June 2, 201410 yr There are a couple issues with that, though. Firstly, those reissued sets did not really resemble the originals perfectly. Many of the older colors and parts from those sets had been discontinued. This limited their appeal even to AFOLs, which was a problem because secondly, the sales of those reissues were generally awful. Kids didn't want them because they were not as good as modern sets, and adults didn't want them because they were inauthentic. Keep in mind the time those sets were released, too. Lego was struggling and desperate to find a hit. The Lego Legends sets (as they were called) were just one of the many failed experiments from that time period, which included other "winners" like Galidor, Jack Stone, and World City. Today, when Lego practically prints money with highly successful themes like The Lego Movie, City, Friends, and Ninjago, what would they have to gain by rereleasing sets from decades ago? Well, as to your first point, I did say "almost identical", with a specific example being the colour. Fair enough regarding your second. All that happened during my "dark age" so I was not aware of how unsuccessful they were. Still, you never know... maybe a S@H exclusive would be a better way to release such things. There might be more demand for a reissued Classic Space set what with Benny being so popular, but even so, the 928 wasn't featured all that prominently in the film (maybe the 493/926 is the more likely candidate?).
June 2, 201410 yr Addressing the question if Classic Space should be reissued in some way, there could be an easy fix to this, although Lego will probably not go along with it. (1) Offer minifig packs with the spacemen in the red, white, blue, and yellow patterns. This would be similar to battle packs. They would probably sell incredibly well. (2) Offer certain parts available on online PAB. I am thinking of the blue windscreen with the printed logo, transparent yellow windscreens, trans yellow plates, and certain other pieces which are no longer made, but would be crucial to either reproducing classic space ships or creating new CS MOCs. (3) Offer a Creator Classic Space set with many of the iconic parts, the logo, and a spaceman or two. The set would have instructions for three varieties. Of course, the more modern technology such as SNOT bricks and such could be used.
June 2, 201410 yr Addressing the question if Classic Space should be reissued in some way, there could be an easy fix to this, although Lego will probably not go along with it. (1) Offer minifig packs with the spacemen in the red, white, blue, and yellow patterns. This would be similar to battle packs. They would probably sell incredibly well. (2) Offer certain parts available on online PAB. I am thinking of the blue windscreen with the printed logo, transparent yellow windscreens, trans yellow plates, and certain other pieces which are no longer made, but would be crucial to either reproducing classic space ships or creating new CS MOCs. (3) Offer a Creator Classic Space set with many of the iconic parts, the logo, and a spaceman or two. The set would have instructions for three varieties. Of course, the more modern technology such as SNOT bricks and such could be used. If the parts are "no longer made" there's no way to offer them on the online Pick-A-Brick — it's not like the LEGO Group has been stockpiling Classic Space parts somewhere. Certain parts (particularly ones for which the molds have not been retired) could certainly be reintroduced into production, but it's unlikely the LEGO Group would do that unless they were planning to use the part in actual sets. Only one "exclusive" part has ever been created specifically for release via a custom ordering service, that being the two-colored Hero Factory chest plate which was released via the "Hero Recon Team" service (a subset of LEGO Design byME). No idea how Classic Space minifigure packs might sell, but it is indeed one of the most plausible ways to capitalize on Classic Space, since figs resembling those in the Classic Space theme have already been re-issued for other sorts of minifigure packs like the "Vintage Minifigure Collections" and the Toys 'R' Us "Bricktober" promotions, and since there are already other minifigure packs like this one that feature exclusive minifigure designs. A new set in a theme like Creator or Juniors that takes inspiration from Classic Space is entirely possible, and perhaps a lot more likely than a full revival. As you say, such a set would certainly use some more modern parts and building styles, but aesthetically it could still draw heavy inspiration from Classic Space.
