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I think JKBrickworks is a cool guy and an excellent builder. I want to be friends with him.

That said, I think this project is not quite as good as the Maze, in my opinion.

I would still rather have this than a Dr. Who set. I think the non-licensed Ideas are great.

Concerning the wait:

What if they're just waiting to combine it with the next results, because they are declining all of the ones in this round, and they are hoping that nobody notices?


  On 2/24/2016 at 1:39 AM, Tragic Banjo said:

That came out wrong. (Or did it?)

Nope. It was just fine. Or was it?

Edited by Actor Builder

  On 2/24/2016 at 1:41 AM, Actor Builder said:

because they are declining all of the ones in this round, and they are hoping that nobody notices?

Don't think so. :wink:

EDIT: Wrong review group, oops. I still think Adventure Time will be a winner.

Edited by CM4Sci

  On 2/24/2016 at 1:01 AM, CM4Sci said:

Particle Accelerator is about to reach 10K. What do you guys think?


Personally, I'm tired of seeing these boring scientific projects that.. that literally do nothing. They're not that exciting.

As someone else noted, it's funny you'd say that - not only because it quite literally does something (obviously you didn't watch the video to see it in action; in fact it actually arguably does more than all twelve CUUSOO/ Ideas sets released to date combined), but because I for one also consider it one of the most entertaining, exciting and worthwhile projects on Ideas right now, and one of the ones I've most wanted to see turned into a set, though I very much doubt it would, for multiple reasons.

Some of us actually really do enjoy these supposedly oh-so-"boring" science sets, at any rate (as repeatedly evidenced by the fact numerous such sets have made it to review, and occasionally store shelves, and I very much doubt it's just the same 10,000 people who have voted for every one of them, even if there's surely a great deal of overlap).

  On 2/24/2016 at 1:41 AM, Actor Builder said:

I think JKBrickworks is a cool guy and an excellent builder. I want to be friends with him.

That said, I think this project is not quite as good as the Maze, in my opinion.

I love JK Brickworks' stuff, and vote for all his projects. I'm looking forward to the maze, but I think this would be way cooler - not just than the maze, but most other things on Ideas.

  On 2/24/2016 at 1:41 AM, Actor Builder said:
I would still rather have this than a Dr. Who set. I think the non-licensed Ideas are great.

I love lots of Ideas, both licensed and not, and I've gotten multiple CUUSOO / Ideas sets of both types. I plan to submit both kinds of projects myself.

Edited by Blondie-Wan

  On 2/24/2016 at 1:01 AM, CM4Sci said:

Particle Accelerator is about to reach 10K. What do you guys think?


Personally, I'm tired of seeing these boring scientific projects that. They're not that exciting to me. But that's just me! :sweet:

  On 2/24/2016 at 3:23 AM, Blondie-Wan said:

As someone else noted, it's funny you'd say that - not only because it quite literally does something (obviously you didn't watch the video to see it in action; in fact it actually arguably does more than all twelve CUUSOO/ Ideas sets released to date combined), but because I for one also consider it one of the most entertaining, exciting and worthwhile projects on Ideas right now, and one of the ones I've most wanted to see turned into a set, though I very much doubt it would, for multiple reasons.

Some of us actually really do enjoy these supposedly oh-so-"boring" science sets, at any rate (as repeatedly evidenced by the fact numerous such sets have made it to review, and occasionally store shelves, and I very much doubt it's just the same 10,000 people who have voted for every one of them, even if there's surely a great deal of overlap).

I love JK Brickworks' stuff, and vote for all his projects. I'm looking forward to the maze, but I think this would be way cooler - not just than the maze, but most other things on Ideas.

I love lots of Ideas, both licensed and not, and I've gotten multiple CUUSOO / Ideas sets of both types. I plan to submit both kinds of projects myself.

400 trillion times this. The mechanic to accelerate the particle alone will be something that's quite new to anyone who buys LEGO, and can be easily replicated to be used in other applications, like slingshots.

Also... you guys complain that there's been way too much licensed set ideas. Now you're complaining about this kind of set idea.


You mention what you want and think will be a successful Ideas set, then I'll go build it and present it to the site. Theme, piece count, build style, System/Technic mix, plus other things to consider.

Edited by XAxles

AH! *oh2*

XAxles rampant use of font changes startled me.

Carry on.


As much as I hate to say it, I do think the Particle Accelerator is unlikely to be approved - not only would it be expensive, as well as probably reliant on those older individual rail elements that TLG may no longer even have molds for, but I could see a case to be made that would make this possibly the only CUUSOO / Ideas project declined on safety grounds (but given all the sets that are actually designed specifically to launch missiles, I could also see that not being an obstacle after all).

