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  5150 Lego said:
Speaking of trucks, how about a truck stop? There could be a restrantwith a waitress, a cook, and even a hostesess. A mechanics garage with two bays, a lift, a bunch of spare parts, a tire rack with spare tires and couple of mechincs on duty with a tow truck standing by! There would have to be a couple of gas pumps with a spot for trucks to park and relax for the night. As far as the trucks go. Ther are plenty of possiblites. A container truck is a must, as is a tanker truck. I' think it would also be great to have a truck with double trailers! This was a great set....


Yes, a truck stop with all this stuff you mentioned and in the style of the 6393 truck stop would be great. Perhaps with a motel, too?

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As I have a sweet tooth, I would like to have something like this:

Ice Cream Parlor

a little ice cream parlor with some seats, a table and an ice bar inside and outside some seats, a table and a fence as separation from the road

including a bycicle, a cat, a cash, some cups and some sundaes

minifigs: ice cream parlor's owner, a girl and a woman

Chocolate Factory

a chocolate factory (first floor: little office and factory room with machines and a transit into the backyard, second floor: depot with a lift to transport goods from downstairs to upstairs) in the style of the old set 1620 Chocomel

including barrels, bags and a chocolate delivery van

minifigs: chocolate factory owner, driver and two workers

Candy Shop

a little candy shop (first floor: candy shop with a bar and some regals, second floor: little living room)

including a skateboard, a lot of candies and a cash

minifigs: old woman as candy shop owner and little boy

Edited by Klaus-Dieter

I wish there was a tiny little

  • Author
  Mr Hobbles said:
I wish there was a tiny little

Everybody here has great ideas for Town sets that add life and personality to the theme. Browsing Brickshelf, I am always in awe of the talent on display, and find myself wondering, 'if only they released this as a set'. With that in mind, and given the Company's willingness to gamble on larger town sets utilizing unorthodox and extremely creative techniques, i.e. the Cafe Corner, I'd like to see them insitute a contest once or twice a year where contestants are invited to create a model, have it scrutinized and judged by Master Builders, and a final winner released as a SAH exclusive. In this way, I think we, as fans, would benefit from the diversity of the models offered. And it would give the AFOLs the chance to realize a dream: having their idea made into an official set. Eventually, something like this could be done with other themes as well, esp Castle, as there are so many awesome castle themed MOCs out there. They're close to this with the release of Factory sets made by fans. Unfortunately, LDD is still very limited as far as parts offered and part interactions...it's getting better, though.

Personally, I'd love to see a gothic styled building find its way into either Town or Castle. A nice imposing government building with flying buttresses, spires, gargoyles, parapets, and stained glass windows would float my boat just fine, and avoid the stigma of religious implications, though I'd welcome a Synagogue, Mosque, Buddhist temple, or gothic cathedral merely for the architectural goodness. I'm an equal opportunity architecture fan.

Anybody's thoughts?

Edited by M'Kyuun

  M said:
I can't agree more! Just finished putting the Heavy Hauler together. What an excellent set! It should be the standard for Lego City trucks. The cab portion, if shortened some, would make an excellent semi-truck for any number of trailer ideas. The pics you posted of the car carriers are spot on with what I had in mind. I like the second, as it allows the truck to be used with other trailers. I'm partial to cabover trucks, i.e. with flat front end. I think it's all because of Optimus Prime! :-D Anyway, I'd like to see a trailer with 6 or 7 6-wide cars of different styles(sedans, sport cars, maybe an SUV). And your idea for a truck depot, if designed with 6 & 8 wide trucks with a large tow truck and repair bays would be great, not to mention pricey. Then again, if it was done well, it'd be worth the ducats.

I still pine for a large cargo plane. With the exception of a large cargo transport lorry, it would complete all modes of travel for the Cargo Transport theme. Lego ambassadors, if your reading this....

Just put heavy hauler toeghter myself! I love it as well! Thining about doing a second review on it as there were a couple points i felt were missed. I really think Lego hit it on the mark with the 8-wide trucks!

I agree that the truck stop could be a bit pricey, but man wouldn't it be worth it?!?! X-D Com'on lego embassadors....... I think we have a winner here!

