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[The tall Mitgardian looks rather worried at his dwarven friend's audacity.]

Mitgardian #2: "Ralkar, maybe we should move on. I really don't want to start a fight with some stranger."

Ralkar: "Svangen, you coward!"

[Ralkar slams his axe into the tabletop.]

Ralkar: "I'll be wanting that table back, mister."

[Just then, a tall and distinguished gentleman accidentally smashes a glass on the table. Svangen curses as one of the shards hits his face.

Across the tavern, "Hunter" shrugs.]

"Hunter": "Maybe they're just curious. But I doubt it. I have many enemies, and they have many mercenaries. I'll keep an eye on them for the time being. They're going to lose their heads by the looks of it anyway. Drunken fools. Anyway, I believe you promised to tell me your business here if I gave you my name."

Edited by Dragonfire
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[sir Wiscon snapped out of his daydreams when he heard the glas falling on the ground. He quickly discovered there was a new guy in the room, according to his fine clothes, he probably is a Kaliphlin Merchant. Interesting figure... . The 2 drunk Mitgardians are still arguing. Looks like they were about to fight right before the glas fell and now one of them is hurt. Hmm, maybe it was not an accident... Time to meet the Merchant]

Sir Wiscon: "Excuse me sir, if I am right, you are from Kaliphlin? I was daydreaming a few minutes ago, so I didn't hear you saying your name. So please tell me about your self and what you are doing here. By the way, I am Sir Wiscon, an Alleenridder from Mpya Stedor"


[The man in exquisite armor looks at the man named Janus and shrugs.]

The man in exquisite armor: "No harm done old man. Move along now so you don't get hurt as this dwarven fellow here seems intent on a fight."

[The man in exquisite armor turns back to Ralkar and takes hold of the top of the shaft just below the blade of the axe imbedded in the table. The shaft snaps as his fingers close around it. He then turns to Master Gabbold.]

The man in exquisite armor: "Another cup of the same, please."


[The commotion across the room looked like it was resolving itself. Typical Mitgardians. The man in the exquisite armour seemed a worthy warrior to Vladivus. Fenrir would relish the chance at a duel with this gentleman.

A wry smile crossed Vladivus' lips as he contemplated his reply to Hunter, this man was a sly one.]

Vladivus: "Thou art clever. I had hoped to be less direct than this but never mind. I seek information. Information as to the whereabouts of a certain Sir Natas. He has desecrated my Mother's grave and I have travelled even to the North seeking revenge. Choose your next words carefully, for those who harbour him invite death."


[Ralkar's eyes widen as the man snaps his axe. Drawing a shortsword from his belt, he drunkenly yells a challenge to the man, the sword in one hand and a bottle of ale in the other. Before he can do anything else, his companion Svangen smashes a glass of wine over his head, stunning the dwarf. He falls to the ground amid shards of glass. The tavern's inhabitants look up again; since the Griffon became open to adventurers from the Guilds, goings-on have been....eventful.]

Svangen: "It was for your own good, you fool. Terribly sorry for my friend's actions; he was drunk and didn't know what he was doing."

[svangen drags his unconscious friend over to another table and then helps some of the tavern assistants clean up the shards of glass. Meanwhile, "Hunter" turned away from the scene and back to his conversation.]

"Hunter": "Northern bumpkins. Overestimate their own strength when they're drunk and when they're sober too. I can see what you're thinking. But it's unnecessary to provoke yet another fight today. As for your query about Sir Natas, I have heard the name but never met the man. If I come across him, my sword and I will show him what I think of those scum who defile others' resting places. As to how I heard his name, I was collecting my pay for one of my...tasks and I overheard someone mention his name. Just last week, in fact. Southern Avalonia."


[Morgan motions to a server to come refill his mug.]

Morgan: "Quite a fuss these patrons are stirred up, don't you think?"

Server: "Indeed, but it comes with the territory of being a renown tavern in the middle of the guilds."

Morgan: "I guess it does. Oh, and it seems that in my weariness, I have forgotten to pay for my drink and my room. This should about do it." [He pulls out a pouch from his cloak and give the man a few coins.]

Server: "Thank you, I'll make sure Master Gabbold gets it. And the Master also said that you might want to speak with Natolyth over there." [Pointing] "He's another wizard and wants to know how the movements of the Drow."

