June 28, 201410 yr Nerwen moves to the bar, looking for a list of drinks for sale. She asks the bartender, Quel re. Have you seen an armoured woman pass through? Somehow missed the menu post before! Edited June 28, 201410 yr by Chromeknight
June 28, 201410 yr Alexis goes over to the red headed man at the bar. "Any suggestions on what a girl should get to drink?" She asks nonchalantly while twirling her hair with her finger. On 6/28/2014 at 12:24 AM, Kintobor said: OOC: Sorry if it made things confusing. If it means anything, everyone at the bar is individually spoken too. So is the bandaged individual. Only one of the groups is an actual "couple" so to speak. OOC: Not really, but it'll make sense soon.
June 28, 201410 yr OOC: Welcome! My ether should be 16 (5+11) and Russell and Pigley should have 1 venom. Reveal hidden contents On 6/8/2014 at 5:32 AM, Purpearljellyblob said: Loot Distribution Alexis - 25 Gold, Fang Dagger Matthias - 25 Gold, Fang Dagger Nerwen - 25 Gold, Venom Purpearl - 25 Gold, Fang Dagger Russel & Sir Pigley - Venom Lastly, shouldn't our health and ether be back to full after resting on bedrolls? Purpearl approaches the bartender, feeling thirsty. "Water please." Purpearl wanders towards the woman playing the accordion. While enjoying the music from a short distance away, she notices the heavily bandaged woman and approaches her. "Good day, what are you reading?"
June 28, 201410 yr On 6/28/2014 at 12:24 AM, Kintobor said: The halfling trudges through the inn, his cannon making enough racket to almost drown out the accordion. Matthias indignantly addresses the new narrator. "Halfling?! Halfling?! I'm a GNOME! I knew you weren't to be trusted!" he shouts. "How about roast chicken and a bun, and some water?" the gnome decides. After last night, he thinks it may be a good idea to stay away from the hurricanes.... Glancing back and forth at the two redheads near the bar, Matthias decides to try and make some conversation. "So, what's the news around here?"
June 28, 201410 yr Author OoC: Just because Kinto is QMing doesn't mean I won't be dropping by to help out a bit as well! Just think of XX, Russel and Pigley as fellow party members instead of NPCs for the time being. Ether is not returned when sleeping - though health is! XX also shambles over to the bar and orders a Flame-Distilled Brandy. He glances over to see if anyone responds to Matthias. Edited June 28, 201410 yr by Zepher
June 28, 201410 yr On 6/28/2014 at 3:07 AM, Zepher said: Ether is not returned when sleeping - though health is! I wasn't sure because I was looking at the description in the Marketplace: Bedroll (Allows the user to rest and regain health and ether in a safe place.) I guess we aren't really sleeping in a safe place out in the open so thanks for clarifying!
June 28, 201410 yr On 6/28/2014 at 3:07 AM, Zepher said: Ether is not returned when sleeping - though health is! I think that is incorrect.... On 6/28/2014 at 5:01 AM, Brickdoctor said: Ether is restored by Resting. A "safe place" basically means that you can't Rest unless your QM lets you.
June 28, 201410 yr Author That was mine (and Kinto's ) mistake. Ether should also be restored - thanks!
June 28, 201410 yr Nerwen moves over to the bandaged lady. Looking at the card in her hand she says, The tower. Crisis and downfall. What is it you see?
