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"STATEMENT: Upon further inspection, that blackness... isn't darkness. It's the smog that the Giant pumped out whenever we've encountered him..."

The party carefully navigates the Needle Cavern descending into darkness. They walk in single file, mindful of the barbed cavern's twists and turns, not knowing what final battle was ahead of them... They ponder their impending fate and possible impending doom as they make their final descent through the caverns. Armed with their will, their weapons, and the knowledge from Nevermore, the paty would have to obtain to victory over their next opponent... Or the consequences may be far more severe than any of the party could imagine. The heroes and their followers finally reach the end of their descent.


"CURRENT ELEVATION: 1,828.8 meters/6,000 feet under."

Six thousand feet under from anyone who could possibly help them now, the party walks through the final hallway, and is greeted by an ominous sight...


Three powerful beings, cloaked in smoke. Their glowing eyes pierce the darkness, staring down the recently arriving heroes. A cruel voice speaks out, depraved and soulless.

"So, the heroes arrive at long last. Monolith, enough with the smoke screen. I do believe it is time for us to step out of the shadows."

With a mighty wind spell, the speaker disperses all of the smoke in the room. The sudden galestorm flings the heroes backwards, as well as reveals a far more terrifying sight.


The Mighty Giant's true form is revealed... As well as his two puppeteers. The heroes' stomaches churn, and chills sprint up and down their spines. Some of them already knew the villains that stood before them, staring them down with a judgmental glare. Others could only step back as new, sinister faces greeted them.

The Giant speaks out a single word, still bound to The Regret's will.



The massive Oculoid speaks out next, his voice a cross between a gloatish speech and a maniacal cackle.


"HahahaHAHAHaahahah! I thought you folks would never arrive! That would've been ever so dissapointing... But you're here now, so I suppose we can get this party started. For all of you plebeians not in the know, I am Oculoid Mastermind Seerus, artistic genius and General of the Oculoids. However, make no mistake... I am not the one fully in control here. That honor would have to go to my master..."

The silvery abomination steps forward, his eyes brimming with a gleeful cruelty. He carried with him a formidable aura, his entire body practically emanating pure power. A sickness begins to overcome the heroes as he draws a bit closer...


"No introduction is necessary, I trust. Enjoy touring my former residence?"

What will the party do?

Edited by Endgame

Grimwald shudders at the sight before him, but is able to retain his cool. "Too bad you couldn't have done that earlier", he thinks to himself.

"I'll be scared later", he mutters. "Right now I'm too bloody mad."

"I don't know who or what you are, and quite frankly I don't care. We're here to destroy you, and that's what's going to happen. And don't you dare give us any of that cliché 'I've already gotten away with this', or 'You'll never defeat me' nonsense, we are simply not in the mood."

Edited by LordoftheNoobs

"Prometheus Regret. I'm beginning to see how you came to take up that moniker." Arthur looks around the room casually. "Nice place you've got here," he remarks sarcastically, indicating the cavern with an airy wave of his hand. "The dank gloom, the sharp spikes all over the place, the constant, gnawing cold. I can totally see how that's completely conducive to the resident's sanity." The Skirmisher's words dripped so much sarcasm that, had it somehow been converted into poison, The Regret would be taking six thousand damage per Round from it. "But what do I know, the cold never bothered me anyway."

"I have to say, I'm a little disappointed. The last three times we met, you had the decency to show up yourself right from the get-go, none of this business with minions and traps and puzzles and the like. I'm not sure whether I should be honored or insulted that you're using me to take out the trash." By the way he directed the word 'trash' at Seerus, it was clear he meant the Oculoids. He turns his attention back to Prometheus. "I trust that's the reason you dragged us all down here? Or are you telling me your minions were supposed to be competent?"

Edited by Flipz

"Former residence? Due to the fact that you have no doubt been down here for a while, I wouldn't exactly call it former residence. In either case, we are pretty much just hear to bring you down. Now, for your Giant, he is a whole different story, back there in the various tunnels and caves, he actually saved our lives, so I'm pretty inclined not to kill him, after all, what type of person kills the one who saved them, and sent them on a path to kill his own master?"

Minoid scans the enemies.

  • Author
  On 6/16/2014 at 12:23 PM, LordoftheNoobs said:

"I don't know who or what you are, and quite frankly I don't care. We're here to destroy you, and that's what's going to happen. And don't you dare give us any of that cliché 'I've already gotten away with this', or 'You'll never defeat me' nonsense, we are simply not in the mood."


