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Trust me, I feel your pain when to comes to budget.

I see what you mean about awkward. To my eye it's because she inadvertently a polacca; her masts are all one piece. It would be less noticeable with spars and sails, but the lack of off-set between the sections of masts throws it off. 

I've been checking out her chase guns and wondering if I could see a break down? They look pretty neat, and I may want to borrow the design.

I hate to see a grate ship like her condemned to the knakers yard. Perhaps you could give Farore's Wind a new paint job and keep both around?

  • Author

Trust me, I feel your pain when to comes to budget.

I see what you mean about awkward. To my eye it's because she inadvertently a polacca; her masts are all one piece. It would be less noticeable with spars and sails, but the lack of off-set between the sections of masts throws it off.

I've been checking out her chase guns and wondering if I could see a break down? They look pretty neat, and I may want to borrow the design.

I hate to see a grate ship like her condemned to the knakers yard. Perhaps you could give Farore's Wind a new paint job and keep both around?

I could try that,

here's the chaser gun;


I was fiddling around with different Idea's for costum cannons but I don't have the parts to make a consistent group of 20.

The chaser guns may look a lot better when the carriage parts are red, brown or gray.

This gun carriage you've come up with is very clever! Imma borrow that.

As for the 'awkwardness' of the masts, I suggest the offset mentioned by Kurigan, plus try to reduce their hight, or make the bowsprit a bit longer. But maybe that would interfere with your plans for the yard attachments...

The design of those chaser guns is a win. I simply love it.

And I think you shouldn't shorten masts, at least not before seeing it with sails on. On my Hermes (clone of Zephyr) I also have enormously tall masts, but at the end of the day it looks OK. But I think you'd definitly make the bowsprit longer.

Brick on, the ship looks great.

  • Author

This gun carriage you've come up with is very clever! Imma borrow that.

As for the 'awkwardness' of the masts, I suggest the offset mentioned by Kurigan, plus try to reduce their hight, or make the bowsprit a bit longer. But maybe that would interfere with your plans for the yard attachments...

The design of those chaser guns is a win. I simply love it.

And I think you shouldn't shorten masts, at least not before seeing it with sails on. On my Hermes (clone of Zephyr) I also have enormously tall masts, but at the end of the day it looks OK. But I think you'd definitly make the bowsprit longer.

Thank you, I didn't realize my chaser guns would trigger interests :blush: .

I think I can make the bowsprit a bit longer.

This will be the last update for a while (other matters demand my attention now pir_wacko.gif ).


I'm not entirely happy with how it looks for the moment.

A couple of design errors have become very noticable (from my point of view atleast pirate_laugh2.gif ).





I decided to officially evaluate my simplified technique,

The ship makes a very awkward comparison with my other ships built by this technique.


Starting from the left we have; the Elizabeth, Christine and the WIP Beatrix, respectively a 3-, 4- and 5-midsection ship.

My conclusion is a simple one, a 4 midsection ship is Ideal for this technique.

Also note that a fully covered gun deck is not advisable.

3 midsections is still acceptable and works even very well when you take precautions on the aft, such as inward galleries,

like I did on the HMS Marianne;


The inwards going galleries allow the stern to be more narrow which enhances the overall shape of the ship.

5 midsections however is simply not to be fixed, it makes a long and narrow ship, perhaps suitable for some types of ships but not a battleship.

I also did some comparison pictures with my old frigate.


So far the beatrix is an improvement on many aspects...

except for this one thing...


In a frontal view Farore's wind beats the crap out of any ship I lay besides her pir_laugh2.gif .

I suppose I cannot recreate that massive bow without making the ship higher.

Either way, I will finish this ship ofcourse pirate_wink.gif .

Anyway, as a final conclusion I'd say my technique is great for smaller ships (max 4 mids) while CGH's is much more suitable for larger vessels.

Like I said, the next update will take some more time, say a couple of weeks.

Thanks for the input and feedback so far.

Edited by Sebeus I

Very nice progress, Sebeus! Poor you have to sacrifice some ships, but, maybe in the future you can buy some more bricks at Brickshelf. For now, pay attention to your Beatrix and you'll be alright pirate_laugh2.gif

Beautiful stern! But also the part just below the windows is quite brilliant thumbup.gif

Perhaps you could improve the bow a little by adding a figurehead or make the headrails end a little higher on the front below the bow sprit.