June 28, 201410 yr Okay, I went through everything and I think I fixed everything. Double check just to make sure. On 6/28/2014 at 12:27 AM, Chromeknight said: Nerwen moves to the bar, looking for a list of drinks for sale. She asks the bartender, Quel re. Have you seen an armoured woman pass through? "Um... there's one sitting at the bar..." He points to the red head who turns around to show a woman in her early twenties. A large scar brandishes across her face. "You looking for a mercenary? Sorry, I've got a job I'm already planning for." On 6/28/2014 at 12:36 AM, Masked Builder said: Alexis goes over to the red headed man at the bar. "Any suggestions on what a girl should get to drink?" She asks nonchalantly while twirling her hair with her finger. Alexis gets a shock when she realizes that the man was actually a woman. She brushes her hair out of the way, looking a bit flustered. "Well... the mead here's not bad. If your feeling dangerous, the hurricane's not bad. ...are you... hitting on me?" She blushes, if only for a second. She looks down into her drink and begins to consume it hastily. On 6/28/2014 at 1:18 AM, Purpearljellyblob said: Purpearl approaches the bartender, feeling thirsty. "Water please." Purpearl wanders towards the woman playing the accordion. While enjoying the music from a short distance away, she notices the heavily bandaged woman and approaches her. "Good day, what are you reading?" "Of *sniffle* course." Justin pours a glass of water out for the elf, who quickly drinks it. She noticed the bandaged woman in the corner and begins to wander over to her. She replies to Purpearl in a scratchy voice as the bandaged woman begins to eye her. "Ah, I don't often costumer's get. My name is Irisa, teller of fortunes. Sister of Fabula Sibylla I was in another life. Now fortunes I spin. Would you like to take a seat? Only ten gold." On 6/28/2014 at 2:31 AM, nstickney said: "How about roast chicken and a bun, and some water?" the gnome decides. After last night, he thinks it may be a good idea to stay away from the hurricanes.... Glancing back and forth at the two redheads near the bar, Matthias decides to try and make some conversation. "So, what's the news around here?" "Of course *sniffle* sir." After a few moments of waiting, Matthais is given a large chunk of roast chicken and immediately digs in, handing 5 gold over for his meal. Attempting to strike up conversation, the more armoured one seems to preoccupied with Alexis to notice him, but the other speaks to him in a monotone voice. "News? Plenty of things go on without us even knowing it. As of right now, I'm looking into this phenomenon known as Decamon. It seems these cards are used to play a game. Sorry, how rude of me. My name is Nicole. I'm a member of the Tritech Corporation. Your name, sir?" On 6/28/2014 at 3:07 AM, Zepher said: XX also shambles over to the bar and orders a Flame-Distilled Brandy. He glances over to see if anyone responds to Matthias. The bartender hastily readies XX's drink as Nicole notices him slink over. She nods to him. "A friend of yours, I assume gnome?" On 6/28/2014 at 11:23 AM, Chromeknight said: Nerwen moves over to the bandaged lady. Looking at the card in her hand she says, The tower. Crisis and downfall. What is it you see? Irisa leans back as Nerwen comes over. She points to the paladin. "This is a look at the past. The tower doesn't necessarily mean a tower's going to fall over, but... You've been places and seen crisis. I see... a bridge. It perhaps wasn't a downfall, but a major catastrophe was averted. I can feel you know most of the companies you travel with: you've met them before this. I can see something in your subconscious. Are you having troubling dreams at all, paladin? I can take a look for you? I'll offer you ten gold if you'd like a fortune telling, or even some insight on your dreams." Edited June 28, 201410 yr by Kintobor
June 28, 201410 yr On 6/28/2014 at 2:48 PM, Kintobor said: Alexis gets a shock when she realizes that the man was actually a woman. She brushes her hair out of the way, looking a bit flustered. "Well... the mead here's not bad. If your feeling dangerous, the hurricane's not bad. ...are you... hitting on me?" She blushes, if only for a second. She looks down into her drink and begins to consume it hastily. Alexis stands there, unable to speak for a few seconds. "Sorry, I thought you were someone I knew." She says quickly recovering. Then she moves quickly over to the elf and the man. "Hello there. How goes it with you two today?"
June 28, 201410 yr Author "Matthias and I are the best of friends," says XX dryly as he downs his drink. ​Russel and Pigley, meanwhile, go and stand near the accordion player, sort of swaying along to the music, but otherwise keeping to themselves.
June 28, 201410 yr On 6/28/2014 at 2:48 PM, Kintobor said: "Ah, I don't often costumer's get. My name is Irisa, teller of fortunes. Sister of Fabula Sibylla I was in another life. Now fortunes I spin. Would you like to take a seat? Only ten gold." Purpearl takes a seat and slides 10 gold coins across the table.
June 28, 201410 yr Nerwen speaks to the tri-tech woman. Decamon? I have heard little bits about this. Can you tell me more please?
