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If I am correct, the viking line didn't replace a castle line. The vikings were at the same time as the knight's kingdom ll. Maybe if TLG decides to make a new viking line, it will replace the current one.

From Brickipedia:

Vikings was a filler range released in 2005 to fill the gap between the discontinuation of the Knights' Kingdom II line and the emergence of the Castle (2007) line

This would be cool. I like the horned helmets but I think they could use an update.

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From Brickipedia:

I looked it up on brickset.com, here are the sets from 2005, here from 2006. Vikings alongside KK ll. So, I don't know who is right now. Doesn't really matter anyway. The point is Vikings should return, and should not replace the castle line.

I'd definitely be interested in a Vikings revival. I'd mostly be in it for the figs and hopefully some updated prints and molds. I'm really more interested in castle builds but Vikings would be more interesting than the current castle line. It could be a really cool mashup to have the Vikings raid medieval castle and civilian structures. I'd be all over that.

I would like to see them come back with new helmets without horns. Same general style of helmet as the old one with nose guard, but with long hair attached to it, along with some beard pieces. Maybe make 1 horn guy using old helmet as a special leader/king type.

I would also like to see some structures for them to attack. Small keep, fortified houses and stockades.

Edited by greenalfonzo

As a Viking/Anglo-Saxon nerd I'd of course love this. What would be nice: two new types of helmets, i.e. conical with nose-guard (and aventail?) and a spectacled helm. And new swords, or they could use the gladius. New shields would be a plus too. :) And we all would want some womenfolk and civilians. We would never get an "Attack on Lindisfarne" set though x) And Icelandic settlers don't really make for an action filled range of Lego sets.

Vikings aren't typically associated with fortified structures but forts played a huge role in the wars between the Danes and the English. And they could keep the mythological stuff. I have a hard time seeing this become reality though. It simply will not happen... (so we thought of LotR too :P). But since there already was a Viking line, I doubt we'll ever see another, lest there come some really popular Viking film (the horrible Vikings series isn't included in "good viking films") x) There are some good old Icelandic Viking films but they won't be made into Lego. And somehow, Vikings don't really seem to be too good on screen. They could of course make a movie about Harald Sigurdsson against Harold Goodwinson in the battle at Stamford Bridge.

What about a representation of Yggdrasil as a standard?

And Icelandic settlers don't really make for an action filled range of Lego sets.

Nordic long boats vs the pickled herring?

That viking fortress looks awesome. I never realised it existed. It's a shame as I was only buying Star Wars lego at the time of release and only got into castle with the 2007 castle line.

If they released another viking line with a similar fortress I'd be very happy.

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The fortress is indeed awesome. I don't know how many hours I was laying on the flour, shooting the catapults at everyone and everything. Mostly just vikings from other clans and dragons, later all the vikings against the crownies. Unfortunately I don't have the knights catapult, so they couldn't really siege it. Most of the time the vikings (on dragons) attacked the knights castle, with the double shot catapult. Awesome piece of artillery.

But now we are speaking of awesome sets, which one is your favorite? Mine is the double catapult for the dragon, and the fortress for the set.

Nordic long boats vs the pickled herring?

Haha x) Awesome. Could have a whale hunting set and some sheep herding.

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A knarr with villagers, and some non-viking people they trade with? That would be cool, an early medieval harbor with viking ship.

The set 7016 is the same boat in the Lake Town chase set for the hobbit just different colors and a few details. Just need a dragon.

Edited by Lego dad

I think a new Vikings theme would be a nice addition. I would be very happy with any new historic theme outside of Castle however.

I would love the Vikings to return! They're (rather ironically) the sets that drew me out of my Dark Ages!! :laugh:

As much as the stereotypical horned helmets seems to be a necessary trope to get an audience to see the characters as Vikings, I would simply adore a historically accurate range! Particularly if it featured some more civillian-themed sets (but then I feel the same way about the normal castle setting too). Longhouses, small farmsteads, boats, fishermen, men wearing tunics, women with hangerock aprons and beads/broaches, maybe some newly moulded fur-lined hats, with spangenhelms and spectacle helms for the warriors... ah it'd be marvellous! I'd easily buy multiples of every set. But it'd never happen that way, not enough action to interest the younger demographics (apparently). :cry_sad:

I think the absolute best that could be hoped for would be a variation on the traditional castle theme: Two rival Norse clans battling it out in differing colour schemes. Replace all the tree pieces and green baseplates with white versions to set the tone. Replace the traditional king minifig with a wealthy jarl, one for each faction. Some of the warriors in byrnies or hauberks, some in tunics. Throw in some helmetless, bare-chested berserker types for good measure! Longships, forts, longhouses, outposts, raiding parties, plenty of treasure and, I'm sure, flick-fire missiles! :wink:

They'd probably have to use the horned helmets again, but they could mix in the more Norman-styled one:


and if we're lucky something along the lines of BrickForge's spectacle helm perhaps:


As long as they avoided uniforms and kept the figures looking sufficiently different from each other (like they did in the initial Viking range), I'd be happy. I could see one faction sporting a lot of dark red and having a black raven banner, the other dark blue and a white wolf banner. Or something along those lines.

Ah, we can dream, can't we? :laugh:

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Mind if I dream along? That idea is very good, but I don't think TLG would make banners. More vikings, more fun!

I'd love to see an updated Vikings theme. That was one theme that I got a few sets from, but wish I'd gotten more.

It would be cool if they made it more realistic in the sense that they use more earthy tones and colours, much like LOTR. If they made it too colorful like Castle, it just wouldn't feel right. It'd be cool if the factions were only distinguishable by the war paint they wear.

Also, having heroes for different clans would be cool. Like, have three factions, each ruled by a family (one blonde, one dark haired and one redhead), and these families are feuding for gold and such. Create a small story with named characters, and you've got yourself a brilliant theme.

It would also be interesting to see a new Viking helmet mold with shoulder length hair attached at the back. Still have the horns, but add some hair so it doesn't look like all the warriors are bald.

I would totally be on board with a new theme like this.

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And make the helmets that way, it doesn't fall of all the time. Hair would look cool, the CMF viking woman has it, and it looks, imo, very good.

And make the helmets that way, it doesn't fall of all the time. Hair would look cool, the CMF viking woman has it, and it looks, imo, very good.

Yeah, I really liked it on the female Viking.

It would be really cool if each faction used different horns for their helmets as well. So let's say there's three factions:

Blonde Faction: Ruling family has a father, warrior mother, and son. The horns they wear could be the basic tooth/horn piece we all know so well, as well as wear green war paint.

Dark haired Faction: Ruling family has old grandfather elder, stern ruling mother, and an older warrior son. They could use the cow horn for their helmets, and wear red war paint.

Redhead Faction: Ruling family has father, nurturing mother, and warrior daughter (kinda like Brave). Their helmets use the newer horns introduced in the Lone Ranger theme, and wear blue war paint.

I'm actually getting really into this idea, so I'm gonna do some rough sketches and write some set ideas and return to this thread in a bit.

Yeah, I really liked it on the female Viking.

It would be really cool if each faction used different horns for their helmets as well...

I'm actually getting really into this idea, so I'm gonna do some rough sketches and write some set ideas and return to this thread in a bit.

I would buy all of that. I'd love to see what you come up with.

Well, unfortunately my art skills are complete crap. I attempted some sketches of the ideas I have in my head, but it just didn't translate well.

However, I have done some thinking in regards to the factions of this dream Vikings theme. Rather than have three factions based on three different hair colours, I decided to make it two factions with similar traits to other LEGO Castle factions, but without making it too cartoony or colourful and childish. In the end, I want this theme to be appealing to both children and adults, but more so adults.

So, these are the two families who would be the leaders of the factions:

The Falkvor Clan: Good Guys

Weland - the patriarch of the family. Aged somewhere in his early thirties, he would sport a mohawk/ponytail style hair cut, much the same as Ragnar Lothbrok's from the History Channel's show Vikings. Here is an image for reference: http://www.history.com/s3static/video-thumbnails/AETN-History_VMS/194/263/History_Vikings_BTS_Hair_Design_SF_HD_still_624x352.jpg

His hair would be the same colour as Hawkeye's, but the hair style would obviously require a new mold. He would wield a sword and shield.

Freya - Weland's wife. Roughly in her late twenties, she would require a special hair mold as well. Pretty much Lagertha Lothbrok's hair from the Vikings show as well.


Her hair would be the buttercup yellow colour that Legolas has. She would wield and spear and shield.

Rotland - their son. About eleven years old, he would have the swoopy Ron Weasley hair in tan. He would have short legs and wield a small axe.

I pretty sure its extremely obvious that much of the influence for Weland and Freya is from the Vikings show. Those two characters from the show would make awesome figs.

