Posted June 5, 201410 yr I went a couple years ago and thought it was neat. I got a couple hundred pictures online here: There were a few Crowkillers' cars, which was pretty cool. I also saw the concept model for the Mars Rover set that came out this year. You'll probably recognize some of the MOCs if you look through all the pictures. I think I'm going to attend and actually display some of my own models this year. I have to check with my work schedule to be sure, but it's looking likely I can make it. If so, I'll register and book a hotel. I was just curious if anybody else here is going for sure. Also, if you've been in the past, what's it like for five days? I see it's only open to the public for display for two days. What do you all do the rest of the time? The schedule hasn't been published yet, so I'm just wondering. Anything going on at Holiday Inn? Is there a limit to how many models I can bring? I can bring at least four. Will there be a power outlet available I'm able to use with my display? I was thinking of bringing a LCD display to show pictures of my models.
June 5, 201410 yr Due to the politics involved, Brickfair 2012 was and will be the last Lego show that I ever attend down there... It's pretty sad when vendors dictate how you are allowed to run your show...
June 5, 201410 yr I'll be attending brick world (not fair) in Chicago soon ... How different is BrickFair from BrickWorld? Edited June 5, 201410 yr by DrJB
June 5, 201410 yr Due to the politics involved, Brickfair 2012 was and will be the last Lego show that I ever attend down there... It's pretty sad when vendors dictate how you are allowed to run your show... Please explain?
June 5, 201410 yr Author Due to the politics involved, Brickfair 2012 was and will be the last Lego show that I ever attend down there... It's pretty sad when vendors dictate how you are allowed to run your show... That's unfortunate. I'm sorry to hear that. Would you mind explaining a little further? The website seems pretty clear that this is run by AFOLs for AFOLs, like we dictate how things are run. Is this not entirely true? I'd love to know more, before I fork out ~$800 on hotel accommodations, registration, transportation, and food.
June 5, 201410 yr I'll be at Brickworld. It's worth it, but I don't know how it compares to Brickfair. Edited June 5, 201410 yr by Thirdwigg
June 5, 201410 yr I haven't been to Brickfair the last two years due to travels, but I hope to make it this year. I've always enjoyed my time there. I usually drive up on Thursday evening, although I believe they are starting on Wednesday evening this year. The schedule hasn't been posted yet, but there are usually workshops, games, drafts, trips to the LEGO store, and setup before the public days. You can attend as much or as little as you like. If nothing suites your fancy, there is a fantastic Air and Space Museum by the Dulles Airport, about 20 minutes away. I don't think there is a limit on how many mocs you can bring. Just register them ahead of time so they know what to expect. I believe you can also request power. I've never stayed at the Holiday Inn, so I can't comment on what goes on there. If you do plan to stay there, I suggest reserving your room soon. I'm a bit bummed to not see Paul there, and we need more Technic representation, but I understand the reason. I'll be attending brick world (not fair) in Chicago soon ... How different is BrickFair from BrickWorld? BrickWorld is a bit larger and seems to have more world-wide AFOLs attending, including an EB pizza party. BrickFair, I believe, has a higher public attendance. There is also a fair amount of international representation, but not seemingly as much as BrickWorld. Both are great events, but I go to Brickfair more since it is within driving distance (6 hours) and many of the members from my LUG attend. BrickCon in Seattle is also a really fun event, although much smaller than either BrickWorld or BrickFair. BrickCon can be a bit of a party, plus Seattle is a great town to host an event. Lots of free food and free LEGO too.
June 12, 201410 yr Author I'm registered and paid now. Just need to reserve a hotel room. Hope to see some of you guys there.
June 12, 201410 yr Anything interesting happening at Brickworld Chicago? I'm thinking of going this weekend
June 12, 201410 yr Anything interesting happening at Brickworld Chicago? I'm thinking of going this weekend I'm not sure what you consider "interesting", but when I went a couple years ago, there was a really good assortment of mocs. Some high-quality stuff there too. Not much Technic though.