"No, I actually haven't. I'm just gathering more ingreidents for my little plan. Although, I wouldn't call the "you'll never defeat me" bit nonsense. If you are foolhardy enough to attack me, I'll be sure to prove just how truly beaten you already are."

  On 6/16/2014 at 5:08 PM, Flipz said:

"Prometheus Regret. I'm beginning to see how you came to take up that moniker." Arthur looks around the room casually. "Nice place you've got here," he remarks sarcastically, indicating the cavern with an airy wave of his hand. "The dank gloom, the sharp spikes all over the place, the constant, gnawing cold. I can totally see how that's completely conducive to the resident's sanity." The Skirmisher's words dripped so much sarcasm that, had it somehow been converted into poison, The Regret would be taking six thousand damage per Round from it. "But what do I know, the cold never bothered me anyway."

"I have to say, I'm a little disappointed. The last three times we met, you had the decency to show up yourself right from the get-go, none of this business with minions and traps and puzzles and the like. I'm not sure whether I should be honored or insulted that you're using me to take out the trash." By the way he directed the word 'trash' at Seerus, it was clear he meant the Oculoids. He turns his attention back to Prometheus. "I trust that's the reason you dragged us all down here? Or are you telling me your minions were supposed to be competent?"


"Hah. When I first encountered you, you were a suicidal lunatic. It seems your insecurity has blossomed into a stifling superiority complex. Foolish human boy... Always thinking that he is important in the grand scheme of things. Always thinking I consider you some sort of nemesis. Always thinking you are the hero. You're hopelessly wrong - and hopeless in general, really. You're not even a hero. Just a delusional brat who is depserate to die at my hands, it seems. Do you still consider yourself my equal?"


"Mmmhmhmhmhm. Am I supposed to be offended, Skirmisher? The fact that five Oculoid foot soldiers held you up for so long is a bit baffling, but amusing nonetheless. We have 10,000 more waiting back at the citadel, and I'm sure they'd love making your acquitance as well! We oculoids go stronger and stronger daily... Assuming you're not illiterate scum, I'm sure you've read that as The Regret gets stronger, we do. When my master reaches his apex, we Oculoids will be unbeatable."


"Regarding your other trials... Not my doing, truly. The Dauntlets reset the security system, not I. Your presence is ultimately irrelevant. Oh, sure, you saved a few people. But you can't lay a finger on me here, and besides, what are a handful of lives in the grand scheme of things? They'll simply add to the victim count when I start erasing your people from Olegaia. But since you've paved your way all the way down here, and I can only assume you're expecting some sort of climax, I can make good use of you while you're here. This was a test run for Monolith - or, as you know him, "The Giant". I have obtained the data I needed to construct a second version. If you would be so kind, would you off him for me? Otherwise, I'm sure he'd be perfectly content tearing you into pieces."


" . . . "

  On 6/16/2014 at 5:14 PM, The_Customizer said:

"Former residence? Due to the fact that you have no doubt been down here for a while, I wouldn't exactly call it former residence. In either case, we are pretty much just hear to bring you down. Now, for your Giant, he is a whole different story, back there in the various tunnels and caves, he actually saved our lives, so I'm pretty inclined not to kill him, after all, what type of person kills the one who saved them, and sent them on a path to kill his own master?"


"You are mistaken. Monolith was dispatched here days ago, but I myself have not been present - the Oculoids you encountered were not to hinder you, but rather to ensure that Monolith did the job I asked of him. You see, I've been trying to recover a certain something for quite some time, and I felt Monolith would be a wonderful candidate to do the dirty work for me. I Have more pressing matters than digging through this ancient old trash heap. Would you like to see it?"

  On 6/16/2014 at 5:34 PM, Flipz said:

Minoid scans the enemies.


"...STATEMENT: I cannot tell any sort of statistics if they are not making any sort of aggressive action. From the Gaint, i can tell that his heart is his only weak point, and it appears to be nigh invincible. facing any of these opponents may spell certain doom for us..."


"Heroes. I tried my best to avoid this eventuality, but is seems like we are destined to baAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUGRRRGGHHHHH!!!"

Monolith goes through another agonizing seizure, holding himself steady with his rather imposing spear.


"I hope you see now why we plan to make a Version 2. This twit just never learns..."

