zouave Posted May 26, 2007 Posted May 26, 2007 I've seen on different posts where members commented on historical themes they'd like Lego to release. Here's the place to let everyone what historical you would like to see. Quote
BearHeart Posted May 26, 2007 Posted May 26, 2007 I'd like to see.... - Romans - Egyptians (pyramids, chariots) - Arabs (with camels) - Gunpowder era empires (like the imperial soldiers from the past Pirates line) - Victorian era (maybe some sci-fi steampunk) - Colonization/Exploration era - Native Americans, Mayans, Incans Quote
iamded Posted May 26, 2007 Posted May 26, 2007 I'd mainly like to see Romans. I think that'd be pretty cool. ^.^ Quote
snefroe Posted May 26, 2007 Posted May 26, 2007 i think it depends on the quality and the sets ; then it'll depend on the fact whether i can think of a good project. castle for instance has good minifig sets and parts to build large castles. in case of an egyptian, roman theme, you'd need printed walls and pilars, statues,... idealy i'd say: rome pirates western Quote
zouave Posted May 27, 2007 Author Posted May 27, 2007 I'd like to see: American Civil War {With Zouaves,da} Revolutionary War Romans The British colonists of Australia And the return of: Pirates Classic Castle Quote
Shadows Posted May 27, 2007 Posted May 27, 2007 I'll take anything with ships, military, or forts/castles/bases, but I really want a Zorro theme. I'm just going to have to start my own ... Quote
oo7 Posted May 27, 2007 Posted May 27, 2007 I think the Roman Empire is unanimous. ;-) - Arabs (with camels) الحقيقة التقليدية العامة في الديانة الإسلامية هي أنها ديانة عالمية موجهة للجميع ، ونشر هذه الديانة في كل مكان هو واجب الجماعات الإسلامية ، حتى تُعرف في جميع أنحاء العالم حقوق الله وحقوق البشر وذلك كما يحددها القرآن ، يجب أن توجه الدعوة للأمم التي تجهل الإسلام أو التي ترفضه ، وفي حال رفضها الإصغاء لتلك الدعوة يحق حينها للمسلمين إذا اجتمعت كلمتهم أن يهاجموا تلك الأمة وأن يوجهوا لها نصال سيوفهم . قواعد أو قوانين الجهاد تتبع على مر العصور قواعد الحرب العامة ، وهناك قاعدة جهادية تأمر بعدم أذية غير المقاتلين من نساء وأطفال ورهبان بل يجب احترامهم طالما أنهم لم يتورطوا بالتحريض على قتال المسلمين . وبالنسبة للناس المنتمين للديانات التوحيدية كالمسيحيين واليهود والصابئة والمجوس فيحق لهم الاهتداء للإسلام أو أن يحفظوا إيمانهم ومعتقداتهم ومؤسساتهم الدينية بشرط وحيد وأساسي وهو دفع الجزية ، فيصبحون عندها (ذميين) أي تقع مسؤولية حمايتهم في ذمة الدولة الإسلامية ، أما غير المؤمنين بالله فلهم خياران أيضا إما الدخول في الإسلام أو الانسياق للعبودية وفي كل الأحوال لم يكن هذا يطبق بشكل واسع في الإسلام على مر الأزمنة واختلاف الأماكن .يجب ان نقول ان ليس اي حروب كجهاد لا ن لازم سسلإن شرط الجهاد يتم أداؤه إذا قام الإمام بغزوة مرة كل عام. والبعض يقول يكفي لتوفر شرط الجهاد أن يهيئ الإمام جيش الإسلام لقتال أعداء الإسلام. ومن الضروري إعلام العدو بأن جيش الإسلام يقصد قتالهم. فيدعون إلى اعتناق الإسلام ! بب دين Revolutionary War I say yay! The British colonists of Australia How about Australian colonists of Gallipoli? معركة جاليبولي هي معركة دارت في شبه الجزيرة التركية عام 1915 م خلال الحرب العالمية الأولى حيث قامت قوات البريطانية والفرنسية مشتركة بمحاولة احتلال العاصمة العثمانيون القسطنطينية (إسطنبول حاليًا). لكن المحاولة بائت بالفشل وقتل ما قُدّر عدده بحوالي 131,000 جنديًا وجُرح 262,000. تُعرف هذه المعركة في تركيا باسم تشاناكّال سافاشلاري وفي بريطانيا بمعركة مضيق الدردنيل. هذه بذرة مقالة عن صراع أو حرب تحتاج للنمو والتحسين؛ فساهم في إثرائها بالمشاركة في تحريرها. but I really want a Zorro theme. Yes, I have aways loved the atmosphere of those kinds of things. I'm not sure if a licenced theme would be the best, but it makes great MOCs! Have you seen Obi Jaun Kenobi's Zorro? Gallery Quote
