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Hello everyone! Long time lurker here, finally decided to make a topic. With the recent buzz regarding the upcoming CMF series 12, I thought it might be fun to compile a list of my favourite minifigures from each of the series so far. Feel free to share your list as well, and while I have not included the Lego Movie series nor the Simpsons series, please include those in your list should you feel inclined to do so. Without further ado, here's my list!

Series 1: Zombie (This guy made me fall in love with the CMF line, love the turkey leg accessory)

Series 2: Spartan (The 300 film is still one of my guilty pleasures)

Series 3: Elf (I felt as though this was one of the weaker series, but the elf and the mummy made up for it)

Series 4: The Monster (Iconic. Awesome)

Series 5: Gladiator (Even with the improved quality of design in the more recent series, I find the gladiator's helmet to still be one of my favourite pieces)

Series 6: Roman Soldier (Incredible design, unfortunately also one of the most expensive. Minotaur and Lady Liberty are also excellent)

Series 7: Bagpiper (Again, not one of the best series, but the bagpiper is just so great)

Series 8: Alien Villainess (One of the most un-Lego feeling minifigures I can think of, but I still really dig it)

Series 9: Cyclops (Also iconic. Also awesome)

Series 10: Medusa (My favourite CMF released so far, was thrilled with the design; particularly the double sided headpiece)

Series 11: Scarecrow (Really showcases the level of detail now being achieved)

You'll notice most of mine are either monsters or historic warriors of some kind; can't get enough of these. I look forward to seeing your lists!

Series 1: Clown

Series 2: Mime

Series 3: Gorilla suit guy, I love his sweaty face under his mask :grin:

Series 4: Garden Gnome

Series 5: Wasn't overly keen on this series, but the Boxer is probably the best IMO

Series 6: Tie between the Clockwork Robot and the Statue of Liberty, can't decide between them :tongue:

Series 7: Computer Nerd, I can relate to him :wink:

Series 8: Wasn't that keen on this series either, but it had a much better Santa than the ones in the Advent calendars, so him I guess... :def_shrug:

Series 9: Battle mech

Series 10: Bumblebee Girl

Series 11: Gingerbread man, He's adorable! :wub:

Team GB series: Gymnastic girl

Lego Movie Series: Tie between the Barista and the Panda guy.

Simpsons series: Milhouse, mostly be because he's my favourite Simpsons character :tongue:

I really love the animal costume characters :grin:

1: Crash Test Dummy

2: Disco Dude

3: Gorilla Suit Guy

4: Hazmat Guy

5: Lizard Guy

6: Lady Liberty

7: the dark blue space dude. Probably one of my favorite minifigs ever.

8: Dark Robot

9: Knight

10: Paintballer

11: Scarecrow

Movie: Taco Tuesday Guy

Simpsons: Maggie

1: Forestman

2: Witch (if I had the Spartan, perhaps it would have come on top)

3. Elf

4. Viking (Musketeer might have won if I got it)

5. Royal Guard

6. Roman Soldier (though there was a lot of good ones in this series)

7. Viking Woman or Evil Knight

8. Lederhosen GUy

9. Fortune Teller

10. Constable

11. Revolutionary Soldier (but there were a lot of good ones in this series)

LEGO Movie: Lincoln

Simpsons: None

12. Battle Goddess

Lo-Block, welcome, and great thread idea. We seem to have similar tastes in minifigs. I really like all your choices except the Alien Villainess. The space minifigs leave me cold.

Edited by Blakstone

Series 1: Forestman, for the happy memories :classic:

Series 2: Weightlifter, mostly for the barbell and because the rest just didn't do it for me...

Series 3: Tie between Baseball guy and Rapper guy, i am a City person :classic:

Series 4: Hazmat guy, great for my Fire Dept.

Series 5: Lumber Jack, for that awesome axe.

Series 6: Surgeon, perfect for my hospital.

Series 7: Programmer, again none of the other really interested me.

Series 8: DJ, another series that didn't suit my needs.

Series 9: Cop, cool hat :classic:

Series 10: Painter, love his accessory.