Edited by Endgame

  On 6/16/2014 at 8:23 PM, Endgame said:


"Hah. When I first encountered you, you were a suicidal lunatic. It seems your insecurity has blossomed into a stifling superiority complex. Foolish human boy... Always thinking that he is important in the grand scheme of things. Always thinking I consider you some sort of nemesis. Always thinking you are the hero. You're hopelessly wrong - and hopeless in general, really. You're not even a hero. Just a delusional brat who is depserate to die at my hands, it seems. Do you still consider yourself my equal?"

"No. Not yet."

  On 6/16/2014 at 8:23 PM, Endgame said:


"Mmmhmhmhmhm. Am I supposed to be offended, Skirmisher? The fact that five Oculoid foot soldiers held you up for so long is a bit baffling, but amusing nonetheless. We have 10,000 more waiting back at the citadel, and I'm sure they'd love making your acquitance as well! We oculoids go stronger and stronger daily... Assuming you're not illiterate scum, I'm sure you've read that as The Regret gets stronger, we do. When my master reaches his apex, we Oculoids will be unbeatable."


"Regarding your other trials... Not my doing, truly. The Dauntlets reset the security system, not I. Your presence is ultimately irrelevant. Oh, sure, you saved a few people. But you can't lay a finger on me here, and besides, what are a handful of lives in the grand scheme of things? They'll simply add to the victim count when I start erasing your people from Olegaia. But since you've paved your way all the way down here, and I can only assume you're expecting some sort of climax, I can make good use of you while you're here. This was a test run for Monolith - or, as you know him, "The Giant". I have obtained the data I needed to construct a second version. If you would be so kind, would you off him for me? Otherwise, I'm sure he'd be perfectly content tearing you into pieces."


" . . . "

"Sure...but only if there's no way to free him. The Hel is he, anyway?"

  On 6/16/2014 at 8:23 PM, Endgame said:


"You are mistaken. Monolith was dispatched here days ago, but I myself have not been present - the Oculoids you encountered were not to hinder you, but rather to ensure that Monolith did the job I asked of him. You see, I've been trying to recover a certain something for quite some time, and I felt Monolith would be a wonderful candidate to do the dirty work for me. I Have more pressing matters than digging through this ancient old trash heap. Would you like to see it?"

"Yeah, yeah, the Zirconia, whatever. You do realize how laughably inefficient that thing is considering the effort it took to make this island, right?"

  On 6/16/2014 at 8:23 PM, Endgame said:


"...STATEMENT: I cannot tell any sort of statistics if they are not making any sort of aggressive action. From the Giant, i can tell that his heart is his only weak point, and it appears to be nigh invincible. facing any of these opponents may spell certain doom for us..."


"Heroes. I tried my best to avoid this eventuality, but is seems like we are destined to baAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUGRRRGGHHHHH!!!"

Monolith goes through another agonizing seizure, holding himself steady with his rather imposing spear.


"I hope you see now why we plan to make a Version 2. This twit just never learns..."

"Try to get a better scan of the Giant alone. I don't plan on fighting these other two, unless they decide to force the issue--now's not the time for that. Pretty sure they'll sic the giant on us either way, though."

Edited by Flipz

  • Author
  On 6/16/2014 at 8:43 PM, Flipz said:

"No. Not yet."


"Laughable. Simply laughable. I have spent the last twenty two hundred years in a sleepless existence, working itrelessly... endlessly. If you think you can possibly match me within the 6 months your species has left, you are a gullilble fool. After life has reduced you to nothing, time and time again, you'd think you'd figure it out. You are worthless. A help to very few and a burden to the rest. If you think you can overcome that and match my power in the time it takes me to become the Eternal Reaper, you're absolutely mad."


"Sure...but only if there's no way to free him. The Hel is he, anyway?"


"Part magic, part machinery, part organic. Call him what you will - considering your predicament, I do believe "Executioner" would be an apt name."


"Yeah, yeah, the Zirconia, whatever. You do realize how laughably inefficient that thing is considering the effort it took to make this island, right?"


"I am returning for the Zirconia, yes, but Goland wasn't made just for this. it was my solace, my canvas... And I think you'll find I made more than a tiny piece of Zirconia. Monolith, you may do the honors."

The giant pulls up his massive spear, and with one clean slice, reveals a glittering sight...



"I remembered when this gem first calcified... Bear witness to raw Zirconia."

"Ooh, nice chandelier. What a lovely monument to stupidity, just like everything else you've made."

