December 16, 20213 yr Well currently we have huge and sometimes overcomplicated but still non-motorized "flagships" are currently moved to UCS series...
December 16, 20213 yr 4 hours ago, Citromon said: I would like to see at least 1 flagman set without PU. I'm just tired to pay for electronic components that I don't need, and I'm also not a fan of Technic to transform into an RC them. Totally respecting your opinion, but for example I am a big fan of doing rc stuff in the brickworld - for me personally it brings the real fun to solve issues and make things go. I am not really attracted by sets with manuals which other people developed (and already solved the problems), except for studying their approach of solutions to get smarter. I think both opinions are totally ok and community doesn't has to have this toxic discussions.. For me the approach of some manufacturers to sell their sets with regular abs placeholder parts for electric components and selling them separetely would be the way to go.. Imho its the best solution for the customers and it will be likely that manufacturers also increase their sales by just attracting more people with different needs. Edit: TLG should bring back the buggy motor format as PF and also as PU version... community has a huge demand for those discontinued lines... (I know of chinese brands versions, just saying TLG is missing sales here for no reason). Edited December 16, 20213 yr by aFrInaTi0n
December 16, 20213 yr 43 minutes ago, allanp said: I think the UCS supercars could be seen as non motorised flagships but not really flagships of sorts. Perhaps if they focused more on making them better mechanically rather than mostly just display models then they would do better at scratching that non motorised flagship itch. True, though it's hard to say which is more of a flagship, Porsche or BWE, and same goes to Bugatti/RTC. I guess Sian might be more flagship than Volvo hauler though. But UCS cars are a bit of an oddball here, while they are definitely Technic, they are also more of a subtheme and don't really compare that well to other sets. 20 minutes ago, Maaboo35 said: The last non-motorized flagship was 8285 in 2006, though its B-model could be motorized. So, if we're talking about a complete lack of motors, the last non-motorized flagship was 8436 in 2004. That's seventeen years. Quite a gap. In 2012 there was the Logging truck, which could've been a flagship, but I guess the Crawler should be considered the flagship of that year. Either way, it was long ago.
December 16, 20213 yr What makes something a flagship anyway. Cost? That's automatically a boost to motorized sets since PU is so expensive. Except for the fact the UCS cars cost even more. We have had several large non-motorised sets in the last few years, including the tow truck this year, the car transporter in 2019, and the Mack in 2018.
December 16, 20213 yr 1 hour ago, howitzer said: In 2012 there was the Logging truck, which could've been a flagship, but I guess the Crawler should be considered the flagship of that year. Either way, it was long ago. Both are motorized.
December 16, 20213 yr 16 minutes ago, Maaboo35 said: Both are motorized. Oh, I didn't know the Logging truck was motorized. Then the year of the last non-motorized flagship definitely moves much further back... 59 minutes ago, pleegwat said: What makes something a flagship anyway. Cost? That's automatically a boost to motorized sets since PU is so expensive. Except for the fact the UCS cars cost even more. We have had several large non-motorised sets in the last few years, including the tow truck this year, the car transporter in 2019, and the Mack in 2018. Size (part count), cost and marketing all together. Sometimes though, set with the biggest part count might not be the most expensive, and neither might be the most marketed.
December 16, 20213 yr 12 minutes ago, AVCampos said: The 9396 has optional motorisation. Not a flagship.
December 16, 20213 yr As a fan of machinery, I'm still holding out for a proper flagship PU JCB backhoe or John Deere forwarder. A road grader would be neat too. I've kinda given up on LEGO offering any of this though, so these are all in various stages of WIP for me. I have no interest in the supercar UCS sets. They focus more on appearance than function, and that doesn't appeal to me much. The only exception I think I'd have is if LEGO did an old Mercedes gullwing in silver or metallic grey with a dark red interior. Just my $.02.
December 16, 20213 yr The flagships are the BWE, the RTC and the hauler. The UCS cars are their own separate thing. But that doesn't really matter. The supercars can still serve the same purpose as a non motorised flagship set, still scratch the same itch, even if they are not technically (or should I say arbitrarily) called the flagship IF they had more mechanical value than just a display piece. This at first thought seems tricky as a supercar doesn't have many functions to add (besides brakes and clutch), but it's possible in the details. HOG steering with a much better feel (by having better geometry and feeling more solid and direct like the test car for example) is a good start. The Sian and land rover got the suspension about right. And the engine has to move without having to push the car a few feet forwards first. It has to start moving much sooner (less backlash) and at higher RPM so you can hear/feel it spin even if it's not visible, while still having a multispeed transmission to play with (very important, otherwise just make it a 1:10 scale car). The ability to add an optional motor directly to the engine while lifting the wheels off the ground will also add a lot of play value, as you could run the motor and flip through the gears to watch the wheels spin faster and faster (like 8448). They can (and should) still have the good looks, but increased focus on the mechanics as described above would help the UCS cars be seen more as flagships in their own way, and less as ultimately useless display pieces IMHO. 8 minutes ago, dhc6twinotter said: As a fan of machinery, I'm still holding out for a proper flagship PU JCB backhoe or John Deere forwarder. A road grader would be neat too. I've kinda given up on LEGO offering any of this though, so these are all in various stages of WIP for me. I have no interest in the supercar UCS sets. They focus more on appearance than function, and that doesn't appeal to me much. The only exception I think I'd have is if LEGO did an old Mercedes gullwing in silver or metallic grey with a dark red interior. Just my $.02. I'm also still hoping for a flagship back hoe. I don't see a grader happening (not recognisable enough) but imagine having a flagship back hoe with a grader as a b-model! Having both a grader and the return of a b-model to a flagship would please a lot of fans. Mostly b-models wouldn't make much difference to sales, but in this case I could see a few extra sales being made just for a grader b-model alone. I think this is the best bet for a good sized and fully functional grader as opposed to a little £30 set.