Good luck on this project. Such a design can only end in an even better final product!

I agree with Admiral Croissant. And maybe she won't be the most massive ship around, but she still looks sharp as a blade and very very fast. A born hunter.

Good luck with the final stage!


Actually, I think you might feel odd about her because she isn't riggend yet, I actually often feel the same about my ships and then give them up before I rig them. So please carry on to finish her, she's a True beauty

I think the details and shape on the new build is greatly improved on the older builds Sebeus. Use of the Egyptian wings is great, as is the way you have built the railing on the bow. Only thing I'm not keen on is the white - but that is probably being nit picky.

Edited by ummester

I have to disagree with the others on the use of the stern pieces. I think they would have look terrific if the colourscheme was red, white, blue, but with the yellow they just look a tad strange to my eyes. I also agree with your conclusion, the front picture shows in particular the problem of the junction from the tumble-home to the prefab. Also, I wouldn't worry too much about the narrowness. Prefab ships are always to narrow anyway pirate_tong.gif She looks very sleek and elegant and I'm looking forward to see her finished.

I'd buy the HMS Marianne as well - how much do you charge? pirate_laugh2.gif

You said "This will be the last update for a while" .... oh dear, not really?

Just, when it's getting interesting?

Looking forward to your updates (even if it might take a while)

  • Author

Actually, I think you might feel odd about her because she isn't riggend yet, I actually often feel the same about my ships and then give them up before I rig them. So please carry on to finish her, she's a True beauty

I had some time to spare so I added the shrouds (only vertical rope) on the main and foremast today and you're right, it does give it a much more natural look.

I have to disagree with the others on the use of the stern pieces. I think they would have look terrific if the colourscheme was red, white, blue, but with the yellow they just look a tad strange to my eyes.

Thank you for noticing that, I broke the color code here indeed, it's the tan on the egyptian wing piece that causes the clash with the yellow.

I'll look for some alternatives for the yellow line.

I'd buy the HMS Marianne as well - how much do you charge? pirate_laugh2.gif

You said "This will be the last update for a while" .... oh dear, not really?

Just, when it's getting interesting?

Looking forward to your updates (even if it might take a while)

The HMS Marianne will be the first target of my new corvette pirate_classic.gif .

As for updates, apart from some finishing touches it's only the addition of rigging and sails that will complete this ship...oh and a crew ofcourse.

I'd say the ship is practically finished lego-wise.

Rigging and sails is a time consuming, tiring and boring task of which I hope it will be done as fast as possible,

I really do not enjoy this part of building a ship pirate_sad2.gif .

I do have an original Idea to post the finished ship though,

after all, it's just another frigate I'll be posting so I intend to make the presentation a bit more interesting, especially for you people here who gave feedback in this thread pirate_wink.gif .

Edited by Sebeus I

Lot's of text here pirate_wink.gif .

shush now..& back to studying XD

we can wait for that shit to get fully rigged & ready for service in the HM navy!

  • Author

shush now..& back to studying XD

we can wait for that shit to get fully rigged & ready for service in the HM navy!

I know, I know pirate_laugh2.gif

Exams are over now so I'm back in the game :excited: .

Btw, it's not a british ship so no His/Her Majesty's Ship.

This will probably be the last update in this thread,

For the rigging I use the same rope as I used on the Christine.

That may have been a bad choice though, I didn't manage to get the ratlines on the shrouds then.

Unfortunatly I didn't succeed this time either, I practised on a test ship first...


I can't get it right, either the ratlines hang to much or the shrouds deforms.

I assume it doesn't have to do with the rope, I used different rope on the Flying Dutchman and the same thing happened there.

Only on a weathered, sea-crusted ship like the FD that's not much of an issue.

I must be really clumsy with rigging I guess pirate_hmpf.gif .

Anyway, I'll get working on the sails then;


Recycled paper and a brown pencel to draw the lines.

Its current state:


The corvette Beatrix, almost ready.