  • Author
  M said:
Everybody here has great ideas for Town sets that add life and personality to the theme. Browsing Brickshelf, I am always in awe of the talent on display, and find myself wondering, 'if only they released this as a set'. With that in mind, and given the Company's willingness to gamble on larger town sets utilizing unorthodox and extremely creative techniques, i.e. the Cafe Corner, I'd like to see them insitute a contest once or twice a year where contestants are invited to create a model, have it scrutinized and judged by Master Builders, and a final winner released as a SAH exclusive. In this way, I think we, as fans, would benefit from the diversity of the models offered. And it would give the AFOLs the chance to realize a dream: having their idea made into an official set. Eventually, something like this could be done with other themes as well, esp Castle, as there are so many awesome castle themed MOCs out there. They're close to this with the release of Factory sets made by fans. Unfortunately, LDD is still very limited as far as parts offered and part interactions...it's getting better, though.

Personally, I'd love to see a gothic styled building find its way into either Town or Castle. A nice imposing government building with flying buttresses, spires, gargoyles, parapets, and stained glass windows would float my boat just fine, and avoid the stigma of religious implications, though I'd welcome a Synagogue, Mosque, Buddhist temple, or gothic cathedral merely for the architectural goodness. I'm an equal opportunity architecture fan.

Anybody's thoughts?

M'Kyuun, I've the same oppinion: TLC should make some competitions where AFOLs could show what they can build and would like. The price for the best MOC should be (like you've already mentioned) the release of this set. That would be great!


To the gothic style building:


a cathedral with big doors, big and colourful windows, some benchs, an altar and an ambo, a bell tower with a bell that really rings, a little sacristy with separate entrance and some trees, benchs and a fontain in front of the cathedral

including a lot of flowers, a cat, the bible and a wedding car

minifigs: priest, married couple, chauffeur and two citizens

What about this?

Edited by Klaus-Dieter

Street baseplates with parking lots, that will be very nice. *wub*

  Klaus-Dieter said:
This would also be a great idea, the Kid. TLG has to make apartment houses. Where should the whole fireman, policemen, workers, waiters etc. live when they do not work?! (I don't think that they work 24 hours every day!)

But because of a whole suburban city would be much too expensive, TLG could also release some seperate houses:

Rich People's Villa

a big villa (first floor: little kitchen and living room, office, second floor: two bed rooms and a bath room) with garage with rolling gate and garden with flours, trees, lamps, a swimming pool and a terrace with seats and a table

including a car (With doors!)and everything what is needed for a nice villa

minifigs: man, his wife and their two children


That reminds me the Paradisia Villa. It is smaller, but the spirit is there *sweet*

(the pink color could be replaced...)

(and the car has doors...)


Edited by grava2pierre

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  grava2pierre said:

That reminds me the Paradisia Villa. It is smaller, but the spirit is there *sweet*

(the pink color could be replaced...)

(and the car has doors...)

Welcome to Eurobricks, grava2pierre!

Yes, when writing down the idea of the Rich People's Villa I had the Paradisa Villa as hidden motive, too. But my set proposal should be much more bigger and, according to the office, a kind of a diplomat's house (very comfortable and expensive appliance).

  Robiwan said:
Street baseplates with parking lots, that will be very nice. *wub*

That would be a nice idea, Robiwan. Would you prefer simple parking lots or something like that?:

Car Park

a car park with a little cottage to buy tickets, some trees, a bench, a barrier and some parking lots

including two cars (With doors!), a suitcase and some tickets

minifigs: 2 citizens and a car park guard

  Klaus-Dieter said:
M'Kyuun, I've the same oppinion: TLC should make some competitions where AFOLs could show what they can build and would like. The price for the best MOC should be (like you've already mentioned) the release of this set. That would be great!


To the gothic style building:


a cathedral with big doors, big and colourful windows, some benchs, an altar and an ambo, a bell tower with a bell that really rings, a little sacristy with separate entrance and some trees, benchs and a fontain in front of the cathedral

including a lot of flowers, a cat, the bible and a wedding car

minifigs: priest, married couple, chauffeur and two citizens

What about this?