June 29, 201410 yr On 6/28/2014 at 3:33 PM, Masked Builder said: Alexis stands there, unable to speak for a few seconds. "Sorry, I thought you were someone I knew." She says quickly recovering. Then she moves quickly over to the elf and the man. "Hello there. How goes it with you two today?" The two look up after laughing to notice Alexis. "Hmm. Costello, we seem to have company." The man looks Alexis over and nods. "Quite. Heroica I presume? The name's Costello. And this is-" "Sally, Sally Akrone. Please, sit, we're just discussing the art of alchemy and it's many uses. Although, looking at someone like you, I assume the art of potion making isn't what interests you?" She eye's Alexis's outfit, or perhaps the lack of one. On 6/28/2014 at 4:29 PM, Zepher said: "Matthias and I are the best of friends," says XX dryly as he downs his drink. ​Russel and Pigley, meanwhile, go and stand near the accordion player, sort of swaying along to the music, but otherwise keeping to themselves. "Of course. It's important to surround one self with friends: studies show that the more friends you have, generally the happier one is. What brings you two to this inn? I ask this because a friend is doing a survey on the frequency of inn visits in comparison to frequency of highway robberies. Have you run into any bandits on the roads?" The young woman playing the accordion seems almost estatic as Russel and Pigley come to listen. "GAH! I actually have an audience! Best gig ever!" On 6/28/2014 at 10:36 PM, Purpearljellyblob said: Purpearl takes a seat and slides 10 gold coins across the table. Irisa scoops up Purpearl's coins with her bony hands and begins to shuffle her cards. As she does so, all other sounds strangely fade away as Purpearl can only hear the rhythmic shuffling of the cards, and her and Irisa's voice. "Don't worry, it's a parlour trick. Something I picked up back home. The young elf should know how this will work before we proceed, no?" The 3 Card Draw Irisa is about to read your fortune with the use of a form of tarot reading known as the three card draw. You must ask a question to Irisa, and the cards will reveal the outcome. It can be about the quest, your characters future, or something entirely different! Note: It's bad luck to ask two questions in a day! "So, young mage, what would you like to know?" On 6/28/2014 at 11:18 PM, Chromeknight said: Nerwen speaks to the tri-tech woman. Decamon? I have heard little bits about this. Can you tell me more please? "Little bits is right. Apparently it's a card game from Babeleth, and that you use them to fight each other. I've got this Ursa Minor which is apparently rather rare, but what do I know about the rarity of these cards? I'm guessing each rare has a five percent chance of being found, but once again I don't know the distribution rate or how their handed out. Quite the curious card, if I do say so myself." She looks the card over carefully, making sure not to crease or bend it.
June 29, 201410 yr Matthias, content thus far to stuff his tiny gnome face with chicken, bread, and water while 'XX' and Nerwen do the talking, finally breaks into the conversation. "Tritech? I heard your engineers build super cannons. As for your survey, I don't think we've run across any bandits actually on the roads, but that might be because the bandits are us," he fades off, looking ruefully at Purpearl and remembering the scaly disgusting snake of the previous night. Looking around the room, he catches sight of the crab and his pig. "Master Russel, tell that woman to stop with the infernal racket, will you?" he calls across the room. As Nicole goes on about the Decamon cards, the ranger's mind wanders and he jams another piece of chicken into his gullet. I wonder what Babeleth is? he thinks, using both hands to pick up the big flagon of water the bartender set in front of him. Bleh, he thinks. "I think I'll have what my 'friend' here is having," he says to the bartender, indicating 'XX' with a wave.
June 29, 201410 yr On 6/29/2014 at 3:21 AM, Kintobor said: "So, young mage, what would you like to know?" A number of questions race through Purpearl's mind, but none of them she thought would be fitting. At the back of it, she knew with a little bit of patience, most answers would be revealed in due time. Perhaps questions could revolve around something she has missed or something related to self improvement. Taking a quick glance around the place, Purpearl notices Matthias giving her a weird look. She knew she had made some unpopular decisions for the party, but she just hopes her party could trust and back her decisions. Perhaps as a young mage in the face of seasoned warriors, there is little respect for greenhorns to lead the way. She recollects her time in Baltarok, which quickly reinforces the situation she's in, in a negative way. Purpearl glances at her green dress, and slightly regrets the subconscious suggestions she might be giving off to others. Purpearl makes eye contact with Irisa, and speaks, trying to sound positive, "What does the oracle has to say with me wanting to be stronger in my natural abilities?"