Morgan: "Thank you. I shall see about Natolyth."

[Morgan casually looks upon Natolyth to find eyes already on him. Morgan gets up and begins to stroll over to the table where Natolyth is sitting.]


[The man in exquisite armor shrugs at Svangen.]

The man in exquisite armor: "One cannot be held responsible for the actions of their friends. Lucky for him though that this is a time of war and every able body is needed in the defense against the drow. Otherwise I would have dealt with his actions more severely."

[The man in exquisite armor settles back in his chair. It might end up being a long wait but she would come... eventually. Of this he was quite sure. In the meantime he would listen and watch in the shadows for it was not uncommon to gather useful information in such a place as this.]

Posted (edited)

[Janus gave a nod of acknowledgement to the man in exquisite armor and listened to Sir Wiscon as he addressed him]

Janus Semperius: "Greetings Sir, I am Sir Janus Semperius, the Royal Governor of the Varlyrian Colony of Chimet. My great colony was a part of Kaliphlin for decades, which is perhaps why you thought me a Kaliphlinite. As for my business, I am here to negotiate a trade pact with the leaders of Avalonia and Chimet, however due to the drow incursion, it seems I will be marooned in this city for a while,"

[Semperius puffs his pipe and glances nervously at the Mitgardians who were injured by the shattered glass]

Edited by Scaevola

[Sir Wiscon smiled, he never was good in guessing origins.]

Sir Wiscon: "Too bad, I hoped to hear some news about the upcomming battle at Eastgate. So, you are from Chimet. Must be one of the few places in this world I have never been. If I may give you an advice, for the time you stay in Cedrica, tell the people Chimet is still a Kaliphlin colony. Varlyrians are not that popular at this moment since their soldiers invaded Nocturnus.

The night is young, so tell me more about Chimet. Master Gabbold, a new ale please and a refill for this gentlemen from Kaliphlin"

[sir Wiscon started to lean back on his chair.]


[With "Hunter's" words, Vladivus' mind began racing. Southern Avalonia? Vladivus' family's old lands. Could it be?]

Vladivus: "Your words give me hope that I can garner my revenge. I thank thee. Allow me to get ye a drink."

Posted (edited)

Janus Semperius: "Well Sir Wiscon, I'm not very surprised you've never frequented Chimet. It's a rather backwater archipelago that produces silks and spices. However, this trade pact is necessary as the archipelago was a Kaliphlinian protectorate before a few years ago. Without a standing army, I am charged with restoring and estalishing amity between the colony and the guilds to delay the unimpeachable civil wars from ravaging Chimet,"

[Semperius gives a vicarious gesture to his lictors, who stroll to the other part of the room]

Edited by Scaevola

"Hunter": "The man who mentioned Natas' name goes by the name of Sterlin Moorn. A master of blades, quite the skilled warrior. Retired, though. Lives in Avalonia now, although he used to be a wanderer. Good luck in finding your man. I just wish I could have as much luck with mine."

[Across the Inn, Svangen turns to go, then hears the man's comment about fighting the Drow.]

Svangen: "What's going on with the Drow? I've heard rumours, but nothing more."


Sir Wiscon: "I am not a Kaliphlinite, nor do I own my own army, so I fear I can't help you myself. But if you are lucky, a Mpya Stedor trade delegation (better known as MAESTRO) will arrive here in a few days. They are always looking for trade opportunities. And as Mpya Stedor has a huge army (600 minifig soldiers), it can be interesting for you."

[Wiscon empties his ale. Normally it will be Sir Tomvaximus, the head of MAESTRO himself who will arrive in 2 days. If Tomvaximus decides to help Semperius with a mercenary army, it will be an opportunity for Wiscon himself to finally become a Second Alleenridder ]


Janus Semperius: "A prudent suggestion sir, I shall notify my informants to alert me upon the arrival of a Mpya Stedor trade delegation"

[ Semperius pulls out an age-yellowed paper scrap, and hands it to a lictor, who promptly departs the inn]

Posted (edited)

[The door to the tavern bursts open with a crash, and a massive man with a full beard and braided mustache swaggers into the room. He wears a mix of leather armor and furs, and has a large double bladed battle axe strapped between his shoulders. He appears to already be in his cups, and speaks with a booming voice]

Massive Man: Ah, master Gabbold! I be wanting a cup of yer finest mead, and a nice meal to go with it, if ya please!

