Posted February 19, 201411 yr --------------------------THE CAMPAIGN IS NOW ON STANDBYE awaiting new developments http://farm4.staticf..._52ca668221.jpg This is the official "Give your Ghostbusters Minifigs a better arm project" Since the Lego set minifigs don't have the logo printed in the right arm and it's 4 of them per set, I got the idea to have arms printed with the logo in the 3 colors (red, white and black tracing). This will be an enhancement for the Official Minifigures this is the post where the madness began. http://www.eurobrick...25#entry1830330 Now the way I see it in order to make it affordable, we need to pay as a group for the parts and the printing in order for the cost to come down. The alternative would be some kind of business model/venture like other customized pieces are sold in the specialized stores we all know about (the usual suspects). I'm thinking Europe only, but that could change. I have a printing team that can do it at Lego levels of quality (have samples on the way to make sure) The graphic work is free basically, it's everywhere, I mean it's the freaking Gbusters logo, right? So what I'd like to know is are YOU(EB members) interested in making this happen, is this something YOU want, and are willing to help it happen. I'm waiting on pricing and business arrangements to work themselves out, before I delve into the nitty gritty of it. As soon as I have something work out, I'll need: 1-To know how many people want them(a public list will be posted here) 2-Who is able and has the trust of the community to work as a distribution hub (basically you would coordinate within your area or Country) Let's call you the Helpers. 3-Pricing (it's 4 minifig arms, for bricks sake it shouldn't cost us an arm and a leg) 4-How will we Coordinate things.Delivery points or some kind of tree/grapevine system. 5-Other Printers that can do the job as well or better/cheapper etc. 6-Inter fan site Coordination (basically who is active on other sites that would share our objective) Now some questions, should this be a kickstarter type thing? Should we just Cuusoo the arm print, or petition Lego to make it (they could go for it, maybe??) Let me know bellow what you think, keep it concise if possible and let's try and aproach this as a wargame scenario, by objectives and go go go till we make it. Brick on peeps. ---------------------------------- UPDATE2: 22-02-2014 Flickr page: email: ("at") Right now just to see interest level (there is NO commitment until we have pricing) I'd like those interested to send an Email or PM with the following info: All personal data will be kept confidential ------------------------ First + Last Name City + Country If EB member - Forum name (and paste a link to your profile page - saves me the work) ----------------------- In the text put one of these options: 1- I want to have the lego arms printed with Ghostbusters (and tell us how many you need for yourself) 2- I want to help/join the project - Ghostbusters printed lego arm 3- I support the Ghostbusters printed lego arm logo campaign but not sure if I'll buy the official set yet ----------------------------------------- This will help check the interest levels and see how we can organize ourselves in groups by location. KEEP spreading the word it's working, and if anyone has a conduit to someone official at Lego besides the ambassador here let me know (PM me if you do or email) Edited February 27, 201411 yr by CustomJoe_MD
February 19, 201411 yr I'm going to move this to the MCW forum since it has more to do with making custom pieces. I hope you can such a project off the ground. The armbands are a major part of the costume. I also hope such community projects are successful because it bodes well for the hobby as a whole. Edited February 21, 201411 yr by CorneliusMurdock
February 20, 201411 yr Why not first try to have lego change there minds and add the logo to the minifigures. I've sent messages asking.
