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I only collect movie sets (so no CW, Rebels, or original designs). I don't get repeats of sets, but I will get redesigns if it's substantially better than the last version.

I collect OT, Episode lll and the Old Republic. I've never actually played the Old Republic, but many of the designs feel similar to KOTOR, which was awesome.

I've been collecting Star Wars stuff since 1983.....but only started recently with LEGO Star Wars.

In the 80's I had +-85% of all the Kenner toys. I had all the action figures (yes, even Yak Face and the famous 'last 17'); only the Death Star Trooper and Bespin guard I were missing. The Falcon, X-,Y-,B-Wing, Ewok village.....you name it. Notable missing things: Landspeeder, Sandcrawler, Dewback (yes, stuff from the first movie).

In the early 90's Star Wars was kinda 'dead'. No new movies, no books etc. The only thing was the West End Games RPG.

That's when I sold almost all of my stuff. I had been collecting dust for years, some were 'played to death' with and no-one could have suspected it would 'rise from the grave' someday. I kept my complete comic collection plus some other stuff.

Years later the special editions and prequels were announced plus I discovered Zahn's Thrawn Trilogy. Star Wars was back, and so were my collection habits. I mostly focused on 2 things: non-fiction books (I have -bar a few exceptions- a complete collection of those) and autographs. I worked as Anthony Daniels (C-3PO) assistant at conventions, interviewed 115+ people, got a personalised George Lucas signature....the only thing I kept away from were the Star Wars Toys.

In a way, it felt like a blessing I sold my old toys, because I knew that when I'd still have them would have gotten all the prequel toys (and new OT toys) as well. My life would've been way different than it is now! (I would've gone in other directions...)

Still, it kept bugging me over the years. Sure, I had a few toys (small Lego sets it fact) that were given to me over the years, but no real collection.

Over the last few years I've been in LEGO stores in Disneyworld, Disneyland, London, Cologne.....and every time I stood there, looking at all those great sets. Not getting them.

When I was at Celebration Europe last year I saw the presentation of 'Rebels'. I told myself that I'd get LEGO sets of just the main ships.

I did.

And 2 weeks later I got the 7965 Millennium Falcon as well. And the Skiff.

Oh, and the Droid Escape set.

a month later I got Jabba's Palace. 4 days later I had the X-Wing and TIE Fighter as well.

THis saturday; I'll be picking up 3 of my favorite childhood ships: the A-, B- and Y-Wing.

My collecting habits are mostly OT. I can't see myself getting PT or CW sets. Rebels looks great. The Ghost and Phantom have OT looks.

My 'dream goal' is to have the LEGO version of every character, playset and vehicle I had when I was a kid. Currenty it's not possible as there are +-20 characters of which there was a Kenner toy but not a LEGO minifig (Klaatu, Ugnaught, 8D8, Sy Snootles, Walrusman.....to name a few) and the same goes for some ships/sets.

Still, I now have the possibility to own ships etc I never had: I didn't have the rare Kenner skiff for instance. And the Death Star trooper that was missing? I have him now.

Plus, it's great that there are minifigs of characters Kenner never made back then (Oola, Porkins, etc)

(Sorry if this is a long story, but finally 'coming out' feels good!)

Edited by Jedi-Bendu

Sorry if this isn't the right topic but I need help. Do you guys think I should sell my old Clone Wars stuff to complete my OT collection? I got the Corporate Alliance Tank, Count Dookus Solar Sailor, Mace Windus Starfighter, Battle for Geonosis, Clone Trooper BP the one with the bomb squads, mandalorian BP, bounty hunter assault gunship, T6 Jedi shuttle, sith night speeder, geonosian starfighter, republic frigate, clone walker BP, assassin droid BP, hyena droid bomber, AAT, Republic attack shuttle, separatist shuttle,anakins Y-Wing, Venator Class republic attack cruiser, freeco speeder, droid tri fighter, arc 170, Plo koons starfighter, grievous starfighter, clone turbo tank, cad banes speeder and the geonosian cannon.

Sorry if this isn't the right topic but I need help. Do you guys think I should sell my old Clone Wars stuff to complete my OT collection? I got the Corporate Alliance Tank, Count Dookus Solar Sailor, Mace Windus Starfighter, Battle for Geonosis, Clone Trooper BP the one with the bomb squads, mandalorian BP, bounty hunter assault gunship, T6 Jedi shuttle, sith night speeder, geonosian starfighter, republic frigate, clone walker BP, assassin droid BP, hyena droid bomber, AAT, Republic attack shuttle, separatist shuttle,anakins Y-Wing, Venator Class republic attack cruiser, freeco speeder, droid tri fighter, arc 170, Plo koons starfighter, grievous starfighter, clone turbo tank, cad banes speeder and the geonosian cannon.

All depends on what you like more? Some of these sets you listed could be worth twice it's value on eBay if it is in good condition. Better yet in the box still. Either way, you would probably make a profit, and invest into your OT collection. I like the CW, prequels and OT equally. My collection is mainly battle sets or ships. I built my own B-wing, now I feel the need to collect the other rebel ships. But I am on a budget, and there are many other ships would like to collect from the prequels or CW. But it really comes down to what you like more. I/we can't decide that for you, since we don't know what interest you more.

I'm mostly drawn to sets that represent locations I mean I like starships and all but Lego needs to recognise the fact that Star Wars doesn't take place in space all the time for example they havent made a cloud city set for a long time or any other famous location,I'm glad that we got the Mos Eisley cantina this year.

Edited by LOTR343

Mine is to collect classic OT sets from '99 to '04, especially sets from '99 to '02.


And anything PT as well, like older PT sets from '99 to '11

Edited by AudiBobaR5-D2

first and foremost in my purchases I look for any representation of a bounty hunter, from any sub theme group (even characters disguised as a bounty hunter apply to this) if this is met its an Automatic purchase, no other info needed. if that is not met the next criteria is Expanded Universe (not CW, rebels, OT, or PT) if that is met its an auto buy. after that is OT starting with ships/locations I don't already have. for example I have an AT-AT, so the new one is on the back burner currently, it will be a sale purchase but not full retail. finally if there are no OT sets I don't have a representation of then I look to PT, CW, and Rebels equally.

I always find when I buy something that isn't lego, say for example mighty muggs or the vintage kenner figures I find after I've bought them I think of which minifigures I could have bought instead. I can't keep on top of all the awesome merchandise!

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Well, I've sold off all my Tatooine sets exceot for Jabba's Barge (should sell well when it retires dur to the minifigs alone). I honestly hate having clutter, and unopened Lego boxes can take up space fast. I collect everything Endor and have been really planning out an Endor diorama and took the liberty of buying a second Battle of Endor (8038) set. I also own every Christmas Winter Village set (factory sealed) and those can take up space too. Can't wait for Santa's workshop to get the holiday promo set with it (they are quite complimentary).

I also plan to buy a couple Ewok villages and a couple AT-AT's. My only real fear is making a shield generator/radar dish on the forest moon of Endor. I am leaning more towards leaving out such a model in my diorama. It'd be too big of a commitment to get right and to get it to look the way I want.

I collect PT and CW but I also collect the OT when I like it which I have Darth vaders starfighter a tie defender, I had the endor generator but it broke but I have the atst old a wing and more.

I basically only collect minifigures that I think will be useful or main characters that would be iconic enough. I haven't seen the movies in years, so I don't have a physical attachment to the series like everyone else. But I have purchased a few ships and figures over the last few years. Been slowing down as of late since I have other themes I'm more interested in. But this summer wave had some good looking sets, so I may pick some of them up.

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