[The massive man, known as Govannon, strides over to the bar, and pushes in between several of the patrons, where Gabbold sets down his cup of mead]

Govannon: Nothing like a good drink to wash away the dust of the road, eh?!

[He takes his drink and looks around to find a table at which to wait for his meal. Seeing the man in exquisite armor, he walks over and plops into the chair opposite the man, without asking permission]

Govannon: Mind if I sit 'er a while? The road can bore a man like nothing else when you've seen nothing but trees, rocks, and mountains for 2 weeks. I see ya got some fine metal work on ya there. Ya be a knight or such?

Edited by Hammerhand

[soon after, a tall man dressed in rags walks in the door and walks toward the bar]

Tall Man: I was traveling and heard this was a good inn. I only have a few coins, but I wondered if it would be enough to sleep in your stables for a night.

[Master Gabbold finishes cleaning a Glass with a rag and the tall man lays three copper and one silver coin on the table]

Master Gabbold: No, no. You have enough to rent a room. And may I ask your name?

Tall Man: Oh yes! My name is Heinsen, from the port of Carn. And I'm looking for a friend of mine. Perhaps you know him? He goes by the name of Cassius. Tall Avalonian fellow.

[Master Gabbold nodds to an Avalonian at a lone table]

Heinsen: That'd be the one! Thank you for your help.

[Heinsen turns and walks to the table housing the Avalonian]


[The man in exquisite armor is about to make a quick reply to Svangen when a massive man, whose name evidently is Govannon, plops into the chair across the table from him nearly breaking it. The man realizes that he won't be able to continue his eavesdropping with all these interruptions so he beckons Svangen to an empty chair at the table.]

The man in exquisite armor: "Come, gather round. I will tell you of a tale if you will... a tale of a young Drow outcast, a lost city, and a treasure worth more than ten kings."

Posted (edited)

[The man in green murmurs something about a mistaken identity, finishes his drink, gets up, and leaves the tavern. The sound of hooves can be heard from outside.]

Edited by -Carson Haupt-

[Govannon tips his chair back and sets his large booted feet on the table, while downing his mug of mead]

Govannon: Ah, drow, a lost city, treasure? This sounds like a tale worth hearing!

[To Svangen] Old man, what do ya stand there for?! Sit! The more the merrier, I always say. Unless yer sharing the mead bowl... Speak 'o the devil, my mug is empty! Gabbold, another mead for a thirsty man! Make that two! And hurry with the food, my gut be growling like a snow wolf!


[The man in green walks out the door and Heinsen turns back to Gabbold]

Heinsen: Hmm. Looks like he was in a hurry. Well, alert me if anyone turns up associated with a Cassius or Burnby. But don't tell them my name if not.

[With that Heinsen walks to a table near the door]


[The man known as "Hunter" gets up, pushes his chair under the table and turns to leave.]

"Hunter": "I hope I have helped you to find your man. Now I must find mine. Farewell, Lord Vladivus."

[He exits the tavern.]


[Hidden behind a dark green cloak a elven maiden sneaks in behind one of the merchants entering the Griffon. With that same haste, she searches for a dark spot under the upper balcony.]

Waitress: “What will it be stranger?”

Victoria Josephine [whispering]: “Some elven wine, please.”

Waitress: “The finest, may I ask what your business is?”

Victoria [whispering]: “I await my master, please leave me.”

[The waitress leaves and within a minute serves a clear glass of bubbling elven brew, made of the finest Avalonian grapes, morning dew and elven knowledge]

Waitress: “Here you go, anything else I can be of service?”

Victoria [whispering]: “No thanks, leave me”

[Victoria sips her glass, keeping her face covered by her long brown wisps and in her hood. Her body pressed against the back of the chair, deep in the shadowy corner. Her eyes screening every visitor, from behind her long brown hair. Hands, under the table, tightly wrapped around the hilt of her blade]


[Vladivus' visit to the tavern has been fruitful. It's not so much his sort of place, although Krell, that half- crazed Necromancer would probably like it. Assuming he didn't scare half the patrons. Vladivus wraps his grey cloak around himself and exits through the front door, making nary a sound as he does so. His departure takes with him the feeling of darkness and death, and the taverns atmosphere becomes lighter.]

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