June 29, 201410 yr "Heroica yes." She looks at both of them, trying to decide if she wants to talk about alchemy, Alexis takes a seat. "But no, no potions don't interest me, I'm traveling with an alchemist however."
June 29, 201410 yr The Heroes Purpearl Berthadhiell, the Carnival Crusader (Purpearljellyblob) *Party Leader* 180 Years Old Female Elven Mage *Evasive* *Blessed* Level 12 Power: 27 Health: 20/20 Ether: 18/18 Gold: 73 (Owes Karie 25 gold) Equipment: Crimson Arcanon (Wand WP:3), Tunic of Elven Acrobat (+4 HP, Provides Evasion Effect with 1/3 chance to completely avoid rolls of COUNTER, DAMAGE and Free Hits, torso wear), Blood Oath Medallion (Accessory, Blessed) Inventory: Thorny Rose (WP: 17,wood-elemental, deals the poisoned by 3 effect, mace), Heavy Armour (SP: 5, immune to fragile, suitable for suitable for barbarians, knights, dragoons, skirmishers and regulators), Bedroll, Potion (x3), Grand Tonic (x2), Raw Sushi (Consumable, Restores 5 Health and 5 Ether), Tasty Pretzel (x2) (1/3 chance each of granting lucky, hastened and encouraged-effects upon consumption), Mead, Ambrosia, Bone, Tinyshroom, Level Up Mushroom, Venom (x2), Crocodile Handbag (Max Ether +2; accessory), Fang Dagger (WP: 4) Gemstones: Ruby (Fire), Topaz (Lightning), Amethyst (Darkness), Opal, Diamond, Garnet, Sapphire, Emerald, Aquamarine Scrolls: Scroll of Sleep, Scroll of Sealing, Scroll of Blindness, Scroll of Weakening, Scroll of Fragile, Scroll of Confusion, Magical Staff (WP: 15; Water-,Darkness-elemental; staff) Alexis Fenral, Orc-kin (Masked Builder) *Immune to Blinded* *Counterstriking* *Blessed* 22 year old female elven Harlot Level 45 Power Bonus: 0 Defense: 0 Health: 73/73 Gold: 1477 GP: 9 Equipment: Cat-o'-Nine-Tails (WP: 20, damage divided between all enemies, Suitable For Rouges), Ring of Sight (protects fromblinded), Counterstrike Gloves, Blood Oath Medallion (Accessory, Blessed) Inventory: Steel fan (WP:20, ice-, lightning-, and darkness-elemental), Death's Whip (WP:11, on successful hits there is a 1/6 chance to cause double damage), Healing Staff (WP: 5; healing effect), Staff of Ennon (WP: 5, light-elemental, Restores 2 ether on a roll of 2, 3, or 4; staff), Electro Gear (Adds lightning-element to physical attacks and protects from lightning-elemental damage, accessory), Smelly Hide (Suitable for barbarians and beast warriors, half damage from beasts and humanoids on Damage, bodywear), Aquamarine (Water), Diamond (Light), Sapphire (Wind), Topaz (lightning), Fifty Shades of Bley, Bedroll, Magic Compass, Magnifying Glass, Remedy, 2 Somas, Smoke Bomb, 4x Venom, 2x Deadly Venom, Health Core, 4x Potion, Grand Potion, 9 Meads, 2 Smelling Salts, 9 Remedies, 7 Grand Potions, Skeleton Decoy, 8x Bone, Deadly Venom, 2 Kraken Fangs (grants hastened- and reinforced-effects when consumed), Silver Ore (worth 60 gold), Demon Repellant (Makes the user impervious to direct attacks from demons during one battle. Consumable), Winged Sandals (artifact; footwear; protects from bound and slowed effects), 2x Titan Heart (Grants encouraged- and inspired-effects when consumed), Mulled Wine, 2 Grating Stones, Lieutenant's Helmet (SP:3, protects from fragile), Crimson Venom (Causes a weapon to deal the poisoned by 7 and cursed effects for the duration of one battle), Medal of Glory (Artefact/Accessory - Mark of true talent that allows the wearer to gain triple experience from battles), Fang Dagger (WP: 4), Magnar's Smaller Axe (Grants User Dual-Strike, User Cannot Wield a Shield, Handwear) XX Level 32.75 Cannoneer/Alchemist *Blessed* *Encouraged* *Immune to Ice Health: 48/48 Defense: 0 Gold: 382 Equipment: XX Hand Cannon (WP: 12, Ignores SP), XX Ammo Belts (As an Alchemist, XX can only receive rolls ending in "Bomb", excluding Bravado Brew and Explosion, as a Cannonner