Series 11: Scientist, don't have it, but she could get a job at my hospital too :classic:

Series 1: Green archer dude

Series 2: Spartan warrior

Series 3: Elf archer

Series 4: Viking

Series 5: Evil Dwarf and Gladiator (Can't choose)

Series 6: Roman Soldier and Highland battler and Minotaur and Skater girl (The person I love looks a bit like her)

Series 7: Viking woman and Evil Knight (again, Can't choose)

Series 8: I don't know, maybe the Conquistador??

Series 9: Archer woman

Series 10: Hard one again, Can't choose between Roman commander and Warrior woman

Series 11: Barbarian

TLM: None.

Simpsons: None

Series 12: So far the Battle Goddess and the Hun.

1. Caveman

2. Spartan

3. Elf

4. Punk Rocker

5. Boxer

6. Surgeon

7. Hippie

8. Diver

GB : Swimmer

9. Judge

10. Sea Captain

11. Evil Mech

Movie : Shakespeare

Simpsons : Homer

12. (so far) Wizard

But they're all great!

Series 1: Caveman

Series 2: Pharaoh/Lifeguard/Surfer - so difficult to pick one but this was when I realised how much potential the CMFs had

Series 3: Tennis Player

Series 4: Sailor

Series 5: Royal Soldier

Series 6: Pyjamas Boy (so many to choose from this series though - my all time favourite)

Series 7: Neptune - but love the tennis guy's torso.

Series 8: City Gent (with Diver a close second), nice to have a proper Santa hat too.

Series 9: Actress - 2nd favourite series, love the cop and waiter too.

Series 10: Sea Captain but favourite piece Grandpa's new bald hair

Series 11: Grandma

Lego Movie: Larry with notable mentions to Lincoln, Shakespeare and Where's My Pants Guy's torso.

Simpsons: N/A - a waste of a CMF series IMO.

Series 12 (so far): Battle Goddess but hopefully Lifeguard.

Series 1: Skater Dude

Series 2: Spartan

Series 3: Elf

Series 4: Hazmat

Series 5: Lizard Guy

Series 6: Sleepyhead

Series 7: Galaxy Patrol

Series 8: Diver

Series 9: Battle Mech

Series 10: Trendsetter

Series 11: Bavarian Lady

Team GB: Agile Archer

The LEGO Movie: Emmet

The Simpsons: Homer

Edited by just2good

Series 1: Zombie

Series 2: Witch

Series 3: Gorilla Suit Guy

Series 4: Hazmat

Series 5: Small Clown

Series 6: Sleepyhead

Series 7: Bunny Suit Guy

Series 8: Vampire Bat

Series 9: Mermaid

Series 10: Sad Clown (& Medusa)

Series 11: Yeti

Lego Movie: Where are my Pants Guy

Simpsons: Mr. Burns

Series 12: Dino Tracker (so far out of the 6)

Series 1: Magician

Series 2: Mime

Series 3: Elf

Series 4: Crazy Scientist

Series 5: Palace guard

Series 6: Genie

Series 7: Aztec warrior

Series 8: Diver

Series 9: Forest maiden

Series 10: Sea Captain

Series 11: Scarecrow

Series 12: Swashbuckler (so far)

Team GB: Horse rider

Movie: Lincoln

Simpsons: Burns

Series 1: zombie

Series 2: Spartan

Series 3: fisherman

Series 4: sailor

Series 5: Egyptian queen

Series 6: lady Liberty

Series 7: bagpiper

Series 8: ocean king

Series 9: cyclops

Series 10: Medusa

Series 11: yeti

Team GB: swimmer

Lego Movie: Taco Tuesday guy

Simpsons: Mr. Burns

This is a fun topic. I may have seen something like this before, but I'll comment again!

Series 1: Super Wrestler. Nacho Libre all the way.

Series 2: Disco Dude or Spartan. Ooh, maybe I should customize and add them together. Disco Spartan...

Series 3: Space Villain. I'm still looking for him. I want multiples for my Blacktron II clan. Next is Samurai

Series 4: Kimono Girl or Werewolf.

Series 5: Boxer. Nice new pieces.

Series 6: Butcher or Leprechaun. Both interesting characters.

Series 7: Bagpiper. Very cool idea.