February 21, 201411 yr Author Little update above (n2) and great news, we now have several members and outsiders who have offered to do give us a hand and or do artwork/graphic work that may be necessary for pre-printing. I may take a while to answer the PM's and emails, but I'll get to them all don't worry. Very HAPPY with the response we are getting. Guess I wasn't the only one missing the arm patch. On 2/20/2014 at 10:12 PM, legoboy_4 said: Why not first try to have lego change there minds and add the logo to the minifigures. I've sent messages asking. Hey legoboy_4, I would sooooo love that TLG did it themselves but it's not gonna happen, at least not anytime soon and not without exerting some friendly pressure on them. I got so many messages saying: "I already emailed them asking about that" or Can't we ask TLG to do it? -YES we can! (like Obama but cooler) This is not like the misprint on the Delorean, in that case a mistake was made, but they had the artwork set and all they did was correct and reprint a tile (one per box). While this was both a business and design decision by LEGO (otherwise they would have done it right?) and its 4 arms per box. I've been talking to a lot of folks, and some a bit more in the know than your average joe, told that changing anything at all in the production line right now would be insane with a release date so close and production on the way as we speak (cost, delays, etc etc). What they could do maybe is have it printed and availble in the pick a brick or something like that. That would still take an amount of peticioners along the lines of half the number of votes that took to make the set, again because it was Lego's decision not to do the printing and not a mistake. I'm not saying they wouldn't do it, if we ask together as one voice, but how long till we have enough people signing some peticion? I'm still contacting the Ambassadors ASAP and see if there is some way to do it, but just know that a plan B and C is ongoing, just in case. _Joe Edited February 21, 201411 yr by CustomJoe_MD
February 21, 201411 yr Well I guess you're right Tim just put a post on the cuusoo blog that those were pics of the final product. :( It would be cool if you could get Lego to offer it separately on "pick a brick". I was going to buy 3 of the ghostbuster sets so I would buy 3 sets of arms too. I'm the type of lego nut that needs it to be real Lego item. Or how about if they release a generic Lego guy or maybe a girl in a halloween ghostbuster costume then we can just take it from that minifigure. I would buy tons of those too. It could be a polybag. I also dreamed of Boba Fett with the Madalorian skull on his arm and Marvels Red Skull with Hydra logo on his arm too. Thank you for your hard work in trying to get it done. :) It would make them look so cool. I'll keep an eye on this post. Good look and keep complaining people maybe we can get something. Ghostbuster girl in a polybag with logo on arm or just the arm.
February 22, 201411 yr Author And the other shoe drops On 2/21/2014 at 9:09 PM, legoboy_4 said: ... Tim just put a post on the cuusoo blog that those were pics of the final product. :( Yep thats the info I had already as well. I'd like to take a moment to thank publicly not just CorneliusMurdock (our gunslinging sheriff up there) for the contacts and help he has given in private, but also to all the people who offered help and incentive (and top secret supper dupper info too) Let me tell you what is happening at the moment: We have contacted Ambassador Mikael (waiting on that) I got contacts to try from here, and some outsiders including a long shot with some Lego designers. Print samples in actual lego parts are on the way should be here by end of next week, or next at the latest. and last but not least YOU guys, who are doing the word of mouth thing and rounding up the troops. Its looking like UK, Portugal+Spain, France, Germany, and Italy will be the hubs for the distribution (Netherlands has so far low numbers so we can just send the arms by letter, the same for anyone around the same numbers in other places - the hubs are if we have to get a ton of parts to one location). I can't really say to the US and Aussie residents how it will be for you, I'll know more when we have prices so we factor shipping and suff. Let it be known that Australia and the United states seem to be in the majority right now, SO EUROPE WAKE UP. To the undecided (DECIDE please) the one armed army is recruiting :) Edited February 22, 201411 yr by CustomJoe_MD
February 22, 201411 yr Author On 2/21/2014 at 9:09 PM, legoboy_4 said: Or how about if they release a generic Lego guy or maybe a girl in a halloween ghostbuster costume then we can just take it from that minifigure. I would buy tons of those too. It could be a polybag Nope licensing issues, if instead of making the arm as a "add on" to correct the decision about the logo, they made a full minifig, it would't be ghostbuster, it would be a generic CMF type Ghost hunter with a modified type logo - and that's not what we want. And as for printing in arms, Rumor has it, Drax in GoTG seems to have it, that would make it the first Superheroes Mini to have that (don't recall any other getting that before) Thanks to Santa's elfs we now can see what we want here Cuusoo Lego Team statement regarding the patches in the minifigures You may contact LEGO® CUUSOO directly via email at Ask them to have arms printed and put on pick-a-brick, or just let them know you really want them and to find a way to give us that part with the logo printed on it. If enough people write to them it will help. Edited February 22, 201411 yr by CustomJoe_MD
February 22, 201411 yr You guys are dreaming. LEGO is never going to release an arm printed with the Ghostbusters logo. They really don't care. They clearly thought a lot about the minifigures, and they've decided not to print the arms. It's not like they forgot. You complaining online isn't going to change anything.