A cathedral in the same vein as the French or English Gothic would be superb. I had't thought of furnishings, or a bell that rings!...my favor lies in the actual architectural details of the building itself. If I worked for Lego, we'd all be stuck with really ornate yet empty buildings! But a wedding theme would work great, and add playability to what would otherwise be a dust collector for AFOLs, b/c kids probably wouldn't want an empty building, no matter how sweet the architectural details might be. I think of my Star Wars ISD...it's a beautiful set, but clearly not one for kids, as there's not an iota of playability to the thing outside of just building it. But, I loved looking at it before I finally dismantled it to make some room( for more Lego :-D ) However, I doubt we'll ever see a religious building as an official release, except as a UCS set along the lines of the new Eiffel Tower, i.e. a national landmark( a series I'd welcome with tearful eyes, and diminishing bank account). Which is why I suggested all the gothic detail be put into a government building... nobody will be offended by a city capital, or a town hall. Religion, unfortunately, divides people much more than it ever brings them together.

Edited by M'Kyuun

  Mr Hobbles said:
I wish there was a tiny little

Edited by hinckley39

  hinckley39 said:
I've been temporarily possessed by Asuka! ;-)

Hmm, a hotdog or icecream stand would be a really nice small set. I would appreciate

all kinds of "daily life" sets, a bank, a post office, a deli, a bookstore, a hardware store.... *y*

BTW, don

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Perhaps you have noticed that in my opinion the most houses which should include shops or things like that should have two floors. The reason for this is that on the one hand only buildings with one floor next to other buildings with one floor look very little and simple. Only snack bars or things like this should/could have one floor. On the other hand buildings with three or more floors would be too big that you can play on the roads between them. These bigger buildings I only would like to see as office buildings, depots or churches, town halls, museums,... .

To cut a long story short, some new ideas for city sets:


a hotel (first floor: entrance with revolving door, gate and lounge with comfortable seats and little tables, second floor: two guestrooms, each with a bed, a lttle table with seat and TV, a bath room with shower, basin and toilet bowl)

including a black car (With doors!), some suitcases and some glasses

minifigs: hotelier, bellboy, man and woman


a comfortable limousine with seats, a little table and a TV inside

including a suitcase and two glasses

minifigs: chauffeur, man and his woman

Telephone box

a telephone box, a bench and a tree

including a bycicle

minifigs: woman

  Klaus-Dieter said:
Perhaps you have noticed that in my opinion the most houses which should include shops or things like that should have two floors.


Telephone box

a telephone box, a bench and a tree

including a bycicle

minifigs: woman

Of course, two floors would be very nice, but I

  • Author
  Asuka said:
Of course, two floors would be very nice, but I

Edited by Klaus-Dieter

Here are a few ideas

Riot Police

2 police with shields and batons

6 rioters

small base plate and city surroundings to make it look like a road


water canon

truck with water canon and driver


G.I.G.N GIGN a little info .

G.I.G.N SUV with stair case on top and 4 member of G.I.G.N also includes a house with terrorist and 2

hostages .


  Loco de Lego said:
Here are a few ideas

Riot Police

2 police with shields and batons

6 rioters

small base plate and city surroundings to make it look like a road


water canon

truck with water canon and driver


G.I.G.N GIGN a little info .

G.I.G.N SUV with stair case on top and 4 member of G.I.G.N also includes a house with terrorist and 2

hostages .


Bad idea.. It violates LEGO's anti-violence policy..

  Klaus-Dieter said:
To the bigness of two-floors-big buildings:

Of course there should be some buildings which have only one floor, too.

Skate Shop

I think this set wouldn't cost more than 30 Euros, don't you agree?

Yep, I do, but that (or any sport shop) would be a very neat set. *y*

However, I

  • Author
  Asuka said:
Yep, I do, but that (or any sport shop) would be a very neat set. *y*

However, I

  Klaus-Dieter said:
My first floor is the ground floor.

Ah, so than I actually meant two floor buildings when I was talking about

"one floor buildings" in my prior post.... X-D

Ouch, there

I thinkthese are great for what most of us wanted. TLC should take a look at what Ldd can do

Edited by Skinny Boy

  Skinny Boy said:
I thinkthese are great for what most of us wanted. TLC should take a look at what Ldd can do

Yep, the size of these buildings is really nice! *y*

I would like to see something like that released by TLC....

The price would be OK I guess, and too much Cafe Corner

sized sets could pretty start to hurt my wallet somewhen.... X-D

Public Transport Bus

This set would cost maybe

I always wished TLC made a set like this:Res-Q Poster You know a bridge. With some rescue workers and a helicopter and stuff. I just love the pic and wish I could make it myself

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