Series 8: Actor or Lederhosen Guy. Actor and Shakespeare are very similar and I love them both.

Series 9: Mr. Good and Evil or Chicken Suit Guy. This was a great series. I loved the Forest Maiden's shield too.

Series 10: Revolutionary Soldier or Medusa. I'll go with the Soldier because that was a long time coming update. I love that time period. But mythology interests me too.

Series 11: Pretzel Girl. This wasn't the best series. I loved the Blacktron nod with the Mech, but I hated that they mixed I and II. Stick with one and I'd be happier.

LEGO movie: Shakespeare. I didn't love that set. Mostly bought it for completion sake. But the torso/legs on ole Bill there will do good in historical MOCs.

Simpsons: Homer. He's the funniest! Although I like his accessories here. I still don't love the molded heads, but they look better than the cartoon episode heads.

Series 1: Spaceman

Series 2: Spartan Warrior

Series 3: Elf

Series 4: Musketeer

Series 5: Zookeeper

Series 6: Highland Battler

Series 7: Galaxy Patrol

Series 8: Actor

Series 9: Forest Maiden

Series 10: Revolutionary Soldier

Series 11: Yeti

Series 1: Cheerleader

Series 2: Spartan

Series 3: Elf

Series 4: Footballer/Painter

Series 5: Boxer

Series 6: Sleepy guy/Liberty

Series 7: Bunny suit guy/ Bagpiper

Series 8: Conquistador/ Businessman

Series 9: Hollywood Starlet

Series 10: Bumblebee girl/ Grandpa

Series 11: Policeman/ Scientist/ Tiki Warrior/ Welder

Team GB: Gymnast/ Judo girl

Movie: Lincoln/ Shakespeare/ Barista

Simpsons: Abe

Series 1: Ninja

Series 2: None...

Series 3: Elf, Samurai, and the Tennis Player.

Series 4: Surfer Girl and Hazmat Guy.

Series 5: Gladiator or Royal Guard (The Face)

Series 6: Celtic Warrior

Series 7: Viking Lady

Series 8: Conquistador

Series 9: Forest Maiden or Heroic Knight

Series 10: Warrior Woman

Series 11: Barbarian

TLM Series: Emmet or Wild West Wyldstyle

The Simpsons...... None...... Though I do like Homer's Doughnut....

Team GB Judo Fighter

1. Caveman

2. Spartan

3. Elf

4. Geisha / Musketeer

5. Detective

6. Highlander

7. Viking Woman

8. Diver

9. Judge

10. Medusa

11. Bavarian Girl

Olympics: Boxer

Movie: Robot Pioneer

Simpsons: None

12. ?


You'll notice most of mine are either monsters or historic warriors of some kind; can't get enough of these.

For much the same reason, my list is similar to yours. Mine are:

Series 1: Caveman (with Forest-man a close second)

Series 2: Spartan

Series 3: Elf (my favourite CMF of all!)

Series 4: Musketeer (with the Gnome a close second)

Series 5: Gladiator

Series 6: Genie (with Minotaur a close second)

Series 7: Ocean King (with Evil Knight a close second)

Series 8: Vampire-Bat (with Fairy a close second)

Series 9: Cyclops (with Forest-woman a close second)

Series 10: Medusa (my second favourite CMF of all. The Amazon Warrior is my second favourite of this series)

Series 11: Yeti

Series 12: Wizard (of those seen so far)

Olympics series: Judoka

Movie series: Mermaid (with Shakespeare a close second)

Simpsons series: Mr Burns (used his torso and legs for a MOC Riddler. Also, his three-eyed fish is cool. I had no interest in the rest of this series.)

Edited by AmperZand

Series 1: Circus Clown

Series 2: Vampire

Series 3: Elf

Series 4: Musketeer

Series 5: Gladiator

Series 6: Genie

Series 7: Aztec Warrior

Series 8: Conquistador

Series 9: Fortune Teller

Series 10: Roman Commander

Series 11: Scarecrow

Series 12: Wizard

Series 1: Crash Test Dummy (Everyone seems to hate him, but I like the oddness)

Series 2: Explorer (simple fig, but with great head and Adventurers rock anyway)

Series 3: Fisherman (He got the new beard, which had turned out quite common)

Series 4: Viking (great parts pack, nice head and printed shield etc.)