"Look, are we gonna get on with this or what? If all you're going to do is sit there and gloat, fine, but you don't need us here for that, you can invade dreams just as easily. If you actually want something of us, spit it out, otherwise just go the hell away." Arthur holds his hand out to Grimwald to take back his unneeded gear. "Put your hat on, Grimwald, we're going to fight or we're going home, and either way that hat's more useful to the situation."

  • Author


"I suspect the Minoid's scan will say otherwise. I've seen you at your lowest, Skirmisher. Your words are meaningless to me."

  On 6/16/2014 at 8:43 PM, Flipz said:

"Try to get a better scan of the Giant alone. I don't plan on fighting these other two, unless they decide to force the issue--now's not the time for that. Pretty sure they'll sic the giant on us either way, though."


"ULTIMATUM: This... is the best I can do."


Monolith, Level 64 Ancient

HP: 400/400

SP: 10

Immune to Blindness and Sealing!


Deadly Discharge: Monolith unleashes a column of light and electricity from his eye, sweeping the battlefield. All heroes receive the Electrified 8 effect, and the hero who rolled Special Damage takes 60 damage.

Target Found: Monolith fixates on the hero who rolled Special Damage, making them take an automatic free hit from him every round until his head id deactivated. Can stack on multiple heroes.

Specials decided by die roll.

Stalagmite Fright: ???

Passive Specials:

Major Malfunction: ???




Monolith's Heart *UNTARGETTABLE, Invincible?, Immune to all Negative Effects?

HP: 1100/1100

Passive Specials:

Resurrection: Each body part is resurrected after 3 rounds by the Heart. When the Heart bursts, the battle is won.

Endgame Syndrome: ???

Infection: ???




Mortar Cannon, Level 48 Ancient

HP: 300/300

Immune to Sleep and Sealing!


Bomb Barrage: Monolith launches off a series of explosives; this does anywhere from 10 to 20 damage disregarding row and SP, decided by a random number generator.

Smokescreen: The Mortar Cannon releases some smog, making itself Hastened and Counterstriking for a round. Additionally, the hero who rolled Special Damage recieves the Poison 10 effect.

Specials alternate.

Passive Specials:

Malfunction: ???




Left Hand, Level 44 Ancient

HP: 250/250

Immune to Sleep and Sealing!


Slice and Dice: Monolith tears through the party with his massive chainsaw spear. All heroes have their Health and Ether cut in half, and receive the Bleeding 5 effect.

Dirt Nap: Monolith slams the hero who rolled Special Damage into the ground. That hero is reduced to 1 HP, becomes Doomed, and has all of their artifacts unequipped.

Specials decided by die roll.

Passive Specials:

Brutal Bludgeon: On rolls of damage and Free hits, the hero is made Weakened.

Malfunction: ???




Right Hand, Level 44 Ancient

HP: 250/250

Immune to Sleep and Sealing!


Slice and Dice: Monolith tears through the party with his massive chainsaw spear. All heroes have their Health and Ether cut in half, and receive the Bleeding 5 effect.

Skewer: Monolith stabs the hero who rolled Special Damage, reducing their max health by 5 for the rest of the battle and doing 48 damage.

Specials decided by die roll.

Passive Specials:

Brutal Bludgeon: On rolls of damage and Free hits, the hero is made Fragile.

Malfunction: ???



Edited by Endgame

Erdathcath uses a Smelling salts on herself, and applies Deadly poison to her Handcannon. "I'm really sorry that we have to do this, but don't fear, the Regret will be killed, I'm just so sorry you have to die against your will."

  • Author


"No. No, it's... quite alright... I want thIIIIIIRRRGGGNNNHHH..."

Another dose "shock therapy".


"It appears I managed to drive a machine to suicide. How quaint.

Druid, do you not comprehend? Did you not see the room, a testament to my many attempts at escaping this world? I am immortal. I cannot die."

"Every time you speak all I hear is 'blah blah blah, full of myself, blah blah, invincible, can't touch this, blah blah.' seriously, are you done talking? We have a battle to take care of."

  • Author


"Such a remarkably short attention span. You should take his every word as gospel."

"Yes, I remember the last people who did that, we ended up nearly killing them just to break them from his spell. Not to mention, we have had to do it a couple of times. I learned to ignore foolish blabbering after a while."