...And behind her the reason why my budget dried up so early this year pirate_laugh2.gif

I have taken some interior pictures just before I added the shrouds, you can wait for the full post of the ship to see them

or you can check them out now if you can't resist clicking this link pirate_classic.gif .

Edited by Sebeus I

Wow, this is indeed a unique take on the standard frigate! The only thing to be improved is the bow, which (no offense) is ugly to me. Great job so far!

To my eye it seems that there are two distinct problems with your shrouds which are causing your troubles. Firstly the tension of your shrouds, the way you have them attached is static. They don't need to be drum tight, but being able to pull them taught makes a world of difference in keeping them from deflecting. This is where some manner of block and tackle comes in, like dead or bully's eyes. I don't think yours is too big for 4624 dead eyes and they might look pretty slick in white, if you find your self tempted. The other issue is the rat lines them selves. In practical application they are not tied directly to the shrouds them selves. Instead the individual lines are bent ot spliced into two loops at either end and then bound to the shroud through those loops by a smaller bit of cordage. On that scale all that splicing and bending seems as though it would be a real pain but some reasonable facsimile would seem to serve your needs. Perhaps try gluing them in place and then lashing around that joint. Check out this image for reference. Read over the post even to for a deeper understanding.



All that aside now I have to say, I've developed a real fondness for this ship of yours. There is just something striking about her and feel as though such a fair lady deserves a little better than the normal treatment above the bulwarks. You have a great and well established hull technique and  I'd like to invite you to take the step to the next level and really challenge yourself on this rig to do her proper justice. I know quite well how tedious and boredom string rigging can be, however, it's not only worth it in the end,  but I find that simulating the real thing and short cutting to "what looks good" takes about the same amount of effort. The debacle that was Snakes rigging convinced me to start looking for better solutions than what I concocted in my own mind and what I discovered worked best was the real thing. You'll do with her as you please, and your own agenda will be served, no doubt. I do implore  you, though, to consider my suggestion. I'm always amiable to help out or advise if I can.

Thanks for sharing this build with us so far. It's been fascinating and amusing. I can't wait to see her under sail.

P.S. thanks for the break down of the chasers. I started messing around with it and came up with two adaptations you may like and will share in the future.

Exams are over now so I'm back in the game :excited: .


or you can check them out now if you can't resist clicking this link pirate_classic.gif .

I sure hope we will be able to congratulate to the results of your exams.

But now back to business:

Of course, I could not resist clicking the link - and THIS IS GREAT!

I also like your solution to the common "stairs problem" (always too big for our ships, but alway needed or missing...).

Is this going to be the longest post in this blog?

I will be looking forward to your updates.

  • Author

Doing the rigging like it was really done...I don't think I'm up for that, not yet atleast.

I think a smaller type of vessel is more appropriate to try first, before an actual fully rigged ship.

I must say though something like this does look sexy pir_laugh2.gif.

Defenitely something I may be looking into later.

Thanks a lot of the feedback.

Wow, this is indeed a unique take on the standard frigate! The only thing to be improved is the bow, which (no offense) is ugly to me. Great job so far!

Thank you,

I added some black wedge plates to seperate the white hull from the yellow headrails, a color clash that needed to be dealt with.

That made it look a lot better, there's still a small light blue/yellow issue though.

I assume it's mostly the color clash that forms the problem of the bow.

Is this going to be the longest post in this blog?

I will be looking forward to your updates.

Not even close, there are some very long WIP topics to found around here, although it's difficult to find them because they are not indexed.

My Flying Dutchman WIP topic ended with 141 replies, natural as it was an active topic for a much longer time.

I added a basic sail plan this morning, I'm gathering a special crew for her maiden voyage pirate_wink.gif .

Oh god, oh god! The masts are already standing! Outstanding again, really, wonderful. I love the details and how you did the stern. Also it is much lower then your other ships, what I prefer to frigates/sloops/brigs actually. Great work, and keep on going with the capstan pirate_wink.gif


  • 1 year later...

really nice lines on this,the stern is amazing,sure i have seen this on google with sails

Please don't bump really old topics. Two years since the last post is a long time ago. Read here for more details.


One of these days, I'm going to bump the oldest thread on the forum, just to spite Phred pirate_laugh2.gif

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