February 22, 201411 yr Author FINANCIAL ASPECTS So I've been looking at the financial aspect of things and was told about this kind of site Looks like the perfect thing if we need to raise money privately, and it allows accountability. And if extra shipping is needed you just add that amount and done, no fuss payments. Any more sugestions or similar sites/ better ideas feel free to share. I'd even go so far as to say that we should use this aproach for other things like for example buying "Christo originals" as a team or anything else that we all do buy by ourselves and could maybe be getting cheaper if we unite. A sorta buyers group by location. Some numbers of the campaign: We have so far 32 people that want this to happen/willing to pay and "AussieLand" is back on top, with the US of A. right on the tails now as the largest groups. 5 others that want to help with stuff (print setup art, organization). Thats 140 individual arms. Just 4 days in Edited February 23, 201411 yr by CustomJoe_MD
February 22, 201411 yr TLG will never alter the set at this point. They purchased the licensing to make the Cuusoo set and nothing else at this point. The only hope is for them to purchase the licensing rights to an entire line - at which point they may add the arm patch. Anyways, custom seems to be the way to go. There are so many print pad shops out there it would be reasonable to expect a $50.00 setup fee for each color and then $1.00 each per part. I will say that getting 3 colors on the arm patch using print pad is next to impossible. We're talking about a 8mm wide space with lots of room for error. It would have to be one hell of a clean image and steady jig to pull it off. Two colors (red & white) seem more reasonable. I have a local guy here in the states that does low-run print pad for BrickForge when we don't require full shots of 1000+ qty. -A
February 22, 201411 yr Author Hi A, glad you could join in on the fun. Did you get the chance to let them know on the group about this? I don't know about 1000+ but it's starting to look like at least 400arms are a good bet at this point. I haven't given up on TLG yet (have some stuff brewing, you never know). Not holding my breath either on that though. I agree on the 3 color thing, but I'll have to see my samples first, and the printer will have to discuss the details of what they can do with this before we settle on final details. Also Since Australia and the US have the bigger groups it could be a better idea to have it printed in the US for shipping(both Europe and the US would be overkill). I don't know early days, lots of miles to go before this baby gets put to sleep. Need to start setting up group heads so I can delegate some stuff, any volunteers. First one gets a cookie. Edited February 22, 201411 yr by CustomJoe_MD
February 22, 201411 yr Yes, I posted a link over in the GB Flickr group (in the comments of the patch photo). One of the bigger concerns is obtaining 400 Tan right arms. Seems simpler to obtain 200 pair and print on both. Charge a premium for the right arm and less for the left - some people may not care and would be willing to utilize the left for a cheaper cost. The only time I can recall TLG using more than 2 colors on an armo is the Cloud City Fett and I'm almost positive that was a digital printer, not pad printer. To locate someone with one of those is tougher, and I'm not convinced the quality is up to snuff. -A
February 22, 201411 yr Dang it I can't send messages. I don't have permission even to view my own profile. :( I think I will at least buy one set. If it's official lego print I'll buy 3 or 4 sets or more. That also depends on the price. :) This was the only reason I joined this forum. I've always read it but this got me to join. :) If I can figures out how to get permission I will send my info. This would be my first custom but please try to have TLG print the. I know you are. :)
February 22, 201411 yr Author _Legoboy, You need more Posts, forgot to read the rules didn't u, you little scoundrel, don't worry you'll get the hang of it. _Armothe, Actually Germany has quite the supply with 800+ between a few sellers. But good idea, as I said still early days, Thanks for doing the other thing. On 2/22/2014 at 5:33 PM, Armothe said: The only time I can recall TLG using more than 2 colors on an armo is the Cloud City Fett and I'm almost positive that was a digital printer, not pad printer. To locate someone with one of those is tougher, and I'm not convinced the quality is up to snuff. Victor could pull it off couldn't he, if we went digital? All the people i've corresponded want PAD, so I'm pursuing that route untill reason to the contrary. Edited February 22, 201411 yr by CustomJoe_MD
February 22, 201411 yr Since I usually speak with Victor a few times a month it is my understanding he recently purchased a pad printer, not a digital printer; but I'm not 100% sure. If he does digital printing I think he is outsourcing it, but again; not entirely sure. A low-end digital printer is around $15,000 compared to the higher-end UV printers that push $25,000. Christo and Citizen are both pad print at this time - to my knowledge. I don't think we really need Kickstarter to get this moving, just someone with some capital to purchase the arms, pay for the plates & per-piece, then a reliable method for people to order them and distribute. -A