June 2, 201410 yr I bought and built this set over the weekend, and I must say that I'm pretty impressed by it. It's not supposed to be true "classic space" but an homage. What I found when building this set is that it looks like spaceships I would have built as a kid. The 80's space ships had a lot of wedge plates in them, and most of my custom ships were big and pointy because of it, kind of like how Benny's ship is designed. I also made liberal use of hoses, computer terminals, jet engines, and grills. I didn't care if it made sense, I just wanted it to look cool. This is the look Benny's Spaceship is going for. Finn in the movie would be too young for classic space. The Man Upstairs probably donated all of his classic sets to his son, the sets he now deemed undesirable, and instead started focusing on building his massive, modern Bricksburg. So, the kid had a mix of these old classic space parts, and new parts from sets he might have received today. Hence, Benny's Spaceship is born: a mix of old and new. What I loved: 1) The size of the ship.. it's huge! 2) Greebles, I really like all the little details on this thing. 3) Lots of playability. The two smaller ships, the computer room, room for 3 in the cockpit. I'm usually not impressed by things like flick missiles and spring loaded shooters, but they make sense here and go with the overall theme of the set. 4) Great minifigs. Really like space Wyldestyle and Astro-Kitty. I would have preferred an unbroken and unscratched Benny, but he's in the movie that way so that's how they had to portray him here. I have plenty of blue classic space figures to substitute if I want anyway. Even though I love the set, I do have a few nitpicks: 1) Stickers! Way too many stickers. I'm just glad to see that they are the clear style so that I could use the wet application method - perfectly straight stickers with no air bubbles or finger prints! 2) The classic space logos on the tail wings, they need to be a bit smaller. Two of the stickers are placed on the wings in one direction, and the other two are placed in the opposite direction. In the opposite direction, there isn't enough room to place them, a bit of the sticker sticks off the side of the wing. I ended up having to trim off some of the sticker so they fit, luckily just some of the clear part and not the actual logo. 3) Would be nice for the canopy to be an actual classic space canopy, just to get these in circulation again so I can replace some of my older scratched CS canopies. However, I understand that they couldn't do this since they use a different hinge mechanism for canopies today. 4) I would have used the older style black hoses instead of the gray ones used here. 5) The smaller ships don't attach well to the wings, the connection is a little flimsy. I think they should have used two hinge clips instead of one to make it sturdier, or some other method of connection. These are just minor nitpicks, I think the set is great and I'm happy to have it sitting on my desk. If TLG put out a re-issue 928 (in the true colours, I might add!), it will fly off so fast that TLG won't have time to say 'wtf' But they won't. CS is not coming back. And BL prices of CS sets reflects that .... It's cool, it's LEGO. Nice that they did this set, wonderfull movie, but CS it's not. It's like that Ferrari from Miami Vice. Close, but no cigar I disagree. Kids today would laugh at 928, and there aren't enough adults that would buy it to justify the cost of production. Speaking for myself, I enjoy hunting down classic sets on ebay/bricklink, garage sales, estate sales, etc.... the thrill of the hunt I'm an adult CS fan, yet I'm not sure I'd buy reissued sets. Edited June 2, 201410 yr by naf
June 2, 201410 yr I just checked and it hasn't been posted: Here'a a nice official movie of this set. (Just like an advert without any talking)
June 3, 201410 yr 1) Stickers! Way too many stickers. I'm just glad to see that they are the clear style so that I could use the wet application method - perfectly straight stickers with no air bubbles or finger prints! Argh, wish I would have read about this earlier. What's the wet application method?
June 3, 201410 yr On 6/2/2014 at 7:19 PM, DPrime said: Argh, wish I would have read about this earlier. What's the wet application method? .. Edited September 1, 2024Sep 1 by brickmaninLA
June 3, 201410 yr I use this method for the clear stickers, as they are plastic decals. The white-backed stickers, I'm assuming they are paper and won't work with this method. 1) Fill a small bowl with water and add a drop of dish soap. 2) Dip the part that you're going to apply the sticker to so that it's wet, set it aside. 3) Take the sticker with a pair of tweezers and dip it into the water. Then apply it to the Lego part. You can slide it around for a little bit until it dries, allowing you to position it exactly where you want it. Dap it lightly with a lint-free cloth to clean up excess water. This method allows you to slide the sticker around after you put it on the part, so it's much easier to apply them exactly where you want. Another benefit is that you don't get air bubbles or fingerprints on the sticker, which is great for when you have to apply to a clear piece.
