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The journey to Hembrygga


Nar’Bilu and his worthy friends sit around the table in his tent, judging the progress of Bow’s Arch and discussing strategy against the upcoming threat of the Drow. They leave the tent for chow. While the others eat, Nar’Bilu takes the time to stroll around the building sites. The warehouse is finished, dwarves stoutly work and protect this facility. Nar takes the time to make small talk and get status reports with the dwarven elder.

He thanks the dwarf and heads to the seaside, where a group of half elves inhabit the fishery. At the time Nar’Bilu arrives, a full load of the fattest fish is pulled ashore. Another full week of fish at the dinner table. “It’s better than just berries”; Nar’Bilu thinks. The delivery of meat is thin, common folk is just scared to travel great distances. Afraid to be ambushed by the vicious Drow.

The third building site Nar’Bilu visits, is the most important one, for the moment. The start of the main gate and it’s walls. All craftsmen are momentarily at these grounds. It is important to finish this, before the black spread of Drow arrive on our beloved Hemresa. And recent reports tell us they are not far. They have reached Hemgång already.

Back at chow, Nar’Bilu was exactly in time to fill one final plate of food, before all was consumed. With a piece of burned fish hanging from his lips, two guards arrive with a third party. A hooded man, holding a sealed letter from Lord Simon in his hand. Nar’Bilu recognises the seal of the Avalonian Great Lord, so the guards are dismissed and the hooded man is welcomed at the table. A few scraps are shoved on a plate and handed to the messenger. In return he hands Nar’Bilu the letter, which he takes with him to his tent.

Again he and his loyal servants take place at the table, when Nar’Bilu folds the letter open:

Loyal Avalonian Lord Nar’Bilu of Hemresa,

It is no news that the Drow have invested Avalonian mainland, and it seems that they are seeking passage over the shortest landpath to the Enchanted Forest. Unfortunately that is Hemresa.

Only in a few days time they will reach your Southern Tower, as you call it. Protect it with your life, the life of your followers and even the lives of any farmer, fisherman or other craftsman you have available.

Go immediately with every available soldier to protect the path into Avalonia.


Grand Lord Simon

Leaving for The Southern Tower

The dwarves are ordered to stay and protect Bow’s Arch, while every possible half-elf and elf with bow and sword is summoned to travel with Nar’Bilu to the east. A procession of uncountable green suited soldiers march past the building site of Bow’s Arch heading to The Southern Tower.

The high pace covers a lot of ground and before dawn the outlines of the tower show above the mountain, which it is build against. At the end of this path is a passage into the mountain, into The Southern Tower.

Every step they come closer the building rises, but the dark silhouette doesn’t fade away. Nar’Bilu sends two scouts ahead to check the situation. It felt like only moments later, when one of them return. Tears roll down their cheeks and almost breathless they try to explain that a dark flag is raised over the tower. They managed to sneak in a secret entrance to investigate. But we are too late, Drow took the east coast of Hemresa. A large army within the walls and a small dozen ships lie not far from the shore.

After a short deliberation, Nar’Bilu decides to head back to Bow’s Arch, to make sure the rest of the island will stay in Avalonian hands. He rallies the elves together and in a skirmished formation, the army of woodmen take a sidetrack through the rough forest of Hemresa. It will be less likely to be caught by surprise this way. As if the wind was on their side, the footmen progressed within a day time back to the building site.

Already from a distance, a bright light rose up above the trees. A couple of dwarves crawled from a dark corner of a hill where the men stood still to evaluate. It is told that dwarves can’t cry, but that myth evaporates by the second the dwarf started talking, taking long breaths:

Lord Nar’Bilu, the hour you and the longears departed, we were ambushed by surely a hundred dark skinned. They burned everything to the ground. We could hold the warehouse till sunrise, but they were with too many.
Lord, blood was shed without remorse, all my brothers are killed. The few that were strong enough to survive the blows of arrows or blades are taken hostage, to become slaves.
Lord, there is no way back to Bow’s Arch, there is no way back for Avalonia. We are heading for the shores, in the hope to find a Mitgardian merchant ship without being slaughtered on our way there, so we can find refuge in the save mountains.
Godspeed m’Lord.

The few surviving dwarves head back to the hill they came from and shelter in the cave it offers. Nar’Bilu and the elven commander stick their heads together:

: Commander Vidkvist, we are betrayed, the messenger led us away from the only possibility to stand ground on Hemresa. We must retaliate. But a hundred may not be impossible to handle, but it is useless to fight our way through, if the possibility arises that only a few of us will stay alive to keep Bow’s Arch. One way or the other, we must gain numbers before we can claim back what is ours. Any suggestions?

: Maybe, but I’m not sure if you are going to like the idea. You have to surrender to the high elves of Hembrygga. Hembrygga is the settlement between Hemresa and the Enchanted Forest. The royals may not like half-bloods like yourself, but they dislike dark-bloods even more. The elven arrows at their disposal can darken the horizon. Their armor is as dragon skin and their swords make dwarven steel feel like butter. But most important of all, they will do everything to protect the Enchanted Forest.

: What is the real catch Vidkvist?

: The royals will claim Hemresa upon victory. A long cherished wish. Hemresa is full elven treasure. Like the magic vein we found under Bow’s Arch, there are many flowing under our island. Are you willing to give up your lordship for the sake of Avalonia?

: I’ll think about diplomacy on our way there... lead the way.

Both the Lord and his commander inform the troops of their initial plan. The elves are thrilled, the half elves a little less, but still happy to find a safe haven.



WIP for Category C

Nar’Bilu and a reasonable army of elven, half elven and elfling followers travelled to the gates of Hembrygga, a settlement ruled by the four kin of Yggdrasil. Four elemental mages who protect the passage from Hemresa to the Enchanted Forest.