December 16, 20213 yr 23 minutes ago, dhc6twinotter said: As a fan of machinery, I'm still holding out for a proper flagship PU JCB backhoe or John Deere forwarder. I'd be thrilled with a JCB anything, really. Even a polybag would be so cool.
December 16, 20213 yr 19 minutes ago, allanp said: I'm also still hoping for a flagship back hoe. I don't see a grader happening (not recognisable enough) but imagine having a flagship back hoe with a grader as a b-model! Having both a grader and the return of a b-model to a flagship would please a lot of fans. Mostly b-models wouldn't make much difference to sales, but in this case I could see a few extra sales being made just for a grader b-model alone. I think this is the best bet for a good sized and fully functional grader as opposed to a little £30 set. Backhoe is something that will probably be made at some point, as few of those have been done previously and they have all been marvelous sets. Grader on the other hand... no A-models ever, and only a couple of B-models too, so I'm not holding my breath. I don't think recognizability is the issue here though, they are common enough at real life roadwork, and there are tons of other sets with little to no familiarity to most people. I think the problem with graders is that they are complicated pieces of machinery, and it's really hard to make it in a way that doesn't just fall flat on expectations while conforming to TLG's design standards. Even MOCs are few and far between, though they don't have to meet the same design criteria, it's just that it's really hard to make a properly good grader from Lego.
December 17, 20213 yr I haven't read the whole topic so apologies if it's been brought up already, but I saw somewhere that the new technic F1 car that's coming in 2022 is a McLaren. Can anyone confirm or deny this? I mean i'll be getting it whether it is or isn't but it would be good to know
December 17, 20213 yr This was anounced yesterday Maybe this is next "supercar", that we could expect. This would be good candidate for Lego and VW group cooperation. At least in that "mid" size.
December 17, 20213 yr 1 hour ago, Ngoc Nguyen said: That car looks like it has prognathism.. yes, looks like a serious case - sorry for all Audi fans. Btw - why do I need to check for this word? And why do I not even know the german translatio too: Prognathie? Such things happen on a Lego forum to me. I need to think about my life...
December 17, 20213 yr The Audi prognathism .....I mean hoonitron would be ok for the pull back cars or a 130 euro PU car (like the top gear rally car) It's all electric so no engine or gearbox. It would just have steering and suspension. Not really enough for even the 1:10 cars let alone the 1:8 cars me thinks. Edited December 17, 20213 yr by allanp
December 17, 20213 yr 58 minutes ago, Mr Ogel said: why do I need to check for this word? And why do I not even know the german translatio too: Prognathie? Such things happen on a Lego forum to me. Well, count me in! I did exactly the same; first Leo then Google ... Regarding life: Oh well - don't think about life because of that - just take as educational and thus quality of life enhancement. Best Thorsten
December 17, 20213 yr Would be nice if the new 42141 F1 car will be in 1:8 scale :D . With 1431 parts it can be done as 8674 has 1245 parts and it's 1:8
December 26, 20213 yr Now that models from movies and games start to appear in the Technic lineup, I want a Dune ornithopter. I also have a plan to design one as an alternate model of the 42113. Edited December 26, 20213 yr by Ngoc Nguyen
December 26, 20213 yr Cool model. And I also thought about it in Lego. But it has been done already. Not that it can't be done again....
December 26, 20213 yr If we're talking movies what about the walking giant spider from wild wild west?! People have been wanting more animal type things in Technic haven't they?
December 26, 20213 yr 5 hours ago, Ngoc Nguyen said: Now that models from movies and games start to appear in the Technic lineup, I want a Dune ornithopter. I also have a plan to design one as an alternate model of the 42113. I also instantly though of this after seeing the movie. The one shown at Brothers Brick looks nice, but I want at least somewhat functional one, that is with moving wings and all. But I expect such a build to be very difficult one.
December 26, 20213 yr Depending on the price point, the alternating flapping wings could be enough functionality.
December 26, 20213 yr 10 hours ago, Ngoc Nguyen said: I want a Dune ornithopter. Well, here is one from @M2m - a superb rendition, when you ask me: Best, Thorsten
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