  On 6/16/2014 at 11:41 PM, Endgame said:


"Druid, do you not comprehend? Did you not see the room, a testament to my many attempts at escaping this world? I am immortal. I cannot die."

Arthur is surprised. "You...believe that..." He runs a hand down his face, considering this new information. "You...really don't see the gaping hole in that statement, do you? The way you could literally end all your pain--Hel, end everything wrong that you wanted to. I don't get it. You're intellectually advanced, Etherally extreme, preternaturally powerful, and yet you're incapable of the most basic shift in perspective that would solve every problem in your life--and millions, millions of others. Do you want to know how you could undo the agony you live in, Regret? That one variable that would solve the equation, permanently?"

Edited by Flipz

  • Author
  On 6/17/2014 at 12:11 AM, Flipz said:

Arthur is surprised. "You...believe that..." He runs a hand down his face, considering this new information. "You...really don't see the gaping hole in that statement, do you? The way you could literally end all your pain--Hel, end everything wrong that you wanted to. I don't get it. You're intellectually advanced, Etherally extreme, preternaturally powerful, and yet you're incapable of the most basic shift in perspective that would solve every problem in your life--and millions, millions of others. Do you want to know how you could undo the agony you live in, Regret? That one variable that would solve the equation, permanently?"

The Regret practically hisses, legitimately disshelved by one of Arthur's statements.


"If you're going to tell me to abandon my hate, I do not wish to hear it."

"Think about it--what's the one moment when it all started? The moment that began your lifetime of pain?"

"Tell me something--if the Prometheus then saw the Prometheus now...would he make the same choice? No--the same mistake?"

  • Author


"...If he knew what horrors are in this world... I... cannot say. You practically witnessed a retelling of Prometheus dying. Perhaps you are a better judge than I.

But ultimately, I cannot say this is about me. My motivation, perhaps, is fueled by my revenge... But if that is what it takes to forge the way to a perfect world, I am willing to do it. I plan to oversee Olegaia when all is said and done, you know. Make sure new life - a better life, a purer life than yours or mine - is created. And should it become corrupt, I will snuff it out, just like I will do to mankind."

Grimwald replaces the Noble Mask with the Tricorne.

  On 6/17/2014 at 12:29 AM, Endgame said:


"...If he knew what horrors are in this world... I... cannot say. You practically witnessed a retelling of Prometheus dying. Perhaps you are a better judge than I.

But ultimately, I cannot say this is about me. My motivation, perhaps, is fueled by my revenge... But if that is what it takes to forge the way to a perfect world, I am willing to do it. I plan to oversee Olegaia when all is said and done, you know. Make sure new life - a better life, a purer life than yours or mine - is created. And should it become corrupt, I will snuff it out, just like I will do to mankind."

Arthur shakes his head in disbelief. Yeah, the horrors and corruption that HE spawned. He wondered how much of Eubric's darkness had its root in the being that stood before him. "We've had this argument before. I doubt the outcome will be different this time." After careful consideration, he takes a moment to rub his last Dragon Scale, the touch comforting him somewhat. "Farewell, Monolith. We'll try to make it quick. Grimwald, would you mind passing me my scarf, please?" If Grimwald passes him the Scarf of Misfortune, Arthur equips it in place of the Zap-Tap Badge.

Grimwald gives Arthur his scarf back.

  • Author

QM Note: The final battle will commence this afternoon!

Erdathcath equips her Amulet of Optimism, and gives Minoid the Unlucky Horseshoe, as well as 2 Grand Potions.

  • Author


"Kyehahahahah! I wish I could see this. Alas, we must depart."


"Hmm. So eager to fight to the death, I see. I won't interfere. But know this: This is the last ingredient my little scheme requires. the next time the curtain raises on our saga, Heroes of Heroica, it'll be the final act. I'm eager to see you one last time, should you attend!

Farewell, heroes! But before I go, I have one last order to deliver: Monolith, kill them."

The Regret, Seerus, and the Zirconia all vanish in a burst of dark light. Monolith creaks and moans, heaving up his massive weapon. He stomps into the path of his heroes, his every motion filled with an unnatural aggression. His spear hums and roars, his single eye sparking with a blue energy. His ribcage ripples, his heart pulsing frantically within his metallic chest.



"Heroes of Heroica. I have watched your journey, thus far. I have seen as you progressed through these caverns. I never wanted this, but... We are destined to battle. My master commands it, and try as I might... I cannot defy him."

The Minoid speaks...