Bomb XX and Bomb XXX are added to possible creations), Cannoneer's Sashes (The damage output of bombs consumed are added to the WP of the Cannoneer's weapon before damage calculation) Inventory: Dangerous Dagger (WP: 20, Fire-Elemental), Phoenix Essence, Mead x2, Ruby, Military Grade Fire Bomb x6, Bomb XX (Deals 30 Damage to all foes and 10 to all allies, ignoring row/SP) x3, Bomb XXX (Causes 250 damage to all enemies and 50 to all allies), Smoke Bomb, Fire Bombs (4), Ice Bombs (2), Lightning Bombs (4), Water Bombs (10), Dirt Bombs (5), Air Bombs (2), Venom Nerwen Calmcacil (played by Chromeknight) 263 year old female Elven Paladin *Immune to Fragile* *Blessed* Level 29 Power bonus: 0 Defense: 16 Health: 48/48 Ether: 34/34 Gold: 15 Equipment: Sword of the Warrior of the Light (WP: 14, Light Elemental, Meditate becomes hits, longsword), Orc Barbed Shield (SP: 11), Heavy Armor (SP:5, Immune to Fragile, bodywear), Sylvania's Cowl (Permits Animal Talk, Headwear), Blood Oath Medallion (Accessory, Blessed) Inventory: Mourning Star (WP: 10; Fire-elemental; inflicts Fragile-effect; mace), Bent Crowbar (WP: 8; 3x damage to Mechanic enemies; hammer), Axe of the Minotaur Champion (WP: 30; user is Slowed and Immune to Hastened; cannot be equipped at the same time as a shield; axe), Shield of the Red Lizard (SP: 2, Immune to Blind), Helm of the Lord of Light (Headwear, Immunity to Light and Jinxed, Suitable for Knights), Seal of the Warrior Priestess (At the beginning of the battle the user has a 1/6 chance to be Transcended, a 1/6 chance to be Blessed, and a 1/6 chance to be Inspired, Accessory, Suitable for Paladins), Nordic Stomach Guard (SP: 3, Immunity to Ice and Water, Bodywear, Suitable for Barbarians, Regulators, and Beast Warriors)• Medal of Valor (Double experience from battles, accessory), Robe of the Archmagi (SP:3; Max Ether +5; Immune to Sealed; bodywear), White Cloak (Max HP +3; backwear) • Topaz • No Scrolls • Grand Tonics (3), Potions (4), Elixirs (3), Remedies (6), Tiger Balm, Neutralizer, Essence of Sorrow (50% assassination chance on non-immune target), Venom (3), Bone, Milk (restores 15 HP and 15 Ether), Carrot (restores 5 HP, 10 to rabbits), Ether Core, Grand potion, Ambrosia (3) • Shovel, Bedroll, Magnifying Glass Matthias the Carnival Crusader (nstickney) Level 11.5 Ranger *Immune to Bound, Slowed* *Blessed* *Encouraged* *Immune to Ice* Power Bonus: 1 Defense: 0 Health: 16/16 Gold: 39 Equipment: Fireball Extraordinaire (Hand Cannon, WP:5, also hits enemies listed above and below target, user is Slowed), Winged Sandals (Footwear, protects from Bound and Slowed effects), Blood Oath Medallion (Accessory, Blessed) Inventory: Steel Cutlass (Sword, WP:5, suitable for Knights or Rogues), Sword of the Red Lizard (Longsword, WP:10, fire-elemental), Grimmau's Clothespin (Headwear, prevents the first negative effect inflicted on the wearer during a battle), Grating Stone, 2x Mead, Phoenix Essence, Remedy, Smelling Salts, Smoke Bomb, Bedroll, Dapper Hat (wearer has a 1/6 chance of being Encouraged at the start of any battle), Quickdraw Quiver (permanent hastened-effect, suitable to Rangers), Fang Dagger (WP: 4), Magnar’s Unreasonably Cruel Axe (WP: 12, Deals the Bleeding -3 Effect) Russel Ruffers & Sir Pigley Level 18 Rogue *Hastened* *Blessed* Power: 34 Health: 32/32 Defense: 4 Gold: 291 Equipment: Crabspirator (WP: 16, deals the Blinded effect, darkness elemental, longsword), Crab Shell Armor (Body Wear, +4 Max Health, 4 SP), Pigley (+4 Power, +4 Max Health, Hastened, Not an Artifact), Blood Oath Medallion (Accessory, Blessed) Inventory: Rebel's Sword (Longsword, WP: 11), Venom On 6/29/2014 at 4:46 AM, nstickney said: Matthias, content thus far to stuff his tiny gnome face with chicken, bread, and water while 'XX' and Nerwen do the