June 12, 201410 yr Please explain? After Brickfair 2012 I was informed via email that I was no longer allowed to have business cards on the table near my models and I was also not allowed to advertise my website(I had a 8" x 11" sign holder with a business card slot).. They said I can keep them in my pocket and hand them out if someone asks for one, but when I am demonstarting something in front of a group of people and someone is moving along with their kids, it is much easier to grab a card... I was also told that since my website looks like a store, that I would have to register as a vendor to advertise it.. Yes, they said it looked like a store... But I was then told that unfortunately all of the vendor spots were already sold out for 2013's show... Not like I was going to cough up $250 anyways... I was also informed that vendors were upset because someone had seen me sell a transmission after the show ended on Sunday to another attendee... Yeah, these minifig vendors are singing the blues because I sold a $40 gearbox to another person displaying at the show, meanwhile they did $1,000's of dollars selling non Lego products at a Lego show... Now I ask you, what is the point of charging attendees $50 to $60 and making ridiculous rules for them..? Why should I pay $120 for my wife and I to do a show, not to mention hotel, food, and gas cost and then be told that I can't advertise a website that costs me around $400 to $500 a year to maintain..? Where is the incentive of doing these shows if they're getting so political..? Another funny thing is that I was questioned about the wheels on my cars not being Lego(which they are) and if they were not that I couldn't use them... They said everything on the displays had to be 100% Lego.. Of course the 100's of aftermarket minifigure items scattered throughout the MOC's were perfectly legal... When I asked about this, I was told "They sell those at the show" Oh yeah, no one is allowed to promote their Cuusoo/Ideas Projects.. So if you are hoping to use this show to get some extra votes for your Cussoo project, think again... Edited June 12, 201410 yr by Paul Boratko
June 12, 201410 yr I'll be at BrickFair this year. My wife is going to BrickWolrd. we should have a Technic meet up and a Technic draft at BrickFair. I had a blast hanging out with Paul and Randy in 2012. i have not built anything for a while so i don't have anything to bring, and it is always a toss up between bringing shirts or mocs. the shirts always win. bob
June 12, 201410 yr I'm all for a Technic meet up, but I'm still not sure if I'll be able to attend. Probably won't know for sure until I'm there.
June 13, 201410 yr Author That's unfortunate to hear, Paul. Wish it wasn't like that. I was thinking of updating my website for the event, too. It's not a store either, but it sounds like I'm not going to be able to "advertise" it. Same thing for Cuusoo/Lego Ideas. I'm actually bringing three of those. I remember seeing Cuusoo links a couple years ago. It seems crazy they won't even allow that anymore. Oh well. I'm paid for and going for sure. I will be bringing all of the models I currently have together, and hope to have time to build another before the event. Here's what I'll have with me for sure. If you guys see these there, say hi.
June 13, 201410 yr After Brickfair 2012 I was informed via email that I was no longer allowed to have business cards on the table near my models and I was also not allowed to advertise my website(I had a 8" x 11" sign holder with a business card slot).. They said I can keep them in my pocket and hand them out if someone asks for one, but when I am demonstarting something in front of a group of people and someone is moving along with their kids, it is much easier to grab a card... I was also told that since my website looks like a store, that I would have to register as a vendor to advertise it.. Yes, they said it looked like a store... But I was then told that unfortunately all of the vendor spots were already sold out for 2013's show... Not like I was going to cough up $250 anyways... I was also informed that vendors were upset because someone had seen me sell a transmission after the show ended on Sunday to another attendee... Yeah, these minifig vendors are singing the blues because I sold a $40 gearbox to another person displaying at the show, meanwhile they did $1,000's of dollars selling non Lego products at a Lego show... Now I ask you, what is the point of charging attendees $50 to $60 and making ridiculous rules for them..? Why should I pay $120 for my wife and I to do a show, not to mention hotel, food, and gas cost and then be told that I can't advertise a website that costs me around $400 to $500 a year to maintain..? Where is the incentive of doing these shows if they're getting so political..? Another funny thing is that I was questioned about the wheels on my cars not being Lego(which they are) and if they were not that I couldn't use them... They said everything on the displays had to be 100% Lego.. Of course the 100's of aftermarket minifigure items scattered throughout the MOC's were perfectly legal... When I asked about this, I was told "They sell those at the show" Oh yeah, no one is allowed to promote their Cuusoo/Ideas Projects.. So if you are hoping to use this show to get some extra votes for your Cussoo project, think again... What a bunch of butthurt's. Really sounds like they need to like you, otherwise you're going to do it wrong, no matter what. And since when can someone else dictate how you should build your moc? Thanks for the answer. Something that should be really fun, becomes awful. I see why you are not going anymore.
June 13, 201410 yr This discussion probably belongs in the LEGO Events subforum. Perhaps a moderator could move it there, or even merge it with the ongoing Brickfair 2014 topic. Anyway, Brickfair Virginia is an annual event for me, the main time of year that I get to hang out with my pals from BZPower. I attend mainly for the camaraderie, so while I agree that the undue burden the event has placed on Paul B. at recent events is totally unfair, it thankfully hasn't affected me the same way (yet). The one thing that has frustrated me about Brickfair Virginia these past two years is that it conflicts with Bronycon, the biggest brony convention in the United States, which would be really convenient for me to attend if it didn't happen to be the same weekend. I'd love if I could make it to Bronycon for at least one day, but since I don't drive that would be overly complicated to coordinate. This year, in the very least, my dad and siblings are going to be getting a hotel room for the weekend, so that means I should finally be able to better take advantage of some of the evening events (in the past, we've driven to and from the convention each day since we live in central Virginia, but that often means missing out on the chance to hang out with our fellow AFOLs in the evenings).
