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There will be a bootleg Phoenix out soon.

Where are you finding bootleg Pheonix? I can find like, water-decal customs but otherwise nothing for her or spider-woman.

According to the new Decool catalog she'll be around very soon.

I'm not a mod, but as this thread pertains only to minifigs/big figs, it should be in the Minifig Customisation Workshop forum: http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showforum=90

Like others who have posted in this thread, I feel differently about artisan customisers who modify LEGO parts than I do about companies that steal TLG's, Disney's and customisers' intellectual property. That said, I can understand how someone would be tempted by some of the counterfeits especially of minifigs that either aren't made by TLG or command very high prices. I hope the knock-offs encourage TLG to stop producing convention exclusives and major characters in only the most expensive sets. Electro is a good example of a unique minifig in a reasonably priced set ( http://brickset.com/sets/76014-1/Spider-Trike-vs-Electro ), evidence that TLG can do it profitably.

Phoenix is in the next DeCool set along with the 2013 Comic Con Spiderman, a clone of Christo's Dark Knight Joker, a clone of the new Hydra Tank Captain America, a clone of Black Widow and a new black and yellow Wolverine.

These bootlegs are very popular here in Malaysia as the originals are waayyyy overpriced and hard to come by. I personally have bought a few just for curiosity and personally there are quite OK. My personal favourite is the 90s Cyclops minifigure and the large hulk. Reason I bought the 90s Cyclops is because the official Lego one has not been released yet and is not the Cyclops I remember from the cartoon in the 90s. For the big Hulk the reason being is because he is in this very overpriced and money grabbing set (Hulk Helicarrier) which no way I am buying.

Then of course there is Green Lantern. Not only did they produced Green Lantern, they also produced the blue version, red version, yellow, orange version etc. Will TLG ever produce these figures?

Also there was the case where the bootleg TMNT minifigs actually arrived before the official sets were released here. All four turtles with splinter and shredder in a pack that cost less than RM 50 versus the official one which was never distributed by TLG; the choice is pretty obvious. Of course now the official ones are already released here, but the fever for the TMNT is long gone.

Right now I can see these bootlegs like LELE, Sheng Yuan, Decool etc making figures TLG never made like:-

1) Fantastic Four

2) Winter soldier

3) Different variants of Iron Man armor not yet released by Lego. Hall of armors is actually possible with these minifigs. Gold ironman, black ironman, war machine, iron patriot etc.

4) Green Arrow

5) Thor's father

There are even Dragonball and Naruto minifigures out there, but not by the 3 I mentioned above.

My conclusion is, not restricted by copyright red-tape, these KO companies make figures that the fans really want. However, to TLG, Marvel and DC it is not financially viable or some weird reason not worth it to produce. Also these figures come in packaging with BOTH DC and Marvel characters, something TLG will never do.

Edited by paanjang16

I won't buy them, personally. These knock off brands don't have the proper licensing rights from Marvel and DC, so I kind of have a problem with it. If someone wants to paint or sharpie their own figs for personal use, okay. Hoping LEGO superheroes keeps going long enough that we get more characters.

While I won't buy them, there's a few questions/comments that I'm interested to see how people feel about.

1) Are these knock-offs 'good' for Lego. In sort of a, 'Look, if you don't want to give the people what they want, then we will'. Competition is normally good for for the consumer to it might stand to reason that this might help push Lego along to finally making the figures everyone has been asking for for years.

It's always been my feeling that Lego leaves a ton of money on the table, and that ultimately I pay too much in relation to what I actually want. I don't want 27 Batman figures, but I do want a Daredevil and Green Lantern figure. Both of these have been the subjects of major motion pictures, so what is the hold up? Perhaps this will catch the attention of someone in product development.

2) Apparently nothing is stopping these companies from using any license they want. So what is stopping them from using genuine Lego parts? I have to admit that if these Knock-off were actually made from real Lego.. then these figures become a TON more attractive. Does anyone else feel the same way? It would also wreak havoc on the secondary market as the knock-off could conceivably be impossible to differentiate.

3) Do these figures actually hurt the value of the authentic figures? I actually own a Toy Fair Iron Man/Captain America set and it wasn't cheap. I do sometimes worry that if I needed to sell it (and I hope that never happens) that it won't be worth what I paid for it. I don't think that the same people in the market for a $2000 set are going to be satisfied with a $2 knock-off. But does the fear of being ripped off scare them away, or if they are convinced they are getting the real thing are they willing to pay that much more? And does that also apply to a $30 or $100 figure.