"STATEMENT: His invincibility. I found a way to bypass his invincibility. Direct your attention to the ceiling..."

Monolith stands stoically, but some level of fear registers as he figures out the Minoid's plan. The heroes look up, the ceiling of the cavern plastered with lethal spikes.

"Should we dislodge one of the ceiling spikes and pierce his heart..."

Lynne begins to step back.


"I'll be rooting from back here... I would fight, but I'm still recovering from my injuries from our bout. Do me a favor: Give Monolith the peace you gave me. He needs it, desperately; and if you have to do it through murder, give him the death he wants. Good luck, heroes... You especially, Arthur, hon."


"The time for pleasantries has passed, I fear. Hear me, heroes. No matter who steps out of these caverns alive - you or me - one thing is certain: your journey ends here! Engarde!"

Monolith rushes forward with a surprising agility. The party drawsa their weapons, knowing it was time to...

Prepare For The Final Battle!

TIV6DU8.png "Let us begin."

Monolith, Level 64 Ancient

HP: 400/400

SP: 10

Immune to Blindness and Sealing!


Deadly Discharge: Monolith unleashes a column of light and electricity from his eye, sweeping the battlefield. All heroes receive the Electrified 8 effect, and the hero who rolled Special Damage takes 60 damage.

Target Acquired: Monolith fixates on the hero who rolled Special Damage, making them take an automatic free hit from him every round until his head id deactivated. Can stack on multiple heroes.

Stalagmite Fright: Monolith slices up the ceiling, causing sharp rocks to tumble onto the heroes. All heroes to 14 damage, disreagrding row and SP.

Specials decided by die roll.

Passive Specials:

Major Malfunction: When deactivated, any hit on any stalagmite impaled in Monolith's heart does an extra 25 damage.


Emergency Essence, Topaz


Monolith's Heart *UNTARGETTABLE, Invincible?, Immune to all Negative Effects?

HP: 1100/1100

Passive Specials:

Resurrection: Each body part is resurrected after 3 rounds by the Heart. When the Heart bursts, the battle is won.

Endgame Syndrome: Activates when the Heart's HP hits zero...

Infection: Any negative effects inflicted onto impaled stalagmites are passed onto the heart. The effects wear off when the stalagmite breaks.


Machine Heart


Mortar Cannon, Level 48 Ancient

HP: 300/300

Immune to Sleep and Sealing!


Bomb Barrage: Monolith launches off a series of explosives; this does anywhere from 10 to 20 damage disregarding row and SP, decided by a random number generator.

Smokescreen: The Mortar Cannon releases some smog, making itself Hastened and Counterstriking for a round. Additionally, the hero who rolled Special Damage recieves the Poison 10 effect.

Specials alternate.

Passive Specials: When deactivated, any hit on any stalagmite impaled in Monolith's heart does an extra 10 damage.



150 gold


Left Hand, Level 44 Ancient

HP: 250/250

Immune to Sleep and Sealing!


Slice and Dice: Monolith tears through the party with his massive chainsaw spear. All heroes have their Health and Ether cut in half, and receive the Bleeding 5 effect.

Dirt Nap: Monolith slams the hero who rolled Special Damage into the ground. That hero is reduced to 1 HP, becomes Doomed, and has all of their artifacts unequipped.

Specials decided by die roll.

Passive Specials:

Brutal Bludgeon: On rolls of damage and Free hits, the hero is made Weakened.

Malfunction: When deactivated, any hit on any stalagmite impaled in Monolith's heart does an extra 10 damage.




Right Hand, Level 44 Ancient

HP: 250/250

Immune to Sleep and Sealing!


Slice and Dice: Monolith tears through the party with his massive chainsaw spear. All heroes have their Health and Ether cut in half, and receive the Bleeding 5 effect.

Skewer: Monolith stabs the hero who rolled Special Damage, reducing their max health by 5 for the rest of the battle and doing 48 damage.

Specials decided by die roll.

Passive Specials:

Brutal Bludgeon: On rolls of damage and Free hits, the hero is made Fragile.

Malfunction: When deactivated, any hit on any stalagmite impaled in Monolith's heart does an extra 10 damage.


Tiger Balm


Needle Cavern Roof, Level 0 Ancient (Can only be hit by ranged attacks)

Damage Recieved: (0 stalagmites dropped)

Immune to Poison, Fragile and Bleeding!


Spike Drop: A spike plummets into the hero's body, making them fragile until it is destroyed.