June 3, 201410 yr Wow, this seems to be a slick way of placing stickers. I always thought this would only work with waterslide decals. Thank you very much for explaining!
June 3, 201410 yr I'm going to have to test this before I use it any of my new sets (I happen to have a spare sheet of clear stickers I'm not using), I'm just a bit sceptical... the glue from the stickers doesn't get weakened? The stickers are stuck fast without any water damage? These are the things that I'm worried about, otherwise it sounds like a really good idea.
June 3, 201410 yr I'm going to have to test this before I use it any of my new sets (I happen to have a spare sheet of clear stickers I'm not using), I'm just a bit sceptical... the glue from the stickers doesn't get weakened? The stickers are stuck fast without any water damage? These are the things that I'm worried about, otherwise it sounds like a really good idea. I used this method when applying the stickers to my kid's Galaxy Squad Eradicator Mech at Christmas, and the stickers are still stuck even after their rough play. I think the key is to not soak the stickers, just dip them and apply. They still stick pretty quick, you don't have a whole lot of time to position them before the sticker starts getting tacky again, but it's enough to get it placed just right. I would agree, practice on some stickers you don't care much about first. But so far this method seems to work out great. Also, as I said above, I would only use this method with the clear stickers; the white stickers look like they are paper as opposed to plastic and will probably get ruined when dipped. Edited June 3, 201410 yr by naf
June 3, 201410 yr You could practice this with the edges of the sticker sheet or the areas around the stickers. That way, you could do a "dry run" and make sure you have a good feel for it before trying the real stickers. Might have to try this myself when the set gets in. Thanks Naf for the advice!
June 3, 201410 yr I might try this method, but after looking at my 80% built/stickered 929, I'm not sure I need to. I placed them pretty well, with no visible bubbles. I've got lots of experience with clear stickers, I guess, since I'm a GI Joe toy collector, too. :) I use tweezers to apply the sticker very carefully (I've got pretty steady hands), then smooth out the bubbles with the back of my fingernail, or sometimes a guitar pick - anything that's kind of hard but soft at the same time, so it won't tear the sticker. EDIT: nvm, wet method is way better! Edited June 5, 201410 yr by DPrime
June 7, 201410 yr Well, they have reissued classic sets in the past (e.g. Black Seas Barracuda, Black Falcon Fortress). I think a Galaxy Explorer almost identical to the original release (the most significant change being the shade of grey, obviously) is certainly within the realm of possibility, given its status as one of Lego's "classic" sets. Other CS sets, not so much. But overall, I would agree with you that the 929 is indicative of what we could expect with a "Neo Classic Space" line. And I would be just fine with that. If only... :) Yes they reissued a few classic sets such as the Black Seas Baracuda, Black Falcon Fortress, Fort Legorado, Breezeway Cafe, Express Deluxe Trains, Pizza to Go, Police Command Post Central. The Legends Line, which reproduced what were then viewed as some of the best Lego sets ever. (excepting Space for some reason?). These were sets fans had been clamoring for. The great stuff from the 80's that they grew up with. Redone for 2002. And the line went down in flames. Sales were embarrassingly low. Far worse than anyone expected or predicted. The sets felt a little too retro being worse in some ways for lacking modern techniques and parts, while at the same time they were savaged for minor set updates to work around retired parts. While it is a shame that they did not pump some lower cost more modern versions of the Galaxy Explorer into the market in 2002 or 3 its easy to see why. Hence since then they do not re-release. They remake or update. This is why instead of another Black Seas Baracuda we got Brickbeards Bounty (and soon to get a newer version in 2015.). Same general type or class of ship. Similar subject. But its own current design. Looking at it through that lens the 929 ssS is the apex of the evolution of sets from the 928 GE. It is the classic Space aesthetic applied to everything they learned making post classic space large ships. Through everything from the Blacktron Renegade to the Galactic Mediator to what seems its closest structural cousin the Galaxy Enforcer as we finally come to Benny's sweet sweet ride. It's Classic Space filtered through modern design. So the ships flow better and feel a bit less trapezoidal. It's a good mix between classic studs up combined with some SNOT tricks. Technik Techniques are used to strengthen the whole thing. And its blending of old aesthetic in a modern complex sturdy set sings. Anyway I have been building this beast tonight. So far I am loving it. It has sturdy technic structure without it taking up half the model or uglifying it. lots of detailed interior space. Lots of surprises. I know I will be flawed for this, but the stickers aren't too bad. They go on well and they really pop. I often skip stickers, but these I'm glad I didn't since they add so much to the model. It could use a few small MODS. Maybe landing gear? Also it would be interesting to see how this set would look with the Red 5 X Wing Canopy Stickers, cut down to just the frames and applied to the yellow canopy. Needless to say, "I like It! " And I don't seem to be alone. They are selling well. The only other small thing I think it could use is a few more figs. Maybe 2 more updated Classic or Semi Classic Space Men or Women. Just enough figs so you can man all flight stations the engineering and the wingtip fighters.
