Posted April 13, 201410 yr Hello there. i'm fairly new to this site, so my sincere apologies if I posted this topic in a wrongful place. Now I'm also quite new to the whole modelling arena, but I got really interested in making lego mod trains after having messed around a bit with the lego set 10183, which really captivated my interest for the whole lego building thing of trains. (Sorry for my english as I'm belgian. haha) Anyhow. After having toyed around a bit with LDD I finally decided to make a Moc. train inspired by one of my favourite trains I see running around on our nation's railroads. the train I took my inspiration from is none-other then the NMBS AM66 or AM74. now, here you have the first two carriages, being the front and the uhmm.. front? The first class end.. end the 'cargo' end. Here's the train, it's not fully detailed or similar to the actual model but as I said, it's simply a mere 'inspirational' creation. The train is 8 blocks wide. This is the First class, front. with Lights above every exit, as a smallish detail. This is the Alternative Front end, simply a Bagage compartment, indicated by the wide 3 panel door. and a half carriage for the second class. This is the same Bagage front version in a Diagonal view, here you can see the absent drivers window. This is the middle cart, a simple non motorised carriage, on one side of the carriage you have a distinct window, that breaks formation. This would be the lavatory. This window is only present on one side of the train. Here you have the connection between each carriage. Yes, despite the limit area of clearance, they can turn. At least, that's what LDD showed me. I tried everything and the carriages are able to turn without interruption between each other, If LDD is correct XD As I said. I haven't got that much experience. but I really like how it looks! The rest of the pictures are to give you a complete idea of the train in it's totality. I actually plan on one day building a train from scratch with real bricks when I made a build that I love! I like this one a lot. but I will try to improve on it a lot. Perhaps try to model it realistically after the AM66/AM74. Anyhow all tips and tricks are welcome! And thank you for sharing this. Hello again. I've been working on a different project now, but similar in theme. I've been trying to make a lego copy of the train I used to inspire my previous creation. Here is what I have so far. Not that the wheel and lower front still have to be build. and that it will not have a magnet. but in between the carriages, yes. Ok. Even tho I'm happy with how the windows turned out. I kind of feel that the 'round-ness' of the train itself as seen on the real picture goes missing.. in my build. I do believe that the inspirational creation had more of a 'like-ness' to it's roundness, unlike the two fronts I have now. The roof however is still a work in progress. I simply can't seem to get the height and blocks right to give it a smooth continues feel. Any tips on this? Thank you. Thank you! Edited April 29, 201410 yr by MrFluffles
April 13, 201410 yr Very nice LDD take on that train 'MrFuffles'.......are you planning on brick building it as well ? Brick On LDD On 'MrFuffles' !
April 13, 201410 yr Author Very nice LDD take on that train 'MrFuffles'.......are you planning on brick building it as well ? Brick On LDD On 'MrFuffles' ! Yes thank you! I hope so. I'm familiar with Bricklink, so when i'm completely satisfied I hope one day to actually build it, after some revising and editing. So yes, that's my plan. :)
April 14, 201410 yr It's a very realistic interpretation of the source train! One thing I've struggled with in my MOCs is the appearance of those studs at the bottom of the transparent windows. I've started building mine with 1x2 tiles at the base of the window so the studs don't appear and the windows are only firmly attached at the top. You might consider trying that in LDD before you brick build for real. Thanks for sharing it with us!
April 14, 201410 yr Looks great, and there is a lot of technique going on there that I would never had guessed that it was your first MOC (e.g., the detailing on the underside, the ends and the roof). A great build. The one thing I would suggest is if you are likely to build it in real brick is to keep an eye on the BL prices. There are some part/color combinations that simply are not available or are insanely expensive when they are, e.g., the 1x2 red door rail is about $0.60 per right now, but the 1x8 red door rail is averaging $0.40 right now. So minor changes in the design could save you some money in physical bricks.
April 14, 201410 yr Author Looks great, and there is a lot of technique going on there that I would never had guessed that it was your first MOC (e.g., the detailing on the underside, the ends and the roof). A great build. The one thing I would suggest is if you are likely to build it in real brick is to keep an eye on the BL prices. There are some part/color combinations that simply are not available or are insanely expensive when they are, e.g., the 1x2 red door rail is about $0.60 per right now, but the 1x8 red door rail is averaging $0.40 right now. So minor changes in the design could save you some money in physical bricks. Thank you. And yes this is my 'first' finished mod creation. But as I mentioned in my first post. I have that one Factory set, 10183. which allows me to build several trains from one set. and those trains had some neat building tips and tricks which I tried to pursue and combine in LDD. But trust me when I say that this wasn't done over night. i'm slow at building and this took me ages to get the 'front' and doors right. I struggled immensely to get the front two windows and walkway in place, by putting some block vertically to make that turn. And thank you. I haven't thought about the prices yet, but if what you say is accurate I will need to edit it a bit. :p
April 14, 201410 yr Great first train MOC and some very nice techniques used to capture the details. Will be great to see this in brick one day
April 14, 201410 yr That looks really nice.You captured the look of your inspiration very well. I am looking forward to seeing ot brick built. The only worry I have is it taking corners because of the close coupling of the carriages.
April 14, 201410 yr these models are familiar to me very nicely drawn and now beginning to build Edited April 14, 201410 yr by patje
April 15, 201410 yr But trust me when I say that this wasn't done over night. i'm slow at building and this took me ages to get the 'front' and doors right. Oh I know where you are coming from, I have a few MOCs that took over half a year of consistent work to get right. The only worry I have is it taking corners because of the close coupling of the carriages. If that winds up being a problem, a quick and dirty solution is to simply toss in a spare train magnet (or any other magnet) when it is running to add a little extra spacing.
April 15, 201410 yr I agree with the comments here, this looks good, wish I could create models like that. The idea of the magnet is fantastic when running on tight corners
April 16, 201410 yr Author That looks really nice.You captured the look of your inspiration very well. I am looking forward to seeing ot brick built. The only worry I have is it taking corners because of the close coupling of the carriages. Thank you! And yes I too am looking forward to start collecting all the pieces and put it together. However. I have no experience what so ever in order to make it motorised. something which I think would be great to have it actually run. Are there any tutorials tips or tricks on how to add an 'engine' part to a mod model? I have no idea which options there are.
April 17, 201410 yr Author Nice job MrFluffles, do you also participate in the new BeLUG train club?! Thank you! And no, sadly enough I wasn't aware that such a thing existed until now. I'm fairly new in the whole Lego building arena. Is it a good forum to be on?
April 20, 201410 yr I love the amount of detail you put in this model, it's definitely a very good model for a 'beginner'. It also reminds me of some trains that ran along my line decades ago Are you planning to motorize it? Would be fun to see this train running!
April 22, 201410 yr There is lots of great detailing in your V2, e.g., I like how you got the subtle outward slant to the end of the cars. The couplers are also very complex and look good. To my eye, the roof on the prototype looks closest to 50950. Mixing these with cheese bricks and tiles can lead to great effects the cheese slope is a pretty close match to the first stud of the curved slope, while a tile is a pretty close match to the third stud. I have yet to take a picture of my best example, but you can see one case here on the roof of the cab (though this loco has another row of standard 45° slopes beyond the curved slopes). I suspect 11477 or 15068 could make an okay match for the 2nd and 3rd stud on the 50950, but I haven't tried it yet.
April 29, 201410 yr Good colour scheme and detailing. The cars seem a bit short compared to the original. I would love to see this build with real bricks.
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