June 22, 201410 yr I should be able to come, although am not 100% sure this time since I'll be starting a new job before then. BF VA is local for me and I have been there every year so far. A Technic meetup would be fun, especially since we've historically had a pretty low turnout with Technic here (although I can certainly see why Paul doesn't come anymore). I might bring some of my Technic MOCs from last year just to fill up the Technic area a bit. There don't seem to be any Technic MOCs posted yet.
June 22, 201410 yr I should be able to come, although am not 100% sure this time since I'll be starting a new job before then. BF VA is local for me and I have been there every year so far. A Technic meetup would be fun, especially since we've historically had a pretty low turnout with Technic here (although I can certainly see why Paul doesn't come anymore). I might bring some of my Technic MOCs from last year just to fill up the Technic area a bit. There don't seem to be any Technic MOCs posted yet. I'm working on wheeled excavator right now, and I hope to have it done by Brickfair, if I go (which is looking more and more likely).
June 22, 201410 yr Full disclosure: I'm a repeat BrickFair volunteer who has completely drunk their kool-aid and actually helped Todd codify BrickFair's current advertising, card, & signage rules (seen on the BrickFair FAQ: ). Said rules were not actually put in writing until after the 2012 Virginia event. After Brickfair 2012 I was informed via email that I was no longer allowed to have business cards on the table near my models and I was also not allowed to advertise my website(I had a 8" x 11" sign holder with a business card slot).. They said I can keep them in my pocket and hand them out if someone asks for one, but when I am demonstarting something in front of a group of people and someone is moving along with their kids, it is much easier to grab a card... I was also told that since my website looks like a store, that I would have to register as a vendor to advertise it.. Yes, they said it looked like a store... But I was then told that unfortunately all of the vendor spots were already sold out for 2013's show... Not like I was going to cough up $250 anyways... It doesn't matter whether or not the website looks like a store - the rule is no advertising. It's also relatively easy to work around - signage isn't allowed but mosaics and printed bricks are. You're fine if you build something with the URL for your website on an engraved brick or a mosaic with a QR code for a website. There's also an exception for "a small card for personal sites". Another "exception" is that vendors can advertise anything, but (as you said) that isn't really useful since vendor spots are filled so far in advance. I was also informed that vendors were upset because someone had seen me sell a transmission after the show ended on Sunday to another attendee... Yeah, these minifig vendors are singing the blues because I sold a $40 gearbox to another person displaying at the show, meanwhile they did $1,000's of dollars selling non Lego products at a Lego show... Vendors can complain all they like, but they can't stop you from selling anything on your own. Heck, the whole reason BrickFair runs the "yard sale" at every event is to allow non-vendors to sell things. These rules only exist to prevent the whole event from feeling like a trade show instead of a community event - the extreme case in 2012 was a problem with someone bringing enormous signs and then hiding all of their MOCs outside of public hours. Now I ask you, what is the point of charging attendees $50 to $60 and making ridiculous rules for them..? Why should I pay $120 for my wife and I to do a show, not to mention hotel, food, and gas cost and then be told that I can't advertise a website that costs me around $400 to $500 a year to maintain..? Where is the incentive of doing these shows if they're getting so political..? These shows are supposed to be fun and shouldn't require any "incentive" - the point is to display your MOCs, see other MOCs, and hang out with other AFOLs. Another funny thing is that I was questioned about the wheels on my cars not being Lego(which they are) and if they were not that I couldn't use them... They said everything on the displays had to be 100% Lego.. Of course the 100's of aftermarket minifigure items scattered throughout the MOC's were perfectly legal... When I asked about this, I was told "They sell those at the show" The official rule is only that clone brand parts are banned. Aftermarket pieces made for AFOLs are fine. I don't know who would have told you otherwise, but they would be in the wrong. This is also in the FAQ on the website (under "Is non-LEGO string okay?") and usually appears in the program guide for each event. These rules have nothing to with what is or isn't sold by vendors, who really don't have much of a say (I've personally warned vendors who've been caught selling MegaBloks before). Oh yeah, no one is allowed to promote their Cuusoo/Ideas Projects.. So if you are hoping to use this show to get some extra votes for your Cussoo project, think again... Again, that would be advertising, and not in the spirit of the event. The idea is to have fun, not to promote things. That comes from the top, not from the vendors. When this topic was brought up by volunteers in 2012, the official answer was that BrickFair had always had a stance on this and that the rule needed to be made more clear. I'll be at BrickFair this year. My wife is going to BrickWolrd. we should have a Technic meet up and a Technic draft at BrickFair. I had a blast hanging out with Paul and Randy in 2012. i have not built anything for a while so i don't have anything to bring, and it is always a toss up between bringing shirts or mocs. the shirts always win. bob As per your request from last year, an official Technic Draft will be on the schedule again this year. Most of the details are still TBA, but we wrote new rules for large drafts after the 2012 event to make sure that the Technic draft won't take several hours again. I haven't pushed for any particular set this time around, but it should be another large kit split into $20 shares.
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