Interesting to see what people think. And for what it's worth I'm totally against convention exclusives and hate them with every fiber of my being.

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2) Apparently nothing is stopping these companies from using any license they want. So what is stopping them from using genuine Lego parts? I have to admit that if these Knock-off were actually made from real Lego.. then these figures become a TON more attractive. Does anyone else feel the same way? It would also wreak havoc on the secondary market as the knock-off could conceivably be impossible to differentiate.

Using real LEGO parts would be a lot more expensive for bootleg manufacturers. The whole point of them is that they're about $2 (USD) each. On top of the fact that it would be impossible for them to get the amount of parts they needed. Who's going to sell official minifig parts to them in bulk? LEGO? I doubt it.

3) Do these figures actually hurt the value of the authentic figures? I actually own a Toy Fair Iron Man/Captain America set and it wasn't cheap. I do sometimes worry that if I needed to sell it (and I hope that never happens) that it won't be worth what I paid for it. I don't think that the same people in the market for a $2000 set are going to be satisfied with a $2 knock-off. But does the fear of being ripped off scare them away, or if they are convinced they are getting the real thing are they willing to pay that much more? And does that also apply to a $30 or $100 figure.

I don't really see them as a threat to the value of exclusive figures. I'm not buying bootlegs because they're as good as the real thing, I'm buying them because they're my only option. Any serious collector would probably be more willing to drop a few hundred bucks on a single figure.

Bootlegs are at least giving us the characters that it will take ages for lego to do - a couple £/$ for one is great to tide over until lego do the real thing and then I'll replace them out - better than 20 odd for 1 that lego may just make next run. I do have a lot of proper customs tho too but I am just selective - have eclipsegrafx punishers and winter soldier and muddyriverfigs strange, daredevil, bullseye and punisher as well as some from green pea toys but my decool big figs of grey and red hulk just arrived today and they are awesome!finally more bigfigs!have a few decool such as Odin and all the iron man armours and although the printing is off on a few of them thy are worth it for the money! I do think bootleggers stealing people's designs is wrong though!people work hard on them!

Edited by thefyfe

I have mixed feelings about these bootlegfigures. Also towards customs by the way. Knowing that some third party is cashing in on the copyrighted sets/themes is not really cool. However i understand the need of these figures, especially the customs.

If i'll purchase a bootlegfigure (customs are way too pricey imo) it'll have to be that there is just no Lego-version of that particular fig. And even then, i don't know if i can treat him the same way as my legos.

I would like to buy a Carnage for instance. I would like to see what quality it has, and if it's way off lego's quality. Don't know where i can get it, other than Ebay? Are there any shops that deal in those particular figs?

What if these chinese brands would concentrate on new figs that don't exist already (by hiring customizers for instance) would i buy them? I think i would.

Using real LEGO parts would be a lot more expensive for bootleg manufacturers. The whole point of them is that they're about $2 (USD) each. On top of the fact that it would be impossible for them to get the amount of parts they needed. Who's going to sell official minifig parts to them in bulk? LEGO? I doubt it.

Couple things, I am convinced there are ways to get bulk parts other than Bricklink. There are a couple customizers like Citizen brick that seem to have no trouble get bulk peieces in colors that are not widely available on Bricklink (and yes, I understand 'bulk' is relative)

For the profit margin, I think it would be a little more expensive to produce but would increase the 'value' expenensially. I guess I see it like this..

Knockoff - $0.50 production cost - $2.00 retail

Using Lego - $2.00 production cost - $10.00 to $30.00 retail (not to mention, customs with molded extras typically go for $40 to $150)

Of course it's a targeting a some what different market (Strictly AFOLs), but you'd think it would be worth their while to do both, since the printers and designs are already set up.

Edited by Gomek

Guys, the china is taking over all the world now.....

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I would like to buy a Carnage for instance. I would like to see what quality it has, and if it's way off lego's quality. Don't know where i can get it, other than Ebay? Are there any shops that deal in those particular figs?

The only companies doing Carnage right now are really bad quality. Decool is generally the best and they haven't done him yet.