Passive Specials:

Controlled Collapse: Every 75 damage the roof recieves, a stalagmite is dislodged that plummets into Monolith's heart. Each stalagmite lasts 2 rounds, and can be attacked. Any damage that each stalamgite recives is passed onto the normally invincible Monolith's Heart.

The Party:


Arthur Justus Regulus VII, a Hero Who Is Actually Worth Something (played by Flipz), Level 32.25 Skirmisher, 22-year-old male Human *Immune to Fragile and all Poisons* *Only Receives One Negative Effect At A Time* [ Currently in: Six Thousand Feet Under] *Party Leader!* *Lucky!* *Blessed!*

Power: 42 (31 + WP:11)

Health: 54/54 (Basic Health: 5 + Level Bonus: 30 + Class Boost: 15 + Permanent Boost: 4*)

Ether: 36/36 (Basic Ether: 5 + Level Bonus: 30)

Defense: 20 (Arm Shield: 14 + Duke's Coat-of-Arms: 5 + Unicorn Helmet: 1)

Gold: 454 (Owed 128 gold by Boomingham)

Equipment: Gladiator Trident (WP: 11, Spear, causes bleeding effect), Arm Shield (SP:14), Duke's Coat-of-Arms (Protects against Fragile and all Poisons, SP; 5, suitable for knights, dragoons, skirmishers and regulators; bodywear), Unicorn Helmet (SP:1; the wearer can only receive one negative effect at a time, with a new effect replacing the old one; usable by barbarians, knights, dragoons, infiltrators, regulators, skirmishers, and winged warriors; headwear), Cloak of Deception (Backwear, Free hits against the wearer have a 1/6 chance to be redirected to a random opponent) Scarf of Misfortune (Accessory, Wearer deals the Jinxed effect on every third round)


Weapons: Zoot's Rebel (WP:20 broomstick, suitable to Arthur only), Sir Roderick's Sword (WP:12, Longsword), Sword of the Vampir (WP:17, user is Jinxed), Duplovian Swift Halberd (WP:3, stuns on successful hits, Hollow [Ambrosia] halberd),Spider Leg (WP:8, doubled against flying enemies; spear), Dauntlet Index (Spear, WP: 8, WP dobuled against humanoids)

(Unsuitable weapons: Ammit (Greatsword, WP 6, gains 5 Ether for each kill),

Artifacts: Duplovian Helmet of the Guard (SP:2, Immune to Magic and Healing), Shackles of War (Accessory, Prevents anyone from fleeing battles), Jester's Hat (Headwear, Wearer may choose to gain one immunity from targeted enemy), Stingy Gloves (Handwear, wearable by everybody. Prevents enemies from ever stealing gold from you.), Minoid Card Key, Cloak of Deception (Backwear, Free hits against the wearer have a 1/6 chance to be redirected to a random opponent) Zap-Tap Badge (Artefact, Accessory. Has a 1/2 chance to deal Electric damage to an opponent who has dealt damage to a hero, equal to the hero's level.),

(Unsuitable Artifacts: Sticky Gloves (Handwear, Increases the amount of gold stolen by 50% (rounded up), suitable for rogues and beast warriors) (sent to Isaac Shawe) )

Heavy Armor (SP: 5) Gems: Opal (Ice), Amethyst (Darkness), Topaz (Lightning), Diamond (Light), Garnet (Earth),

Tools: Bedroll, Telescope, Shovel, Magnifying Glass, Pickaxe, Magic Compass

Scrolls: All Lent!


*Healing: Potion, Tonic, Grand Tonic , Ether Core, Remedy x6, Elixir x4

*Status: Nostrum x2, Hurricane, Mead x2, Ambrosia x2, Jinxy Juice, Blind Fury, Love Potion

*Venoms: Exterlate, Noxious Venom (When used on a weapon, the weapon deals the Poisoned-by-10 effect for the duration of the battle and the Confused effect for the next three rounds, for the duration of one battle.), Crumbling Venom (-3 HP/-1 SP per round)

*Permanent Improvement: Bright Polish x2, Grating Stone, Ella's Pie (Permanently boosts max. ether by 5 but permanently decreases max. health by 5 when consumed.),

*Bombs: Smoke Bomb x5, 3 Bones, Chaotic Bomb (Causes 100 random elemental damage to all opponents), Pumpkin Bomb (Causes stunned-, poisoned-, asleep-, blinded-, sealed- and confused-effects to all opponents when used.),

*Currency: Scrap Metal x2, Silver Ore x2

Bookmark is hitching a ride.