Wout Posted May 27, 2007 Posted May 27, 2007 Yes, I have aways loved the atmosphere of those kinds of things. I'm not sure if a licenced theme would be the best, but it makes great MOCs! Have you seen Obi Jaun Kenobi's Zorro? Gallery wow X-O :'-) , That's great *y* Quote
SWMAN Posted May 27, 2007 Posted May 27, 2007 My ideas... Realistic Medieval Asian Dynasties Napoleon Revolutionary War Civil War Quote
oo7 Posted May 28, 2007 Posted May 28, 2007 Ms. Werth as made an Ancient Roman type MOC excellently utilizing the new skeleton horses. Gallery Quote
Norrington Posted May 28, 2007 Posted May 28, 2007 I'd say I want a theme that centers around Britain's conquest and Imperialzation. YES, you read that correctly. I want ships flying the Union Jack and the Honorable East India Company's flag. Think of it. Sqaudrons of soldiers, ships with catchy paint jobs ;-) , Admirals, Commodores, Captains, Leuteniants, and many other things! And maybe LEGO could then provide us with bayonets as they were intended (instead of using Aqua Raiders knives and rubber bands.) Also, think of all the nice new torsos! Not only the orginal designs (Printed on blue+red bodies), we'ed also get new designs for different admirals, captains, grades of leuteniants, and East India Company soldiers. Quote
Brainbox Posted May 28, 2007 Posted May 28, 2007 Oh, now that dig is really good. Mythology Battle Pack 2 Quote
xwingyoda Posted May 28, 2007 Posted May 28, 2007 I will be way more generalist than all of you guys: I shall take whatever "history" theme TLC offers us :-D ;-) But on my most wanted list: * greeks/romans * US civil war * Napoleonic wars (even though the troups are really close to red coats) * and of course Pirates (yes I am a fan of that theme ;-) ) * and on a broader view: adventurers in SE Asia, Egypt, jungle Bring it ON !! *yoda* Quote
Darth Andrew Posted May 28, 2007 Posted May 28, 2007 I'd say I want a theme that centers around Britain's conquest and Imperialzation. YES, you read that correctly. I want ships flying the Union Jack and the Honorable East India Company's flag. Think of it. Sqaudrons of soldiers, ships with catchy paint jobs ;-) , Admirals, Commodores, Captains, Leuteniants, and many other things! And maybe LEGO could then provide us with bayonets as they were intended (instead of using Aqua Raiders knives and rubber bands.) Also, think of all the nice new torsos! Not only the orginal designs (Printed on blue+red bodies), we'ed also get new designs for different admirals, captains, grades of leuteniants, and East India Company soldiers. YES! *wub* I just want ships more than anything. I think it would be great to have a World War II theme, even though it is unlikely. :'-( Quote
Brick Miner Posted May 28, 2007 Posted May 28, 2007 for me the subject matter is far less important than the design, concept, and execution of a theme. to be honest, i never would have imagine that i'd be so fasinated with the american west... its only the LEGO theme was so well executed that it captured my imagination... arguably, its the best conceptualized theme LEGO has produced. that being said, i don't know how much i like "war" based themes... and would prefer "city life" type themes. - Brick Miner Quote
Norrington Posted May 28, 2007 Posted May 28, 2007 that being said, i don't know how much i like "war" based themes... and would prefer "city life" type themes.- Brick Miner Yeah, well an East India Company theme isn't violent! In fact, alot of the time during Britain's conquest of the east, everyone gave up hope so there was no resistence! :-P So, no violence there, just occupation forces. Quote