talking, finally breaks into the conversation. "Tritech? I heard your engineers build super cannons. As for your survey, I don't think we've run across any bandits actually on the roads, but that might be because the bandits are us," he fades off, looking ruefully at Purpearl and remembering the scaly disgusting snake of the previous night. Looking around the room, he catches sight of the crab and his pig. "Master Russel, tell that woman to stop with the infernal racket, will you?" he calls across the room. As Nicole goes on about the Decamon cards, the ranger's mind wanders and he jams another piece of chicken into his gullet. I wonder what Babeleth is? he thinks, using both hands to pick up the big flagon of water the bartender set in front of him. Bleh, he thinks. "I think I'll have what my 'friend' here is having," he says to the bartender, indicating 'XX' with a wave. "Yes, we do occasionally work on super cannons, although none are in our line up at the moment. However, the craftsmanship of your cannon is quite something. Do you mind sharing the story of how you acquired it? I'm quite interested in it's mechanical workings." Nicole drools over the gnome's hand cannon, trying to hold in her glee. Justin meanwhile readies Matthais's drink, passing it to him. The ranger begins to drink from it. On 6/29/2014 at 11:41 AM, Masked Builder said: "Heroica yes." She looks at both of them, trying to decide if she wants to talk about alchemy, Alexis takes a seat. "But no, no potions don't interest me, I'm traveling with an alchemist however." "Ah yes, I see. We're just discussing the use of alchemy in the garden. I just so happen to be the owner of a vineyard near Luosh, although the size of my grapes isn't the only thing on my mind." "Well, I could try some controlled experiments. I'm not familiar with the idea of alchemy in the gardens. You said your friend was an alchemist? Generally alchemist like to study in specific fields, or at least the ones I knew. What does your friend enjoy creating?" On 6/29/2014 at 7:39 AM, Purpearljellyblob said: "What does the oracle has to say with me wanting to be stronger in my natural abilities?" "A question I've heard before many times, and one not wrongfully asked. Keep your mind focused on that one question while I reveal your fate." Irisa shuffles the cards as the candlelights begin to flicker. Purpearl swears she feels a sudden breeze as the cards begin to be laid out in front of her. After laying the third and final card on the table facedown, Irisa looks to Purpearl with a glint of mischief in her eyes. "Fate's will show us your past, present, and your future. The first card, representing your past, will refer to recent events and challenges that have recently taken place in your life. The card drawn is..." THE PAST "Ah, the Nine of Wands, indicating a pause, and a time of "Wait and See" that is at the root of the situation. You most likely have seen many battles involving the situation, and you've fought hard. Just like the man in the image, bandaged and bruised but unbowed, you've managed to overcome these battles with your will intact. The situations you've been in have strengthened you and they've also hardened you to life's struggles. They've you more capable to deal with whatever comes next, but at what cost? You may have seen trouble where there wasn't any." "We move onto the middle card, the Present. This is why your here. Often the card will offer advice on what to do next. The card is... well now..." THE PRESENT "The High Priestess is the third Major Arcana card, but is given the number two to refer to the polarity inherent in all things. She sits at the intersection between light and darkness, mercy and severity, positive and negative. She has withdrawn from the outside influences in order to