Edited by Blondie-Wan

It can be fun to watch the ball going around and around in the Particle Accelerator. It appears to use the Li-Ion battery pack for speed control. That may put the cost of the set into over $100 CAD range. There could be also liability issues if the ball hits someone in the eye at speed.

  On 2/24/2016 at 3:46 AM, dr_spock said:

There could be also liability issues if the ball hits someone in the eye at speed.

We all know that the victim would simply cry a single tear out of their other eye.

It says so right in the instruction books.

They'd be fine.

I do have to say I'm utterly gobsmacked at the idea of this of all projects being held up as an example of sets "that.. that literally do nothing" (!). Saying that is kind of like saying they hardly ever make minifigures of major Star Wars characters, or that they never use enough flick-fire missiles, or that City has too few cops and firefighters.

Edited by Blondie-Wan

I'm pretty excited that the particle accelerator is finally close to 10,000 supporters, but I agree with the general sentiment that it won't make it through review. The out of production rails, the motor requirements, the part count, etc. It's just not feasible in its current form.

I felt the same way when I originally posted it, but I think it's never a bad idea to show LEGO there is a demand for these types of projects, even if this particular one doesn't get made. I would love to see another science project get produced, especially one related to physics!

I'm also getting impatient waiting for the next results. I'm really curious what will be coming up next...


  On 2/24/2016 at 3:42 AM, Actor Builder said:

AH! *oh2*

XAxles rampant use of font changes startled me.

Carry on.

That was only the second time I did it, or as far as I can remember it.
  On 2/24/2016 at 6:34 AM, XAxles said:

That was only the second time I did it, or as far as I can remember it.

It was just so small, then suddenly so big, then swiftly it was medium sized.

I was startled. No biggie. Font pun intended.

Do we know if the frozen castle is going to be approved?

  On 2/24/2016 at 7:44 AM, 9v system said:

Do we know if the frozen castle is going to be approved?

If we knew if things would be approved, what would be the point in them approving things?

My guess is "Naw, bro." but I could be wrong.

  On 2/24/2016 at 7:44 AM, 9v system said:

Do we know if the frozen castle is going to be approved?

I'd say it's profoundly unlikely, given how conceptually similar it is to an already-released set.

Apologies for quoting myself, but:

  On 2/24/2016 at 3:23 AM, Blondie-Wan said:

As someone else noted, it's funny you'd say that - not only because it quite literally does something (obviously you didn't watch the video to see it in action; in fact it actually arguably does more than all twelve CUUSOO/ Ideas sets released to date combined), but because I for one also consider it one of the most entertaining, exciting and worthwhile projects on Ideas right now, and one of the ones I've most wanted to see turned into a set, though I very much doubt it would, for multiple reasons.

Some of us actually really do enjoy these supposedly oh-so-"boring" science sets, at any rate (as repeatedly evidenced by the fact numerous such sets have made it to review, and occasionally store shelves, and I very much doubt it's just the same 10,000 people who have voted for every one of them, even if there's surely a great deal of overlap).

Looking back on this now, I think my reply to CM4Sci comes off as a little testy. I want to apologize if I was rude. I was just a bit taken aback by your lack of interest in the science projects in general, and this project in particular, especially with the "does nothing" note. But I shouldn't be rude. Again, apologies!

  On 2/24/2016 at 6:38 AM, Actor Builder said:

It was just so small, then suddenly so big, then swiftly it was medium sized.

I was startled. No biggie. Font pun intended.

That's alright. But my exaggerated line still stands.

Sorry if my comment came off as a little rude, the projects just don't interest me.

The most recent communications from the Ideas team sound pretty upbeat about the upcoming announcements, which to me sounds like we're not getting a second announcement in a row with no sets approved, so I'm under the impression at least one thing will make it. Again, here's the batch whose results are due next (plus one project held over from a previous batch for further consideration):

F7A Hornet (this is the held-over one)

Brick-built Adventure Time figures

Caterham Super Seven

Modular Library


LEGO Physics

Ghostbusters: Stay Puft Marshmallow Man

Indominus Rex

The Hobbit - Rivendell

The Little Prince

To me, the fact the Hornet was held for additional consideration is a good sign for that one; it means they're interested, and of course it looks very much like something they might do in one of their own themes. As has been said before, I suspect the deciding factor on this is brand fit.