June 7, 201410 yr I picked this up yesterday. Awesome set, easily the highlight of the Lego Movie lineup for me, and the price point is good as well. Like others said, it's more of an reimagining of CS than genuine CS, and is the sort of thing we would have built as kids. It's admittedly too sticker heavy and should have had more prints, but the stickers add a lot to the set and it's definitely worth applying them. I think we'll see a lot of the trans-yellow stuff showing up on Bricklink as well, which I can certainly use more of. The set is clearly in high demand and is backordered on S@H, and I apparently got the last one at the local Lego store and had to call them to reserve it for me. Yes they reissued a few classic sets such as the Black Seas Baracuda, Black Falcon Fortress, Fort Legorado, Breezeway Cafe, Express Deluxe Trains, Pizza to Go, Police Command Post Central. The Legends Line, which reproduced what were then viewed as some of the best Lego sets ever. (excepting Space for some reason?). These were sets fans had been clamoring for. The great stuff from the 80's that they grew up with. Redone for 2002. And the line went down in flames. Sales were embarrassingly low. Far worse than anyone expected or predicted. The sets felt a little too retro being worse in some ways for lacking modern techniques and parts, while at the same time they were savaged for minor set updates to work around retired parts. While it is a shame that they did not pump some lower cost more modern versions of the Galaxy Explorer into the market in 2002 or 3 its easy to see why. I think it was a bit more complicated than that. The original Legends like the 10001/10002 Metroliner were very faithful to the originals, and TLG reproduced several unique parts just for those sets. Also, when the first Legends came out in 2000, the regular City line was garbage and there wasn't really much for the Legends to compare with. However, by 2003/2004 the World City line had been established and was a massive improvement, while the later Legends had numerous changes from the originals and used the new gray color, making them unattractive to AFOLs. You can compare the Bricklink prices on 10001/10002 against something like 10159, for example. Edited June 7, 201410 yr by CP5670
June 8, 201410 yr Just finished mine last night. Have been swooshing it ever since. Is it just me or does anyone else get a bit of a Gerry Anderson / Derrick Meddings vibe off of this? Addressing the question if Classic Space should be reissued in some way, there could be an easy fix to this, although Lego will probably not go along with it. (1) Offer minifig packs with the spacemen in the red, white, blue, and yellow patterns. This would be similar to battle packs. They would probably sell incredibly well. (2) Offer certain parts available on online PAB. I am thinking of the blue windscreen with the printed logo, transparent yellow windscreens, trans yellow plates, and certain other pieces which are no longer made, but would be crucial to either reproducing classic space ships or creating new CS MOCs. (3) Offer a Creator Classic Space set with many of the iconic parts, the logo, and a spaceman or two. The set would have instructions for three varieties. Of course, the more modern technology such as SNOT bricks and such could be used. Keep in mind that the parts prevalent in classic space that were retired were retired for a reason. Often things like Mold failure and not worth replacing. or the version of the part was too prone to breaking and was replaced with something else (finger hinges anyone?), dependence on other parts that were eliminated. Or a host of other reasons. The point being if they are gone, they are gone for a reason, and the hundreds of thousands of $ costs to bring them each back would not make sense in most cases. The same thing in colors. The entire color system and technology has changed. Trying to go back to color match the old stuff would be difficult if not impossible, for little reward, and would never make us happy anyway. I doubt if we will ever see a new pack of 80's spacemen outside of some sort of bonus item, such as the TRU vintage packs. But a pack of classic colored and styled spacemen using newer parts, gear and expressions would sell like hot cakes.