Trädgren Lord of woods and flora (the oldest of the four)

Jordsten Lord of rock and earth

Djurkalla Lord of land, sea and sky fauna

Brunnbölja Lord of sea, lakes and streams

From the pathway rises a wall of trees, stone and towers. The only way into the facility is by ferry. The small boats are steered by dedicated elves, who judge and check every passenger they lead into the walls of Hembrygga. By the sight of the small regiment the elves bow towards the Lord of Hemresa and offer him and one guard the ferry. The lord is welcomed inside, brought directly to the leaders of this fortress.

(bows) Thank you for receiving me

Of course my lord, what is it we can do for you?

I am in need of assistance, the Drow have reached the eastern borders of our beloved Hemresa. Some have already been spotted on land. It will not take them long to realize this is the main road to the Enchanted Forest, when travelling by land.

What do you exactly need, my Lord.

: There are some strategic points where we can cut them off, sending them back to the dark caves they came from. But I fear our numbers are too low, too many farmers and craftsmen with swords and too little skilled soldiers. I would like your army to my disposal to drive the Drow back.

The four take a minute to debate, but need not much more than that.

: On one condition you will get access to our military resources. There is a second struggle going on in Historica. A much greater struggle. Petera and Dugal are going to war. We are opposers of Petera’s ideas of how to govern Historica and Dugal has approached us to send reinforcements also. In order to avoid being biased, we really don’t want to choose sides. No elves of us are being send to the battle field.

: So you want me to send a legion of my troops in your behalf, without them knowing it’s on your behalf. So when the other side wins, you can deny being participants. Clever.

: I agree. Will you do it.

: I will send a small legion to the Wither Woods. But I need forces much larger.

You will have our army to your disposal. Our blades, bows, eyes and beasts. We will help you cleans Hemresa.

Thank you, I will assembly a legion to head up north.

The five say goodbye and will meet up later today for strategic means. Nar’Bilu heads back to his legion, who are still waiting outside the walls. Together with his second in command, they select a small group of soldiers and a suitable commander to help Lord Dugal. Nar’Bilu shakes the hand of Vidkvist, they settled this without the fear of losing Hemresa. At least not to the elven lords. - link

Narbilu sends out four teams of his best scouts to every corner of Hemresa to map the Drow activity and report back before day’s end.

Losing the dwarven tunnels - link

Book II - Challenge II – Category A


Vessla and Okänd are the two half-elf scouts who are send out to investigate the forest to the south. As swift as their feet can haste them through thick thorns, dense foliage, over rocks and streams they map the area. Little activity of the dark blooded are in these even darker woods. Until they take a minute to chow. They overhear the whisper of a language they are not familiar with. Alerted they try to find where the sound is coming from. Not far from where they were taking their brake a large hollow tree functions as a ventilation shaft of one of the larger dwarven tunnels leading in every direction of Hemresa just ten feet under the grass they are standing on.

Fortunately the hole is big enough for a slim half-elf, Vessla being the smallest of the two was chosen to ascend. Okänd can hardly hold the line, but together they manage. Lowered into the tunnels, Vessla is just in time to watch a small army of Drueggar heading to the west. Only a couple of hours away from Hembrugga. He is pulled back up and both haste back to report to their lord.

Roadblock - link

Book II - Challenge II – Category B


The disturbing news of Vessla and Okänd means we have to act fast. Nar’Bilu sends out a reasonable sized legion, under command of Vidkvist, to the road ahead, where the closest exit of the tunnels to Hembrugga surface. Long enough to hold back the Drow and give the elves time to reassemble. The other scouts have reported that the Drow are merging their armies above and under the surface to clear the way to the Enchanted Forest. Nar’Bilu fears a massive slaughter soon to come. When Vidkvist and the elves have taken position and formed a defensive formation, a large amount of Drow exit the dwarven dwellings and surface the bitter sun, they hate so much. They must be eager to conquer Hemresa. Will the elves be able to hold them back long enough?

The Battle for the Enchanted Forest - link

Book II - Challenge II - Category C

Unfortunately the numbers were to big to hold them back long enough to prepare for battle. Nar'Bilu heard a disturbing sound. Screeming of elves, breaking trees and battle cries filled the air with a terrifying thunder. The war started. A massive monster under the control of a dark mage, tore hole in our walls enabeling the drow to breach our lands. When our walls were beaten, darkskinned blademen entered Hembrygga killing the frontline of our defence. Nar'Bilu rushed to the battlefront summoning every swordsmen he had available, pushing the drow back to the field. It took only a few minutes before the field was covered with bodies, from both sides. But the drow did not expect the Hemresa Legion... they thought they would fight only elves. Hundreds would die, but the forest entrance was saved.

We were victorious.


Edited by narbilu

Great builds, I love how you've managed to link the stories like this! Looking forward to the third instalment!

I like how the story and builds are linked together. I could probably come up with some okay builds, but not a story to accompany it. You are doing both, so kudos!

It will be interesting to see the next installment.

Great story, awesome builds. Amazing work. I can hardly wait till the Battle for the Enchanted Forest.

But great work once again!

Very nice job with this. The story was quite interesting (yes, I read the whole thing :wink: ) and I like Hembrygga, especially the arches from which the water flows under. The main tower could have been enhanced with some more texture variation, but nice work all the same

Love the story! That's always the hard part for me.

Great work! Absolutely amazing story too! I love all the tunnel cross sections and the symmetry of your Cat. C! :thumbup: Can't wait to see how it finishes!

I'm liking how that Cat. C wip is looking. And it's cool how you made all of the builds as part of the storyline for defending Hemresa. :classic:

I always like a good home brew. :wink: Nice build.

Great story, great builds, great job!

  • 4 weeks later...
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pictures and story is updated

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