Erdathcath Madilinas, 199 years old, *Hastened!*

Level 22 Druid

Power: 37

Health: 36/36

Ether: 15/25

Gold: 620

Equipped: Tritech Handcannon (WP:15, Fire-elemental *Poison 10!*), Satchel of Awesomeness (Permanent Lucky-effect; bodywear), Overkill Gloves, Mage's muffler (protects from sealing), Amulet of Optimism (Adds the confused-effect to all attacks; suitable to Erdathcath only; accessory),

Inventory: Longbow (WP:7), Helmet (+1 max. health), 6 Potions, Grand Potion, 6 Mead, 2 Smelling Salts, 15 Venoms, 2 Deadly Venoms, 2 Floral Bombs, 2 Ice Bombs, 2 Lightning Bombs, 1 Fire Bomb, 3 Smoke Bombs, 2 Water Bombs, 2 Holy Bomb, 2 Dirt Bombs, 2 Air Bombs, Bone, Skeleton Decoy, Bedroll, Shovel, Pickaxe, Telescope, Saber teeth, Scroll of Weakening, Snake Eye Charm (protects from petrified), , Jinxy Juice, Grand Tonic x2, Love Potion, Blind Fury, Grating Stone, Jinxy Juice, Mythril Shard, Staff of Ennon - (WP: 5, Light-Elemental, Restores 2 ether on a roll of 2, 3, or 4), Scroll of Sleep, Scroll of Frailty, Scroll of Blindness, Scroll of Confusion, Healing Staff (WP: 5), Silver Ore, Elixir, Emergency Essence, Qlice (WP: 8, permanent Poison 4, Club), Agni Bomb, Sushi


69 year old male gnome Cleric

Level: 15

Power: 23 (14 + 8 + permanent boost of 1)

SP: 0

Health: 13/23

Ether: 7/19

Gold: 513

Equipment: Knotted Broom (WP: 6), Lens of Speed Reading (Accessory, Allows a scroll to be read in addition to a normal action. Suitable for scroll users.), Tricorne (SP: 3)

Inventory: Shovel, Pickaxe, Scroll of Frailty, Scroll of Sleep, Mead, Remedy x3, Potion x2, Bone x2, Grand Potion, Bunch of Cherries (10/10 cherries that each restore 1 ether when eaten), Chaotic Bomb (Causes 100 random elemental damage to all opponents), Bedroll, Ice Bomb, Root beer (Restores 10 health, or can be used as a bomb against Undead enemies for 20 damage (Does not affect non-Undead enemies)), Ambrosia, Scroll of Blindness, Scroll of Confusion, Scroll of Armor Sundering (Reduces target’s SP by 5 and has a 50/50 chance of success), Scroll of Poisoning (Grants target’s weapon the Poisoned 10 effect for one battle at the cost of 5 ether), Scroll of Luck (Grants target the Lucky-effect for one battle. Costs 10 ether.), Scroll of Weakening, Healing Staff (WP: 5), Smoke Bomb, Plague Venom, Staff of the Cultist Battlemage (WP: 7, 50% chance of Fleeing upon being KO'd; suitable for Mages and Clerics), Tricorne (suitable for anyone, SP: 3, headwear), Grand Tonic x2, Pugilist's Gloves (+2 power/immune to Weakened), Splinter Broom (WP: 8, defies SP), Opal, Amethyst, Diamond, Nostrum, Sushi x2, Smelling Salts, Noble Mask (Wearer gains gold equal to the number of enemies after each victorious battle; headwear),

5kv3dx9.png "This ends..."

Minoid, Level 20.33 Drilling Automaton

HP: 32/32

Power: 33

SP: 2

Equipment: Minoid Drill Arm (WP: 13), Iron Shell (SP: 2), Scanning Eye (Allows the Minoid to analyze most foes before battle. If in battle, it can spend a turn to analyze the fight)

Inventory: Remedy x2, Hollow Blade Dagger (WP:6, dagger, hollow-blade [Phoenix Essence]), Quick bow (WP: 6, Suitable to rangers, provides hastened effect for one round each battle), Unlucky Horseshoe (WP:13, retrievable, causes Jinxed-effect; throwing weapon), Grand Potion x2

Edited by Endgame

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