ) I would've added it anyway if I even remembered it was a thing! Slipped my mind, but I have noticed what few sets weren't moving have been put on clearance at most of my local stores.
February 12, 201411 yr Might as well add Spongebob to the mix as Mega Bloks announced today that they've picked up the license (with some pretty awful pics of their figs ) Oh god why? I loved Lego Spongebob!
February 12, 201411 yr Since it's not as much a "theme" as a single set (at least right now) I'd advocate moving it to the special themes forum entirely. License or not, it's more CMF than anything else, with only one set. Splitting the discussion for such a meager theme feels a bit silly. Bringing all discussion of this theme together makes sense, but why in Special and not here? Whatever the size of the theme, it's still obviously Licensed. (Incidentally, even if it is a relatively small theme, with either two sets or seventeen depending upon how you count them it's still larger than some of the others we discuss in here such as Avatar: The Last Airbender, and that's just the first dip into what has a reasonable chance of becoming a much larger theme.)
February 12, 201411 yr Bringing all discussion of this theme together makes sense, but why in Special and not here? Whatever the size of the theme, it's still obviously Licensed. (Incidentally, even if it is a relatively small theme, with either two sets or seventeen depending upon how you count them it's still larger than some of the others we discuss in here such as Avatar: The Last Airbender, and that's just the first dip into what has a reasonable chance of becoming a much larger theme.) My thought is mostly that CMF goes in Special Themes, and since the theme is essentially the CMF line (with just the one set to accompany), I figured it made more sense over there. It could go here too, I just think it's pointless to spread it across two subforums when there's not enough to the theme to warrant it.
February 12, 201411 yr Author But why is "CMF" considered a theme? The Simpsons line doesn't count toward the numbering of the non-licensed series. The only thing it has in common with previous CMF series is the method in which it will be sold and distributed.
February 12, 201411 yr Ah. Well, The Simpsons Minifigures are just part of the larger theme that also includes the house, and aren't part of the "regular" Minifigures theme (the numbered series) at any rate, and thus don't need to be grouped with them. Note also that the house accounts for 50% of the theme right now (actually 100% since the Minifigures aren't out yet, but never mind) if one goes purely by sets (different numbered sets / SKUs, as opposed to actual contents), and way way more than that if going by price and / or piece count.
February 12, 201411 yr But why is "CMF" considered a theme? The Simpsons line doesn't count toward the numbering of the non-licensed series. The only thing it has in common with previous CMF series is the method in which it will be sold and distributed. Like I said, you could just as easily roll Simpsons CMF into this forum. I just don't get splitting it in two. In my head it makes more sense to put both in Special Themes (because they don't seem to be a 'full' theme, just some one-off stuff), but the argument can definitely be made for putting it here (since it's licensed). It just seems better to combine, regardless of which forum you combine them in.
February 12, 201411 yr Oh god why? I loved Lego Spongebob! Yeah it's quite a shame. His glory days were probably back in his 06 run. After that it started going down
February 12, 201411 yr I think separating Super Heroes from Licensed is the way to go. 90% of posts here are for it. Edited February 12, 201411 yr by KingPixels
February 12, 201411 yr I think separating Super Heroes from Licensed is the way to go. 90% of posts here are for it. But then you have a dead forum left behind. If anything that's a reason -not- to separate the Superheroes forum.
February 12, 201411 yr There's no need to split into DC and MARVEL. All its going to do is make it harder for people like me who like both, having to switch to threads back and fourth looking for news. Also, splitting them isn't going to stop the bickering. DC/Marvel people will still go into the opposite thread and say their sets are better as well as complain about other things and then the bickering will start all over again. The same bickering that's been going on in the Super heroes thread is the same kind of bickering that's happened in the star wars thread before yet there's no thread split of Original, prequel, and the newest star wars. That's because no matter which era its from they're still "all star wars" and just like there's DC and Marvel, they're still "all super heroes". People just need to stop acting childish and put there Super Hero sized ego aside and act more appropriate. What really needs to happen is the Super Hero MODS need to shorten the leash on people and if they get off topic or continue to bicker, they need to be punished ASAP like banning their posting ability for a day or two. People just need to stop acting like the the ages put on a LEGO box and grow up. Keep as is, pleeeeeease
February 12, 201411 yr Buttkissing aside, I am very grateful for the mod opening up these topics in their own thread. Originally, I felt pretty certain that separating Marvel/DC was the only way to go. After reading all the other posts here, I realize where this could be a bad idea. Separating threads won't allow for overlapping of ideas, observations, and opinions without technically going off-topic. And that could be just the first of many problems that result from a split. Honestly, I'm eager to see.where this discussion goes.
February 12, 201411 yr Now remember trains were removed from the town forum and it hasn't cause the train forum to collapse.....has it ? Ah, I knew I would throw a cat amongst the pigeons by suggesting splitting the forum up.
February 12, 201411 yr Now remember trains were removed from the town forum and it hasn't cause the train forum to collapse.....has it ? Ah, I knew I would throw a cat amongst the pigeons by suggesting splitting the forum up. It doesn't seem to me that the other licensed themes combined have as much discussion as Trains, though.
February 12, 201411 yr Hi, I find the superheroes rumours topic drifts into total speculation and then discussion about that speculation, there as over 200 pages and probably about ten pages of actual news/info. I appreciate that the photos are pinned at the front , but it would be nice to see news without having to go through quite so much off topic. Thats not to criticise the mods , they do a great job.
February 12, 201411 yr It doesn't seem to me that the other licensed themes combined have as much discussion as Trains, though. Agreed TMNT, The Simpsons and Disney Princesses don't come close. First off I haven't seen a single review for any of the sets in those themes, or many mocs. The Licenced forum at that point would just be the discussion topics and future set topics, with one or two HP and Indiana Jones mocs.
February 12, 201411 yr I think a.superhero forum would work well too! I think a separate marvel and dc forum would be too fractured in all honesty.
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