What if these chinese brands would concentrate on new figs that don't exist already (by hiring customizers for instance) would i buy them? I think i would.

That's what they do. And they don't really hire customisers, but they have their own design guys and sometimes they steal customisers designs (but I don't buy the ones that are stolen).

Before someone mentions the irony there, I know.

The only companies doing Carnage right now are really bad quality. Decool is generally the best and they haven't done him yet.

Cool, i will be focusing on Decool then!

^Yeah but their prices are terrible.

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This website offers the highest quality minifigures around.The quality of the printing is as close to actual LEGO printing that you will find and they offer Carnage.

Some more sites that have good quality figs that aren't cheap Chinese knockoffs:


Firestar Toys


Custom Bricks


Price of a Chinese knockoff: $2

Price of one of those: $20-60

For example, I got the entire Fantastic Four for $5, which would cost about $100 if I went with the customisers' figs.

Yes the price is higher, but they are much better quality and the Chinese knockoffs are basically stolen designs from these customizers. Everyone has their own tolerances but I prefer to support the people that actually spend the time to design the figures rather than the people that steal them and mass produce them, but as I said to each their own. There is obviously market for cheap knockoffs, otherwise MegaBloks and Kre-O wouldn't exist.

The site you posted is Christo's.

He produces the best customs I've seen or bought and can produce ABS moulds to take things up a level. I know... I own about 20 or so of his.

Some of the other minifigs customisers have good designs... Some don't. Some have good printing... Some don't.

While the fantastic Four Figures appear to be copies of another design the printing is close to Lego quality on the ones I received. I've changed the heads to official ones and now they look superb.

I'll be very interested to see how the new Joker copy of Christo's Dark Knight version compares to his. That's a $60 difference in one figure.

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Yes the price is higher, but they are much better quality and the Chinese knockoffs are basically stolen designs from these customizers. Everyone has their own tolerances but I prefer to support the people that actually spend the time to design the figures rather than the people that steal them and mass produce them, but as I said to each their own. There is obviously market for cheap knockoffs, otherwise MegaBloks and Kre-O wouldn't exist.

I'm not saying they aren't much better quality, but I just can't afford to drop fifty bucks on a single figure.

I'm really considering buying some of these bootlegs. I mean some go for 50p on eBay UK, I've got all the official figs up to this year, I've made 350 customs myself, bought numerous customs and well, for not that much I can get a pretty nice FF, a Winter Soldier, Odin, a grey Hulk, GL, Green Arrow, Spidey 2099, Cyclops and so many others. All I'll do is swap the legs, arms, and any of the accessory's possible. I'll hate doing it, honestly, I'd much rather support Lego and the customizers out there, but I'm not made of money, and if someone's going to offer me some great figs for cheap, how can I refuse? I'm a Lego purist, through and through, but where can I go wrong?

Thanks for the Christo link. I noticed he stopped selling on ebay and was wondering where he was going to turn up. His customs are amoung the better ones, but certainly the most expensive.

There are also a few others I deal with. I have maybe 50 or so machine printed customs. There are pros and cons to all. A few also clearly are using multiple designers, and the design quality varies greatly between figure, even when the printing quality is consistant.

MiniBigs - http://shop.minibigs.com/ - Walking Dead, Ron Burgandy, Dexter, (used to have Game of thrones)

Poppunkmunky – www.buygofigure.com – Huge array of super heroes.

NOTE: For those on a budget.. Poppunkmunky also sells torsos for $5 and there a few customs that can be made with just the torso. For instance I got a Guy Gardner torso, put a generic angry flesh head and Ron weasley hair on him, and instant $6 proffessional looking custom.

Citzen Brick - http://citizenbrick.myshopify.com/ - Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones

Green Pea - http://stores.ebay.com/GREEN-PEA-TOYS

I bought up some Iron Men, Hulks and Odin, hoping they're good - the prices are fantastic.

Bought a few sets, some are great and others make nice parts for customs or what's best, the young kids to play with. I'm not a huge fan of the ones who I already have official figures of. but guys like Odin, Winter Soldier, Arrow, Marvel, who I won't be getting or TLG won't be making are major welcome additions. As long as they keep producing comic con figures or customs I'll keep buying.

I bought up some Iron Men, Hulks and Odin, hoping they're good - the prices are fantastic.

Odin is excellent, one of my favorites.

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