June 9, 201410 yr Just finished mine last night. Have been swooshing it ever since. Is it just me or does anyone else get a bit of a Gerry Anderson / Derrick Meddings vibe off of this? Keep in mind that the parts prevalent in classic space that were retired were retired for a reason. Often things like Mold failure and not worth replacing. or the version of the part was too prone to breaking and was replaced with something else (finger hinges anyone?), dependence on other parts that were eliminated. Or a host of other reasons. The point being if they are gone, they are gone for a reason, and the hundreds of thousands of $ costs to bring them each back would not make sense in most cases. The same thing in colors. The entire color system and technology has changed. Trying to go back to color match the old stuff would be difficult if not impossible, for little reward, and would never make us happy anyway. I doubt if we will ever see a new pack of 80's spacemen outside of some sort of bonus item, such as the TRU vintage packs. But a pack of classic colored and styled spacemen using newer parts, gear and expressions would sell like hot cakes. One idea I recently had for a Classic Space-esque set would be something in the Juniors theme. The new 1x6x6 wall with window elements could work relatively well in an update of 493 Space Command Center, and the large chassis element would not be totally unsuited to some type of Lunar Rover (especially if done in Medium Stone Grey with Bright Red wheels). A set aimed at young builders would be more likely to sell without the focus on conflict found in most modern sets. And the Batman Juniors set, with its '60s TV show aesthetic, sets a precedent for Juniors sets offering simple and colorful builds to appeal to kids and retro styling to appeal to adults. Of course, the simplicity and "juniorization" inherent to the Juniors theme, which I personally don't have a problem with, would almost certainly be a deal breaker for any spacers who were already dissatisfied with Benny's Spaceship.
June 9, 201410 yr Great review. I picked up this set this weekend. I was young in the beginning of Classic space time. It is almost the same size as my old MOC spaceship.
June 9, 201410 yr (3) Offer a Creator Classic Space set with many of the iconic parts, the logo, and a spaceman or two. The set would have instructions for three varieties. Of course, the more modern technology such as SNOT bricks and such could be used. This is what I've been thinking----there's many price-points they could do this at, anywhere from 200 to 600-piece sets. Much easier and more likely than a whole new line/them. Just need a bley/blue/trans-yellow Creator set, with many slopes and wings, and a few key "space" pieces. Preferably some printed parts (but those are rare in Creator). And with how often "wheels as engines" are used in modern space sets----simply include some tires, and you instantly have a ground-vehicle 3rd build. However---a couple spaceman minifigs are essential, but the Creator line doesn't ever have any, IIRC. Edited June 9, 201410 yr by steele
June 10, 201410 yr I would love to see at least two nice Classic Space style creator sets. One with grey, blue, and trans yellow pieces, and another with just grey and trans green pieces. Maybe even a third with white and trans blue pieces for Starfleet Voyager style color schemes.
June 10, 201410 yr You people are getting ahead of yourself. This was a one-off, much more related to The LEGO Movie than Classic Space. There will not be more CS-sets, and I think you're kinda sliding away from the topic by discussing that
June 10, 201410 yr You people are getting ahead of yourself. This was a one-off, much more related to The LEGO Movie than Classic Space. Hey, we can dream, can't we? There will not be more CS-sets Hmm, I'm not so sure about that. You haven't heard of the CUUSOO Exo Suit? Edited June 10, 201410 yr by danth
June 10, 201410 yr If Benny's ssS LL929 ends up as the top selling set from The LEGO Movie... and the Exo Suit ends up being the top selling set from CUUSOO (or whatever it's called now)... Well, wouldn't that be something for TLG to think about. :)
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