May 5, 201410 yr Author Thanks! Strange how some people really, really look like someone, famous or otherwise. I couldn't figure out what to do with the John's head, I was thinking about Professor Horton, the guy who made the original Torch, but I ended up looking through the Secret Invasion graphic novel for a friend. At the back their's this list of well, every named Skrull, and he seemed like an interesting one to make. He certainly sticks out amongst the masks, capes, guns, shields and bladed weapons of my Marvel figures. And your welcome to use my designs, I've had a lot of inspiration from EB, so like I say it's great to give something back, even if it is through a truck load of C and D list Marvel characters! Any suggestions/recommendations? I've still got loads left to post, with more being made at this moment, from the most obvious to the most obscure and everything in between. I've got a Thor and a Hercules to post tonight, plus a 100% non purist Earth 616 Nick Fury, a fig that I'm very, very, proud of (possibly my favourite custom of my entire collection thus far), but I'm always open to any suggestions anybody has!
May 5, 201410 yr Nice, Old Man Logan! Would you do any DC characters? There can't be any Marvel one's left!!!
May 5, 201410 yr And your welcome to use my designs, I've had a lot of inspiration from EB, so like I say it's great to give something back, even if it is through a truck load of C and D list Marvel characters! Thanks, I've already started work on a Scarlet Spider, but I will add more decals to make him more accurate to the comic books
May 5, 201410 yr Author rosalind14, I just read it and had to make one, thanks! DC characters?!? I don't think I'd have enough parts plus, I just bought contest of champions, so their no stopping me now! Mwhahahah! Prepare for collective man, le Peregrine, Shamrock, and a whole host of E-Listers! (I kid, possibly ). In all seriousness, I'm looking at making Hawkman, Zatanna, Rocket Red, green arrow and a few others in the future, but not just yet. Rinzler, sounds great! I would've added the belt and web launchers, but I didn't have the time when I made him. I would like to add the blue hood soon available though from the classic spaceship in the Lego movie sets!
May 7, 201410 yr Author If/when I get the hood I'll be sure to post a pic. I'm working on Reily's other Spidey costume at the moment. So, I present, Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD! A front view, his SHIELD suit was made by hand while the heads a modified sticker (i.e. I drew his eye patch on). A side view, you can see his utility pocket and his arm belt better from this angle. A back view, you can see the back of harness and his boots (plus a stray cat hair, sorry about that). And one more figure tonight, Hercules (Earth-829) AKA Prince of Power mini series Herc. Enjoy!
May 9, 201410 yr Author So, everyone these days seem to be doing one so... All my Avengers that are officially Avengers according to the comics, both official, professional customs, and home-made customs. So, without further ado, Avengers Assemble! Anyway, for a herculean effort, here is everyone, row by row. From left to right: Row 1 Major Victory, Cap, Jarvis Row 2 Beast, Scarlet Witch, Hawkeye, Thor, Shellhead (Iron Man), Black Panther, Wolverine, She-Hulk, Mr Fantastic, The Invisible Woman Row 3 Nikki, Charlie 27, Wonder Man, Vision, Wasp, Giant Man, Hulk, Hercules, Black Knight, Thing, The Human Torch Row 4 Martinex, Thunderstrike, Quicksilver, Spider-Man, War Machine, Namor, Mrs Marvel, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Dr Strange Row 5 Starhawk, Talon, Daredevil, Justice, Jack Of Hearts, Triathlon, Captain Britain, Havok, Moondragon, Living Lightning Row 6 Beta Ray Thor, Nova, Jocasta, Sunspot, Cannonball, Darkhawk, Starfox, Swordsman Row 7 Ares, Demolition Man, Dr Druid, Black Widow, Ant-Man, Dagger, Cloak Row 8 Stingray, Hellcat Few! Just to say as well, sorry about my desk intruding on the far left. As you can see, I had to considerably expand my "photography studio" for the picture Enjoy!!