Throgessen Clan: Bad Guys

Balmung - an older warrior, roughly in his sixties. He would have a bald head and have Vitruvius's beard in dark grey. He would also have one missing eye that is scarred, making it look as if its closed and swollen. He would wield a long hafted two-headed battle axe, and just be a brute in general.

Maeva - the daughter of Balmung, and a fierce warrior herself. She would be roughly in her late thirties, and have Vitruvius's hair in black with the headband in dark brown. She would wield two daggers (perhaps a new mold).

Volsung - Maeva's son, and Balmung's grandson. He would be in his early twenties, have the Elizabeth Swan hair in black, and wield a short hafted single-headed battle axe and a shield. I kind of imagine a Khal Drogo-esque character: very tough, yet clever.

I also have ideas for a few other new molds that would be really cool.

Updated Viking helmet - not necessarily a replacement for the current one, but an alternative choice. This helmet could have a face similar to this: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-KSvbWhWtALU/T91aoFT0UsI/AAAAAAAAAmY/HfqKxYwxPHc/s320/Beowulf.jpg

It would also have the holes on the sides so horns could be attached, and would have shoulder length hair draped from the back. Two variants could be available: helm in dark pearl grey with light brown hair, and helm in light pearl grey with dark brown hair.

Fur shoulders - basically a piece that would fit around the neck, much like a suit of armour, that would give the illusion of fur lining the top of a cape. It wouldn't be compatible with the haired helmet, but could work with most short hair and the existing Viking helm.

Other than that, there wouldn't need to be any new pieces. Essentially it would just be the two main heroes' hair pieces and some new accessories that could possibly have wider application elsewhere, or at least throughout more of the theme.

I also have some thoughts in regards to the colour schemes of the two factions. Rather than have the classic silver armour and colourful arms or whatever that we usually see in Castle themes, the main build of the clothes worn by the soldiers and heroes should have more browns and earthy tones, with the soldiers be distinguished mostly by the war paint they wear.

The Good Guys could mostly wear reddish brown clothes with accents of light tan furs and such printed on to their leather and animal skins. Their war paint would be a pale, robin's egg blue. Other colours used for shirts and sleeves underneath the leathers could be sand blue to accent the lighter blue paint.The Bad Guys could have mostly dark brown leathers and skins, with accents of dark tan furs on their clothes. Their war paint would be a dark green. Like the good team, olive green could be used for civilian clothes worn under the leathers and skins, to accent the paint colour.

Each of the named characters would require special prints to distinguish them from the grunts. As for the soldiers, there could be two prints for good soldier torsos and two for bad torsos. These, along with an assortment of existing warrior-like faces and the use of the new helmets, old helmets, and hair could allow for armies that would be less regimented and feel more like a ragtag group of warriors.

If someone with good skills in art (or perhaps someone who could make 3D designs of the new pieces, if thats even possible), please let me know. I'd love to perhaps collaborate with someone on making this a more full-fledged idea and perhaps submit it on Cuusoo.

Being a fan of the new (-ish) show on History channel, I wouldn't mind seeing the theme revisited, but on a more serious level, I think.

Being a fan of the new (-ish) show on History channel, I wouldn't mind seeing the theme revisited, but on a more serious level, I think.

I definitely agree about the more serious level sort of thing. While its likely to never happen, it'd be nice if LEGO made a theme more exclusive for AFOLs. Sure, they release larger sets with more complex builds, and make an effort to accommodate the wants of the AFOLs while still staying within sight of their main target market, but I'd like to see LEGO to branch off and develop two or three small theme that serve exclusively to the AFOL market. They could make small waves of things the AFOLs would really like, and include things that are a little more adult than what they usually do. These sets could be only available for purchase on the LEGO site, and perhaps even be put in a special AFOl section of the site where you must sign into to access.

But this will likely never happen. Just an amazing fantasy, I guess.

Yeah... I was just musing about it. It would be cool, but they can't cater to every special interest.

I am suddenly remembering a portion of a show (A&E or History) about a great sword maker named Hermboldt. I'm a little unsure of the spelling of the name, but from what I remember his blades were prized throughout northern Europe. So much so that ancient forgeries were found. These were blades in the classic Viking longsword style.

I could just see a set called Hermboldt's Forge. All the swords would be pearl dark gray and pearl light gray swirled to simulate Damascus steel, which his swords are believed to have been made of. The set would be an enclosed forge with something simulating bellows, a somewhat open workshop, Hermboldt himself, a couple of wealthy patrons, and possibly a rugged looking thief. I could see this as a $30 set.

Like others, wishful thinking.

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