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  ImperialScouts said:
Mr. Z, you need to acknowledge that some of us haven't seen it (Like me X-D) and need to say 'Spoilers' to prepare unseuspecting readers (Like Me again X-D ) before they read to far. I should go watch it sometime soon.

I was very careful not to give anything important away!! But if I ruined the movie for everyone but saying that there were many a deal going on in the movie, I apologize.

I edited the above post adding spoiler alerts in recognition of your concerns. Thanks Scouts.

Well, I just watched the film.

BLAH! Spoilers:

Lots of plot twists. And the many Jack Sparrows was hilarious...hehee. And rum jokes, still rum jokes, but some new ones, like at the end...hehee.

GAH! No more Spoilers:

I rather liked the film. I enjoyed it. :capn:

Certain amount of Spoilage below!

Hmm... On reveiwing the movie in my head I saw numerous eferences to the attraction in the parks (Which I only saw them in the first one, they were absent in DMC).

Now to show my intimate knowledge of the attraction:

Davy Jones' locker, the screen goes black for a couple of seconds, and I for sure heard:

1."Strike your colors, you blooming cockraoches!"+ cannon fire which is from the Bombarding the Fort scene.

2."What be I offered for this winsome wench..." From the Auctioneer

3."Dead Men Tell No Tales!" from the Haunted Caverns

4.And misc. laughter and giggling from the burning town scene/chase scene

5.Barabossa says "You may not be survivin' to pass this way again," which is from the old Ghostly Narraration (replaced by Davy Jones in a waterfall 8-( ) at the end of the grotto scene and also part of the new Davy Jones narraration at the upramp.

Still, as much as I enjoyed the movies, I hope they fade from the public spectrum in 5 years so that maybe the Disney Exec.s remove the God Forsaken Jack Sparrow, Barabossa, and Davy Jones animatronics, and return the ride back to what is was in the 1960's (Original Non- Politicly correct chase scene) even the version with the "Politicly Correct" chase scene would work. Just leave the original ride+performers alone and make the wanna-bes get their own boat ride.

You know, when I was at Walt Disney World's inferior version, I said something simila to this, and all the Johnny Depp groupies who just came to the ride for him gave me some really bad looks. You'd be surprised how many there are...


From a MOCer's perspective I agree with Z (can I call you that?) that POTC3 is just as good a source of inspiration as its prequels (if not an even better one)

The junks were interresting as were the EITC flagship but what did it for me was the "clean" Flying Dutchman. Now it will be considerably easier brick-wise to build this ship-the colours are as far as i saw just black, gold and perhaps a little bit of dark grey!

you could say it was a bit dull to watch the Endeavour being creamed before even getting off a single shot, but then again, the pirates have the producers, the fans AND the director on their side :-D

This post might contain some spoilers... So beware ye eyes! I wouldn't like to divulge anything... And even if I would be in a divulging mood I wouldn't do it...

The movie certainly inspired me! The disinspiring thing is my amount of bricks... The flagship of Beckett, I really want to build that boat!

I wonder if they used the HMS Victory,(except for the "creaming" (nice words Mr Fender Bender!) scene offcourse!) in the movie.

And Norrington, off course there are some very unrealistic bits in the movie, but, with all respect, how could you EVER enjoy the movie on this way?

End of spoilersss

BTW, do you guys expect another sequel?

Spoilers start again!

You see, the end is quite 'open' don't you think? What happened to Calypso? What will Jack do? And what will Barbossa do? Will they find the fountain of youth? And what's "not evil" Will gonna do with the Dutchman!?! Maybe t here'll even be a fourth movie...

Mr Tiber

Edited by phred

How about we have a separate thread for discussions, with SPOILERS at the beginning of the title. Less, we just keep it here.


Well, Norrington gave his life to save Elizabeth, his old love, and Bill Turner is brainwashed(?) something like that (?). A Fourth movie would be really interesting! But I think they're finishig it with the third one...ah well. We'll have to wait and see.

Here is a link to my Mocs and Vigs for POTC3 in the pirate mocs forum!

As far as the movie is concerned, did anyone notice after the junk went over the falls, there was about 5 seconds of pitch black and the actual ride's sound clips? Harlarious! Also, did anyone stay til' all the credits played through? If you did, you would have noticed another clip, which, I think, leaves us hangin'.