gain knowledge from beyond the veil of the conscious. The scrolls in her lap also connect her to a higher power: a spiritual connection. Behind her lies a sea of emotions and intuition, and she herself is the key to unlocking it's secrets. She indicates you're seeking for more knowledge, and perhaps even a spiritual awakening. Should you wish to acquire such wisdom, you must discipline yourself. You must listen to your inner voice in order see beyond the mundane and ordinary world. Trust your instincts." "Interesting, if I do say so. We move onto our last card, your future. Consider this the official statement on where things will lead you and how you may navigate it towards the best possible outcome. Which just so happens to be..." Irisa grins intently from beneath her bandages. Obviously this is her favourite part. THE FUTURE "Ah yes, the Moon. The nineteenth card in the Major Arcana, it depicts a lobster like creature rising from the ocean, just like how some believe we mortals did the same many thousands of years ago. It begins to travel towards the moon in the heavens above, but is stopped by a dog and a wolf: one tame, one feral, but both sides to the same coin. Beyond them, two manmade pillars lie on both sides of the path. To some, the Moon controls the tide, but it also brings out the wilder side in people. It's mysteries are eternal, and is also associated with illusions. What it's rays cast down have not always been what they seem... Things will not be what they seem. It strongly indicates deception of the self or from another. Take caution when dealing with others. When the truth exposes itself, it must be dealt with. If you accept the darker, wilder side, you will find peace. Denying it will bring chaos." As the final card is read, the noise from the rest of the inn returns, as Irisa looks over the cards laid out on the table one last time. "Curious, no? I hope you found some enlightenment, young mage. Do you have any questions about the cards laid in front of you? I cannot directly answer you what lies ahead, but I can clarify their meaning." Edited June 29, 201410 yr by Kintobor
June 29, 201410 yr Author On 6/29/2014 at 4:46 AM, nstickney said: Matthias, content thus far to stuff his tiny gnome face with chicken, bread, and water while 'XX' and Nerwen do the talking, finally breaks into the conversation. "Tritech? I heard your engineers build super cannons. As for your survey, I don't think we've run across any bandits actually on the roads, but that might be because the bandits are us," he fades off, looking ruefully at Purpearl and remembering the scaly disgusting snake of the previous night. Looking around the room, he catches sight of the crab and his pig. "Master Russel, tell that woman to stop with the infernal racket, will you?" he calls across the room. As Nicole goes on about the Decamon cards, the ranger's mind wanders and he jams another piece of chicken into his gullet. I wonder what Babeleth is? he thinks, using both hands to pick up the big flagon of water the bartender set in front of him. Bleh, he thinks. "I think I'll have what my 'friend' here is having," he says to the bartender, indicating 'XX' with a wave. "We would, but she can't understand us." "Besides, we've made the lady happy! And I like the music!" On 6/29/2014 at 5:12 PM, Kintobor said: "Yes, we do occasionally work on super cannons, although none are in our line up at the moment. However, the craftsmanship of your cannon is quite something. Do you mind sharing the story of how you acquired it? I'm quite interested in it's mechanical workings." Nicole drools over the gnome's hand cannon, trying to hold in her glee. Justin meanwhile readies Matthais's drink, passing it to him. The ranger begins to drink from it. XX watches with removed interest.