February 22, 201411 yr Author No kickstarter, the crowdfunding we'll use is up there in the Financial aspects. Capital will be collected from everyone for initial costs, I believe I have more or less an idea of how the organization will go. Finished parts go from printer to the different Hubs (In the country of the members) and at that point they each pay shipping to their location. Hence using that system up there.It will be done in phases, all very carefully so we don't have problems. Those who are far or where no hub gets formed will be receiving from the closest hub to them.Since day one I've been going back and forward with a few people trying to get Plan B and C in place. A is TLG, we'll see what comes of it. I'm looking at some of the CMF figs and the closest to what we are trying here is the - Motorcycle Mechanic - tatoo From s10. PS: One more thing I choose the hubs but then you guys all verify my choices, we'll have a checks and balaces system so no funny business happens. Once the network is set verification will occur from point to point both ways like in Bricklink. I'll still be working some of the financials to see if I can find an easy way for you all to check my side of things (money deposits etc). This will all be very transparent and public, just not the identities of those who are end clients. Other than that I'll do my best to have everything available. Edited February 22, 201411 yr by CustomJoe_MD
February 22, 201411 yr Might be worth looking into whether TLG might let us have some tan torsos with arms for a bulk price. Since this is fan driven and not for profit, it doesn't hurt to ask. Not sure how expensive the arms would be individually from the seller you were talking about.
February 22, 201411 yr I doubt I'd be able to purchase (my budget this year is tied up with The LEGO Movie), but you have my full support! Hopefully there'll still be a few available by the time I've found space in my budget for the Ghostbusters set.
February 23, 201411 yr Author On 2/22/2014 at 8:36 PM, CorneliusMurdock said: Might be worth looking into whether TLG might let us have some tan torsos with arms for a bulk price. Since this is fan driven and not for profit, it doesn't hurt to ask. Not sure how expensive the arms would be individually from the seller you were talking about. Thats the kind of thing we would need an official conduit/liason for, unless anyone from one of the LUG's has some ideas on how to do it. PS:The campaign now comes in extra Irish flavor too, thanks to our first Irish member. "C'mon mi laddies we need more of yah, yor from thah land of the specters an supernaturals, u'll need the ghostbusters therrr for sure" (said with my BAD oiiiirish accent - PPS:Don't hate me ). Edited February 23, 201411 yr by CustomJoe_MD
February 23, 201411 yr Author Post deleted for it's no longer relevant to send any letter Edited February 26, 201411 yr by CustomJoe_MD
February 24, 201411 yr Sent message with info I want a set. This is a must have. 100% lego would be very awesome.
February 25, 201411 yr Printed Patch Arms for Autoimmune Inflammatory Vasculitis charity drive? That could be a nice thing to do in memory of Harold Ramis. TLG might respect that. WYT? Edited February 25, 201411 yr by OneStudShort
February 25, 201411 yr Author I just saw at, so sad :( - "It's always the quiet ones" this really took the wind from my sails I'll tell you that ...will post more later. On 2/25/2014 at 5:19 AM, OneStudShort said: Printed Patch Arms for Autoimmune Inflammatory Vasculitis charity drive? That could be a nice thing to do in memory of Harold Ramis. TLG might respect that. WYT? Not gonna happen, not with my involvement, someone else wants to do something thats fine, but I'm not capitalizing on Ramis passing for any reason, specially not to get something out of it. Wouldn't sit well with me, and charities are big complicated and serious stuff, you can't just pull a hat and pass it around. Let's keep things separate. Hope he knew how many people his movies and work made smile and LOL, I had just watched Ghostbusters yesterday after dinner, still makes me laugh after all this time. In his honor I'm stopping the Campaign for a day or so. "Do...Ray...Egoooooon" REST IN PEACE Harold Ramis. Edited February 25, 201411 yr by CustomJoe_MD
February 25, 201411 yr That's cool, Just had that thought in my head. Figured you guys would know if it's fine or not. Sorry I didn't really think it was capitalizing on him so I'll drop that. Just an Idea sorry. My bad, sorry New guy insert foot in mouth. I support this project 100%. CustomeJoe_MD You are doing an awesome job trying to get this to happen. Hopefully TLG will decide to make this to complete the set. Edited February 25, 201411 yr by OneStudShort
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