Both the first two movies had clips, so I figured they wouldn't exclude this one from an extra goodie for those willing to brave many minutes of credits! And when they included the audio clips of the ride, nobody got it! I was cracking up myself!

  ImperialScouts said:
NOOOO! I Forgot to STAY after the credits :sad: . I'll have to stay next time I see it X-D . Nice that they included the old soundtrack of the ride...hehee.

Yes, me too! I wasn't sure if they would be so mean to put another easter egg in it! I wasn't sure, and my dad wanted to go. The credits of these movies are damned long!

Mr Tiber

The credits are long. Today, you aren't paying $10+ for the movie, you are paying for the preveiws and credits! ;-)

I saw the clip that is shown after the credits somewhere on the Internet. Try youtube.

BTW, much of the discussion of late in this thread seems more appropriate for the thread referenced in the first post of this thread. ;-)

  Norrington said:
Now to show my intimate knowledge of the attraction:

Davy Jones' locker, the screen goes black for a couple of seconds, and I for sure heard:

1."Strike your colors, you blooming cockraoches!"+ cannon fire which is from the Bombarding the Fort scene.

2."What be I offered for this winsome wench..." From the Auctioneer

3."Dead Men Tell No Tales!" from the Haunted Caverns

4.And misc. laughter and giggling from the burning town scene/chase scene

5.Barabossa says "You may not be survivin' to pass this way again," which is from the old Ghostly Narraration (replaced by Davy Jones in a waterfall 8-( ) at the end of the grotto scene and also part of the new Davy Jones narraration at the upramp.

  SirNadroj said:
Here is a link to my Mocs and Vigs for POTC3 in the pirate mocs forum!

As far as the movie is concerned, did anyone notice after the junk went over the falls, there was about 5 seconds of pitch black and the actual ride's sound clips? Harlarious! Also, did anyone stay til' all the credits played through? If you did, you would have noticed another clip, which, I think, leaves us hangin'.

All ready pointed out, by our PotC and HM ride expert ;-)

Though I forgot to point out that they also played the begining of the "Yo-ho yo-ho a pirate's life for me" instrumental.

Oh, then I was redundant. Oh well, I just don't have the intention span to read previous posts: not one of my best qualities! :-$

I personally though that movie was great and by that ending with many mysteries I'd say there will be another one possibly based on the fountain of Youth.

I just looked though the thread quickly.. very quickly.... and some of you guys didnt stay to the end...


a little boy is running to the edge of a cliff singing "yoho yoho a pirates life for me" and the bottom shows the note 'ten years later' and theres elizabeth stairing off into the sunset. theres a big flash of green light and up pops will in the flying dutchman

Edited by scippio

Here are the thoughts i posted in the other thread, contains slight spoilers.

Just watched it today, and enjoyed it greatly.

There were still some lame parts, and some very far fetched parts, but I thought it was much better then the second one, although still in a lower league than the first one.

I thought that it tied up some of the loose ends nicely, and while the ending did make me a little disappointed, it wasn't that bad.

It seemed too easy for everyone to get in and out of Davy Jones Locker and save Jack. I think that should've been a bit more difficult. I suppose time was an issue, though.

I also think Jack was able to fly around too easily. I suppose it was cool, but it seemed pretty unrealistic. (though I suppose that I shouldn't be looking for realism in PotC. ;-) ) ... and the part where he parachuted of the Flying Dutchman with Elizabeth was just weird, for me. Where on earth did that come from?

One thing that bothered me a bit was that besides Davy Jones, none of the pirates you recognize died. (or at least not that I'm aware of)

I figured there be a scene after the credits, but the friends I went with didn't want to stay for the end of them, so I missed it. :-/ Oh well, I guess it's not that important...

Coming out of the theaters, I was thinking it rocked, but mostly just because how disappointed I was over the second one. If compared to the first, it's still a bit of a let down... of course, that doesn't mean you shouldn't see it. ;-)

The Endeavour flagship would make for one sweet model in LEGO. The beauty of it took my breath away when I saw it, and

*SPOILER*it was awesome to see it blown to smithereens! *sweet*

This has been nagging me for a while, but I havn't posted it yet. I was wondering, why did they switch from acurate uniforms (Red w/ white facings, blue w/ white facings) to the innacurate (dark blue w/ red facings, blue w/ gold facings)? Are they uniforms that the EITC used for their private army? I think so, but have been unable to find pictures of what the uniforms looked like in real life in the 1720's.