June 29, 201410 yr On 6/29/2014 at 11:10 PM, Chromeknight said: I don't want to step on Purpearls toes or squash PPJB's roleplaying. But I also don't want to be waiting an undefined time before speaking to the NPC. So just read this conversation as happening after Purpearl finishes My question is, who is this figure? Nerwen's voice was low, but urgent and her eyes intense. QM Note: I understand completely. Irisa eyes the paladin intently as she sits down, a slew smiling drawing under her bandages. "A curious dream you appear to be experiencing. Generally falling is the mind reflecting a feeling of helplessness, and the man across on the other side most likely and advesary blocking your way or something you fear. In other words, it is the stem of your helplessness. The bridge could represent many things, but this green cloaked man... he intrigues me. You ask the cards this, no? Insight into the mind and the subconscious is something the cards can answer, even if not clearly. I'll read your tarot in a three card draw if you so desire for the fee of 10 gold. Deal?" Edited June 29, 201410 yr by Kintobor
June 29, 201410 yr On 6/29/2014 at 5:12 PM, Kintobor said: "Curious, no? I hope you found some enlightenment, young mage. Do you have any questions about the cards laid in front of you? I cannot directly answer you what lies ahead, but I can clarify their meaning." Remaining seated, "Thank you for your divination, and thank you for the valuable insight into the future. I have lots of questions, but this is simply a snapshot into one of the possible futures. Ultimately it...." On 6/29/2014 at 11:10 PM, Chromeknight said: Nerwen sees Purpearl sit and speak with the fortune teller. Her hearing, though sharp, cannot pick out the words of the conversation. She nods in satisfaction and, as Purpearl "rises", slips into the seat "vacated" by the puzzled looking Mage. Purpearl was rudely interrupted by Nerwen as she gracefully pushes her off the seat. She shakes her head in disgust and walks towards the bar and looks for something to drink. OOC: For me, it doesn't make sense to have both the present and the future to happen concurrently. Our characters have made their choices, so let's continue with the role play. Edited June 30, 201410 yr by Purpearljellyblob
June 30, 201410 yr On 6/29/2014 at 11:45 PM, Purpearljellyblob said: OOC: For me, it doesn't make sense to have both the present and the future to happen concurrently. Our characters have made their choices, so let's continue with the role play. QM Note: I understand where you're coming from, but this I actually used an actual form of fortune telling to do this. The present is generally what triggers one to go to a reading and gives some information on next steps, while the future is where the situation will head because of the actions in the present. I hope that makes sense! I also used a much more simplistic version of tarot reading, instead of the more confusing Celtic Cross, 10 Card Draw, and various others. This is the most simplistic tarot reading one can get, and I choose this one for that reason: not to confuse the hell out of you guys. Edited June 30, 201410 yr by Kintobor
June 30, 201410 yr On 6/27/2014 at 6:02 PM, Kintobor said: Matthias the Carnival Crusader (nstickney) Gold: 68 On 6/29/2014 at 5:12 PM, Kintobor said: Matthias the Carnival Crusader (nstickney) Gold: 39 68 - 5 - 17 = 46... Matthias checks his pockets and wonders where his gold went to? On 6/29/2014 at 7:44 PM, Zepher said: "We would, but she can't understand us." "Besides, we've made the lady happy! And I like the music!" "Bleh," Matthias says to the two animals as they cavort happily. "There's no accounting for taste, I suppose." On 6/29/2014 at 5:12 PM, Kintobor said: "Yes, we do occasionally work on super cannons, although none are in our line up at the moment. However, the craftsmanship of your cannon is quite something. Do you mind sharing the story of how you acquired it? I'm quite interested in it's mechanical workings." Nicole drools over the gnome's hand cannon, trying to hold in her glee. Justin meanwhile readies Matthais's drink, passing it to him. The ranger begins to drink from it. Matthias, drink in hand, puffs out his tiny chest as he pulls the cannon over so Nicole can get a better look. "Ehhh, the craftsmanship was probably good at one time, but the metallurgy is very out of date," he says, looking superior. "I received this gonne from Glup the Daredevil Grumpkin of The Mercutio's Smile after travelling with them for a season. They used to stuff Glup into it and fire her out as part of their act - never used much powder, though, for her good and because the Fireball Extraordinaire here probably wouldn't have lasted through too many big booms." Remembering how full he'd packed the Fireball the night before while facing a slithering Hissvetian, the gnome surreptitiously checks to make sure there are no cracks as he continues to roll the cannon in his hands so Nicole can see the faded circus paint detail work. "You wouldn't have any tips on upgrades to bring 'er up-to-date with the latest research, would you?" he asks.
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