May 10, 201410 yr Author Thanks as always! It is! And that's just the official Avengers, I've "inducted" 15 more or so into their ranks (such as Hyperion, Silver Surfer, and a whole other team), and soon a new Thor, Hulk, and Falcon from the AIM lab will join them. I plan someday soon taking a picture of all my customs. EDIT: Some new figures, Scarlet Centurion circa Kang War Improved Gilgamesh Thor, Lord of Earth, Earth 3515 Enjoy! Edited May 10, 201410 yr by Dr Leg O Brick
May 11, 201410 yr Author "Spiderman, Spiderman, Does whatever a spider can Spins a web, any size, Catches thieves just like flies Look Out! Here comes the Spiderman." Classic Spidey (i.e. Ben Reilly Spider-Man Enjoy!
May 15, 201410 yr Author I'm back! With more Spider-Men! And others, don't worry. Black and red Spidey Green Goblin Blastaar the living windbag bomb burst! Improved Doom 2099 ROM, the Galadorain spaceknight! With jet pack and Dire Wraith neutralizer, I'm really proud of this one. Enjoy! Edited May 16, 201410 yr by Dr Leg O Brick
May 28, 201410 yr Author I'm back! Masked Wolverine Quasar (trust me, he does have a stared cape from the Harry Potter sets, just very, very hard to see due to the camera angle) Classic Thor (boots to follow) The big three. Nuff said. Proctor (AKA an evil Black Knight hailing from Earth-374) Viper (I've got a better head, so an update will be forthcoming) Logan (Earth-811 AKA Days Of Future past)/regular Logan Enjoy!! If you have any comment, anything at all, comments, criticisms, suggestions, I'd love to hear them! EDIT: Woops, forgot one: Ronin Again, enjoy! Edited May 28, 201410 yr by Dr Leg O Brick
May 28, 201410 yr I've been meaning to order the helmet and wings to do that exact Thor! Looks great!
May 28, 201410 yr Author Robianco Thank you! I'd been struggling to find wings for ages, I almost used the glow in the dark white Wolverine claws, but I found a picture somewhere of the wings and thought they looked fantastic. They stay plugged in extremely well, much better than most Lego alternatives. I've actually trimmed the hair (via a very unsafe method), when I next take photos I'll make sure a back view is taken. Good luck when making your own! rosalind14 Thanks, my next step is boots, and possibly the red two tone cape from some Star Wars sets! Quasar was a mistake in a way, the entire arms/legs/hands belonged to an old Castle figure, a Crusader, whose gold print had worn off like so many. I'd got the head, cape, and bracelets done, added them, and he looked great! Much better in my opinion than a blank red/blue torso. A few more to come over the next few days, including some new Exiles and an upgraded Longshot!
May 29, 201410 yr Wolverine looks great, nice head choice. I also used a Brickforge Savage mask, and I recommend cutting off the chin-strap. It looks much nicer.
May 29, 201410 yr Author Thanks for the suggestion! It was actually a mistake, my mask got stuck on that particular head, and between the "smile", stubble, and almost identical placing of the cheek bones on that head, it does a good job emulating the original. I'll get a few more in the future, so when I do I'll try that. Thanks! So, some new Exiles that are a bit hit and miss, but before I do, a group shot of my Alpha Flight currently: So, new Exiles! Sunfire (Earth-2109) Thunderbird/T-Bird (Earth-1100) Longshot The Timebroker Enjoy!
May 29, 201410 yr Nice to see some more Exiles !! Like what you did to Thunderbird's legs, very clever. Timebroker is spot on too. And your Alpha Flight . If you could get the "P" that ianmrid used on his, it would even more awesome!