Series 5: Gladiator (wonderful helmet, nice accesories anyway and a printed arm)

Series 6: Highlander (new sword, but not much special, never liked this series too much)

Series 7: Bagpiper (this was hard! This series had lots of awesome figs (also Hippie and Viking Woman) But bagpiper was the highlight.

Series 8: Diver (easily! One of the worst series, but this is one of the best figs ever)

Series 9: Forestwoman (This series was simply the best, but forestwoman was the most interesting one, nice head print and shield, and a cool hairpiece)

Series 10: Grandpa (Great "hair", brilliant head and very useful torso)

Series 11: Bobby (Stache!)


Movie: Abraham Lincoln.

Edited by pig

1.Tribal hunter (this was actually my favourite line, mainly because I liked the simplicity!)


3.Gorilla suit guy (I love the animal suit people!)

4.Hazmat guy (There wasn't a suit guy :cry_sad: )

5.Lizard man


7.Ocean king

8.Vampire bat

9.Battle mech :wub:



12 Piggy guy (by the description) I :wub: pigs!!!!!

GB Agile archer

Movie Panda guy

Simpsons Scratchy

1 - Zombie

2 - Spartan

3 - Elf

4 - Werewolf

5 - Evil Dwarf

6 - Roman

7 - Evil Knight

8 - Bat Creature

9 - Forest Maiden

10 - Medusa

11 - Scarecrow

12 so far Hun Warrior / Wizard

Team GB - Archer

Movie - Shakespeare

Simpson - Itchy

  • 1 month later...

Sorry for the bump.

1 - Robot

2 - Disco Dude

3 - Sumo Wrestler

4 - Hazmat Guy

5 - Royal Guard

6 - Genie

7 - Galaxy Patrol

8 - Alien Villainess

9 - Forest Maiden

10 - Grandpa

11 - Island Warrior

12 - Space Miner

Team GB - Relay Runner

Lego Movie - Larry the Barista

The Simpsons - Ralph Wiggum

1. Zombie

2. Traffic Cop/Spartan (tie)

3. Elf

4. Hazmat Guy

5. Royal Guard

6. Minotaur/Bandit (tie)

7. Galaxy Patrol

8. Diver

9. Alien Avenger

10. Revolutionary Soldier

11. Constable/Yeti (tie)

12. Prospector

LEGO Movie. Wiley Fusebot

The Simpsons. None

Team GB. None

  • 4 weeks later...

My favorites from each series:

Series 1: Forestman (I actually don't have any from Series 1, but if I had to pick one to own, it'd be this classic.)

Series 2: Witch (I love witches, and I like that she has green skin to differentiate her from Willa the Witch, my childhood fave.)

Series 3: Elf or Mummy (Like Series 1, I don't have any of these ones.)

Series 4: Sailor (Mainly for nostalgia -- he was the first minifig I got in a pack.)

Series 5: Egyptian Queen (Another bit of nostalgia -- my boyfriend and I sat on the floor at Walmart while I searched for her and he searched for the Evil Dwarf.)

Series 6: Sleepyhead (I was actually a bit disappointed with this set... beyond this one, the Minotaur, and the Intergalactic Girl, I didn't like very many.)

Series 7: Ocean King (Honorable mentions to Viking Woman and Bride.)

Series 8: Alien Villainess (Such a great, unique minifig. I would vote for Fairy but I didn't like that they used the fabric skirt for her.)

Series 9: Mermaid or Forest Maiden (I can't decide between the two... I also love the Cyclops from that set.)

Series 10: Medusa (By far my favorite minifig ever! I'm a huge Medusa/gorgon fan, so when this was revealed I was super psyched. Warrior Woman is also great.)

Series 11: Grandma (This set is a lot like Series 6... I think the Grandma was the only minifig I got for it, so that says something.)

The Lego Movie: Marsha, Queen of the Mermaids (I came late to the Lego Movie party, so she was the only one I actually got in the set.)

Series 12: Fairytale Princess or Battle Goddess

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