I'm not sure if those are actually uniforms worn by past soldiers or if there a new concept to go with the 'Dark' setting of movie. I personally like them but would rather the old uniforms.

  Norrington said:
Warning: Plot Spoilers in rant!


Endeavor, the British Flagship is promply sunk in 1 pass. Look at paintings of naval battles, 3 deck ship of the lines are meant to hold up to more then that. Plus, Beckett starts going crazy, and none of his inferior officers have the sense to tell the men to fire. The only way the Endeavor could be sunk in 1 pass, is if one of the shots (none of which hit below the waterline) hit the power room, which is un likley, because I beleive that people still had to have had the sense back then to put the powder room on the orloop so that is is not very likley to be hit.


"MY peanut" :-P

Yeah definitely agree with this point.

A first rate ship-of-the-line could easily withstand fire from 2 small frigate sized vessels.

Especially on the broadsides where the ship is the strongest (to my understanding)

The HMS Victory many times took on 2 other ship-of-the-lines and always won.

I did stay until the credits were done ;-)

All in all, i think it was a real fun movie to watch.

I'm glad the ending wasn't Disneyish (everything ending as peachy keen as possible) That's a nice move for Disney.

I liked it better than POTC2 but not as good as POTC1.


  • Author

I didn't get to see it until monday.... a week after it came out! It's a disgrace I tell you, a disgrace! Parents......bah-humbug!!!!

Ever since the first POTC movie when solid shot was causing random, inexplicable explosions when the Black Pearl was bombarding the port...I have not been a huge fan.

I find this movie barely entertaining, if only because I can stomach the naval theme. Johnnie Depp is one of my favorite actors (I'm a fan of Tim Burton films as well) so his character acting at least is entertianing to me. However I'd sooner put in "Sleepy Hollow", "The Ninth Gate" (EXCELLENT movie BTW), or "Edward Scissorhands" first...

However the heavy-handed Disney formula is all over this piece (obviously since they made it). The two dolt British red-coat marines were annoying, just like the stupid comic relief pair in every recent Disney movie is. I thought the part on the cannibal island in the second movie where Depp's character is falling was like a live action cartoon and such was rather stupid. I found POTC to be more along the lines of Richard Donner's "The Goonies" than anything else. I think I like "The Goonies" better too...must be because they "R Good Enough"...lol. Speilburg's Peter Pan movie "Hook" is more entertaining for my money. Heck, give me Disney's own original "Swiss Family Robinson" film, I liked THAT better!

For my taste "Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World" is THE historical naval action film of the decade not the POTC trilogy. It's a shame that a sequel was not made for that film (nor is it likely that there will be one). It was left open ended enough to allow for it. I can't believe that people thought that film was boring and didn't have enough action. I guess story and character development, as well as real acting, realistic battle sequences, are above the unwashed masses these days that crave 'splosions and CG.

It's evident that movies like POTC are geared towards the lowest common denominator and young children to drive box office sales and entertain almost everyone. Just like most Hollywood trash is these days. At least it's not trying to make an overt political statement about global warming or saving Darfur or some other "in-vogue" Hollywood activism thing like every movie seems to be required to address these days, which is a relief.

As for the most recent movie, I haven't seen it but I haven't heard much about it either. That's generally not a good sign. No "box office record" news. No rave reviews. The few people I know that have seen it thought it was just "OK". Which doesn't bode well for me, because even the best parts of the first film were just "OK" to me.

Here are some other historical naval movies you might consider...

"Mutiny on the Bounty" (1935) Featuring Charles Laughton A real classic, really well done for it's age...although the keel-hauling scene will make you laugh...

"Captain Horatio Hornblower" (1951) Featuring Gregory Peck Hard to find but worth it, fairly realistic naval action...

"John Paul Jones" (1959) Featuring Robert Stack Also hard to find, but also worth it. One of my favorites.

"H.M.S. Defiant" (aka "Damn the Defiant" - 1962) Featuring Alec Guiness Really quite good, about the fleet-wide mutiny

"The Bounty" (1984) Featuring Anthony Hopkins More recent, required viewing IMO, nice early piece for later stars Mel Gibson, Daniel Day-Lewis, and Liam Neeson.

Or A&E's Horatio Hornblower Mini-series featuring Ioan Gruffudd... Though fairly low budget, it's really quite good and I enjoy watching it regularly (about once a year)

...which would all be time better spent IMHO.

Edited by Paladin

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