May 29, 201410 yr Author Thanks! I agree, I've now got Mimic, Morph, Sunfire, Longshot, T-Bird, Nocturne, and I'm working on Beak and Blink. I'll leave it at that, as I don't want to post more Exiles spoilers! Thanks on T-Birds legs, I was looking at cutting and painting and gluing when it hit me, why not use a cheese slope and a plate? The Timebroker was someone I completely had disregarded, I hadn't even thought of making him till last night. I was looking through an Exiles guide, looking at who I'd be making next, when it occurred to me, I'd got the torso, why not give it a go? Thanks on Alpha Flight, I'll be sure to get that! Edited May 29, 201410 yr by Dr Leg O Brick
May 29, 201410 yr Author A few more, I've got quite a few still left to post and, while I have the time, why not post some? The Hood Pic Info http://marvel.wikia....bins_(Earth-616) Improved Taskmaster (modified shield and doubled orange/white cape) Pic Info http://marvel.wikia....ters_(Earth-616) Aleta Pic http://www.writeups....fiche/4042a.jpg Info http://marvel.wikia....gord_(Earth-691) Improved (again) Major Victory Pic http://static.comicv...jor victory.jpg Info http://marvel.wikia....stro_(Earth-691) US Agent Pic N/A, I based him on a number of different factors and appearances Info http://marvel.wikia....lker_(Earth-616) Work in progress Dazzler Pic Partly based on this costume: http://www.antaninet...e/d/dazzler.jpg Info http://marvel.wikia....aire_(Earth-616) From now on, I'm also going to add links to pictures of the character, and links to either Marvel Wikipedia or Comic Vine, I'm not sure yet. I'm also going to go back over my older posts and add these pics/links as I understand a lot of these guys aren't exactly well known. Enjoy! Edited May 29, 201410 yr by Dr Leg O Brick
May 29, 201410 yr Thanks for the suggestion! It was actually a mistake, my mask got stuck on that particular head, and between the "smile", stubble, and almost identical placing of the cheek bones on that head, it does a good job emulating the original. I'll get a few more in the future, so when I do I'll try that. Thanks! I got my Savage mask stuck on my official Wolvie head unfortunately. I think they're all too tight. 7 months later I managed to get it off but the head was too mangled from all my attempts at removing the helmet.
May 29, 201410 yr You know doc there is a shield like the one you used for taskmaster in trans red, that would go really well with US agent. You probably can still get it used in BL. Nice job on the customs. And you are right about blastaar, on the "wind content" comment.
May 31, 201410 yr Author KingPixels, Sorry to hear about your Wolverine. I nearly got mine stuck, it got really, really stuck half way, but between a few minifig neck poles and plying it sideways it got out fine. I thought it may be just the head, so I tried it on the other one and well, you know the rest! CustomJoe_MD I think I'm familiar with that shield...I believe it came in some of the classic space sets. The same mould as the much revered grey castle shield, thanks, I'll look into that! At the moment my minifig of Vance Astro has an energy shield I made using one of these: http://www.bricklink...asp?P=91884pb03 With a trans red dish on top (the same construction as Taskmaster's). The Aztec patterns make it look like energy ripples, but the older shield would look much better due to the grooves. Thanks! Thing's called him that a few times, over the way windbag goes on about this that and the other. As Captain America said while battling Entropy in a Marvel Two in One, their kind always does that (in regards to villains) . Edited May 31, 201410 yr by Dr Leg O Brick
May 31, 201410 yr A long for a good Dazzler....she's one of my favourite heroes but I can't seem to get her right. Your one looks like it's on the right track, Dr!
June 4, 201410 yr Author Thanks again! I'm going to add a bandanna, a flesh right arm and blue hand at least to make her more accurate. rosalind14 asked when I'd make some DC figures. Though these aren't DC figures, their Marvel characters based on DC's JLA (I know, a bit of a stretch!). Power Princess (if anyone knows a good helmet for her, like in this pic: , I'd be very grateful!). The Whizzer Doctor Spectrum Squadron Supreme so far (I'm working on Lady Lark, Golden Archer, and Nighthawk) Enjoy!
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