Piranha Posted May 29, 2007 Posted May 29, 2007 I would like to see Ninja theme:Wait it has been done before Orient theme:Wait that sort of has been done before Egypt theme:Hmm that also has been kinda done too :-D Ancient Europe:Ah now there we go Romans,greeks,spartins,more vikings and other such stuff We need lots more Vikings but not so much of the creatures in them Tavern 19.99:After I hard day of pillaging and plundering the vikings come to a local tavern to rest and eat.Includes tavern with tables,spit and plenty of food.Also includes 2 vikings and Tavern owner. WOW those Zorro MOCs are Sweet *sweet* Crusader theme:Not the CC theme but a way more accurate theme Like the actual crusades to the holy land There could be middle east markets,buildings,carts and palaces As well as the crusaders invading (in other words lots of treasure) Piranha Quote
Athos Posted May 29, 2007 Posted May 29, 2007 Anything historical would be great for me. I'd love to see Greece (with mythological elements), Atlantis, Africa, etc. Steve Quote
Brick Miner Posted May 30, 2007 Posted May 30, 2007 Yeah, well an East India Company theme isn't violent! In fact, alot of the time during Britain's conquest of the east, everyone gave up hope so there was no resistence! :-P So, no violence there, just occupation forces. :-Dactually, i think violence and conflict are great for a theme... the bandits are one of the main reasons i like the WW series so much (great figs) !!! however, war is different. gamblers, theives, and bandits are still considered "city life" from my perspective, and add some great playability to it ;-) - BrickMiner Quote
zouave Posted May 30, 2007 Author Posted May 30, 2007 I don't think war is so bad.All Lego would have to do is respect both sides.There are always equal forces,and no one dies,or is wounded ;-) .Something like that. And BTW the new castle sets are technically war. :-| Quote
Brick Miner Posted May 30, 2007 Posted May 30, 2007 I don't think war is so bad.All Lego would have to do is respect both sides.There are always equal forces,and no one dies,or is wounded ;-) .Something like that. And BTW the new castle sets are technically war. :-|well... im only talking about my preferences here... not that LEGO won't/can't do a war theme. thats a whole nother topic ;-) just to clear the air... personally i like "city life" or "adventure" over war... but that just my preference. X-D - BrickMiner Quote
iamded Posted May 31, 2007 Posted May 31, 2007 (edited) Some-one up there said something about Atlantis. That caught my eye. I think an Atlantis theme would be great, or some sort of underwater based mythical theme, with buildings and whatnot. Yey. X-D Also, some way to have tanks, but not using human vs human, Lego doesn't like that stuff. (Hence using aliens, 'shadow' knights, skeletons, or villians i.e. Blacktron, bandits). I guess they could have humans vs robots. Has that been done before? I'm thinking Matrix type things. Hehe. :-D [EDIT: I know the second paragraph doesn't really belong in the Historical section, I completely forgot about that.] Edited May 31, 2007 by iamded Quote
Izzy Posted May 31, 2007 Posted May 31, 2007 I love the idea of The British colonists of Australia, with aboriginals, all sorts of wildlife, rustic scenery and ships, plenty of ships. Quote
Izzy Posted May 31, 2007 Posted May 31, 2007 Another historical event I'd love to see Lego do is "THE ROARING TWENTIES" :-D It would be awesome... you could have all the gorgeous old fashion cars, trams, trains. Little theatres, dance halls, all the lovery jazzy things. And the minifigs with extravegant detail on both ladies and men, 3 peice suits... beads...furs... and new bobbed hair peices. NICE!!! *wub* Then you could have the Great Depression side :-( with old run down buildings and scruffy *pirate* looking homeless minifigs. Quote
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