Regarding the others, we do know they've been expressly requesting projects that aren't based on pop-culture licenses. I don't think that means they aren't interested in the pop-culture stuff, but it does add layers of complexity to the review / approval process, and they probably just want to have a greater selection of projects they can approve more easily. That said, it bodes well for Caterham Super 7, LEGO Physics, and the Modular Library. But the latter is still on the large side for Ideas. I think the Physics and Caterham projects are the likeliest of those three.

Of the others, I think the Adventure Time project is the strongest contender. Like so many pop-culture projects, it's all about having a bunch of immediately recognizable characters, yet it's also much more of a building experience than it would be if it were simply minifigures, which is sure to appeal to the Ideas crew. And for this particular franchise, the approach makes sense - Adventure Time is extremely visually stylized, to the point where more conventionally dedicated figure elements would likely get special molds, not just for heads like The Simpsons but in at least some cases whole bodies. The brick-built approach almost certainly allows them both to justify including characters that they wouldn't get around to in "regular" figure form even if they did a whole theme, and also include more characters in a single set than they ever would with either funky new molds or ordinary minifigures (indeed, the brick-building aspect means they could comfortably do a set of just a bunch of characters, as this project proposes, something they rarely even approach with minifigure themes). Furthermore, we have indications they're adding Adventure Time to LEGO Dimensions (where, if true, they undoubtedly would do minifigures and/or specialized molds, but just for a small handful of the characters represented in this project), and this would mean they have the license, but unlike with so many other Ideas projects from existing licensed franchises, this set isn't one they'd be particularly likely to already be doing on their own. I think it has an excellent chance.


I wonder whether they might also be announcing anything besides new sets. The fact they recently had a huge review batch with nothing approved might mean that they might have a "free" slot in the limited production capacity they allocate to Ideas sets. Perhaps they could use it to do another run of one or more of the most in-demand discontinued earlier sets, and bring back the Curiosity Rover or the Research Institute one last time, while we wait for the next new set? I know a lot of people would be happy about that. Or maybe they'll add some new features to the site. We'll see...

Edited by Blondie-Wan

I would pass on a particle accelerator set. Just not enough there for me to work with given my current focus. The Research Institute or Exo-Suit works within given themes and scale that I'm interested in, but a particle accelerator, not so much.

I think it's great Lego promotes science in this fashion, though.

  On 2/24/2016 at 7:44 AM, 9v system said:

Do we know if the frozen castle is going to be approved?

While no official word yet, that one is almost definitely a 99.99999% No. The most basic rule regarding pre-existing licenses is they will not put out a new version of something they have already released or already have pre existing work on, under the Ideas mechanism. Even though the Frozen Castle was posted shortly before the official set came out, it would still fall within this rule.

For those that have not picked up on this, if it is a licensed IP and the subject has previously been made, especially if it was made in minidisc scale, it will not pass a Ideas review. While they have never laid this all out as a single statement, it is pretty easy to piece it together from things they have said over the years.

Is minidisc scale a thing?

  On 2/24/2016 at 11:26 PM, Faefrost said:

While no official word yet, that one is almost definitely a 99.99999% No. The most basic rule regarding pre-existing licenses is they will not put out a new version of something they have already released or already have pre existing work on, under the Ideas mechanism. Even though the Frozen Castle was posted shortly before the official set came out, it would still fall within this rule.

For those that have not picked up on this, if it is a licensed IP and the subject has previously been made, especially if it was made in minidisc scale, it will not pass a Ideas review. While they have never laid this all out as a single statement, it is pretty easy to piece it together from things they have said over the years.

I don't get why they don't reject all Ghostbusters (there's another HQ almost at 10K...) and Star Wars, LotR, all that.

  On 2/24/2016 at 11:46 PM, BrickOn said:

Is minidisc scale a thing?

Yeah, instead of a minidisc being the size of a 1 stud tile, everything is scaled up so that 1 stud (minifig scale) = the size of an actual minidisc (if any still exist).

  On 2/24/2016 at 11:51 PM, CM4Sci said:

I don't get why they don't reject all Ghostbusters (there's another HQ almost at 10K...) and Star Wars, LotR, all that.

I know right, It bothers me too. "Should I support or should I not because it won't make the review". It is so weird. And removing them would also clear the way for other projects with less supporters. I don't know, I mean I am pretty sure they have noticed them.... Since once a project reaches 1000 it gets a comment any way, although most are copy pasted. But still.

If they don't approve the Indominus Rex, I may go on my own dinosaur rampage. I don't care if it's too big.

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